Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wellington Town Council minutes May 2004

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 10th May 2004 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown.. There were 5 members of the public present.
12723 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that he had attended the Children’s Festival in the Park on Bank Holiday Monday, 3rd May which had been very successful. He commended Councillor Horsman and others for their hard work in organising the event. He had also attended the City of Truro centenary lecture on 9th May. The train, which was the first to travel at more than 100mph in 1904, passed through Wellington, where it set the record 100 years earlier, at the weekend. He would be attending Wellington Operatic Society’s show Calamity Jane on 11th May.
12724 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn reported that in April in the Wellington sector there had been 14 cases of criminal damage, 4 assaults, 5 thefts from vehicles, 8 offences of criminal damage to vehicles, 25 thefts, a robbery on the A38 at Piccadilly where two lads had been robbed by three men who jumped out from behind a hedge (inquiries were still on-going) and 7 domestic burglaries, 5 of which were in Wellington. One had been a distraction burglary involving an elderly lady where people pretended they were measuring for windows and had stolen cash from the kitchen. There had also been cases of thieves breaking into houses at night, taking car keys and stealing cars. He advised residents to hide their car keys. There had been 9 arrests for a variety of offences. There had been a shop robbery at Milverton but three people had been arrested in Yeovil who were believed to be connected with the robbery. The previous week – 5th May – there had been a stabbing in North Street. There had been a feud between the two individuals involved and the man arrested for the offence would be appearing at crown court the following week. The Wellington shopwatch scheme had been stripped down and rebuilt in a simplified version with a ring round system designed to combat shoplifting, particularly by heroin addicts in the town. Anti social behaviour had resulted in 5 local youngsters being made the subject of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) in co-operation with their parents. The contracts meant that they youngsters and their parents pledged to work with various agencies to try to find a solution to their problems. If problems still occurred, the youngsters ran the risk of being issued with Anti-Social Behaviour Orders which severely restricted their freedom. He expressed support for the proposed new play well at Priory and stated it was hoped to obtain some Home Office funding towards the project. In reply to questions from Councillor Bowrah, Sgt Caburn stated that there had been some travellers at the Lowmoor Industrial Estate but they had since moved on. Travellers would be monitored during the summer when there was a greater movement of travellers. Following the recent reopening of the Kings Arms in High Street the police had not had any more problems than when it had been closed. It was agreed to contact Taunton DBC housing department about the recent distraction burglaries among the elderly to suggest tenants should be again warned about such dangers. Sgt Caburn, who was thanked for attending, added that a police surgery was taking place at Rockwell Green on Friday, 14th May 2004.
12725 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: FORMER DISCOUNT STORESDuring public participation time Mrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, reported that Somerfield, the owners of the former discount stores in High Street which adjoined Kwiksave, intended to demolish the building and completely re-develop the site, The plans were still some way off but in the meantime Somerfield intended to get the building painted. The landlords of the existing Somerfield store in Fore Street had been requested to repair the fire damaged windows of the flat above the store. The report was noted.
12726 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PRIORY PLAYWALL SCHEME During public participation time, Mrs Pearl Buttle, of Wellington East Residents Association, gave details of the proposed play wall scheme at The Mounds off Lillebonne Close, Priory, which was owned by Taunton DBC. During the past two years there had been consultations with many youngsters. There was not much of play facilities in the area for older young people. The play wall would have goalposts and cricket wickets painted on it and basketball/netball rings. There was a possibility of having a BMX track and skateboarding facilities. The cost ranged from £5,000 to £17,000. Residents in the area were being consulted through 2,000 leaflets giving details of the proposals and there was also an open meeting at the Kings Centre on Tuesday, 18th May 2004 at 6pm when there would be the opportunity for people, including youngsters, to express their views. There had been a big problem with young people annoying elderly residents in the Priory area but the scheme would alleviate a lot of the youth problems in the area. It would give them something to do.
