Wellington Town Council minutes May 2003
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 12th May 2003 at 7.39pm following the May planning meeting.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There were 12 members of the public present.
12268 CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor Henley reported that in the past month he had presented the council's grant of £1,500 to Wellington Cricket Club, had taken part in Wellington Tennis Club's annual adults and juniors tournament and had attended Wellington Football Club's presentation night for its under 14 and under 16 teams. It had brought it home to him the enormous amount of voluntary work carried out in running the football, rugby, cricket and tennis clubs in the town.
12269 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn, who was unable to attend because of commitments at Minehead where a large motor cycle rally had taken place, submitted the following crime report for April 2003: The main issue during April was the spate of burglaries to commercial premises in the town centre. Premises in the town centre had been individually visited by a police officer to improve security measures. Criminal damage to motor vehicles remained a concern as did theft from vehicles. Burglaries - 8 commercial 5 domestic; criminal damage 22; criminal damage to motor vehicles 17; theft from motor vehicles 19; assaults 5; theft 24; arrests 19 (5 for assault, 5 for damage, 4 for theft and 1 for burglary being the notable offences). Domestic burglaries remained low during the month but there had been some recent walk-in type burglaries due to the warmer weather. There was considerable discussion about vandalism to residential properties over the Bank Holiday weekend, at Wellington Park, at Dobree Park, problems with graffiti and criminal damage. The perceived increase in crime had been one of the main concerns of residents during the recent council elections. Residents wanted to see more police on the streets. The possibility of having a street warden was suggested. Another concern raised with the speed of traffic, both in the town and on the relief road. It was agreed to write to Chief Superintendent John Snell about the council's concerns over crime and disorder in Wellington. Councillors received a copy of a press release from the Avon and Somerset Police Authority which stated that overall crime figures had been cut by nearly three per cent during the past 12 months.
12270 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PARK CENTENARY CELEBRATIONSThe chairman of the Friends of Wellington Park, Mr Terry Milton thanked councillors for attending the Edwardian Day in Wellington Park on 5th May 2003 to mark the centenary of the park. There were £20 commemorative plates available. Councillor Henley stated that the event had been a great success.
12271 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PROVISION OF YOUTH SHELTERWith reference to minute 12213 Mr T Milton reported that Court Fields Community School had offered to help out over the suggested survey of young people about the siting of a youth shelter. The report was noted.
12272 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held 7th April 2003, as circulated to members, were received, taken as read and signed as correct after the minutes were amended to show that Councillors Critchard and Govier had declared an interest in minute 12219.
12273 COUNCIL'S ACCOUNTS FOR 2002-03 AND REPORT OF INTERNAL AUDITORCouncillors received a copy of the accounts for 2002-03 prepared by the clerk and responsible financial officer (A. Brown) and a copy of the report of the internal auditor, Mr A.J. Bullen. These showed a surplus on the year of £25,347 and a balance at 31st March 2003 of £146,353. The accounts were approved. Mr Bullen reported that he had no matters to raise of any major concern. His report was noted. It was agreed the chairman should sign Section 2 (Statement of Assurance) of the Annual Return to be sent to the external auditors, Moore Stephens, of 30 Gay Street, Bath.
12274 PROVISION OF BUS SHELTERS FOR TONE AND ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 12145 further consideration was given to the provision of bus shelters at Lowmoor (Tone) and Dobree Park (Rockwell Green). The clerk reported that the cost of the shelters was £3,500 each plus £1,800 for the provision of two concrete bases and tarmac footway links. He also reported that Somerset County Council had £35,000 in its budget for Wellington transport improvements and would like to know how the town council would like it spent. Some of the money could be used for the bus shelters if the council wished. A report about the transport budget was due from the county council shortly for discussion at the June town council meeting. Councillor Critchard proposed, with Councillor Hindley seconding, that the council should go ahead with the provision of a bus shelter at Tone but should defer the provision of a bus shelter at Rockwell Green.
12275 POSSIBLE CLOSURE OF WELLINGTON JOBCENTREWith reference to minute 12230 the clerk reported that the meeting with Wendy Strutt, district manager of Jobcentre Plus Somerset, and Colin Boon, the business change manager for Somerset, would be held in the council chamber on Thursday, 22nd May 2003 at 6pm. The report was noted. Members also received a copy of a letter sent by Wellington Chamber of Commerce to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Andrew Smith, expressing grave concern about the closure which would greatly disadvantage both employers and those seeking employment in Wellington. The letter was noted.
