Wellington Town Council minutes March 2004
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 1st March 2004 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, who arrived at 7.10pm, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, G. James, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors P. Critchard, A. Horsman and D. Mitton. There were 4 members of the public present.
12639 THE LATE JOHN DUNNING, FORMER CLERK OF UDCThe chairman referred to the death on 18th February 2004 of Mr John Dunning, who was clerk of the former Wellington Urban District Council for 14 years from the 1960s until local government reorganisation in 1974. Members stood in silent tribute in his memory.
12640 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that on Saturday, 6th March 2004 he would be attending a concert at Wellington School in aid of the Mayor of Taunton Deane’s charities.
12641 POLICE MATTERSPresenting his report for January and February, Sgt R. Caburn stated that there had been no domestic house burglaries in the Wellington sector compared with 17 the previous year. One of the reasons for that fall was that a man had been jailed for five years after being convicted of 320 burglaries in Somerset, including 15 in Wellington. There had been 7 commercial burglaries and 6 from outbuildings, mainly in the Wiveliscombe area. Thefts from cars totalled 32: someone was on bail for some of these offences. Criminal damage was still a problem with 32 offences. There had been 11 assaults and 17 arrests, including one for £10,000 worth of cannabis. Anti-social behaviour was still an on-going problem as it was in most towns and cities throughout the country. Community support officers had liaised with colleagues in Burnham on Sea where mobile skateboard ramps had been purchased and used in various locations and had reduced anti social behaviour: they were looking at a similar scheme for Wellington. Councillors congratulated the police on their success in recovering £10,000 worth of illegal drugs. Councillor Govier suggested that the police should liaise with Taunton DBC where council accommodation had been used by drug dealers and other criminals. Sgt Caburn was thanked for attending.
12642 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMDuring public participation time Mrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, read a letter circulated to members expressing disappointment that the council had not agreed to increase the committee’s grant for 2004-05.
12643 PPT: BAKERS LANE TRAFFIC CALMING AND D.D.A.During public participation time Mrs Pearl Buttle, of Parker Close, stated that she felt the Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic calming scheme had been a success. In the year before the scheme had been introduced there had been 7 accidents on the corner of Bakers Lane: there had been no accidents since. She felt that the scheme had slowed down the speed of cars and she was disappointed that the council was not going ahead with the second phase of the traffic calming scheme for Sylvan Road. She presented the council with a guide about the Disability Discrimination Act. There were complaints about cars parking on some of the traffic calming cushions and it was agreed to find out the legal position about this from County Highways.1992WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 2004
12644 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 2nd February 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12645 PARKED CARS IN WELLESLEY PARK ROADA letter was received from Mr J.P. Jeffery, of 158 Barn Meads Road, Wellington alleging that parked cars on either side of Wellesley Park Road from the roundabout near the Sanford Arms to the right hand turning to Ardwyn were a dangerous nuisance and suggesting that a one day/one side parking rule should be introduced. After some discussion during which it was suggested that the parked cars effectively reduced the speed of passing traffic, it was agreed to note the letter and to monitor the situation.
12646 FRENCH AND GERMAN TWINING LINK ANNIVERSARIESWith reference to minute 12618 a report was received from the clerk on a joint meeting between town councillors and Wellington Twinning Association about the suggested format for the civic church service and civic lunch for Sunday, 6th June 2004 as part of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Wellington-Immenstadt link. After discussion it was agreed that the civic service should be held at St John’s Parish Church at 9.45am on Sunday, 6th June, that the Mayor of Immenstadt be invited to read the lesson, that invitations should be sent to the local MP and MEP, former councillors Gillian Allen and Peter Lee who signed the original twinning charters, to the Mayor of Lillebonne (or a representative) and that the service be followed by a reception in the church hall at 11am with the council meeting the cost of coffee/tea and biscuits. It was further agreed that the civic lunch should be held at the Cleve Hotel, Wellington at 1pm, with invitations to Mrs Allen and Mr Lee and the Mayor of Lillebonne. It was also agreed that the chairman, vice chairman and one other councillor should represent the council on a civic visit to Lillebonne during the weekend of 29th/30th May 2004 to mark the 40th anniversary celebrations of the twinning link between Wellington and Lillebonne.
12647 LONGFORTH FARM SCHEME AND NORTHERN RELIEF ROADWith reference to minute 12611 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook enclosing a copy of a letter from Housing and Planning Minister MP Keith Hill stating that it was up to Taunton DBC to decide whether to put the Longforth Farm scheme back into the Taunton Deane Local Plan and that the Government, through the Government Office for the South West would have the opportunity to comment upon any modifications during the consultation period. The letters were noted.