12727 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 5th April 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12728 COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SCHEMEWith reference to minute 12686, Councillor Hindley, the co-ordinator of the recently established Wellington Community Speed Watch Scheme, stated that the idea was to slow motorists down and stop them speeding in the town. The recorded speeds were passed on to the police who either wrote to offenders giving details of their speeds or visited them. Since the scheme had started there had been 118 cases of drivers exceeding the speed limit. The worst area was Wellesley Park where the highest speed was 50mph in a 30mph limit and where a BMW driver had exceeded the limit 3 times in a short space of time. On Wellington relief road the highest speed was 58mph and 12 drivers were over 50mph in a 40mph zone. A Tesco driver had been recorded at 41mph twice in one day in Mantle Street where the speeds had horrified Councillor Hindley. The traffic calming scheme in Bakers Lane, Sylvan Road seemed to be effective for only one driver had been clocked over 30mph when checks had been carried out at the Parker Close/Sylvan Road site. There were only 7 sites which had been authorised by the police for carrying out the speed checks which took place at various times during the day. The sites had to be safe for those carrying out the checks and they had to wear fluorescent jackets. Other sites were under consideration in High Street, possibly near the Eight Bells looking towards Cox’s Corner, and at Bagley Road, Rockwell Green.
12729 AUDIT OF COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR 2003-04 All councillors received a copy of the town council’s accounts for 2003-04 which had been audited by the council’s internal auditor Mr A.J. Bullen. These showed that the 2011WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH MAY 2004
12729 AUDIT OF COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR 2003-04 (continued) council’s income for the year had been £82,824, that expenditure was £102,238 with a deficit of £19,414, and that the council’s balance had been reduced from £146,353 to £126,939. The accounts were unanimously approved with a vote of thanks to the clerk for his work.
12730 NON URGENT ITEMS ON SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDASCouncillor Warren stated that he strongly felt that the council should not include non urgent items on its supplementary agendas in the future, particularly planning applications. After some discussion it was agreed to defer the matter for further consideration at the next council meeting.
12731 SPEEDING IN BAGLEY ROAD, ROCKWELL GREENCouncillor Wilson reported that she had received complaints from residents about the danger caused by the speed of vehicles using Bagley Road, Rockwell Green which was not subject to a 30mph speed limit. It was agreed that councillors should inspect the road after the site visit to Rylands Farm Business Park on 15th May 2004.
12732 PAVEMENT RESURFACING IN KITTSCouncillor Stock-Williams reported that some of the pavement/footway at Kitts had been resurfaced by the county council during the past year but it had not been completed because, residents had been told, the county had run out of money. It was agreed to find out from the county when the remainder would be resurfaced.
12733 STREET LIGHTING IN BARN MEADS ROADCouncillor Stock-Williams said she had received complaints from residents in Barn Meads Road that new street lights were far more subdued that the previous lights and that alleyways were darker than previously. However both Councillor Mitton and Gill felt that the new lights were an improvement, directing illumination down on to the footways. It was agreed to ask the county council to report on the level of lighting for the area to see if it was up to modern day standards and to recommend if additional lighting columns were needed.
12734 CIVIC GIFT OF WELLINGTONIA TREE FOR LILLEBONNEOn the suggestion of Councillor Bowrah it was agreed to buy a £25 Wellingtonia tree for presentation to Lillebonne Town Council as a civic gift from Wellington to mark the 40th anniversary of the twinning link between Wellington and Lillebonne.
12735 NEW TOILETS FOR NORTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12680 a letter was received from Taunton DBC enclosing initial drawings for the proposed new public toilets to be erected at the North Street car park and asking for the town council’s views on the pavilion style design. After some discussion it was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council broadly welcomed the main features in the design but did not favour the suggested provision of a canopy which it was felt could lead to youths congregating and possibly causing anti social problems. It was agreed to suggest that a short overhang should be provided as part of the pavilion style structure but not the canopy.
12736 LONGFORTH FARM SCHEME AND NORTHER RELIEF ROADWith reference to minute 12682 the clerk reported that the meeting with Taunton DBC would be held in the council chamber at 6.30pm on Thursday, 20th May 2004. 2012
WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH MAY 200412736 LONGFORTH FARM SCHEME (continued)Councillors also received a copy of a letter from Taunton DBC about proposed modifications to the Taunton Deane Local Plan and the consultation arrangements over the revised plan. The clerk reported that objections to the modified plan had to be submitted by 18th June 2004. The report and letter were noted.
