Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wellington Town Council minutes June 2003

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 2nd June 2003 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There were 3 members of the public present. The chairman welcomed Mr David Greig, Taunton DBC parish liaison officer, to the meeting.
12305 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor Henley reported that in the past month he had attended the highly successful music day at Wellington School organised by Wellington Arts Association, had presented cheques from the council to Friends of Wellington Park (£1,500) and Wellington in Bloom Committee (£700), had attended first day of the summer music programme in the Park, and also attended the very successful street fair on 1st June 2003.
12306 POLICE MATTERSReporting on recorded crime, Sgt R. Caburn stated that the main offences were theft 30, criminal damage 28, criminal damage to motor vehicles 5, theft from motor vehicles 11, assault 6, domestic burglaries 9 (6 walk-in), commercial burglaries 11. Of the total of 23 arrests, 7 had been for drugs, 5 for criminal damage, 3 for drink/drive, 1 for theft and 5 miscellaneous. There had been a number of offences of domestic burglary where the offender had walked/reached into premises during day/evening. Residents should take care to secure their premises when they were present to stop easy access. A drugs search warrant had been executed in North Street where two people had been arrested and 90 cannabis plants seized. Five other people had been arrested for drug possession offences at different times. Two males had been arrested for a smash and grab at Kings Cycles, the bikes had been recovered and the offenders charged. Public order offences in the town centre had been low. However there had been a number of reported cases of criminal damage which had been mirrored by the number of arrests for that offence. There were 3 special constables in Wellington at the moment and it was hoped to increase that number to 7/8 in the near future which would help with foot patrols. Councillor Wilson drew attention to the increase in vandalism in the old road at Rockwell Green where cars parked in the road near the cemetery had been damaged, Councillors Govier and Gill both referred to anti social behaviour at Dobree Park, Rockwell Green. Sgt Caburn replied that he was aware of the problems and officers visited the areas when staffing levels allowed. He had regular meetings with the head of Court Fields School about problems with children after leaving school with the aim of trying to reduce the problems caused. He gave the clerk details of the community speed watch scheme. Sgt Caburn was thanked for attending. With reference to minute 12269 a letter was received from sector commander Insp Mike Ashwin stating that the Wellington office was part of Taunton policing sector and that he often supplemented staffing levels at peak demand from Taunton.He had been part of a contingent of six officers who had patrolled the Wellington town centre at night earlier in May. Since Sgt Caburn had been in post a number of new initiatives had been put in place which would assist policing in Wellington. He was aware of the hard work the council did to help the police and felt that in partnership they could affect community life for residents. He offered to meet members to answer questions and discuss ideas. The clerk reported that Insp Ashwin would attend the council meeting on 7th July 2003. The letter and report were noted. 1923WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND JUNE 2003
12307 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: STREET FAIR AND TRAFFIC CALMING SCHEME FOR PRIORY, BAKERS LANE AND SYLVAN ROADMr Terry Milton stated he was pleased to see councillors at the annual street fair on 1st June, thanked the clerk for providing bunting for the fair and that he felt the traffic calming scheme in Priory, Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road had made the road much calmer and safer. It was agreed to check with the county council whether the school crossing patrol at St John’s Primary School had to be moved following the provision of a speed table by the school entrance.
12308 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PLEA FOR MORE TIME TO ANSWER OBJECTIONS TO PLANNING APPLICATIONSMr David Hunt referred to the unfairness of the present planning system whereby objectors could submit their objections just days or even on the day of a planning meeting giving the applicant no real chance to answer or rebut objections raised. That had happened last month for an application at Rylands Business Park. When he submitted an application objectors had 3 weeks to voice their views. He sought a level playing field. It was suggested that if the situation arose in the future he could ask the town council to defer consideration of a plan to allow more time to reply to any objections raised. Mr Hunt said he would also be writing to Taunton DBC about the issue as the same problems occurred there.
12309 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held 12th May 2003 and the annual council meeting also held on 12th May, as circulated to members, were received, taken as read and signed as correct.
12310 CONTINUING DILAPIDATED STATE OF CORNHILLWith reference to minute 12122 Councillors Henley and Gill drew attention to the continuing dilapidated state of Cornhill. Councillor Henley reported that he had asked for the matter to be placed on the agenda of Taunton DBC Review Board to work out a way to enhance the area in the long term. Pressure should put on the owner to invest in it and on Taunton DBC to invest in it. Councillor Gill reported that some positive steps had already been taken following a visit by the leader of Taunton DBC. The area was now being cleaned twice a day, the block paving was to be steam cleaned and consideration was given to providing a CCTV camera at the top of Cornhill and additional lighting. The matter was being considred at a meeting of Taunton DBC Strategic Planning and Review Panel on 10th June 2003. Members received a copy of an e-mail from Taunton DBC about the cost of an extra street light (about £1,500), of which the Deane would provide 85% and the town council 15% and the upgrading of the 3 existing lights at an estimated cost of £225. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor James it was agreed that the town council would meet its 15% share of the cost of the new light and also pay for upgrading the existing lights. On the proposition of Councillor Henley, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to write to Taunton DBC about their plans for enhancing Cornhill in partnership with the town council.