12648 RELOCATION OF TAUNTON CATTLE MARKET With reference to minute 12567 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook enclosing a copy of a letter from the South West Regional Development Agency stating that with the likely continuing decline in the number of livestock at livestock markets in the region it was important for neighbouring districts to work together to consider the future of new and existing markets, although the distribution of markets should ultimately be determined by market forces. The letters were noted.
12649 CCTV IN SOUTH STREET CAR PARKCouncillor Henley suggested that consideration should be given to extending CCTV to South Street car park where there had been trouble recently involving groups of youngsters. He reported that the Wellington Baptist Church had offered to make the premises available for a camera to cover the car park. After some discussion during1993WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 2004
12649 CCTV IN SOUTH STREET CAR PARK (continued)which it was pointed out that the current scheme had only just been completed with the provision of a camera on the corner of South Street and High Street, it was agreed to carry out a review of the town centre CCTV surveillance scheme in four months’ time and consider in liaison with the police and Taunton DBC how it might be expanded to other parts of the town. It was agreed to thank the church for its offer.
12650 POSSIBLE CLOSURE OF ROCKWELL GREEN TOILETSCouncillor Wilson reported that Taunton DBC was considering the closure of the public toilets at Rockwell Green to save the £2,000 a year spent on cleaning. She wanted town councillors to be aware that the toilets were on the Deane’s hit list along with other toilets in the area. She had asked the Deane to consult with residents and to come back to the town council when that had been done. Her report was noted.
12651 CONDITION OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AT SWAINSCouncillor Wilson reported that she had received complaints from the public about the state of the public open space near Blackberry Court and the Brambles on the Swains housing estate. There were two massive holes which were well over three feet deep and a danger. The ground was an eyesore. It was agreed to take the matter up with the developers, Persimmon Homes, and Taunton DBC. The clerk reported that the land had not yet been taken over by the Deane.
12652 BAKERS LANE/SYLVAN ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGWith reference to minute 12563 a breakdown of the costs of the Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic calming scheme was received from Somerset Highways as follows: Works – cushions £11,256, dropped kerbs £670, illuminated signs £5,588, traffic signs £3,904, road markings £1,763; works total £23,181. Fees – design, consultation and administration £6,939, TRO-draft, advertisements and report £1,500; fees total £8,439. Total scheme cost £31,620. The report was noted.
12653 FIRE RISKS AND AUTOMATIC ATTENDANCE AT PREMISESWith reference to minute 12602 a letter was received from Somerset Fire and Rescue Service stating that whilst the un-wanted fire alarm signals initiative was approved by the county council on 14th January 2004, no immediate action was being taken to alter the operational response to any premises in Somerset protected by automatic fire detection systems. Instead, detailed, project managed policy development work would now take place as a pre-curser to any changes. In the lead up to implementing the new policy, dialogue would take place on an individual basis including the two factories referred to in the town council’s letter (Relyon and Swallowfield). When the policy development work was further advanced, the service would be pleased to attend a council meeting to explain the details. The letter was noted.
12654 PRINCE’S FOUNDATION GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12598 a letter was received from the Prince’s Foundation thanking the council for its offer of a grant of £1,000 towards the cost of a feasibility study for the regeneration of Tone Mill. The letter was noted.
12655 PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE BILLWith reference to minute 12576 a letter was received from the Office of Deputy Prime Minister stating that following concerns raised by county councils and the town council, the Government had decided to seek an amendment of the Planning Bill 1994
12655 PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE BILL (continued)going through the House of Lords to provide a statutory guarantee for the counties’ role in the production of regional spatial strategies. The Government was reviewing the planning enforcement system, including looking at whether local authorities were adequately resourced to monitor and investigate breaches of planning control, and also looking at the role of the magistrates court when dealing with enforcement cases. The letter was noted.
12656 ERECTION OF 2 DWELLINGS AT WINDYRIDGE, PAYTON ROADWith reference to minute 12487 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the application to erect two detached dwellings on land to the east of Windyridge, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington, had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
12657 FEDERATION OF SPORTS CLUBS NOTICEBOARDWith reference to minute 12609 a letter was received from the Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs stating that the proposal of using part of one side of the existing noticeboard was not sufficient as the federation needed one complete side of the board for its use. The clerk reported that he had arranged a site meeting to discuss the location of a possible additional board outside of Somerfield with County Highways and the federation for Thursday, 4th March 2004 at 5.30pm. The report and the letter were noted.
12658 CAROLS IN THE PARK GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12476 a letter of thanks was received from Churches Together in Wellington for the council grant of £150 towards the cost of stating Carols in Wellington Park in December 2003. The letter was noted.
