Wellington Town Council minutes September 2003
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 1st September 2003 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams , Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There was an apology from Councillor Mrs A. Milne. There were 9 members of the public present.
12422 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that he had attended the final music event of the summer in Wellington Park. It had been attended by about 100 people. There had been a fantastic programme of events which had been well attended during the season and he paid tribute to the unpaid volunteers for their sterling work. The previous Saturday he had attended Wellington’s annual flower show at Wellington School where the hall had been a blaze of colour. The event was well attended and well organised. He had raised the alarm after discovering a fire in Beech Grove School playing field and Wellington firemen, who arrived within five minutes, had done a magnificent and professional job. He reported that a bouquet of flowers had been sent to former councillor Maurice Jennings who was ill, and circulated a card of good wishes for councillors to sign. Councillor Byrne reported that Mr Jennings had been “very touched” by the flowers he had received.
12423 POLICE MATTERSThere was no crime report as Sgt R. Caburn was away on holiday.
12424 COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SCHEMEWith reference to minute 12387 the clerk reported that Sgt Caburn had sent the details of the identified speeding sites (North Street, Station Road, Pyles Thorne Road, Wellesley Park, Longforth Road and Bulford) to an officer in the traffic department who would be carrying out a risk assessment. When that had been done Sgt Caburn would identify a trainer for the speed gun for the 14 volunteers for the speed watch scheme. The report was noted.
12425 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isobel Ward reported that members of Wellington in Bloom Committee were going to Shepton Mallet on 5th September 2003 for the presentation of the Britain in Bloom awards and were hoping that Wellington had again been successful.
12426 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: TRADERS CHRISTMAS TREESMrs Ward reported that Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce were being asked to look after the provision of Christmas trees outside traders’ premises this year. Previously members of Wellington in Bloom Committee had arranged for their supply and erection but would not be able to do so this year.
12427 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PROBLEMS IN SOUTH STREETTwo South Street residents, Mr David Tomlinson and Mr Andrew Denham gave details of anti social problems that had occurred late at night and in the early hours of the morning at weekends recently in the vicinity of the Sanford Arms public house. There had been violent and aggressive behaviour with groups of youths fighting in the street, the use of obscene and racist language, shouting and screaming, urinating in public and jumping through hedges into private gardens. The noise and rowdiness had1949
12427 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PROBLEMS IN SOUTH STREETlasted for two to three hours, from 12.30am to 2.30am on one occasion and until 3.30am on another weekend. The youths were 15-19 and either drunk or heavily under the influence of alcohol and were also vomiting. They alleged that there had been under age drinking and drug taking in the Sanford Arms. There had been scuffles after the landlord had locked the youths out. Further down the street the window of the Chinese restaurant had been smashed. They had telephoned the police but were disappointed with the response. On one occasion there had been only one woman officer on duty between Wellington and Wiveliscombe and the incidents had been regarded as high spirits by the police, who did not seem interested. Councillor Henley said that the incidents described were appalling and that people should not have to put up with that sort of behaviour. There needed to be a tougher response from the police and correct and proper policing at night. Councillor J. Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, who was welcomed to the meeting by the chairman, described the behaviour of the youths as absolutely disgraceful. Taunton and Wellington were suffering from a lack of police resources. The police had called for huge resources to fund policing in Bristol. Councillors had to shout to bring more police resources to Taunton and Wellington. It was agreed to write to Insp M. Ashwin, the section commander, stating that the council was concerned about the situation, asking for his views on the incidents and the policing that had occurred. It was stated that Insp Ashwin would be attending the October council meeting.
12428 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held 4th August 2003, as circulated to members, were received, taken as read and signed as correct.