12276 WELLINGTON CRICKET CLUB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12220 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington Cricket Club for the presentation of the cheque for £1,500. The letter was noted.
12277 BURCHILLS HILL FOOTPATH APPLICATIONWith reference to minute 12226 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that Courtleigh Securities were not prepared to consider dedicating land for the claimed route in the Burchills Hill footpath application because it followed the route of proposed flood alleviation works for Tonedale Mill which they felt would make it unsuitable and dangerous for pedestrian traffic. The town council was asked whether it felt an agreed public pedestrian route through proposed new housing development in the area would serve as an alternative to the route claimed in the application. It was agreed to reply that the town council felt it would not be a suitable alternative. 1917
12278 CORAMS LANE DOUBLE YELLOW LINES EXTENSION REQUESTWith reference to minute 12243 a letter was received from the county council stating that the proposed additional double yellow line restrictions for Corams Lane, Wellington would be advertised at the same time as the town centre parking changes. The faded double yellow lines at Rockwell Green would be inspected and the appropriate action taken. The letter was noted.
12279 PYLES THORNE ROAD AND WELLINGTON RELIEF ROADWith reference to minute 12222 Councillor James referred to the continuing traffic safety problems at the junction of Pyles Thorne Road with Wellington Relief Road. He suggested and it was agreed that the county council should be asked to investigate the possible provision of a roundabout at the junction. On the proposal of Councillor Gill it was further agreed to ask the county council to also consider the provision of traffic lights at the junction.
12280 DISABLED ACCESS TO THE COUNCIL CHAMBERWith reference to minute 12179 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC was about to commission a full audit of all its properties in order to comply with its legal obligations under the Disabled Access Act and also to establish funding priorities. The town council would be updated with timescales when the information was available and the specific cost (about £4,700) of a stair lift for the premises at 28 Fore Street would be borne in mind by the Deane. The report was noted.
12281 STATE OF HIGH STREET PAVEMENTWith reference to minute 12177 Councillor Critchard drew attention to the continuing defective state of the footway on the south side of High Street between the Eight Bells public house and the Kwiksave supermarket. An email was received from the county council stating that the work had been included in the footway budget and it was planned to relay the block paving during the school holidays - August to September 1st 2003. Dependent on budgets the possibility of some form of protection to the footway would be looked at - bollards or something similar. The email was noted.
12282 STATE OF ROAD IN SOUTH STREET With reference to minute 12177 the clerk reported that the area of road by the mini roundabout at the junction of South Street with Pyles Thorne Road and Wellesley Park was scheduled to be resurfaced during the summer break for Wellington School. The length of road involved was about 100 metres, including the mini roundabout. Complaints had been received about the road surface. The report was noted.
12283 PRIORY, BAKERS LANE AND SYLVAN ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGWith reference to minute 12229 a letter was received from Atkins Highways and Transportation giving details of the no waiting, no loading and 20mph traffic orders for Priory, Bakers Lane, Buckwell, Sylvan Road, Jurston Lane, High Street, Taunton Road and Priory Gardens. The letters and details were noted.
12284 TAUNTON DEANE STANDARDS COMMITTEEA letter was received from Taunton Deane Borough Council inviting the town council to nominate a town councillor to serve on the Taunton Deane Standards Committee. It was agreed to nominate Councillor Warren.1918
12285 ANNUAL MEETING OF PARISH COUNCIL AT DEANE HOUSEA letter was received from Taunton DBC asking if two councillors would like to attend the annual meeting of parish councils with the Deane council at Deane House on Thursday, 3rd July 2003 at 7pm. It was agreed that Councillors Critchard and Warren should represent the town council at the parish councils meeting.
12286 RE-ENACTMENT OF CORONATION OF QUEEN ELIZABETH IIA letter was received from Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir inviting the chairman and members to attend a special re-enactment service at Wells Cathedral on Monday, 2nd June 2003 at l0am to mark the 50th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Councillors Hindley, Byrne and Stock-Williams agreed to represent the council at the re-enactment service.
