Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wellington Town Council minutes February 2004

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 2nd February 2004 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There was an apology from Councillor A. Govier. There were 10 members of the public present.
12589 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that on 29th January 2004 he attended the annual pantomime Robinson Crusoe by Wellington Pantomime Group. It had been the best he had seen and the 400-seat Wellesley Theatre had been packed every night of the week and also for the three shows on the Saturday. His remarks were echoed by Councillor Byrne.
12590 POLICE MATTERSThere was no police report as Sgt R. Caburn was unable to attend due to police duties in Taunton.
12591 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMDuring public participation time Mrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, invited members to the committee’s annual meeting being held at Bulford Community Centre on Thursday, 5th February 2004 at 6pm and thanked Councillor Bowrah for his faithful attendance at committee meetings during the past year and for his support of their work.
12592 PPT: ROCKWELL GREEN PLAYING FIELD PROBLEMSDuring public participation time Mr Roy Maggs, of Lancock Street, whose house overlooks the new Rockwell Green playing field at Dobree Park, reported that there were problems with the behaviour of children at the playing field, which was often flooded and unplayable, with damage caused to the play area equipment and newly erected pavilion. He suggested that a CCTV camera should be erected to reduce the problems and save the council money in the long run. There was a real law and order problem on the estate. Councillor Henley pointed out the the playing field, play area and pavilion belonged to Taunton DBC and suggested that Mr Maggs should get in touch with the Deane’s executive member Councillor Mrs D. Bradley, who was in charge of the facilities. Councillor Gill stated that Taunton DBC was aware of the flooding problem and that the parks manager Mr C. Mulcahy was attending to it.12593 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 5th January 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct, with the deletion of Councillor Mitton from the attendance list.
12594 PRECEPT FOR 2004-2005A detailed report and recommendation (attached to these minutes) were received from the clerk about the precept for 2004-2005. On the proposal of Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor Henley, it was agreed to accept the report and to fix the precept at £74,400 which would mean an unchanged town council tax of £16.50 a year for band D properties, the same figure since 1999. Later in the meeting the grant for the Tone Mill Partnership was approved at £1,000 (against £2,000 in the clerk’s report) and the grant for Wellington in Bloom was approved at £700 (against £850 in the clerk’s report) 1982WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND FEBRUARY 2004
12595 HOSPITAL PATIENT CAR SCHEMEA report was received from the clerk about the hospital patient car scheme which the town council subsidises. He reported that there had been comments about the increasing amount of the subsidy. The scheme started in June 2000 and provides a door to door service for elderly, infirm Wellington residents who have to travel to Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton for treatment. Taunton Deane Community Transport provides the service for the town council. Details about the scheme are available at the two local medical centres. When the scheme began there was a subsidy of £6.50 per trip. Last year the subsidy went up to £7.50 as the council was charged more by Taunton Deane Community Transport. The increase in the number of passengers and the bigger subsidy paid by the council meant that the cost had gone up from £3,613 in 2001-02 to £6,410 for the current financial year. In that time the number of passengers had risen from 538 to 884 per year. When the scheme had been introduced nearly four years ago, it was agreed that there should be a charge of £1 per trip. It was suggested that the council should consider increasing this charge to £1.50. The money would be collected by TDCT. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to increase the charge per trip to £1.50 with effect from 1st April 2004.
12596 PROPOSED INCREASED CAR PARKING CHARGESThere was a discussion on the proposal by Taunton DBC to increase car parking charges in Wellington. Members were circulated with a copy of the public notice giving details of the proposals for Wellington and Taunton and also with a copy of a letter from local trader Mr D. Croughton (Janet’s Hobby in Fore Street) strongly objecting to the increases. Standing orders were suspended to allow the chairman of Wellington Chamber of Trade, Mr N. Farnham to speak. He voiced his concern about the level of the increases which he felt were a negative step for traders and shoppers. Pointing out that some of the charges would be 50% higher, Councillor Henley proposed that the council should object to the increases. His motion was seconded by Councillor Critchard and carried 10-4. It was also agreed to suggest to Taunton DBC that consideration should be given to finding the extra revenue that the increased charges would raise from either its balances or cutting expenditure on administration, furniture and fittings or a combination of both.