12659 INSPECTION OF TONE PLAY EQUIPMENTWith reference to minute 12438 a report was received from Zurich (the council’s insurers) engineer surveyor, Mr Graham Little, on the inspection of the equipment at the town council’s Tone play area carried out on 11th February 2004. The report stated that the shackles and chains on the swing frame were worn but remained serviceable. It advised that if the bolts holding the chain suspension clamps on to the crossbar had not been dismantled in the last five years these should now be removed, examined and renewed as necessary. The clerk reported that the chain suspension clamps had been removed, inspected and replaced where necessary by Deane DLO staff in July 2002. It was agreed to note the inspection report.
12660 AMENDMENTS TO FOOTPATH IN BASINS/TONEDALE AREAWith reference to minute 12600 a letter was received from the county council stating that a dedication was being sought from Network Rail to cover the section of the footpath under the railway line (Thunderbridge underpass) and that Mr C. Southcott was being contacted to confirm the dedication of the sections of the path from Corams Lane to Thunderbridge and from Burchills Hill to Fivehouses. The letter was noted.
12661 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUNWith reference to minute 12614 a draft was received of the advertising literature for the centenary lectures to be held at the Beam Bridge Hotel, Sampford Arundel on 9th May 2004 at 3pm. It was agreed to approve the draft advertising literature. Councillor Gill reported that City of Truro, which made the first 100mph journey by a steam train 1995
12661 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUN (continued)as it descended the Wellington “bank” on 9th May 1904 when it was timed at 102.3mph, would be making a centenary run through the town after all. It had been feared that the historic engine, which was being restored, would not be available in time for the anniversary. It would be travelling from Bristol through Wellington to Kingswear on Saturday, 8th May 2004 and would be returning through Wellington to Bristol on Monday, 10th May. The report was noted.
12662 ROSE EATON GRANT REQUESTA letter was received from Rose Eaton, of 90 Priory, Wellington, a zoology student at the Royal Holloway University of London, asking the town council to consider making a grant towards the cost of taking part in a conservation project in Honduras in the summer of 2005. It was agreed to make a grant of £50 and to pay the grant at the beginning of the 2005-06 financial year.
12663 RESURFACING NORTH STREET FOOTWAYSA letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the footway on the east side of North Street opposite the fire station to the police station and the footway on the west side of North Street from Cornhill to the entrance to the North Street car park would be resurfaced during the coming financial year. The clerk reported that he had raised the issue of the condition of the footway after complaints from the public. The letter and the report were noted.
12664 BULFORD FOOTWAY NEAR COTTAGE HOSPITALA letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the length of footway from the cottage hospital to Wellington School science block at Bulford would be checked and any necessary repairs carried out. The clerk reported that he had raised the issue of the footway tarmac being cracked by tree roots after complaints from the public. The letter and report were noted.
12665 SKATEBOARDING FACILITIES IN WELLINGTONA letter was received from Taunton DBC explaining the delay in the replacement of skateboarding facilities in Wellington (equipment removed from Wellington Sports Centre in 2003) and stating that a number of possible sites were under consideration now that the first stage of consultation with users had been completed. A new and large indoor skateboarding facility was being built at the Kings Centre, Wellington which might meet the needs of skateboarders. It was hoped to make a presentation to the town council to detail the present position and possible options. Councillor Hindley reported that the majority of the young people he had consulted wanted the new skateboarding facilities at the sports centre. It was agreed to seek a meeting with Councillor D. Bradley, the executive councillor for leisure.
12666 FUTURE FUNDING OF PARISH PLAY FACILITIESA letter was received from the Taunton DBC explaining the Deane’s future funding of parish play facilities. From 2004-05 the amount available would be increased by 50% from £21,000 to £31,000, priority would be given to facilities for older children and teenagers, and that from 2005 the amount of the grant would be 33% of the total cost compared to 85% as at present. A final decision on the issue would be made by the Deane on 10th March 2004. It was agreed to confirm that the proposed percentage change in the amount of the grant would not take place until 1st April 2005.1996WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 2004
12667 BROADBAND ROADSHOWSA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that 3 broadband roadshows would be held at the Cleve Hotel, Wellington on Wednesday 24th March 2004: from 10am to 12.30pm, from 2pm to 4.30pm and from 7pm to 9.30pm. The letter was noted.
12668 PROVISION OF DROPPED KERBSThe clerk reported that the county council planned to install dropped kerbs/crossings at Tonedale, Victoria Street, Longforth Road, Howard Road and Brendon Road. The report was noted. It was suggested that additional dropped kerbs should be provided at the Swains Lane end of the footpath from Kitts where pedestrian barriers had been installed recently and between Oakfield Park and Hoyles Road.