12287 ANNUAL MEETING OF WELLINGTON COMMUNITY CENTREAn invitation was received for the chairman and councillors to attend the annual general meeting of Wellington Community Centre at the centre on Wednesday, 28th May 2003 at 7pm. The invitation was noted by members.
12288 FENCING AT BOVET STREETA letter and plan were received from Taunton DBC asking for the council's views on a proposal to erect a 3ft high fence to the rear of elderly persons' bungalows 82-96 Bovet Street, Wellington whose residents had complained that they had been the subject of a great deal of nuisance and distress from youths living in the local area. It was agreed to reply that the town council supported the proposed fencing and would also support the blocking or gating of the ends of the proposed fence.
12289 CRIME AND DISORDER ACT MEETING ON 18TH SEPTEMBER 2003A letter was received from Avon and Somerset Police inviting the council to send a maximum of two representatives to attend a joint meeting between the county council, Taunton DBC, the police and parish/town councils to discuss Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act at the Old Municipal Buildings, Corporation Street, Taunton on 18th September 2003 at 6.30pm. Councillors Gill, Hindley and Milne volunteered to attend and it was agreed to ask the police if the town council could be permitted to have three representatives at the meeting instead of two.
12290 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12246 Councillor Govier said that a lot of Wellington Economic Partnership meetings had been cancelled during the past year because of a lack of business which had been disappointing.
12291 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCILThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of extension at 20 Monument Close, Wellington (43/2003/027: delegated decision); (b) Erection of a garage to the rear of 67 Springfield Road, Wellington (43/2003/028: delegated decision); (c) Conversion of integral garage to living accommodation at Henley Farm, Payton, Wellington (43/2003/031: delegated decision); (d) Erection of a conservatory to the rear of 7 Rope Walk, Wellington (43/2003/030: delegated decision); (e) Erection of single storey extension to the rear of 7 Beech Grove, Wellington (43/2003/036: delegated decision); (f) Erection of single storey extension at front of 18 Beech Hill, Wellington (43/2003/035: delegated decision); (g) Erection 1919
12291 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)of single storey extension to side and porch extension to front of 24 Sylvan Road, Wellington (43/2003/038: delegated decision). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan: (a) Erection of dwelling/dwellings on land at rear of 6 Orchard Close, Westford, Wellington as amended by plan received 18th March 2003 (43/2003/026).
12292 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30th APRIL 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council's income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 30th April 2003 was £585 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £6,922 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12293 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor Henley, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: The Carly Press £92.69 for paper, envelopes and 2 ink cartridges; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for March and April 2003; ; Wellington Association Football Club £1,500 grant; 1st Wellington Scout Group £3,000 grant; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £1,443 for financial subsidy on hospital patient transport service to Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton between 1st January and 31st March 2003; WS Atkins (Services) Ltd £587.50 for erecting public noticeboard in Fore Street; Mr A. Brown £1,388.56; Inland Revenue £512.83; Hinewood Cleaning Service £96 for office/chamber window cleaning for March and April and for bus shelter cleaning in the town centre for March and April; Taunton DBC £37.79 for share of gas bill for January to March 2003; Taunton DBC £39.25 for repairing broken locks at Rockwell Green public noticeboard; Mr A.J. Bullen £196.82 for carrying out internal audit of council's accounts for 2002-03; PC Webshop £76.99 for supplying and installing anti virus system for computer; SWEB £134.38 for electricity for office/chamber; Customs Plastics £20.56 for supplying 7 councillors name tags; Wellington in Bloom Committee £700 grant; Friends of Wellington Park £1,500 grant; Konica West £270.23 for photocopier servicing charges from 31st January to 30th April 2003.
12294 PROBLEMS WITH FOOTBALL PITCHES IN WELLINGTONCouncillor Henley drew attention to the problems that had been experienced in Wellington during the past season with the football pitches at Wellington Recreation Ground which had been out of action for some time due to inadequate drainage. It was agreed to write to Taunton DBC asking for remedial work to be carried out as a matter of urgency.
12295 PROVISION OF FOOTBALL PITCHES IN WELLINGTON Councillor Henley referred to the need to provide more football pitches in Wellington to cope with the increasing number of youth and adult teams. It was agreed to write to Taunton DBC to ask what steps, if any, were being taken to provide additional football pitches in Wellington.