12429 DILAPIDATED STATE OF CORNHILLWith reference to minute 12407 members received a copy of the five page report of Taunton DBC’s regeneration manager to the Deane’s Strategic Planning Review Panel about environmental enhancements, future uses and development opportunities for Cornhill. Councillor Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, said that short term measures taken included cleaning up the street, making sure the CCTV was as effective as possible and improving the present lighting. The aim was to make Cornhill a vibrant shopping street again. The Deane was encouraging the developer to refurbish and upgrade the empty shops with the possibility of providing sheltered housing behind the shops. A meeting was taking place in mid-September between the Deane’s officers and the developers. Grants were available to refurbish the shops. A change had already been made to Cornhill and it was hoped to maintain the momentum. In response to Councillor Bowrah who referred to the “fiasco” over long boarded up former discount store in High Street and who felt that developers had control over the town, Councillor Williams said that the Deane did not have the funds to bring Cornhill back to its previous glory: they had to rely on developers with a little bit of quiet pump priming from the Deane who were bound by regulations but who would watch carefully to get the best deal for Wellington. Councils were only enablers, not doers. Councillor Williams was thanked for attending. The clerk reported that at a site meeting with Taunton DBC on 18th August 2003, it had been agreed to upgrade the three existing lights (orders for the work had subsequently been given) and to install one additional light. The possibility of providing extra lighting at either end of the archway leading off Fore Street to Cornhill was also to be investigated. The report was noted.1950WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST SEPTMBER 2003
12430 COUNCILLORS ALLOWANCESThe clerk reported that the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 came into force on 1st May 2003 which enabled town and parish councils to pay attendance allowances to councillors and also travel and subsistence allowances to councillors on approved duties within the parish. Previously there were no attendance allowances and travel and subsistence could only be paid for approved duties outside the parish. Members received a copy of the NALC legal topic note 24 on councillors allowances and also a guidance note on the subject from the SALC. After some discussion Councillor Bowrah proposed, with Councillor Govier seconding, that no allowances should be paid to councillors, other than the chairman’s allowance (currently £500) which would be decided annually, but that a mileage allowance of 40p a mile should be paid for approved duties outside the parish. This was carried unanimously. It was also agreed to investigate further the possible payment of dependants’ carer’s allowances.
12431 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTSMembers received a copy of the NALC legal topic note 56 about a new code of practice for local councils in handling complaints as well as a note on the subject from the SALC. On the proposition of Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the new code.
12432 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS TO TONE PLAY AREAWith reference to minute 12404 the clerk reported that 69 replies had been received from 384 residents who had been asked for their views on the suggested provision of additional play equipment and the provision of a multi use games area. There were 52 in favour of the extra equipment, 46 in favour of the MUGA, 8 against the additional equipment and 18 against the MUGA. 10 residents had been in favour of the extra equipment but against the MUGA. The vast majority of residents had been in favour of providing both the extra equipment and the MUGA. Councillors also received a copy of the various comments made by residents on their voting replies. The Finance Committee supported going ahead with both items reported Councillor Bowrah (committee chairman) and he proposed the council should do so. His proposal was seconded by Councillor Govier and carried unanimously.
12433 INSTALLATION OF BOLLARD AT BLACKPATH/ROOKERY TERRACECouncillor Horsman reported that residents in Rookery Terrace had complained about the danger caused by the speed of motor-cyclists riding up Rookery Terrace and across the Blackpath footpath to the western end of Courtland Road. He suggested that a bollard should be erected at the northern end of Rookery Terrace, where it joined Blackpath, to deter motor-cyclists. It was agreed to ask Somerset Highways to erect an appropriate bollard.
12434 GIVE WAY SIGN AT OLDWAY PARK/BLACKMOOR ROADCouncillor Henley suggested the provision of a give way sign at the junction of Oldway Park with Blackmoor Road. It was agreed to ask Somerset Highways to erect the sign and to renew the faded give way lines.
12435 EXTRA LIGHTING IN CLIFFORD TERRACE/HIGH STREET LANECouncillor Henley suggested that additional lighting should be provided in the lane between Clifford Terrace and High Street. It was agreed to ask Atkins to draw up a plan for the provision of extra lighting.1951WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST SEPTEMBER 2003
12436 NEW SPORTS PAVILION AT DOBREE PARK, ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 12401 a letter was received from Councillor D. Bradley noting the town council’s concern over the referral back of the project by Taunton Deane’s Leisure Panel. The letter was noted.
12437 RELIEF ROAD ROUNDABOUT/TRAFFIC LIGHTSWith reference to minute 12279 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the cost of traffic lights at the junction of Wellington Relief Road with Pyles Thorne Road would be about £200,000, that a roundabout would possibly cost more, that there had been a dramatic drop in the number of injury accidents following the reduction in the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph and that any future local safety measures at the junction were unlikely. The letter was noted.
12438 INSPECTION OF TONE PLAY AREA EQUIPMENT With reference to minute 12187 the report of Zurich Risk Services’ engineer surveyor, Mr G. Little on the inspection of the equipment at the council’s Tone play area on 8th August 2003 was received, stating that there were no defects which needed attention. The report was noted.
12439 AUDIT OF COUNCIL’S ACCOUNTS FOR 2002-03The audited annual return of the town council’s accounts for the year ended 31st March 2003 was received from the external auditors, Moore Stephens, stating that the information contained in the annual report was in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements and that there were no matters which the auditors wished to draw to the council’s attention. The report was noted.