12737 SKATEBOARDING FACILITIES IN WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12697 a letter was received from Taunton DBC councillor Mrs D. Bradley stating that the Deane council was fully committed to funding the provision of the skatepark, that officers were making risk assessments of the scheme submitted to satisfy health and safety requirements and ensure the correct level of insurance was obtained. She remained concerned about the location of the skatepark at the Sports Centre and therefore expected the town council to accept any costs resulting from anti social behaviour, vandalism or the removal and relocation of the equipment should her worst fears come to fruition. After some discussion it was agreed to reply that the town council had grave concerns over her suggestion about future funding and did not feel it was reasonable to expect the town council to meet any costs resulting from anti-social behaviour or vandalism for a facility provided and owned by the Deane council.
12738 PARKING CHARGES FOR COURTLAND ROAD CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12700 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the town council’s opposition to the suggested introduction of car parking charges at the Courtland Road Car Park would be brought to the attention of the Executive. It was agreed to re-state the town council’s strong objection to charges.
12739 CORNHILL REDEVELOPMENTWith reference to minute 12680 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had had meetings with a new agent appointed by the prospective developers, that some points of concern had been raised which he was considering. As yet no planning application had been submitted but any scheme was likely to include the refurbishment of properties along the frontage to Cornhill. The report was noted.
12740 FORMER DISCOUNT STORES HIGH STREET REDEVELOPMENTWith reference to minute 12680 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had had pre-application discussions with Somerfield with a number of concerns being raised. No application had yet been submitted. The report was noted.
12741 SPACE GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 127095 a letter was received from SPACE stating that it ran three groups weekly at Rockwell Green Village Hall and Wellington Methodist Church, that about 60 parents and children attended the sessions over the three days, that there was no charge for attending the crèche and that equipment was stored on site at both venues in a locked store. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Horsman it was agreed to make a grant of £300. Councillor Govier declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
12742 LACK OF WHITE LINES AT DOBREE PARKWith reference to minute 12684 the clerk reported that the County Ccouncil was actively chasing Bellway Homes to complete all outstanding works on the site at Dobree Park and achieve an acceptable adoptable standard. The white lines issue was 2013
12742 LACK OF WHITE LINES AT DOBREE PARK (continued)on the schedule of outstanding works. If progress did not happen soon, the legal bond on the site (Section 38 agreement insurance bond) could be used by the Highway Authority to complete the outstanding works. The report was noted.
12743 STATE OF MANTLE STREET PAVEMENTWith reference to minute 12687 the clerk reported that County Highways had inspected the footway in Mantle Street and did not consider its condition justified resurfacing during the current financial year. The footway on the opposite side of the road outside the Blue Mantle Hotel was worn and in a slightly poorer condition. Both footways would be put on a schedule for possible future resurfacing works (2005-06). In the meantime minor patching works to the footway from the doctors’ surgery to Court Drive would be carried out. The report was noted.
12744 FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARK GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12574 a letter was received from Friends of Wellington Park thanking the council for its grant of £1,500. The letter was noted.
12745 REMOVAL OF 3 PUBLIC TELEPHONE KIOSKS IN WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12479 a letter and maps were received from BT asking for the town council’s view on the proposed removal of a public payphone from Mantle Street near the entrance to Court Drive as it was losing money. The clerk pointed out that earlier this year BT had removed payphones from North Street, Swains and Rockwell Green. After some discussion it was agreed to object to the removal of Mantle Street payphone and to point out that the kiosk was close to Court Fields Community School and elderly persons homes.
12746 SOMERSET RED ARROWS MAJORETTES GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12703 a letter was received from Somerset Red Arrows Majorettes, of Wellington, suggesting a Monday or Wednesday evening for a joint meeting with the council. It was agreed to meet representatives from the majorettes at 6.15pm on Monday, 17th May 2004.
12747 PROPOSED CARARVAN STORAGE COMPOUND AT CADESIDE With reference to minute 12677 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the planning application for a proposed storage compound for touring caravans and the erection of bathroom facilities at the Caravan Club’s site at Cadeside, Nynehead Road, Wellington, had been withdrawn. It was noted. The clerk reported that when he and Councillor Stock-Williams had visited the site on 21st April 2004 they had been told that the existing roadside hedge would be retained and that amended plans would be submitted. The report was noted.