12597 20MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 12564 members received a copy of the results of the survey of residents’ views on the proposed 20mph speed limit with traffic calming build-outs for Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington. Of the 352 questionnaires sent out, 126 (36%) had been returned with 87 (69%) in favour of the proposed 20mph limit with build-outs and 39 (31%) against with 57 (45%) supporting speed cushions and 63 (50%) opposing speed cushions. Councillor Warren proposed that the town council should support the 20mph speed limit with build-outs. Councillor Hindley seconded and the motion was carried unanimously.
12598 PRINCE’S FOUNDATION GRANT REQUESTA letter was received from the Prince’s Foundation asking the town council to consider making a grant of £5,000 towards the estimated £30,000 cost of a feasibility study into the Tone Mill regeneration project which it was hoped would create more jobs and be a catalyst for regeneration in Wellington. Councillor Bowrah stated that the Finance Committee felt £5,000 was excessive but felt the project should be supported with a grant of £1,000. Councillor Gill seconded and this was agreed.1983WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND FEBRUARY 200412599 WELLINGTON IN BLOOM COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTA letter and accounts were received from Wellington in Bloom Committee asking the town council to consider making a grant of £850 for the coming financial year. Councillor Bowrah stated that the Finance Committee felt that the grant should remain at £700, which he proposed with Councillor Gill seconding. Councillor Henley moved an amendment that the grant should be £850, with Councillor Horsman seconding but the amendment was defeated 9-4. The proposal that the grant should be £700 was then carried unanimously.
12600 AMENDMENTS TO FOOTPATH IN BASINS/TONEDALE AREAA letter was received from Somerset County Council asking if the town council would consider accepting an amended route on the claimed public footpath from Linden House Drive at the Basins to Five Houses at Tonedale. The majority landowner Mr C. Southcott was prepared to consider dedicating a public footpath along the route from Linden Drive to the back stream under the railway bridge (Thunderbridge) and from Burchills Hill to the east of Five Houses if the town council would withdraw the claimed section running across the field from the railway bridge to Burchills Hill and accept in its place the riverside path being built by Courtleigh Securities. The clerk explained that northern section of the riverside path was part of the residential development currently being carried out by Barratt Homes at Weavers Reach. Councillor Hindley proposed that the amended route be accepted. Councillor Warren seconded and this was agreed.
12601 TRAFFIC CALMING IN SYLVAN ROADWith reference to minute 12563 Councillor Gill suggested that Atkins should be asked to give the town council a detailed quote for completing the traffic calming scheme in Sylvan Road from its junction with Blackdown Business Park to Pyles Thorne Road, pointing out that it was most dangerous as drivers turned off from Pyles Thorne into the estate and also outside the shop in Beech Hill. After some discussion, there was no seconder to Councillor Gill’s proposal to seek a quote from Atkins.
12602 FIRE RISKS AND AUTOMATIC ATTENDANCE AT PREMISESCouncillor Hindley expressed concern about proposed changes to the automatic attendance of the fire brigade to various premises which are directly linked to fire brigade HQ whenever a fire alarm goes off at the premises. In future when the alarm went off, the brigade would not automatically turn out to the premises concerned as at present, but would wait until staff at the premises had checked to see if there was actually a fire and was not simply a malfunction of the equipment. There would be exceptions to this new proposal where the premises were regarded as “high risk” because of the nature of the materials and chemicals they contained. He regarded both Swallowfield and Relyon as high risk but was not sure if the fire brigade did. Recently the alarm at Swallowfield had gone off and had not been attended to for a long time and flames and burning debris had been seen at Relyon. On his suggestion it was agreed to ask Somerset Fire Brigade if Swallowfield and Relyon are regarded as high risk premises, to ask for more information about the reasoning behind the proposed changes and to ask for a visit from a fire brigade officer to discuss the proposals at a council meeting.
12603 VENUE FOR MONTHLY COUNCIL MEETINGSAfter a short discussion it was agreed that the council’s future monthly meetings should be held in the Wellington United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street as it had access for the disabled.1984
WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND FEBRUARY 200412604 POSSIBLE NEW CHAMBER AND CLERK’S OFFICECouncillor Byrne reported that the Accommodation Sub-committee had met and was discussing arranging a meeting with the county council’s property review manager and Taunton DBC’s valuer about the possibility of shared accommodation that would include a new council chamber and clerk’s office as well as facilities for the county and the Deane. The report was noted.