12669 VISION FOR TAUNTON 2025 AND BEYONDA letter was received from the leader of Taunton DBC, Councillor J.R. Williams, inviting councillors to a presentation on the Vision for Taunton 2025 and Beyond to be held at Wellington URC Church Hall on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004 at 7pm. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they would be attending.
12670 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12626 it was agreed to suggest that a book town concept should be put on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership on Monday, 19th April 2004 at 6pm.
12671 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 145 Barn Meads Road, Wellington (43/2003/143: delegated decision); (b) Retention of wooden fence and use of land as domestic curtilage to rear and formation of pedestrian access on to Champford Lane, Wellington (43/2003/136); (c) Erection of conservatory at 58 Richards Close, Wellington (43/2003/139: delegated decision); (d) Erection of two storey extension at 65 Oaken Ground, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/141: delegated decision); (e) Erection of dwelling with parking space on land at Bulls Row, off Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2003/135); (f) Display of non illuminated replacement sign, 18 South Street, Wellington (43/2003/146A); (g) Change of use of shop to food takeaway, erection of dormer window, repair to shop window, internal and external alterations including replacement rear windows, re-roofing and alterations to existing shop sign, 18 South Street, Wellington as amended by agents drawing Nos. 03/44/2A and 03/44/3 received on 23rd January 2004 (43/2003/144 and 43/2003/145LB); (h) Retention of fence at front of 15 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/147); (i) Erection of two storey extension and additional staff car parking, Linden House Nursing Home, Lower Westford, Wellington as amended by agents letter and plan DRG. No. 7A received on 17th February 2004 (43/2003/149: delegated decision); (j) Erection of extension to building and storage compound at Golden Hill Pet Supplies, Spypost, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/02: delegated decision);(k) Temporary siting of portable office at rear of Wellington Medical Centre, Bulford, Wellington (43/2004/003: delegated decision); (l) Extension of car parking area, The Cleve Hotel and Country Club, Mantle Street, Wellington as amended by drawing received on 17th February 2004 (43/2003/083).
12672 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 29TH FEBRUARY 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period 1997WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 200412672 INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 29TH FEBRUARY 2004 (continued)from 1st April 2003 to 29th February 2004 was £83,623 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £58,311 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12673 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: SWEB Energy £100.55 for electricity for office and chamber to 5th February 2004; The Carly Press £44.31 for papers, folders and laminations; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for cleaning windows and town centre bus shelters for January 2004; Mr A. Brown £1,436.76; Inland Revenue £591.99; Konica Minolta Business Solutions West £98.72 for photocopier servicing charges from October 2003 to January 2004; Taunton Deane Borough Council £5,079.18 for supply and erection of new bus shelter at Tonedale; Taunton DBC £2,377.71 for cutting and clearing public footpaths in 2003; BT £172.83 for telephone and internet service charges; Taunton DBC £311.99 contribution towards cost of improved lighting in Cornhill; Somerset County Council £31,620 agreed contribution towards cost of Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic claming scheme; City of Truro Centenary Fund £200 grant.
12674 REPAINTING COUNCIL CHAMBER AND OFFICEOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to accept a quote of £1,095 by L.J. Tubb from for decorating the council chamber and clerk’s office, the lowest tender received.
12675 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th February 2004; What’s On within Taunton Deane for March 2004; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting held on 24th February 2004; minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings of Taunton DBC held between November 2003 and January 2004; The Somerset Strategic Housing Partnership for 2004-05; Your Somerset newsletter from the county council dated February 2004; agenda for West area meeting of Somerset Association of Local Councils at Bicknoller of 4th March, plus minutes of previous meeting on 4th December 2003; The Playing Field newsletter of Somerset Playing Fields Association Winter 2003-04 issue; Blackdown Hills Rural Partnership Spring 2004 newsletter plus new Spring and Summer programme 2004 and Blackdown Tales programme of guided walks and activities 2004; Countryside Voice magazine Spring 2004 issue from Campaign to Protect Rural England; letter and draft consultation guidance from the Standards Board for England dealing with allegations of misconduct by members; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos 573, which had articles on firework louts and fly-tipping, and 574; February 2004 issue of Coach Monthly; Vital Villages Update magazine from the Countryside Agency for Autumn 2003; February 2004 newsletter on community insurance from Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers; February issue of InterAction from the Local Government International Bureau; European Union newsletter No 117 (January 2004) on structural funds for 10 new members of the EU.THE MEETING CLOSED AT 8.20PM
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, who arrived at 7.10pm, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, G. James, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors P. Critchard, A. Horsman and D. Mitton. There were 4 members of the public present.