12748 20MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 12597 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the order for the 20mph speed limit for Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington had been approved and that it was hoped to start work in the summer. The letter was noted.
12749 WELLINGTON FIRST RESPONDERS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12702 a letter was received from Wellington First Responders stating that volunteers had attended 101 calls in the past 12 months and that £531 had been raised towards the £3,500 cost of a second emergency response bag. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed to make a grant of £500.
12750 OVERHANGING TREES AT COURT FIELDS SCHOOLWith reference to minute 12688 a letter was received from Court Fields Community School stating that the trees had been extensively cut back to stop them protruding beyond the line of the path fencing at Blackpath but the height of the trees had not been reduced as the county council was not prepared to do that because it feared a reduction in height would seriously damage or kill the trees. The county council was the landlord and had the final say on the matter and unless there was a change of view at County Hall there was little more the school could do. The letter was noted.
12751 FEDERATION OF SPORTS CLUBS NOTICEBOARDWith reference to minute 12696 a letter was received from Mrs I. Ward pointing out that there were over 120 voluntary organisations in the town who were limited to using only half of the community noticeboard outside Somerfield in Fore Street. The roadside panel was dedicated to the use of the Adult Learning Centre which had contributed £400 towards the erection of the board on the understanding it could have sole use of half the board. She suggested that the town council should refund the £400 to the Adult Learning Centre to allow greater availability of the community noticeboard to many more equally worthy organisations, including Wellington Sports Federation. It was agreed to arrange a meeting with the Adult Learning Centre to get their views on the suggestion.
12752 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS TO TONE PLAY AREAWith reference to minute 12610 a letter was received from Taunton DBC’s leisure development manager Karen Dyson stating that the Deane’s officers had concerns about the town council’s proposals for a multi use games area at its Tone play area off Wardleworth Way. The Deane had experienced serious problems with broken glass, litter, anti-social behaviour etc at its two MUGAs and the Deane’s advice was that such facilities were best located next to a staffed building such as a school or sports centre. As far as a grant was concerned, she could not specify yet as the town council had asked that the £26,000 from the Tonedale (Weavers Reach) development Section 106 agreement be made available for the MUGA and that would be taken into account when judging the relative priority of the grant application against those from areas without access to such funding. The letter was noted.
12753 TWINNING LINK ANNIVERSARIESWith reference to minute 12695 the clerk reported that an official invitation had been received from Lillebonne Town Council to join in the 40th anniversary celebrations during the weekend of 29th-30th May 2004. Councillor Byrne gave a report on the various twinning activities that had taken place, including the visit by 100 local children to Lillebonne this year, with a coachload going to Immenstadt. There was now a Maurice Jennings Memorial Prize for the best twinning poster. Wellington sent more children on twinning trips than other towns in Europe. She had received a letter from the outgoing Mayor of Torres Vedras expressing thanks for the support received from the town council. It was agreed to reply appropriately.2015WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH MAY 2004
12754 ROCKWELL GREEN BUS SHELTERWith reference to minute 12447 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC would provide a new bus shelter near the entrance to Dobree Park, Rockwell Green during the current financial year. The report was noted.
12755 SYLVAN ROAD/JURSTON LANE YELLOW LINESWith reference to minute 12632 the clerk reported that Somerset Highways were meeting that week to see if further traffic regulation orders might be necessary for Sylvan Road and, if not, a Traffic Regulation Order for yellow lines on the western side of Jurston Lane was likely to be made. The report was noted.
12756 NEW STREET LIGHTS AT WARREN STREETWith reference to minute 12545 the clerk reported that work on erecting new street lights from Warren Street to Rockwell Green main road had started that day (10th May). The report was noted.
12757 PROPOSED WELLINGTON ARTS CENTRE EXTENSIONA letter was received from Wellington Arts Association detailing the reasons why the the proposed new extension to the Arts Centre in Eight Acre Lane had been delayed. It was hoped to start work on the project in September 2004. The letter was noted.