12605 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS DONATIONSWith reference to minute 12476 the clerk reported that donations of £100 and £40 respectively had been received from Swallowfield and Stags. The report was noted.
12606 NAME SIGN FOR COURT DRIVE FLATSWith reference to minute 12397 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had erected a name sign for Court Drive Flats, Wellington. The report was noted.
12607 ADDITIONAL ESTATE SIGN FOR ARDWYNWith reference to minute 12490 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had erected an additional estate name sign for Ardwyn. The report was noted.
12608 BUS SHELTER FOR TONEWith reference to minute 12447 the clerk reported that the bus shelter for Tone had been erected by the Deane DLO and that a bill of about £4,700 was awaited. The report was noted. Councillor Byrne reported that a panel in the shelter had been damaged and the clerk stated that the Deane had been informed.
12609 FEDERATION OF SPORTS CLUBS NOTICEBOARDWith reference to minute 12532 a letter was received from the Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs asking if the council was prepared to contribute towards the cost (and use one side of the board) and for a site meeting with the town council and county council. After discussion about whether an additional board would cause too much clutter on the footway outside of Somerfield, the clerk suggested half of one side of the existing board could be offered to the federation. Currently it was solely used by Community Education who had paid £400 towards the cost of the board. It would mean repaying £200 if half was to be offered to the federation. It was agreed to put this suggestion to the federation.
12610 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS TO TONE PLAY AREAWith reference to minute 12357 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the amount available under the parish play area grant scheme was currently under review, with a decision likely to be made on 11th February 2004. Under the scheme’s current rules, priority was given for the under five’s group and projects for teenagers only received an award if there had not been sufficient applications for funding for the under five’s and primary aged children. If that ruling was upheld by the Executive, it would mean that funding for the multi games use area might not be available.The clerk reported that he was aware that the Deane grant might be cut and so had allowed £12,000 in the 2004-05 budget to cover this possibility. Letter and report were noted.
12611 LONGFORTH FARM SCHEME AND NORTHERN RELIEF ROADWith reference to minute 12568 a copy was received of a letter sent to Taunton DBC by Wellington Chamber of Trade urging the inclusion of the Longforth Farm scheme and the northern relief road in the Taunton Deane Local Plan. The letter was noted.1985WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND FEBRUARY 2004
12612 CORN HILL LIGHTINGWith reference to minute 12546 the clerk reported that a new bracket and light had been ordered for the archway at the top of Corn Hill, that lamp no.3 was to be relocated at the northern end of the old town hall building and that the lighting would be monitored to see if lamp no. 2 needed relocating to provide a more even spread of light. The report was noted.
12613 LIGHTING FOR WARREN STREET FOOTPATHWith reference to minute 12545 the clerk reported that the works order to install 3 new lights on the footpath between Warren Street and Rockwell Green main road had been given and that the work should be carried out shortly. The report was noted.
12614 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUNWith reference to minute 12570 a report was received from the City of Truro Centenary Run Committee stating that it now seemed inevitable that no special steam train would make a run to mark the centenary of the first train to break the 100mph record and asking for council approval on the use of the council name for advertising a proposed lecture and for the provision of £200 in March to enable lecture tickets to be printed. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Horsman, it was agreed that the council’s name could be used and to provide £200.
12615 CCTV CAMERA FOR SOUTH STREETWith reference to minute 12465 the clerk reported that a CCTV camera had been erected that day (2nd February 2004) on the corner of Shaul Bakery at the junction of South Street and High Street and was fully operational. The report was noted.
12616 QUOTE FOR CUTTING GRASS AT TONE PLAY AREAIt was agreed to accept a quote from Deane DLO of £35.69 plus VAT per cut for cutting the grass at the Tone play area for 2004. The clerk reported that the charge for 2003 was £33.99, so the increase was £1.70 per cut.
12617 QUOTE FOR FOOTPATH MAINTENANCE FOR 2004It was agreed to accept a quote from Deane DLO of £2,174.17 plus VAT for footpath maintenance in Wellington for 2004. The clerk reported that the quote for 2003 was £2,165.23, so the increase was £8.94 for the season.