12639 THE LATE JOHN DUNNING, FORMER CLERK OF UDCThe chairman referred to the death on 18th February 2004 of Mr John Dunning, who was clerk of the former Wellington Urban District Council for 14 years from the 1960s until local government reorganisation in 1974. Members stood in silent tribute in his memory.
12640 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that on Saturday, 6th March 2004 he would be attending a concert at Wellington School in aid of the Mayor of Taunton Deane’s charities.
12641 POLICE MATTERSPresenting his report for January and February, Sgt R. Caburn stated that there had been no domestic house burglaries in the Wellington sector compared with 17 the previous year. One of the reasons for that fall was that a man had been jailed for five years after being convicted of 320 burglaries in Somerset, including 15 in Wellington. There had been 7 commercial burglaries and 6 from outbuildings, mainly in the Wiveliscombe area. Thefts from cars totalled 32: someone was on bail for some of these offences. Criminal damage was still a problem with 32 offences. There had been 11 assaults and 17 arrests, including one for £10,000 worth of cannabis. Anti-social behaviour was still an on-going problem as it was in most towns and cities throughout the country. Community support officers had liaised with colleagues in Burnham on Sea where mobile skateboard ramps had been purchased and used in various locations and had reduced anti social behaviour: they were looking at a similar scheme for Wellington. Councillors congratulated the police on their success in recovering £10,000 worth of illegal drugs. Councillor Govier suggested that the police should liaise with Taunton DBC where council accommodation had been used by drug dealers and other criminals. Sgt Caburn was thanked for attending.
12642 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMDuring public participation time Mrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, read a letter circulated to members expressing disappointment that the council had not agreed to increase the committee’s grant for 2004-05.
12643 PPT: BAKERS LANE TRAFFIC CALMING AND D.D.A.During public participation time Mrs Pearl Buttle, of Parker Close, stated that she felt the Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic calming scheme had been a success. In the year before the scheme had been introduced there had been 7 accidents on the corner of Bakers Lane: there had been no accidents since. She felt that the scheme had slowed down the speed of cars and she was disappointed that the council was not going ahead with the second phase of the traffic calming scheme for Sylvan Road. She presented the council with a guide about the Disability Discrimination Act. There were complaints about cars parking on some of the traffic calming cushions and it was agreed to find out the legal position about this from County Highways.1992WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 2004
12644 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 2nd February 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12645 PARKED CARS IN WELLESLEY PARK ROADA letter was received from Mr J.P. Jeffery, of 158 Barn Meads Road, Wellington alleging that parked cars on either side of Wellesley Park Road from the roundabout near the Sanford Arms to the right hand turning to Ardwyn were a dangerous nuisance and suggesting that a one day/one side parking rule should be introduced. After some discussion during which it was suggested that the parked cars effectively reduced the speed of passing traffic, it was agreed to note the letter and to monitor the situation.
12646 FRENCH AND GERMAN TWINING LINK ANNIVERSARIESWith reference to minute 12618 a report was received from the clerk on a joint meeting between town councillors and Wellington Twinning Association about the suggested format for the civic church service and civic lunch for Sunday, 6th June 2004 as part of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Wellington-Immenstadt link. After discussion it was agreed that the civic service should be held at St John’s Parish Church at 9.45am on Sunday, 6th June, that the Mayor of Immenstadt be invited to read the lesson, that invitations should be sent to the local MP and MEP, former councillors Gillian Allen and Peter Lee who signed the original twinning charters, to the Mayor of Lillebonne (or a representative) and that the service be followed by a reception in the church hall at 11am with the council meeting the cost of coffee/tea and biscuits. It was further agreed that the civic lunch should be held at the Cleve Hotel, Wellington at 1pm, with invitations to Mrs Allen and Mr Lee and the Mayor of Lillebonne. It was also agreed that the chairman, vice chairman and one other councillor should represent the council on a civic visit to Lillebonne during the weekend of 29th/30th May 2004 to mark the 40th anniversary celebrations of the twinning link between Wellington and Lillebonne.
12647 LONGFORTH FARM SCHEME AND NORTHERN RELIEF ROADWith reference to minute 12611 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook enclosing a copy of a letter from Housing and Planning Minister MP Keith Hill stating that it was up to Taunton DBC to decide whether to put the Longforth Farm scheme back into the Taunton Deane Local Plan and that the Government, through the Government Office for the South West would have the opportunity to comment upon any modifications during the consultation period. The letters were noted.