12440 PARKING PROBLEMS AT WALKERS GATEWith reference to minute 12403 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the H markings for Walkers Gate had been ordered. The letter was noted.
12441 TONE HILL VISIBILITY IMPROVEMENTWith reference to minute 12392 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the owner of 74 Tone Hill would be contacted about the lowering of the wall and to see what was feasible to improve visibility at the junction of Tone Hill with the Milverton Road. The letter was noted.
12442 PROBLEMS AT ROCKWELL GREEN BUS BAYWith reference to minute 12408 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that bus stop marking was to be lengthened to accommodate large buses. The letter was noted.
12443 ELDERLY PERSONS SIGNS AT BULFORDWith reference to minute 12394 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that in view of the large volume of elderly persons crossing the road, arrangements would be made for the necessary signs to be erected. The letter was noted.
12444 YELLOW LINES AT TRINITY CLOSEWith reference to minute 12321 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an unresolved objection to the proposal to install double yellow lines at the junction of Trinity Close with Mantle Street would be considered by the Deane’s Traffic Regulation Orders Panel on 2nd September 2003. The letter was noted.1952WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST SEPTEMBER 2003
12445 CENTENARY OF CITY OF TRURO TRAIN SPEED RECORD RUNWith reference to minute 12361 the second interim report of the committee making the arrangements to mark the centenary record breaking run by the City of Truro train in May 2004 stated that local Rotarians would be providing a viewing spot at the exact place that the record was achieved (near Prowses Mill), that a buffet lunch would be provided at the Beam Bridge Hotel, where it was hoped to have a guest speaker, that it seemed more feasible that the City of Truro would be available to make the run, and that negotiations were still continuing over a possible exhibition. The report was noted.
12446 BLOCKED DRAINS IN MANTLE STREETWith reference to minute 12398 the clerk reported that blocked road drains/gulleys in Mantle Street were to be cleared by Somerset Highways. The report was noted.
12447 PROVISION OF BUS SHELTERS AT TONE AND ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 12274 the clerk reported that a problem had occurred with the provision of the proposed enclosed bus shelter for Tone. What was thought to be highway land where the shelter was to be erected belonged to Wellington Tiles who were not prepared to allow the erection of the shelter on their land. The alternative was to erect a cantilever shelter on the footway. It would have seating but no sides to avoid adversely affecting the visibility splay. It would cost about £3,100 (£400 less than the enclosed type) and there would be a further saving of £900 as it would not be necessary to construct a concrete base. He suggested that the council should go ahead with the cantilever shelter and that the ordered enclosed shelter (due to be installed at Tone), should be erected at the entrance to Dobree Park, Rockwell Green. A decision on the Dobree Park shelter had been deferred in June pending more information from the county council about the local transport plan budget for Wellington but it now seemed likely that much of the £35,000 in that budget would be taken to meet overspending on the town centre enhancement. What was left was earmarked for the introduction of a 20mph speed limit in Pyles Thorne Road, possibly with build-outs to slow down traffic, and for the Longforth Road and Brendon Road parking restriction proposals supported at the August town council meeting. Councillor Warren suggested that the enclosed shelter could be erected on the northern side of the entrance to the Tone industrial instead of the southern side as originally proposed. It was agreed to investigate that suggestion. If the suggestion proved unviable, authority was given for the chairman and vice chairman to approve the erection of a cantilever shelter at Tone and an enclosed shelter at Dobree Park.
12448 ONE WAY TRAFFIC SYSTEM FOR HOLYOAKE STREETA letter was received from Mrs E. Bowrah, of 30 Holyoake Street, stating that many accidents occurred in Holyoake Street, which was a race track for many drivers, and suggesting that it should be made into a one way street. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr J. Angus to speak. He stated that the parked cars of residents were frequently damaged, caused mainly by cars travelling too fast from Brendon Road. There were many near misses every day. Damage of £300 had been caused to his car last November. He suggested that there should be a one way system from Station Road eastwards. Councillor Henley was worried that more traffic would go into Mitchell Street if Holyoake Street became a one way street. On the suggestion of Councillor Govier it was agreed to ask the county council for their views on the suggested one way system. Councillors Bowrah and Hindley declared an interest and left the chamber while this item was discussed.1953WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 1ST SEPTEMBER 2003
12449 LETTER OF APPRECIATIONA letter of appreciation was received from Mr K. Turner, of Tetbury, complimenting the council on the swift action taken taken on the points he raised in an earlier letter about overgrown hedging on the pavement from Poole Crossing to the town centre and about disabled parking charges in public car parks. The letter was noted.