12311 STATE OF PUBLIC TOILETS AT NORTH STREET CAR PARKCouncillor Horsman drew attention to the drab, dour and uncared-for state of the public toilets at North Street car park which had resulted in complaints from residents and visitors about missing toilet seats, missing toilet roll holders, a hole in the wall 1924
WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND JUNE 200312311 STATE OF TOILETS AT NORTH STREET CAR PARK (continued)between wc cubicles and peeling wall tiles. On his proposition it was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to take urgent action to enhance the appearance and condition of the toilet block to make it more welcoming and that in the long term consideration should be given to replacing the toilets with modern conveniences.
12312 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS TO TONE PLAY AREACouncillor Byrne suggested that more equipment should be provided at the town council’s play area at Tone, including a roundabout for smaller children, an aerial slide for older children, picnic table and 2 litter bins. The estimated cost, including safety surfacing, was £10,000-£12,000. Councillor Govier also suggested that consideration might be given to providing a multi-use games area at the play area and said he understood that there was £25,000 available from the developers of the new Weavers Reach housing development at Tone for off-site leisure provision for older children: a kindergarten play area was being provided on the Weavers Reach site. It was agreed to contact Taunton DBC about the provision of grants and to put the item on the Finance Committee agenda for July.
12313 POSSIBLE CLOSURE OF WELLINGTON JOBCENTREWith reference to minute 12275 the clerk reported that at the meeting with Wendy Strutt, district manager of Jobcentre Plus Somerset, and Colin Boon, the business change manager for Somerset, held on 22nd May 2003 Mrs Strutt stated that the decision to close Wellington Jobcentre had been made but it would not close until a replacement service was available in the town. The present Jobcentre at 9 High Street which used to be open 5 days a week was now only open 3 days a week (since 28th April 2003) and the staff – a mix of full and part time – had been cut from 8.56 to 3.24. It was likely that the replacement service would be a 2 day a week outreach service with IT (information technology) connections and it could be located in the Taunton DBC offices at 28/30 Fore Street which was one of the options being discussed. The Wellington unemployment rate was 1.5% and the bulk of the customers served in the local Jobcentre (over 88%) were for income support (345) and incapacity (380) with Jobseekers Allowance claimants totalling 84. There was much more use of the telephone and internet for finding jobs with over 50,000 Jobseekers Direct calls in Somerset in 2002-03. In future there would be more emphasis on helping lone parents and those on income support find suitable work, on trying to ensure that benefits were paid correctly and trying to reduce fraud. The existing building did not comply with the Disability Discrimination Act in 41 areas and did not have room to expand to deliver the new service. She would come back to talk to councillors again when details of the new replacement service had been agreed. The report was noted. Councillors Henley, Horsman and Wilson declared an interest and left the chamber while this item was discussed. Councillor Bowrah presided.
12314 PROBLEMS WITH FOOTBALL PITCH AT WELLINGTON RECWith reference to minute 12294 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that a new drainage scheme was being installed on the senior football pitch at Wellington Recreation Ground to cut the water-logging problems that occurred last winter. About 100mm of topsoil would be spread in the centre circle in the hollow to aid drainage. The centre circle and drainage trenches would be turfed. Two new machines had been bought for use on all their pitches: one would sow grass seed without disturbing the existing grass surface and the other would cut narrow grooves along the pitches 300mm deep without disturbing the grass surface, breaking up compaction and improving the drainage of pitches. The letter was noted.1925
12315 THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL FOOTBALL PITCHESWith reference to minute 12295 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the Deane had been looking for a site for a senior football pitch as there had been problems meeting the demand last winter. The town council’s suggestion of using the Hoyles Road open space as a pitch would be checked out. In the long term additional football pitches would be provided on the proposed Longforth Farm development. The letter was noted.
12316 HOLES IN PLAYING FIELD HEDGE/FENCE BY TENNIS COURTSWith reference to minute 12297 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating arrangements had been made to fill the gaps in the hedge near the tennis courts at Wellington Playing Field. The letter was noted.
12317 WELLINGTON PARK CENTENARY CELEBRATIONSWith reference to minute 12270 a letter was received from Friends of Wellington Park stating that the Edwardian Day to celebrate the park’s centenary on 5th May 2003 had been a huge success and it would not be necessary to approach the town council to underwrite the expenses which the council had agreed to do at its meeting on 4th December 2002. The Friends appreciated the council’s support. The letter was noted.