12758 AREA HIGHWAY OFFICES NEW ARRANGEMENTSA letter was received from Somerset Highways giving details of new arrangements for area highway offices which would be reduced from five to three. Taunton Deane would now include West Somerset. The letter was noted.
12759 KINGS ARMS PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCECouncillors received a copy of the letter sent by the clerk to Taunton DBC objecting to the application by the Kings Arms, High Street, for a public entertainment licence to 2am seven days a week following consultation with members. The objection was on the grounds that it was felt a licence to 2am would lead to anti social behaviour problems in the town centre of Wellington. The letter was noted.
12760 HELP FOR SOMERSET MARKET TOWNSAn email was received from Taunton DBC rural regeneration officer, Hattie Winter about a new European funded scheme to help Somerset market towns, including Wellington, by developing area partnershpships and local strategies for diversifying and developing the labour market and attracting companies to the town. It was agreed to welcome the package and to pass all the information on to Wellington Economic Partnership for more detailed consideration at its next meeting on 21st June 2004.
12761 NEW VICAR OF ALL SAINTS’An invitation was received from All Saints’ PCC for councillors to attend the licensing of the new vicar of All Saints’ at Rockwell Green, the Rev Christopher Rowley on Wednesday, 26th May 2004 at 7pm. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they would be attending.
12762 POTHOLES AT BULFORDIn response to a report raised by Councillor Bowrah about potholes at Bulford near the South Street roundabout, an email was received from Somerset Highways stating temporary repairs would be carried out prior to resurfacing in 6 weeks. Email noted. 2016WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH MAY 2004
12763 COMPREHENSIVE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT 2004A letter was received from Taunton DBC with details of the council’s comprehensive performance assessment process which was being carried out and which included an Audit Commission visit after which the council would be graded. The letter was noted.
12764 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12714 it was agreed to put the new European funded scheme to help Somerset market towns, including Wellington, on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership on Monday, 21st June 2004 at 6pm.
12765 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of two storey and single storey extensions to rear of 5 Longforth Road, Wellington as amended by agents plan received on 2nd April 2004 (43/2004/013: delegated decision); (b) Installation of replacement windows at 4 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2004/014LB); (c) Change of use of commercial store to residential dwelling including raising height of roof, Unit 1, Mill Walk, Wellington as amended by letter dated 10th February 2004 enclosing revised plans (43/2003/142); (d) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 35 Oakfield Park, Wellington as amended by applicants plan drg. No. N23/A received 16th February 2004 and letter received 20th February 2004 (43/2004/006: delegated decision); (e) Application to carry out tree work on one lime tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No1) Tree Preservation Order 1986 at 12 Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2004/007T); (f) Change of use from class DI to A1 (hairdressing salon), part ground floor, The Mount, 21 High Street, Wellington(43/2004/008: delegated decision); (g) Conversion of retail premises to launderette at 11 North Street, Wellington (43/2004/008: delegated decision); (h) Erection of two storey extension at side of 18 Stoneleigh, Wellington (43/2004/010: delegated decision); (i) Conversion of integral garage into living accommodation at 15 Frank Webber Road, Wellington (43/2004/015: delegated decision); (j) Erection of single storey extension at rear of 27 Crosslands, Wellington (43/2004/016: delegated decision); (k) Erection of single storey extension at 7 Oakfield Park, Wellington (43/2004/018: delegated decision); (l) Application to carry out tree work to one mulberry tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No1) Tree Preservation Order 2001 at 3 Oldway Park, Wellington (43/2004/017T); (m) Erection of porch at The Stables, Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2004/019); (n) Erection of two storey extension and single storey extension to rear and replacement garage to side of 27 Sylvan Road, Wellington (43/2004/021: delegated decision); (o) Erection of two storey extension at 22 Warren Street, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/026: delegated decision); (p) Erection of 5 bedroom detached house with associated parking on land between 26 and 27 Longforth Road, Wellington (43/2004/025); (q) Erection of single storey extension to side and porch extension to front of 24 Sylvan Road, Wellington (43/2004/020: delegated decision); (r) Erection of a conservatory at Blackboy Farm, Wellington (43/2004/024: delegated decision).