12450 GRAFFITI ON DOORS OF NORTH STREET TOILETSAn e-mail was received from Mrs B. Fuller, of Bristol, stating that her enjoyable visit to Wellington had been spoiled by the disgusting graffiti on the doors of the toilets at North Street car park and suggesting that there should be a rough paint job over the “filth” if money was too short for a proper paint job. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to paint over the graffiti promptly.
12451 TALK BY BECKY STONEBRIDGEWith reference to minute 12155 Becky Stonebridge was welcomed to the meeting to give a talk on her GAP conservation project in Australia earlier this year. During her 10 weeks in Australia and Tasmania she had planted up to 1,200 trees a day in 35 degrees of heat at the edge of creeks to prevent soil erosion, constructed timber steps, helped with a penguin survey, and had carried out specialised weeding – getting rid of anything not native to Australia. It was one week on and one week off for sight seeing. It had proved a fantastic time and she had seen many different parts of Australia. She was grateful to the council for their assistance. The chairman thanked her for her interesting talk and wished her good luck with her university course.
12452 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12413 no proposals or recommendations were put forward for discussion at the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on 15th September 2003 at 6pm.
12453 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCILThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had approved the following plans: (a) Display of non illuminated painted aluminium sign to replace existing sign at entrance of Lancer Court shopping arcade off High Street, Wellington (43/2003/071A); (b) Erection of a conservatory at rear of 81 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/078: delegated decision); (c) Erection of a conservatory at rear of 67 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/079: delegated decision); (d) Erection of extension to existing vehicle repair garage to form MOT testing building, Three Cups Yard, Bulford, Wellington as amplified by agents letter received 21st August 2003 (43/2003/080: delegated decision); (e) Conversion of outbuilding and extensions to form new dwelling to rear of 48 High Street, Wellington, as amplified by agents letter and plan 1224/03/2 1552 received 14th July 2003 (43/2003/074 and 43/2003/075LB). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan: Erection of black painted metal railings, front garden of The Avenue, South Street, Wellington (43/2003/073LB).
12454 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31st AUGUST 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st August 2003 was £39,802 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £30,330 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12455 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Konica West £106.49 for photocopier servicing charges for May, June and July 2003; Moore Stephens £411.25 for external audit of town council accounts for 2002-03; Mr A. Brown £1,724.56; Inland Revenue £601.67; Friends of Wellington Park £80 for 4 park centenary plates; BT £175.55 for telephone calls, e-mails, internet and service charges; Western Newspapers (South) Ltd £50.53 for advertising; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for window cleaning and town centre bus shelter cleaning for August 2003.
12456 SUMMER SPECTACULARCouncillor Bowrah reported that the Summer Spectacular organised by the newly formed Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs at Bank Holiday Monday, 25th August 2003 had been an excellent day, very well organised and well supported by local residents. He hoped it would become an annual event. The chairman stated it had been great to see the local sports clubs working together.
12457 GRAFFITI ON DOORS OF NORTH STREET TOILETSAn e-mail was received from Mrs B. Fuller, of 6 Novers Road, Bristol, stating that her visit to Wellington had been spoiled by the disgusting graffiti on the doors of the cubicles at the North Street toilets and suggesting the “filth” should be painted over, even if it was a rough paint job. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to paint over the graffiti as soon as possible.
12458 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 14th, 21st and 28th August 2003; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting held on 22nd July 2003; What’s On within Taunton Deane for September 2003; copy of public notice from Taunton DBC stating that the order revoking charges for disabled badge holders at all public car parks in Taunton and Wellington came into operation on 18th August 2003; Wellington Museum and Local History Society’s newsletter for August 2003; Community Council for Somerset’s annual report for 31st March 2003; Taunton Deane Crime and Disorder Partnership 2002-03 crime and disorder strategy update; Somerset West newsletter from Avon & Somerset Police; Safety Camera Partnership news sheet for July 2003; Annual reports and accounts for 2002-03 of Somerset Association of Local Councils; agenda and papers for AGM of SALC at Spaxton on 27th September 2003; details of SALC new councillors training events at Croscombe on 18th October and at Carhampton on 22nd October 2003; NALC Direct Information Service bulletins Nos 560 and 561; European Union’s The Voice of the Regions newsletter for June 2003; EU newsletter for June 2003 on regional policy; EU information brochure for June 2003;
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams , Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There was an apology from Councillor Mrs A. Milne. There were 9 members of the public present.