12296 PARKING ACROSS DROPPED KERBSCouncillor Horsman drew attention to the problems caused by thoughtless drivers parking across dropped kerbs and asked the Press to publicise the issue.1920
12297 HOLES IN PLAYING FIELD FENCE BY TENNIS COURTSCouncillor Horsman drew attention to holes in the fence and hedge bordering the tennis courts at Wellington Playing Field through which tennis players were taking shorts cuts after parking in Court Drive, sometimes in the parking spaces for visitors to the sheltered disabled accommodation at Grooms Orchard, Court Drive. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to repair the holes in the fence and hedge.
12298 OVERHANGING HEDGES AT HIGH PATHCouncillor Hindley drew attention to problems caused by hedges from properties at High Path, Wellington, overhanging the public footway. It was agreed to write to the owners asking them to cut back the overhanging hedging.
12299 PRESENTATION OF COMMEMORATIVE PARK CENTENARY PLATES TO TWINNING ASSOCIATIONCouncillor Bowrah stated he would be asking councillors to agree to present three commemorative Wellington Park centenary plates to Wellington Twinning Association for the twin towns of Lillebonne, Immenstadt and Torres Vedras.
12300 RESIDENTS PARKINGIt was agreed to write to the county council asking when consideration would be given to the possible provision of residents parking in Wellington.
12301 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC's The Weekly Bulletin for 17th and 24th April, 1st and 8th May 2003; ; What's On within Taunton Deane for May 2003; Taunton DBC agenda and reports for council meeting held on 22nd April 2003; Taunton DBC agenda and reports for council meeting on 14th May 2003; Taunton DBC minutes of meetings of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee held between February and March 2003; Clerks and Councils Direct magazine for May 2003; Local Government International Bureau's InterAction magazine for April 2003; NALC Direct Information Service bulletin No 553 (6th May 2003); Shell Better Britain Campaign's Interactive magazine for spring 2003; European Union's March 2003 magazine on regional policy; EU March 2003 brochure on Partnership with the Cities; EU March 2003 newsletter on future management of Structural Funds; Coach Monthly for May 2003; Spring 2003 Lifeline newsletter of Cosalt Safety and Protection.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There were 12 members of the public present.
12268 CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor Henley reported that in the past month he had presented the council's grant of £1,500 to Wellington Cricket Club, had taken part in Wellington Tennis Club's annual adults and juniors tournament and had attended Wellington Football Club's presentation night for its under 14 and under 16 teams. It had brought it home to him the enormous amount of voluntary work carried out in running the football, rugby, cricket and tennis clubs in the town.
12269 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn, who was unable to attend because of commitments at Minehead where a large motor cycle rally had taken place, submitted the following crime report for April 2003: The main issue during April was the spate of burglaries to commercial premises in the town centre. Premises in the town centre had been individually visited by a police officer to improve security measures. Criminal damage to motor vehicles remained a concern as did theft from vehicles. Burglaries - 8 commercial 5 domestic; criminal damage 22; criminal damage to motor vehicles 17; theft from motor vehicles 19; assaults 5; theft 24; arrests 19 (5 for assault, 5 for damage, 4 for theft and 1 for burglary being the notable offences). Domestic burglaries remained low during the month but there had been some recent walk-in type burglaries due to the warmer weather. There was considerable discussion about vandalism to residential properties over the Bank Holiday weekend, at Wellington Park, at Dobree Park, problems with graffiti and criminal damage. The perceived increase in crime had been one of the main concerns of residents during the recent council elections. Residents wanted to see more police on the streets. The possibility of having a street warden was suggested. Another concern raised with the speed of traffic, both in the town and on the relief road. It was agreed to write to Chief Superintendent John Snell about the council's concerns over crime and disorder in Wellington. Councillors received a copy of a press release from the Avon and Somerset Police Authority which stated that overall crime figures had been cut by nearly three per cent during the past 12 months.
12270 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PARK CENTENARY CELEBRATIONSThe chairman of the Friends of Wellington Park, Mr Terry Milton thanked councillors for attending the Edwardian Day in Wellington Park on 5th May 2003 to mark the centenary of the park. There were £20 commemorative plates available. Councillor Henley stated that the event had been a great success.