12766 PLANNING DECISION BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following plan: (a) Erection of a three classroom teaching block with associated support facilities at Court Fields Community School, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2004/005). The report was noted. 2017
WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH MAY 2004127687 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH APRIL 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 30th April 2004 was £38,076 (£85,280 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £12,254 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
12768 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Taunton Deane Borough Council £37.86 for gas charges for January to March 2004; Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Trust £500 grant; Mr A. Brown £1,536.76; Inland Revenue £590.33; The Carly Press Ltd £101.51 for paper, ink cartridges, stationery and laminations; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for cleaning office windows and town centre bus shelters for March 2004; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £1,456 for financial subsidy on hospital transport to Musgrove Park Hospital from January to March 2004; Regency Factors plc £65.80 for supply of two town council noticeboards provided by Empire Signs; Mr A.J. Bullen £188.21 for internal audit of council’s accounts for 2003-04; Konica Minolta Business Solutions West £222.55 for photocopier servicing charges for February, March and April 2004; SWEB Energy £121.74 for electricity for office and chamber for quarter ending 27th April 2004; Somerset Association of Local Councils £974.92 for annual affiliation for 2004-05; Wellington United Reformed Church £75 for hire of church hall for council meetings in February, March and April 2004; First Choice £169 for ferry tickets and insurance for civic party visiting Lillebonne 28th-31st May 2004; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for local war graves for March and April 2004.
127769 COUNCILLOR GOVIER’S MAYORAL YEARCouncillor Byrne thanked Councillor Govier for his year of service as mayor of Taunton Deane. He had been a wonderful ambassador for Wellington during the past 12 months. Her remarks were endorsed by other councillors.
12770 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th April and 6th May 2004; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC’s annual meeting on 20th April 2004; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC’s annual council meeting on 5th May 2004; minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings held between January and March 2004; What’s On Within Taunton Deane for May 2004; Taunton Deane CVS Easter 2004 newsletter; SALC newsletter for April 2004; agenda for SALC meeting at Stogumber on 10th June and minutes of previous meeting on 4th March 2004; Clerks and Councils Direct magazine for May 2004; Somerset Rural Youth Project newsletter for Spring 2004; Blackdown Hills Plan 2004-2009; NALC direct information service bulletins 577, 578 and 579; Coach Monthly for May 2004; Zurich Municipal (council insurers) magazines on court news affecting councils and risk management; European Union newsletter for March 2004 on regional policy and EU report for February 2004 on economic and social cohesion.
Signed……………………Chairman 7th June 20042018Minutes of a special meeting of Wellington Town Council held in Wellington United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington, on Monday, 17th May 2004 at 2004 at 6.15pm.
Present: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillor Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, C. Hindley, A. Govier and G. James. There were apologies from Councillors V. Byrne, A. Horsman, A. Milne and V. Stock-Williams. There were 2 members of the public present.
12771 SOMERSET RED ARROWS MAJORETTES GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12746 Councillor Henley welcomed the following representatives from Somerset Red Arrows Majorettes to the meeting to discuss their grant request and the future of the organisation: Mrs E. Jenkins (chairman), Mrs P. White (treasurer), Mrs M. Jarman, Mr and Mrs B. Pattemore, Mr D. Jenkins and Mrs C. Troake. The council’s Finance Committee chairman, Councillor Bowrah stated that the council recognised that the majorettes had been wonderful ambassadors for the town over many years but was concerned that their funds had dropped to just £1.11 and wondered how the majorettes saw their way forward. Mrs White (treasurer) said that a recent sponsored walk had raised £300 and other planned fund raising events included a Father’s Day raffle, car boot sale, skittle week, bingo, summer draw, Watchet Carnival tombola stalls. Mrs Jenkins (chairman) stated that the majorettes had been booked to give displays at Clarks Village, Bath & West Show, Street Fair, Yetminster Fair, Watchet Carnival, Porlock Carnival, Wellington Carnival, Exmouth Carnival and Ottery St Mary Carnival between May and October of this year and hoped to make a small amount of profit on these bookings. After some discussion, Councillor James proposed, with Councillor Hindley seconding, that a grant of £500 should be made for the purchase of new instruments for the majorettes and that the position should be reviewed in six months’ time. This was carried.


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