12422 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that he had attended the final music event of the summer in Wellington Park. It had been attended by about 100 people. There had been a fantastic programme of events which had been well attended during the season and he paid tribute to the unpaid volunteers for their sterling work. The previous Saturday he had attended Wellington’s annual flower show at Wellington School where the hall had been a blaze of colour. The event was well attended and well organised. He had raised the alarm after discovering a fire in Beech Grove School playing field and Wellington firemen, who arrived within five minutes, had done a magnificent and professional job. He reported that a bouquet of flowers had been sent to former councillor Maurice Jennings who was ill, and circulated a card of good wishes for councillors to sign. Councillor Byrne reported that Mr Jennings had been “very touched” by the flowers he had received.
12423 POLICE MATTERSThere was no crime report as Sgt R. Caburn was away on holiday.
12424 COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SCHEMEWith reference to minute 12387 the clerk reported that Sgt Caburn had sent the details of the identified speeding sites (North Street, Station Road, Pyles Thorne Road, Wellesley Park, Longforth Road and Bulford) to an officer in the traffic department who would be carrying out a risk assessment. When that had been done Sgt Caburn would identify a trainer for the speed gun for the 14 volunteers for the speed watch scheme. The report was noted.
12425 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isobel Ward reported that members of Wellington in Bloom Committee were going to Shepton Mallet on 5th September 2003 for the presentation of the Britain in Bloom awards and were hoping that Wellington had again been successful.
12426 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: TRADERS CHRISTMAS TREESMrs Ward reported that Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce were being asked to look after the provision of Christmas trees outside traders’ premises this year. Previously members of Wellington in Bloom Committee had arranged for their supply and erection but would not be able to do so this year.
12427 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PROBLEMS IN SOUTH STREETTwo South Street residents, Mr David Tomlinson and Mr Andrew Denham gave details of anti social problems that had occurred late at night and in the early hours of the morning at weekends recently in the vicinity of the Sanford Arms public house. There had been violent and aggressive behaviour with groups of youths fighting in the street, the use of obscene and racist language, shouting and screaming, urinating in public and jumping through hedges into private gardens. The noise and rowdiness had1949
12427 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PROBLEMS IN SOUTH STREETlasted for two to three hours, from 12.30am to 2.30am on one occasion and until 3.30am on another weekend. The youths were 15-19 and either drunk or heavily under the influence of alcohol and were also vomiting. They alleged that there had been under age drinking and drug taking in the Sanford Arms. There had been scuffles after the landlord had locked the youths out. Further down the street the window of the Chinese restaurant had been smashed. They had telephoned the police but were disappointed with the response. On one occasion there had been only one woman officer on duty between Wellington and Wiveliscombe and the incidents had been regarded as high spirits by the police, who did not seem interested. Councillor Henley said that the incidents described were appalling and that people should not have to put up with that sort of behaviour. There needed to be a tougher response from the police and correct and proper policing at night. Councillor J. Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, who was welcomed to the meeting by the chairman, described the behaviour of the youths as absolutely disgraceful. Taunton and Wellington were suffering from a lack of police resources. The police had called for huge resources to fund policing in Bristol. Councillors had to shout to bring more police resources to Taunton and Wellington. It was agreed to write to Insp M. Ashwin, the section commander, stating that the council was concerned about the situation, asking for his views on the incidents and the policing that had occurred. It was stated that Insp Ashwin would be attending the October council meeting.
12428 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held 4th August 2003, as circulated to members, were received, taken as read and signed as correct.