12318 1st WELLINGTON SCOUT GROUP GRANT With reference to minute 12231 a letter was received from the 1st Wellington Scout Group thanking the council for its grant of £3,000, which was a huge boost to the work of the Scouts in the town, and inviting councillors to the formal opening of the new garden at the Scout HQ on 11th June 2003 at 5.30pm. The letter was noted.
12319 TREE PRESERVATION ORDER AT 10 HAWTHORNE ROADWith reference to minute 12236 a report was received from Taunton DBC stating that the tree preservation order put on an Eucalyptus tree at 10 Hawthorne Road, Wellington had been revoked. The report was noted.
12320 WESTFORD DEVELOPMENT PLANS WITHDRAWNWith reference to minute 12169 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the plans to erect 2 dwellings on land east of Windyridge, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington, to demolish existing warehouse and erect a block of 14 flats at the former Haymans Coalyard, Higher Westford, and to erect 43 dwellings at the former ABL and Westford Plastics premises at Payton Road, Westford, Wellington had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
12321 PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IN MANTLE STREETWith reference to minute 12150 about the proposed pedestrian crossing in Mantle Street by the Trinity Close junction, the clerk reported that following an on-the-spot meeting with county officials, the siting for the crossing had been agreed which would mean the loss of one on-street parking space, not the 6 spaces initially suggested. The report was noted.
12322 CRIME & DISORDER MEETING ON 18TH SEPTEMBER 2003With reference to minute 12289 the clerk reported that all 3 council representatives, Councillors Gill, Hindley and Milne would be able to attend the Crime & Disorder meeting on 18th September 2003. The report was noted.1926WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2nd JUNE 2003
12323 TRAFFIC PROBLEMS IN BRENDON ROAD AND LONGFORTH ROADWith reference to minute 12012 copies were received of letters from 11 year old Kelly Hawkins, of 28 Brendon Road, Wellington, to the county council about the problems caused by speeding traffic in Brendon Road and of the reply from the county council. It was agreed to find out from the county council when the report on pedestrian safety, traffic speeds and on-street parking in Brendon Road and Longforth Road would be available.
12324 INDUSTRIAL RE-USE OF FORMER FOX’S WET-FINISHING WORKS With reference to minute 12217 a joint report was received from Councillors Warren and Govier on a planning meeting held on 2nd June 2003 about the possible industrial re-use of the former Fox’s wet-finishing works at Tone through RHT (Regeneration Through Heritage). It was stated that there had been a discussion about what would be best for the town, that no conclusions had been reached, that progress had been made in the right direction and that a further meeting would be held in the future. Taunton DBC had reported a feasibility study had been received from the owners, Courtleigh Developments, for the whole site, including the wet finishing site. The report was noted.
12325 BURCHILLS HILL FOOTPATH APPLICATIONWith reference to minute 12277 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the town council’s view that the developers’ proposed public pedestrian route in the area was not considered an adequate alternative to the public footpath claimed had been noted. The application to add the footpath from Linden via “Thunderbridge” to Burchills Hill would be investigated within the next two years. The letter was noted.
12326 LONGFORTH FARM E.I.A. SCOPING REPORTWith reference to minute 12209 a letter was received from Taunton DBC about the reference in the Longforth Farm Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report to the possible utilisation of the existing bridge (with improvements) to take the proposed relief road over the railway and about the town council’s concerns about the impact that might have on the future potential of Relyon plc to expand. The Deane stated that no decisions had been made about the location of the rail crossing, although all previous plans had indicated a position some 150 metres to the east of the existing bridge. The eventual decision would be influenced by the views of Relyon on their future plans and land requirements, the need to accommodate the proposed rail halt, highway design standards and the visual impact of the crossing, given the topography of the land adjoining the railway. The existing bridge or close to it would allow advantage to be taken of the existing cutting at that point. In contrast, at the crossing point shown on the plans to date the railway was elevated above the adjoining land which would require the construction of large earth banks on either side to lift the road over the railway. It was clear that several matters of some importance were involved and it might not be possible to achieve the optimum outcome in respect of all of them. The letter was noted.
12327 LITTER BIN REQUEST AT ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 12238 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had erected a litter bin by the Meadowside bus stop at Rockwell Green and a dog waste bin in Church Lane, Wellington. The report was noted.1927
12328 GENESIS YOUTH THEATRE GROUP GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Genesis Youth Theatre Group asking the council to consider making a grant of £300 for a stagecraft course for members. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Henley it was agreed to make a grant of £300.