12648 RELOCATION OF TAUNTON CATTLE MARKET With reference to minute 12567 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook enclosing a copy of a letter from the South West Regional Development Agency stating that with the likely continuing decline in the number of livestock at livestock markets in the region it was important for neighbouring districts to work together to consider the future of new and existing markets, although the distribution of markets should ultimately be determined by market forces. The letters were noted.
12649 CCTV IN SOUTH STREET CAR PARKCouncillor Henley suggested that consideration should be given to extending CCTV to South Street car park where there had been trouble recently involving groups of youngsters. He reported that the Wellington Baptist Church had offered to make the premises available for a camera to cover the car park. After some discussion during1993WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 2004
12649 CCTV IN SOUTH STREET CAR PARK (continued)which it was pointed out that the current scheme had only just been completed with the provision of a camera on the corner of South Street and High Street, it was agreed to carry out a review of the town centre CCTV surveillance scheme in four months’ time and consider in liaison with the police and Taunton DBC how it might be expanded to other parts of the town. It was agreed to thank the church for its offer.
12650 POSSIBLE CLOSURE OF ROCKWELL GREEN TOILETSCouncillor Wilson reported that Taunton DBC was considering the closure of the public toilets at Rockwell Green to save the £2,000 a year spent on cleaning. She wanted town councillors to be aware that the toilets were on the Deane’s hit list along with other toilets in the area. She had asked the Deane to consult with residents and to come back to the town council when that had been done. Her report was noted.
12651 CONDITION OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AT SWAINSCouncillor Wilson reported that she had received complaints from the public about the state of the public open space near Blackberry Court and the Brambles on the Swains housing estate. There were two massive holes which were well over three feet deep and a danger. The ground was an eyesore. It was agreed to take the matter up with the developers, Persimmon Homes, and Taunton DBC. The clerk reported that the land had not yet been taken over by the Deane.
12652 BAKERS LANE/SYLVAN ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGWith reference to minute 12563 a breakdown of the costs of the Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic calming scheme was received from Somerset Highways as follows: Works – cushions £11,256, dropped kerbs £670, illuminated signs £5,588, traffic signs £3,904, road markings £1,763; works total £23,181. Fees – design, consultation and administration £6,939, TRO-draft, advertisements and report £1,500; fees total £8,439. Total scheme cost £31,620. The report was noted.
12653 FIRE RISKS AND AUTOMATIC ATTENDANCE AT PREMISESWith reference to minute 12602 a letter was received from Somerset Fire and Rescue Service stating that whilst the un-wanted fire alarm signals initiative was approved by the county council on 14th January 2004, no immediate action was being taken to alter the operational response to any premises in Somerset protected by automatic fire detection systems. Instead, detailed, project managed policy development work would now take place as a pre-curser to any changes. In the lead up to implementing the new policy, dialogue would take place on an individual basis including the two factories referred to in the town council’s letter (Relyon and Swallowfield). When the policy development work was further advanced, the service would be pleased to attend a council meeting to explain the details. The letter was noted.
12654 PRINCE’S FOUNDATION GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12598 a letter was received from the Prince’s Foundation thanking the council for its offer of a grant of £1,000 towards the cost of a feasibility study for the regeneration of Tone Mill. The letter was noted.
12655 PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE BILLWith reference to minute 12576 a letter was received from the Office of Deputy Prime Minister stating that following concerns raised by county councils and the town council, the Government had decided to seek an amendment of the Planning Bill 1994
12655 PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE BILL (continued)going through the House of Lords to provide a statutory guarantee for the counties’ role in the production of regional spatial strategies. The Government was reviewing the planning enforcement system, including looking at whether local authorities were adequately resourced to monitor and investigate breaches of planning control, and also looking at the role of the magistrates court when dealing with enforcement cases. The letter was noted.
12656 ERECTION OF 2 DWELLINGS AT WINDYRIDGE, PAYTON ROADWith reference to minute 12487 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the application to erect two detached dwellings on land to the east of Windyridge, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington, had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
12657 FEDERATION OF SPORTS CLUBS NOTICEBOARDWith reference to minute 12609 a letter was received from the Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs stating that the proposal of using part of one side of the existing noticeboard was not sufficient as the federation needed one complete side of the board for its use. The clerk reported that he had arranged a site meeting to discuss the location of a possible additional board outside of Somerfield with County Highways and the federation for Thursday, 4th March 2004 at 5.30pm. The report and the letter were noted.
12658 CAROLS IN THE PARK GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12476 a letter of thanks was received from Churches Together in Wellington for the council grant of £150 towards the cost of stating Carols in Wellington Park in December 2003. The letter was noted.