12618 FRENCH AND GERMAN TWINNING LINK ANNIVERSARIESA letter was received from Wellington Twinning Association stating that in 2004 Wellington and Lillebonne would celebrate 40 years of twinning and that Wellington and Immenstadt would celebrate 20 years of twinning. Lillebonne was planning to hold its celebrations during the weekend of 29th/30th May 2004 and that it was likely that civic leaders from Wellington would be invited to attend. Wellington was planning to hold its celebrations in 2005. A visit of adults from Immenstadt would take place from 5th-12th June 2004 and the group included the mayor Gerd Bischoff. It was suggested that the town council might like to consider arranging a civic event for Sunday 6th June 2004 to mark the 20th anniversary. It was agreed that a civic event should be organised, that the council would meet the cost of meals etc for civic visitors and that the matter should be on the March council agenda. The clerk pointed out that when the council had last made a civic visit to a twin town it had been agreed that the council should be represented by the chairman, vice chairman and one other councillor. The report was noted.1986
12619 TRAFFIC PROBLEMS IN LYDDON CLOSECopies of letters from Mr V. Dare, of 5 Lyddon Close, Wellington and Somerset Highways were received about traffic problems in Lyddon Close at school drop-off and pick-up times. The letters were noted.
12620 TRANSFER OF LICENCE FOR EIGHT BELLSNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the licence for the Eight Bells, 60 High Street, Wellington to Adrian Gordon Reigate and Frances Richelle Bradshaw, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 10th February 2004. It was noted.
12621 TRANSFER OF LICENCE FOR VICTORIA ARMSNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the licence for the Victoria Arms, 43-45 North Street, Wellington to Judith Lorrie Elstub and Carl Wood, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 10th February 2004. It was noted.
12622 TAUNTON DEANE CITIZENSHIP AWARDS FOR 2004A letter was received from the Mayor of Taunton Deane about nominations for the 2004 Taunton Deane Citizenship Awards. The letter was noted.
12623 APPOINTMENT OF ST JOHN’S SCHOOL GOVERNORA letter was received from Somerset County Council about the appointment of a minor local authority governor at St John’s Primary School. The clerk reported that the post would cease to exist in September 2004 following the school’s reconstitution, that Wellington Without had been consulted as requested by the county and did not wish to make a nomination, and that St John’s School was happy for Mrs G. Copley to continue as a governor. It was agreed to re-appoint Mrs Copley.
12624 SCOUT PLAN TO ACQUIRE NEW MINIBUSA letter was received from the 1st Wellington Scout Group seeking a letter of support from the town council for its plans to acquire a new minibus. Standing orders were suspended to allow group scout leader Mr S. Altria to address councillors. He stated that the estimated cost was £28,000 and that a letter of support for the project from the town council would help funding requests to various grant making bodies. It was agreed to provide a letter of support.
12625 FUNDING FOR POLICE COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICERSA letter was received from Avon and Somerset Assistant Chief Constable Stephen Otter asking the town council to consider partnership funding for police community support officers as the current Home Office funding would gradually reduce and would end in March 2006. The force currently employed 46 PCSOs (including 2 in Wellington) and the present cost of a PCSO was £25,700 a year. It was agreed to find out more information.
12626 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12579 it was agreed to suggest that the proposed increases in car parking charges in Wellington should be included on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership on Monday, 16th February 2004 at 6pm.1987WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND FEBRUARY 200412627 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Application to fell one larch tree within Wellington conservation area at 91 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2003/133T); (b) Application to fell one birch tree within Wellington conservation area at 11 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2003/132T); (c) Internal and external alterations to convert loft space to living space, insertion of two roof-lights, balcony and new porch to front, The Stables, Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2003/126LB); (d) Change of use to retail, 13 High Street, Wellington (43/2003/124: delegated decision); (e) Alterations to front of building, installation of external chair-hoist to rear of 26 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2003/127); (f) Erection of dormer to front, raising of roof to rear to form dormer and internal and external alterations to form two flats, 11 North Street, Wellington as amended by agents plan drawing No. 10043/02 Rev C received 4th December 2003 (43/2003/116LB); (g) Display of non illuminated advance signs Nos. 4, 5 and 6 for development at Weavers Reach, Wellington, locations at junction of High Street with Longforth Road, junction of Station Road and Springfield Road, and west side of Station Road on south side of junction with Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2003/130A); (h) Erection of conservatory at Spy Post House, 3 Exeter Road, Wellington (43/2003/131: delegated decision); (i) Erection of 2 dwellings for residential self-catering use, Tonedale House, Wellington (43/2003/128LB). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan: Display of non illuminated advance signs Nos. 1, 2 and 3 for development at Weavers Reach, Wellington, locations at Chelston House Farm, Cades Farm and Cox’s Yard, Wellington (43/2003/130A).