12271 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PROVISION OF YOUTH SHELTERWith reference to minute 12213 Mr T Milton reported that Court Fields Community School had offered to help out over the suggested survey of young people about the siting of a youth shelter. The report was noted.
12272 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held 7th April 2003, as circulated to members, were received, taken as read and signed as correct after the minutes were amended to show that Councillors Critchard and Govier had declared an interest in minute 12219.
12273 COUNCIL'S ACCOUNTS FOR 2002-03 AND REPORT OF INTERNAL AUDITORCouncillors received a copy of the accounts for 2002-03 prepared by the clerk and responsible financial officer (A. Brown) and a copy of the report of the internal auditor, Mr A.J. Bullen. These showed a surplus on the year of £25,347 and a balance at 31st March 2003 of £146,353. The accounts were approved. Mr Bullen reported that he had no matters to raise of any major concern. His report was noted. It was agreed the chairman should sign Section 2 (Statement of Assurance) of the Annual Return to be sent to the external auditors, Moore Stephens, of 30 Gay Street, Bath.
12274 PROVISION OF BUS SHELTERS FOR TONE AND ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 12145 further consideration was given to the provision of bus shelters at Lowmoor (Tone) and Dobree Park (Rockwell Green). The clerk reported that the cost of the shelters was £3,500 each plus £1,800 for the provision of two concrete bases and tarmac footway links. He also reported that Somerset County Council had £35,000 in its budget for Wellington transport improvements and would like to know how the town council would like it spent. Some of the money could be used for the bus shelters if the council wished. A report about the transport budget was due from the county council shortly for discussion at the June town council meeting. Councillor Critchard proposed, with Councillor Hindley seconding, that the council should go ahead with the provision of a bus shelter at Tone but should defer the provision of a bus shelter at Rockwell Green.
12275 POSSIBLE CLOSURE OF WELLINGTON JOBCENTREWith reference to minute 12230 the clerk reported that the meeting with Wendy Strutt, district manager of Jobcentre Plus Somerset, and Colin Boon, the business change manager for Somerset, would be held in the council chamber on Thursday, 22nd May 2003 at 6pm. The report was noted. Members also received a copy of a letter sent by Wellington Chamber of Commerce to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Andrew Smith, expressing grave concern about the closure which would greatly disadvantage both employers and those seeking employment in Wellington. The letter was noted.
12276 WELLINGTON CRICKET CLUB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12220 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington Cricket Club for the presentation of the cheque for £1,500. The letter was noted.
12277 BURCHILLS HILL FOOTPATH APPLICATIONWith reference to minute 12226 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that Courtleigh Securities were not prepared to consider dedicating land for the claimed route in the Burchills Hill footpath application because it followed the route of proposed flood alleviation works for Tonedale Mill which they felt would make it unsuitable and dangerous for pedestrian traffic. The town council was asked whether it felt an agreed public pedestrian route through proposed new housing development in the area would serve as an alternative to the route claimed in the application. It was agreed to reply that the town council felt it would not be a suitable alternative. 1917
12278 CORAMS LANE DOUBLE YELLOW LINES EXTENSION REQUESTWith reference to minute 12243 a letter was received from the county council stating that the proposed additional double yellow line restrictions for Corams Lane, Wellington would be advertised at the same time as the town centre parking changes. The faded double yellow lines at Rockwell Green would be inspected and the appropriate action taken. The letter was noted.
12279 PYLES THORNE ROAD AND WELLINGTON RELIEF ROADWith reference to minute 12222 Councillor James referred to the continuing traffic safety problems at the junction of Pyles Thorne Road with Wellington Relief Road. He suggested and it was agreed that the county council should be asked to investigate the possible provision of a roundabout at the junction. On the proposal of Councillor Gill it was further agreed to ask the county council to also consider the provision of traffic lights at the junction.
12280 DISABLED ACCESS TO THE COUNCIL CHAMBERWith reference to minute 12179 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC was about to commission a full audit of all its properties in order to comply with its legal obligations under the Disabled Access Act and also to establish funding priorities. The town council would be updated with timescales when the information was available and the specific cost (about £4,700) of a stair lift for the premises at 28 Fore Street would be borne in mind by the Deane. The report was noted.