12659 INSPECTION OF TONE PLAY EQUIPMENTWith reference to minute 12438 a report was received from Zurich (the council’s insurers) engineer surveyor, Mr Graham Little, on the inspection of the equipment at the town council’s Tone play area carried out on 11th February 2004. The report stated that the shackles and chains on the swing frame were worn but remained serviceable. It advised that if the bolts holding the chain suspension clamps on to the crossbar had not been dismantled in the last five years these should now be removed, examined and renewed as necessary. The clerk reported that the chain suspension clamps had been removed, inspected and replaced where necessary by Deane DLO staff in July 2002. It was agreed to note the inspection report.
12660 AMENDMENTS TO FOOTPATH IN BASINS/TONEDALE AREAWith reference to minute 12600 a letter was received from the county council stating that a dedication was being sought from Network Rail to cover the section of the footpath under the railway line (Thunderbridge underpass) and that Mr C. Southcott was being contacted to confirm the dedication of the sections of the path from Corams Lane to Thunderbridge and from Burchills Hill to Fivehouses. The letter was noted.
12661 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUNWith reference to minute 12614 a draft was received of the advertising literature for the centenary lectures to be held at the Beam Bridge Hotel, Sampford Arundel on 9th May 2004 at 3pm. It was agreed to approve the draft advertising literature. Councillor Gill reported that City of Truro, which made the first 100mph journey by a steam train 1995
12661 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUN (continued)as it descended the Wellington “bank” on 9th May 1904 when it was timed at 102.3mph, would be making a centenary run through the town after all. It had been feared that the historic engine, which was being restored, would not be available in time for the anniversary. It would be travelling from Bristol through Wellington to Kingswear on Saturday, 8th May 2004 and would be returning through Wellington to Bristol on Monday, 10th May. The report was noted.
12662 ROSE EATON GRANT REQUESTA letter was received from Rose Eaton, of 90 Priory, Wellington, a zoology student at the Royal Holloway University of London, asking the town council to consider making a grant towards the cost of taking part in a conservation project in Honduras in the summer of 2005. It was agreed to make a grant of £50 and to pay the grant at the beginning of the 2005-06 financial year.
12663 RESURFACING NORTH STREET FOOTWAYSA letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the footway on the east side of North Street opposite the fire station to the police station and the footway on the west side of North Street from Cornhill to the entrance to the North Street car park would be resurfaced during the coming financial year. The clerk reported that he had raised the issue of the condition of the footway after complaints from the public. The letter and the report were noted.
12664 BULFORD FOOTWAY NEAR COTTAGE HOSPITALA letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the length of footway from the cottage hospital to Wellington School science block at Bulford would be checked and any necessary repairs carried out. The clerk reported that he had raised the issue of the footway tarmac being cracked by tree roots after complaints from the public. The letter and report were noted.
12665 SKATEBOARDING FACILITIES IN WELLINGTONA letter was received from Taunton DBC explaining the delay in the replacement of skateboarding facilities in Wellington (equipment removed from Wellington Sports Centre in 2003) and stating that a number of possible sites were under consideration now that the first stage of consultation with users had been completed. A new and large indoor skateboarding facility was being built at the Kings Centre, Wellington which might meet the needs of skateboarders. It was hoped to make a presentation to the town council to detail the present position and possible options. Councillor Hindley reported that the majority of the young people he had consulted wanted the new skateboarding facilities at the sports centre. It was agreed to seek a meeting with Councillor D. Bradley, the executive councillor for leisure.
12666 FUTURE FUNDING OF PARISH PLAY FACILITIESA letter was received from the Taunton DBC explaining the Deane’s future funding of parish play facilities. From 2004-05 the amount available would be increased by 50% from £21,000 to £31,000, priority would be given to facilities for older children and teenagers, and that from 2005 the amount of the grant would be 33% of the total cost compared to 85% as at present. A final decision on the issue would be made by the Deane on 10th March 2004. It was agreed to confirm that the proposed percentage change in the amount of the grant would not take place until 1st April 2005.1996WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 2004
12667 BROADBAND ROADSHOWSA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that 3 broadband roadshows would be held at the Cleve Hotel, Wellington on Wednesday 24th March 2004: from 10am to 12.30pm, from 2pm to 4.30pm and from 7pm to 9.30pm. The letter was noted.
12668 PROVISION OF DROPPED KERBSThe clerk reported that the county council planned to install dropped kerbs/crossings at Tonedale, Victoria Street, Longforth Road, Howard Road and Brendon Road. The report was noted. It was suggested that additional dropped kerbs should be provided at the Swains Lane end of the footpath from Kitts where pedestrian barriers had been installed recently and between Oakfield Park and Hoyles Road.