12429 DILAPIDATED STATE OF CORNHILLWith reference to minute 12407 members received a copy of the five page report of Taunton DBC’s regeneration manager to the Deane’s Strategic Planning Review Panel about environmental enhancements, future uses and development opportunities for Cornhill. Councillor Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, said that short term measures taken included cleaning up the street, making sure the CCTV was as effective as possible and improving the present lighting. The aim was to make Cornhill a vibrant shopping street again. The Deane was encouraging the developer to refurbish and upgrade the empty shops with the possibility of providing sheltered housing behind the shops. A meeting was taking place in mid-September between the Deane’s officers and the developers. Grants were available to refurbish the shops. A change had already been made to Cornhill and it was hoped to maintain the momentum. In response to Councillor Bowrah who referred to the “fiasco” over long boarded up former discount store in High Street and who felt that developers had control over the town, Councillor Williams said that the Deane did not have the funds to bring Cornhill back to its previous glory: they had to rely on developers with a little bit of quiet pump priming from the Deane who were bound by regulations but who would watch carefully to get the best deal for Wellington. Councils were only enablers, not doers. Councillor Williams was thanked for attending. The clerk reported that at a site meeting with Taunton DBC on 18th August 2003, it had been agreed to upgrade the three existing lights (orders for the work had subsequently been given) and to install one additional light. The possibility of providing extra lighting at either end of the archway leading off Fore Street to Cornhill was also to be investigated. The report was noted.1950WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST SEPTMBER 2003
12430 COUNCILLORS ALLOWANCESThe clerk reported that the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 came into force on 1st May 2003 which enabled town and parish councils to pay attendance allowances to councillors and also travel and subsistence allowances to councillors on approved duties within the parish. Previously there were no attendance allowances and travel and subsistence could only be paid for approved duties outside the parish. Members received a copy of the NALC legal topic note 24 on councillors allowances and also a guidance note on the subject from the SALC. After some discussion Councillor Bowrah proposed, with Councillor Govier seconding, that no allowances should be paid to councillors, other than the chairman’s allowance (currently £500) which would be decided annually, but that a mileage allowance of 40p a mile should be paid for approved duties outside the parish. This was carried unanimously. It was also agreed to investigate further the possible payment of dependants’ carer’s allowances.
12431 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTSMembers received a copy of the NALC legal topic note 56 about a new code of practice for local councils in handling complaints as well as a note on the subject from the SALC. On the proposition of Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the new code.
12432 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS TO TONE PLAY AREAWith reference to minute 12404 the clerk reported that 69 replies had been received from 384 residents who had been asked for their views on the suggested provision of additional play equipment and the provision of a multi use games area. There were 52 in favour of the extra equipment, 46 in favour of the MUGA, 8 against the additional equipment and 18 against the MUGA. 10 residents had been in favour of the extra equipment but against the MUGA. The vast majority of residents had been in favour of providing both the extra equipment and the MUGA. Councillors also received a copy of the various comments made by residents on their voting replies. The Finance Committee supported going ahead with both items reported Councillor Bowrah (committee chairman) and he proposed the council should do so. His proposal was seconded by Councillor Govier and carried unanimously.
12433 INSTALLATION OF BOLLARD AT BLACKPATH/ROOKERY TERRACECouncillor Horsman reported that residents in Rookery Terrace had complained about the danger caused by the speed of motor-cyclists riding up Rookery Terrace and across the Blackpath footpath to the western end of Courtland Road. He suggested that a bollard should be erected at the northern end of Rookery Terrace, where it joined Blackpath, to deter motor-cyclists. It was agreed to ask Somerset Highways to erect an appropriate bollard.
12434 GIVE WAY SIGN AT OLDWAY PARK/BLACKMOOR ROADCouncillor Henley suggested the provision of a give way sign at the junction of Oldway Park with Blackmoor Road. It was agreed to ask Somerset Highways to erect the sign and to renew the faded give way lines.
12435 EXTRA LIGHTING IN CLIFFORD TERRACE/HIGH STREET LANECouncillor Henley suggested that additional lighting should be provided in the lane between Clifford Terrace and High Street. It was agreed to ask Atkins to draw up a plan for the provision of extra lighting.1951WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST SEPTEMBER 2003
12436 NEW SPORTS PAVILION AT DOBREE PARK, ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 12401 a letter was received from Councillor D. Bradley noting the town council’s concern over the referral back of the project by Taunton Deane’s Leisure Panel. The letter was noted.
12437 RELIEF ROAD ROUNDABOUT/TRAFFIC LIGHTSWith reference to minute 12279 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the cost of traffic lights at the junction of Wellington Relief Road with Pyles Thorne Road would be about £200,000, that a roundabout would possibly cost more, that there had been a dramatic drop in the number of injury accidents following the reduction in the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph and that any future local safety measures at the junction were unlikely. The letter was noted.
12438 INSPECTION OF TONE PLAY AREA EQUIPMENT With reference to minute 12187 the report of Zurich Risk Services’ engineer surveyor, Mr G. Little on the inspection of the equipment at the council’s Tone play area on 8th August 2003 was received, stating that there were no defects which needed attention. The report was noted.
12439 AUDIT OF COUNCIL’S ACCOUNTS FOR 2002-03The audited annual return of the town council’s accounts for the year ended 31st March 2003 was received from the external auditors, Moore Stephens, stating that the information contained in the annual report was in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements and that there were no matters which the auditors wished to draw to the council’s attention. The report was noted.