12281 STATE OF HIGH STREET PAVEMENTWith reference to minute 12177 Councillor Critchard drew attention to the continuing defective state of the footway on the south side of High Street between the Eight Bells public house and the Kwiksave supermarket. An email was received from the county council stating that the work had been included in the footway budget and it was planned to relay the block paving during the school holidays - August to September 1st 2003. Dependent on budgets the possibility of some form of protection to the footway would be looked at - bollards or something similar. The email was noted.
12282 STATE OF ROAD IN SOUTH STREET With reference to minute 12177 the clerk reported that the area of road by the mini roundabout at the junction of South Street with Pyles Thorne Road and Wellesley Park was scheduled to be resurfaced during the summer break for Wellington School. The length of road involved was about 100 metres, including the mini roundabout. Complaints had been received about the road surface. The report was noted.
12283 PRIORY, BAKERS LANE AND SYLVAN ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGWith reference to minute 12229 a letter was received from Atkins Highways and Transportation giving details of the no waiting, no loading and 20mph traffic orders for Priory, Bakers Lane, Buckwell, Sylvan Road, Jurston Lane, High Street, Taunton Road and Priory Gardens. The letters and details were noted.
12284 TAUNTON DEANE STANDARDS COMMITTEEA letter was received from Taunton Deane Borough Council inviting the town council to nominate a town councillor to serve on the Taunton Deane Standards Committee. It was agreed to nominate Councillor Warren.1918
12285 ANNUAL MEETING OF PARISH COUNCIL AT DEANE HOUSEA letter was received from Taunton DBC asking if two councillors would like to attend the annual meeting of parish councils with the Deane council at Deane House on Thursday, 3rd July 2003 at 7pm. It was agreed that Councillors Critchard and Warren should represent the town council at the parish councils meeting.
12286 RE-ENACTMENT OF CORONATION OF QUEEN ELIZABETH IIA letter was received from Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir inviting the chairman and members to attend a special re-enactment service at Wells Cathedral on Monday, 2nd June 2003 at l0am to mark the 50th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Councillors Hindley, Byrne and Stock-Williams agreed to represent the council at the re-enactment service.
12287 ANNUAL MEETING OF WELLINGTON COMMUNITY CENTREAn invitation was received for the chairman and councillors to attend the annual general meeting of Wellington Community Centre at the centre on Wednesday, 28th May 2003 at 7pm. The invitation was noted by members.
12288 FENCING AT BOVET STREETA letter and plan were received from Taunton DBC asking for the council's views on a proposal to erect a 3ft high fence to the rear of elderly persons' bungalows 82-96 Bovet Street, Wellington whose residents had complained that they had been the subject of a great deal of nuisance and distress from youths living in the local area. It was agreed to reply that the town council supported the proposed fencing and would also support the blocking or gating of the ends of the proposed fence.
12289 CRIME AND DISORDER ACT MEETING ON 18TH SEPTEMBER 2003A letter was received from Avon and Somerset Police inviting the council to send a maximum of two representatives to attend a joint meeting between the county council, Taunton DBC, the police and parish/town councils to discuss Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act at the Old Municipal Buildings, Corporation Street, Taunton on 18th September 2003 at 6.30pm. Councillors Gill, Hindley and Milne volunteered to attend and it was agreed to ask the police if the town council could be permitted to have three representatives at the meeting instead of two.
12290 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12246 Councillor Govier said that a lot of Wellington Economic Partnership meetings had been cancelled during the past year because of a lack of business which had been disappointing.
12291 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCILThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of extension at 20 Monument Close, Wellington (43/2003/027: delegated decision); (b) Erection of a garage to the rear of 67 Springfield Road, Wellington (43/2003/028: delegated decision); (c) Conversion of integral garage to living accommodation at Henley Farm, Payton, Wellington (43/2003/031: delegated decision); (d) Erection of a conservatory to the rear of 7 Rope Walk, Wellington (43/2003/030: delegated decision); (e) Erection of single storey extension to the rear of 7 Beech Grove, Wellington (43/2003/036: delegated decision); (f) Erection of single storey extension at front of 18 Beech Hill, Wellington (43/2003/035: delegated decision); (g) Erection 1919
12291 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)of single storey extension to side and porch extension to front of 24 Sylvan Road, Wellington (43/2003/038: delegated decision). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan: (a) Erection of dwelling/dwellings on land at rear of 6 Orchard Close, Westford, Wellington as amended by plan received 18th March 2003 (43/2003/026).