12628 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST JANUARY 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st January 2004 was £82,235 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £47,803 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12629 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Horsman, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Churches Together in Wellington £150 grant for carols in the park; Kirsty Page £50 grant for GAP project; Hinewood Cleaning Service £132 for cleaning windows and town centre bus shelters in December 2003 and yearly clean of 6 other bus shelters in Wellington and Rockwell Green; Mr A. Brown £1,536.76; Inland Revenue £591.99; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £1,845 for financial subsidy for hospital patient transport from Wellington to Musgrove Park Hospital from 1st October to 31st December 2003; Coach Drivers Club of Great Britain £82.25 for entry in 2004 Yearbook; St John’s Primary School £256 for 50% contribution to cost of school crossing patrol for autumn term 2003; Carly Press Ltd £47.98 for ink cartridges and laminations; SWEB Energy £5.85 for electricity for street lighting; Society of Local Council Clerks £108 for annual subscription; Somerset County Council £468.41 for 15% contribution towards cost of new footway lighting from Warren Street to Rockwell Green main road; Neat Ideas Ltd £319.56 for 8 panel display unit and 2 packs of pushpins; Taunton Deane Borough Council £34.02 for share of gas bill for October to December 2003; Christmas lights energy payments: Mount Veterinary Group £60, H.T. Perry £45, Mr J. Pragnell £30, Haberdashery Plus £30, Evad Furniture £30, Eight Bells £30, Grants Repairs £30, Green Dragon £15, Wellington United Reformed Church £15, S.B. Ong and C.L. Williams £15, Deane Upholstery Service £15, Somerset Army Cadet Force £15. 1988
12630 PROBLEMS IN TONE ESTATECouncillor Byrne reported that problems had been caused by young car drivers speeding and “burning rubber” in the Tone Estate business park which was a cul de sac. It was agreed to inform the police and also the firms with a view to gates/humps being considered.
12631 IMPROVED STATE OF THE BASINSCouncillor Horsman stated that he had recently taken some friends to the Basins and would like to praise the efforts of the volunteers who had been working hard to improve the Basins which had been completely transformed.
12632 YELLOW LINES FOR PARKER CLOSE AND JURSTON LANECouncillor Critchard recalled that when a site meeting had been held last year about the traffic calming scheme for Priory, Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road, it had been agreed that Somerset County Council should consider the installation of yellow lines to stop dangerous/inconsiderate parking taking place in Jurston Lane and Parker Close. It was agreed to find out from the county council when action over the suggested lines would be taken.
12633 NEW LEASE FOR MUSEUM AND MUSEUM STOREWith reference to minute 12555 a verbal report was received from Councillor Hindley about discussions with Taunton DBC over extending the length of the lease from five years to 10 years for the museum and museum store at 28 Fore Street, Wellington at a charge of £1,000 annually. He explained that if the length of the lease was extended then a commercial rent would have to be charged which would be in the region of £8,500 a year. Councillor Bowrah stated that the Finance Committee recommended that the lease of five years at a charge of £1,000 a year should be accepted. He moved this, with Councillor Hindley seconding, and this was agreed.
12634 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th January 2004; What’s On within Taunton Deane for February 2004; Farm Talk from Taunton DBC for January 2004; letter and results of Your Views Count survey in Wellington by Liberal Democrats; letter from Somerset County Council about school organisation plan; January 2004 issue of Planning Update from Campaign to Protect Rural England; December 2003 issue of TCG News (Transport Campaign Group) from CPRE; January 2004 issue of Clerks and Councils Direct; January and February 2004 issue of Lillebonne Town Council’s municipal magazine; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 570, 571 and 572; December 2003 issue of Court Circular from Zurich Municipal; European Union newsletter No. 117 (December 2003) on regional policy; EU December 2003 brochure on regional policy.


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