12440 PARKING PROBLEMS AT WALKERS GATEWith reference to minute 12403 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the H markings for Walkers Gate had been ordered. The letter was noted.
12441 TONE HILL VISIBILITY IMPROVEMENTWith reference to minute 12392 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the owner of 74 Tone Hill would be contacted about the lowering of the wall and to see what was feasible to improve visibility at the junction of Tone Hill with the Milverton Road. The letter was noted.
12442 PROBLEMS AT ROCKWELL GREEN BUS BAYWith reference to minute 12408 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that bus stop marking was to be lengthened to accommodate large buses. The letter was noted.
12443 ELDERLY PERSONS SIGNS AT BULFORDWith reference to minute 12394 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that in view of the large volume of elderly persons crossing the road, arrangements would be made for the necessary signs to be erected. The letter was noted.
12444 YELLOW LINES AT TRINITY CLOSEWith reference to minute 12321 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an unresolved objection to the proposal to install double yellow lines at the junction of Trinity Close with Mantle Street would be considered by the Deane’s Traffic Regulation Orders Panel on 2nd September 2003. The letter was noted.1952WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST SEPTEMBER 2003
12445 CENTENARY OF CITY OF TRURO TRAIN SPEED RECORD RUNWith reference to minute 12361 the second interim report of the committee making the arrangements to mark the centenary record breaking run by the City of Truro train in May 2004 stated that local Rotarians would be providing a viewing spot at the exact place that the record was achieved (near Prowses Mill), that a buffet lunch would be provided at the Beam Bridge Hotel, where it was hoped to have a guest speaker, that it seemed more feasible that the City of Truro would be available to make the run, and that negotiations were still continuing over a possible exhibition. The report was noted.
12446 BLOCKED DRAINS IN MANTLE STREETWith reference to minute 12398 the clerk reported that blocked road drains/gulleys in Mantle Street were to be cleared by Somerset Highways. The report was noted.
12447 PROVISION OF BUS SHELTERS AT TONE AND ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 12274 the clerk reported that a problem had occurred with the provision of the proposed enclosed bus shelter for Tone. What was thought to be highway land where the shelter was to be erected belonged to Wellington Tiles who were not prepared to allow the erection of the shelter on their land. The alternative was to erect a cantilever shelter on the footway. It would have seating but no sides to avoid adversely affecting the visibility splay. It would cost about £3,100 (£400 less than the enclosed type) and there would be a further saving of £900 as it would not be necessary to construct a concrete base. He suggested that the council should go ahead with the cantilever shelter and that the ordered enclosed shelter (due to be installed at Tone), should be erected at the entrance to Dobree Park, Rockwell Green. A decision on the Dobree Park shelter had been deferred in June pending more information from the county council about the local transport plan budget for Wellington but it now seemed likely that much of the £35,000 in that budget would be taken to meet overspending on the town centre enhancement. What was left was earmarked for the introduction of a 20mph speed limit in Pyles Thorne Road, possibly with build-outs to slow down traffic, and for the Longforth Road and Brendon Road parking restriction proposals supported at the August town council meeting. Councillor Warren suggested that the enclosed shelter could be erected on the northern side of the entrance to the Tone industrial instead of the southern side as originally proposed. It was agreed to investigate that suggestion. If the suggestion proved unviable, authority was given for the chairman and vice chairman to approve the erection of a cantilever shelter at Tone and an enclosed shelter at Dobree Park.
12448 ONE WAY TRAFFIC SYSTEM FOR HOLYOAKE STREETA letter was received from Mrs E. Bowrah, of 30 Holyoake Street, stating that many accidents occurred in Holyoake Street, which was a race track for many drivers, and suggesting that it should be made into a one way street. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr J. Angus to speak. He stated that the parked cars of residents were frequently damaged, caused mainly by cars travelling too fast from Brendon Road. There were many near misses every day. Damage of £300 had been caused to his car last November. He suggested that there should be a one way system from Station Road eastwards. Councillor Henley was worried that more traffic would go into Mitchell Street if Holyoake Street became a one way street. On the suggestion of Councillor Govier it was agreed to ask the county council for their views on the suggested one way system. Councillors Bowrah and Hindley declared an interest and left the chamber while this item was discussed.1953WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 1ST SEPTEMBER 2003
12449 LETTER OF APPRECIATIONA letter of appreciation was received from Mr K. Turner, of Tetbury, complimenting the council on the swift action taken taken on the points he raised in an earlier letter about overgrown hedging on the pavement from Poole Crossing to the town centre and about disabled parking charges in public car parks. The letter was noted.