12292 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30th APRIL 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council's income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 30th April 2003 was £585 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £6,922 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12293 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor Henley, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: The Carly Press £92.69 for paper, envelopes and 2 ink cartridges; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for March and April 2003; ; Wellington Association Football Club £1,500 grant; 1st Wellington Scout Group £3,000 grant; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £1,443 for financial subsidy on hospital patient transport service to Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton between 1st January and 31st March 2003; WS Atkins (Services) Ltd £587.50 for erecting public noticeboard in Fore Street; Mr A. Brown £1,388.56; Inland Revenue £512.83; Hinewood Cleaning Service £96 for office/chamber window cleaning for March and April and for bus shelter cleaning in the town centre for March and April; Taunton DBC £37.79 for share of gas bill for January to March 2003; Taunton DBC £39.25 for repairing broken locks at Rockwell Green public noticeboard; Mr A.J. Bullen £196.82 for carrying out internal audit of council's accounts for 2002-03; PC Webshop £76.99 for supplying and installing anti virus system for computer; SWEB £134.38 for electricity for office/chamber; Customs Plastics £20.56 for supplying 7 councillors name tags; Wellington in Bloom Committee £700 grant; Friends of Wellington Park £1,500 grant; Konica West £270.23 for photocopier servicing charges from 31st January to 30th April 2003.
12294 PROBLEMS WITH FOOTBALL PITCHES IN WELLINGTONCouncillor Henley drew attention to the problems that had been experienced in Wellington during the past season with the football pitches at Wellington Recreation Ground which had been out of action for some time due to inadequate drainage. It was agreed to write to Taunton DBC asking for remedial work to be carried out as a matter of urgency.
12295 PROVISION OF FOOTBALL PITCHES IN WELLINGTON Councillor Henley referred to the need to provide more football pitches in Wellington to cope with the increasing number of youth and adult teams. It was agreed to write to Taunton DBC to ask what steps, if any, were being taken to provide additional football pitches in Wellington.
12296 PARKING ACROSS DROPPED KERBSCouncillor Horsman drew attention to the problems caused by thoughtless drivers parking across dropped kerbs and asked the Press to publicise the issue.1920
12297 HOLES IN PLAYING FIELD FENCE BY TENNIS COURTSCouncillor Horsman drew attention to holes in the fence and hedge bordering the tennis courts at Wellington Playing Field through which tennis players were taking shorts cuts after parking in Court Drive, sometimes in the parking spaces for visitors to the sheltered disabled accommodation at Grooms Orchard, Court Drive. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to repair the holes in the fence and hedge.
12298 OVERHANGING HEDGES AT HIGH PATHCouncillor Hindley drew attention to problems caused by hedges from properties at High Path, Wellington, overhanging the public footway. It was agreed to write to the owners asking them to cut back the overhanging hedging.
12299 PRESENTATION OF COMMEMORATIVE PARK CENTENARY PLATES TO TWINNING ASSOCIATIONCouncillor Bowrah stated he would be asking councillors to agree to present three commemorative Wellington Park centenary plates to Wellington Twinning Association for the twin towns of Lillebonne, Immenstadt and Torres Vedras.
12300 RESIDENTS PARKINGIt was agreed to write to the county council asking when consideration would be given to the possible provision of residents parking in Wellington.
12301 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC's The Weekly Bulletin for 17th and 24th April, 1st and 8th May 2003; ; What's On within Taunton Deane for May 2003; Taunton DBC agenda and reports for council meeting held on 22nd April 2003; Taunton DBC agenda and reports for council meeting on 14th May 2003; Taunton DBC minutes of meetings of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee held between February and March 2003; Clerks and Councils Direct magazine for May 2003; Local Government International Bureau's InterAction magazine for April 2003; NALC Direct Information Service bulletin No 553 (6th May 2003); Shell Better Britain Campaign's Interactive magazine for spring 2003; European Union's March 2003 magazine on regional policy; EU March 2003 brochure on Partnership with the Cities; EU March 2003 newsletter on future management of Structural Funds; Coach Monthly for May 2003; Spring 2003 Lifeline newsletter of Cosalt Safety and Protection.
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