12669 VISION FOR TAUNTON 2025 AND BEYONDA letter was received from the leader of Taunton DBC, Councillor J.R. Williams, inviting councillors to a presentation on the Vision for Taunton 2025 and Beyond to be held at Wellington URC Church Hall on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004 at 7pm. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they would be attending.
12670 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12626 it was agreed to suggest that a book town concept should be put on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership on Monday, 19th April 2004 at 6pm.
12671 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 145 Barn Meads Road, Wellington (43/2003/143: delegated decision); (b) Retention of wooden fence and use of land as domestic curtilage to rear and formation of pedestrian access on to Champford Lane, Wellington (43/2003/136); (c) Erection of conservatory at 58 Richards Close, Wellington (43/2003/139: delegated decision); (d) Erection of two storey extension at 65 Oaken Ground, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/141: delegated decision); (e) Erection of dwelling with parking space on land at Bulls Row, off Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2003/135); (f) Display of non illuminated replacement sign, 18 South Street, Wellington (43/2003/146A); (g) Change of use of shop to food takeaway, erection of dormer window, repair to shop window, internal and external alterations including replacement rear windows, re-roofing and alterations to existing shop sign, 18 South Street, Wellington as amended by agents drawing Nos. 03/44/2A and 03/44/3 received on 23rd January 2004 (43/2003/144 and 43/2003/145LB); (h) Retention of fence at front of 15 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/147); (i) Erection of two storey extension and additional staff car parking, Linden House Nursing Home, Lower Westford, Wellington as amended by agents letter and plan DRG. No. 7A received on 17th February 2004 (43/2003/149: delegated decision); (j) Erection of extension to building and storage compound at Golden Hill Pet Supplies, Spypost, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/02: delegated decision);(k) Temporary siting of portable office at rear of Wellington Medical Centre, Bulford, Wellington (43/2004/003: delegated decision); (l) Extension of car parking area, The Cleve Hotel and Country Club, Mantle Street, Wellington as amended by drawing received on 17th February 2004 (43/2003/083).
12672 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 29TH FEBRUARY 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period 1997WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST MARCH 200412672 INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 29TH FEBRUARY 2004 (continued)from 1st April 2003 to 29th February 2004 was £83,623 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £58,311 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12673 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: SWEB Energy £100.55 for electricity for office and chamber to 5th February 2004; The Carly Press £44.31 for papers, folders and laminations; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for cleaning windows and town centre bus shelters for January 2004; Mr A. Brown £1,436.76; Inland Revenue £591.99; Konica Minolta Business Solutions West £98.72 for photocopier servicing charges from October 2003 to January 2004; Taunton Deane Borough Council £5,079.18 for supply and erection of new bus shelter at Tonedale; Taunton DBC £2,377.71 for cutting and clearing public footpaths in 2003; BT £172.83 for telephone and internet service charges; Taunton DBC £311.99 contribution towards cost of improved lighting in Cornhill; Somerset County Council £31,620 agreed contribution towards cost of Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic claming scheme; City of Truro Centenary Fund £200 grant.
12674 REPAINTING COUNCIL CHAMBER AND OFFICEOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to accept a quote of £1,095 by L.J. Tubb from for decorating the council chamber and clerk’s office, the lowest tender received.
12675 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th February 2004; What’s On within Taunton Deane for March 2004; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting held on 24th February 2004; minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings of Taunton DBC held between November 2003 and January 2004; The Somerset Strategic Housing Partnership for 2004-05; Your Somerset newsletter from the county council dated February 2004; agenda for West area meeting of Somerset Association of Local Councils at Bicknoller of 4th March, plus minutes of previous meeting on 4th December 2003; The Playing Field newsletter of Somerset Playing Fields Association Winter 2003-04 issue; Blackdown Hills Rural Partnership Spring 2004 newsletter plus new Spring and Summer programme 2004 and Blackdown Tales programme of guided walks and activities 2004; Countryside Voice magazine Spring 2004 issue from Campaign to Protect Rural England; letter and draft consultation guidance from the Standards Board for England dealing with allegations of misconduct by members; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos 573, which had articles on firework louts and fly-tipping, and 574; February 2004 issue of Coach Monthly; Vital Villages Update magazine from the Countryside Agency for Autumn 2003; February 2004 newsletter on community insurance from Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers; February issue of InterAction from the Local Government International Bureau; European Union newsletter No 117 (January 2004) on structural funds for 10 new members of the EU.THE MEETING CLOSED AT 8.20PM
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