12450 GRAFFITI ON DOORS OF NORTH STREET TOILETSAn e-mail was received from Mrs B. Fuller, of Bristol, stating that her enjoyable visit to Wellington had been spoiled by the disgusting graffiti on the doors of the toilets at North Street car park and suggesting that there should be a rough paint job over the “filth” if money was too short for a proper paint job. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to paint over the graffiti promptly.
12451 TALK BY BECKY STONEBRIDGEWith reference to minute 12155 Becky Stonebridge was welcomed to the meeting to give a talk on her GAP conservation project in Australia earlier this year. During her 10 weeks in Australia and Tasmania she had planted up to 1,200 trees a day in 35 degrees of heat at the edge of creeks to prevent soil erosion, constructed timber steps, helped with a penguin survey, and had carried out specialised weeding – getting rid of anything not native to Australia. It was one week on and one week off for sight seeing. It had proved a fantastic time and she had seen many different parts of Australia. She was grateful to the council for their assistance. The chairman thanked her for her interesting talk and wished her good luck with her university course.
12452 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12413 no proposals or recommendations were put forward for discussion at the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on 15th September 2003 at 6pm.
12453 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCILThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had approved the following plans: (a) Display of non illuminated painted aluminium sign to replace existing sign at entrance of Lancer Court shopping arcade off High Street, Wellington (43/2003/071A); (b) Erection of a conservatory at rear of 81 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/078: delegated decision); (c) Erection of a conservatory at rear of 67 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/079: delegated decision); (d) Erection of extension to existing vehicle repair garage to form MOT testing building, Three Cups Yard, Bulford, Wellington as amplified by agents letter received 21st August 2003 (43/2003/080: delegated decision); (e) Conversion of outbuilding and extensions to form new dwelling to rear of 48 High Street, Wellington, as amplified by agents letter and plan 1224/03/2 1552 received 14th July 2003 (43/2003/074 and 43/2003/075LB). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan: Erection of black painted metal railings, front garden of The Avenue, South Street, Wellington (43/2003/073LB).
12454 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31st AUGUST 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st August 2003 was £39,802 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £30,330 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12455 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Konica West £106.49 for photocopier servicing charges for May, June and July 2003; Moore Stephens £411.25 for external audit of town council accounts for 2002-03; Mr A. Brown £1,724.56; Inland Revenue £601.67; Friends of Wellington Park £80 for 4 park centenary plates; BT £175.55 for telephone calls, e-mails, internet and service charges; Western Newspapers (South) Ltd £50.53 for advertising; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for window cleaning and town centre bus shelter cleaning for August 2003.
12456 SUMMER SPECTACULARCouncillor Bowrah reported that the Summer Spectacular organised by the newly formed Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs at Bank Holiday Monday, 25th August 2003 had been an excellent day, very well organised and well supported by local residents. He hoped it would become an annual event. The chairman stated it had been great to see the local sports clubs working together.
12457 GRAFFITI ON DOORS OF NORTH STREET TOILETSAn e-mail was received from Mrs B. Fuller, of 6 Novers Road, Bristol, stating that her visit to Wellington had been spoiled by the disgusting graffiti on the doors of the cubicles at the North Street toilets and suggesting the “filth” should be painted over, even if it was a rough paint job. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to paint over the graffiti as soon as possible.
12458 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 14th, 21st and 28th August 2003; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting held on 22nd July 2003; What’s On within Taunton Deane for September 2003; copy of public notice from Taunton DBC stating that the order revoking charges for disabled badge holders at all public car parks in Taunton and Wellington came into operation on 18th August 2003; Wellington Museum and Local History Society’s newsletter for August 2003; Community Council for Somerset’s annual report for 31st March 2003; Taunton Deane Crime and Disorder Partnership 2002-03 crime and disorder strategy update; Somerset West newsletter from Avon & Somerset Police; Safety Camera Partnership news sheet for July 2003; Annual reports and accounts for 2002-03 of Somerset Association of Local Councils; agenda and papers for AGM of SALC at Spaxton on 27th September 2003; details of SALC new councillors training events at Croscombe on 18th October and at Carhampton on 22nd October 2003; NALC Direct Information Service bulletins Nos 560 and 561; European Union’s The Voice of the Regions newsletter for June 2003; EU newsletter for June 2003 on regional policy; EU information brochure for June 2003;
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