12329 ALL SAINTS’ PCC GRANT REQUESTA letter grant application form and accounts were received from All Saints’ Church Parochial Church Council, Rockwell Green asking the council to consider making a grant of £1,864 to provide disabled access/emergency exit to the church’s Lang Memorial Room. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to make a grant of £1,000 and also to suggest that the PCC applied to Taunton DBC for a grant.
12330 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTA letter was received from Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau asking the council to consider making a grant towards the cost of running the Wellington outreach service. Councillor Bowrah proposed a grant of £800, payable in two instalments as in previous years, seconded by Councillor Hinley. Councillor Byrne moved an amendment of a grant of £1,000 seconded by Councillor Milne. The amendment was defeated 7-3 and the original proposal of £800 was approved 10-0. Councillors Govier, Horsman and Stock-Williams declared an interest and left the chamber while this item was considered.
12331 REGENERATION WORKSHOPA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting the council to attend a workshop on shaping the Deane’s future role in economic/community regeneration on 5th June 2003. Councillors Govier and Warren agreed to represent the town council.
12332 PROPOSED ALTERATIONS AT THE VINTAGE INNA letter and plans were received from solicitors Clarke Willmott asking for the town council’s views on proposed alterations to the Vintage Inn, Fore Street, Wellington to create a bar in the beer garden by utilising a window in a store room. The plan was displayed in the council chamber. The alterations were approved.
12333 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12290 the clerk reported that the state of Cornhill and CCTV would be on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership on Monday, 9th June 2003 at 6pm. It was also agreed to ask for the relocation of Taunton Cattle Market to be included. The report was noted.
12334 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCILThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of single storey extension at Foxcombe, 13 Oldway Park, Wellington (43/2003/041: delegated decision); (b) Provision of ménage at Twoses Barn, Payton, Wellington (43/2003/039: delegated decision); (c) Installation of 2 dormer windows to north elevation at 2 Orchard Villas, High Street, Wellington (43/2003/042: delegated decision); (d) Erection of 2 storey extension to side, conservatory to rear and conversion of existing garage at 42 George Street, Wellington as amended by plans L17/31 received 8th May 2003 (43/2003/043: delegated decision); (e) Positioning of agricultural workers mobile home and erection of an agricultural storage building at 1928WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 2ND JUNE 200312334 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)Payton Orchard, Payton Road, Wellington (43/2003/022: for three years expiring 30th April 2006); (f) Erection of sales and storage warehouse with first floor offices, storage yard, access, landscaping and external lighting, former Lincott Nursery, Bagley Green, Wellington as amended by letter dated 25th April 2003 with accompanying drawing No 0307/10A (43/2003/029: hours of work 8am-6pm Monday to Friday, 8am-1pm Saturday); (g) Erection of football pavilion, football field, Dobree Park, Rockwell Green, as amended by memorandum dated 16th April 2003 with accompanying drawing Nos L/1370:01/203, 204, 205 and 218 (43/2003/040).
12335 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST MAY 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st May 2003 was £38,411 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £18,550 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12336 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Govier, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Councillor R. Henley £500 for chairman’s allowance; Western Newspapers (South) Ltd £50.53 for advert for annual council meeting; St John’s Primary School £192 for school crossing patrol for Spring term 2003; Mr A. Brown £1,388.56; Inland Revenue £512.83; Customs Plastics £33.72 for seven lapel pin badges for councillors; The Carly Press £21.07 for envelopes, laminations and colour copying.
12337 REFUSE COLLECTION AT CROSSLANDSCouncillor Byrne reported that refuse was not always collected from Crosslands Terrace, Tone which the refuse lorry had difficulty negotiating because of parked cars. It was agreed to write to Taunton DCB about the non-collection of refuse.
12338 EXTENSION OF YELLOW LINES AT SYLVAN ROAD/JURSTON LANECouncillor Critchard suggested that the existing yellow lines at the junction of Sylvan Road and Jurston Lane should be extended to improve safety. It was agreed to arrange a site meeting with the county council to discuss the suggestion.
12339 CLERK’S CONDITIONS OF SERVICEA report was received on the clerk’s conditions of service and extending the opening hours of the clerk’s office. It was agreed to defer the matter for further information.
12340 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 15th and 22nd May 2003; What’s On within Taunton Deane for June 2003; Wellington Museum and Local History Society’s newsletter for June 2003; CPRE’s Transport Campaign Group newsletter for April 2003; NALC Direct Information Service bulletin Nos 554 (19th May 2003); Coach Monthly for June 2003; Lillebonne Town Council’s municipal information magazine for May and June 2003; Zurich Municipal’s courtcircular for April 2003 on court cases involving councils; European Union April 2003 newsletter No 109 on regional policy.THE MEETING CLOSED AT 9.05PM


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