Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Town Council minutes July 2003

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 7th July 2003 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors D. Gill, A. Govier, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors Critchard and Hindley. There were 5 members of the public present.
12343 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThere were no announcements or reports from the chairman.
12344 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn, the Wellington sergeant, and Inspector Mike Ashwin, Taunton and Wellington sector commander, were welcomed to the meeting. Sgt Caburn reported that during June there had been 14 domestic burglaries and 10 commercial burglaries in the Wellington sector but only 4 of the domestic burglaries had occurred in the town, of which 3 had gained entry via an insecure door or window due to the warm weather. He urged local residents to be alive to the opportunist thief and take necessary precautions. Again it had been the rural areas which had suffered the brunt of the commercial burglaries. There had been 22 thefts, 17 thefts from motor vehicles, 14 criminal damage incidents and 5 assaults. There had been a number of complaints about youths gathering in the evening at various venues throughout the town. The complaints varied from playing football to abuse or damage. Complaints were acted upon, although many were not received until the following morning. To help alleviate that problem, the police would be working with the town council to identify a site for a youth shelter. There had been 10 arrests in June, including 3 for drink driving offences and 2 for assault. Drink driving was still prevalent in Wellington and it was mainly drivers in the 30-35-plus age bracket who offended. In reply to questions Sgt Caburn stated that some theft offences had occurred at Wellington Monument where the car park was vulnerable and that there were 5 more new special constables, bringing the total up to 8.
12345 POLICE CHANGES IN WELLINGTONInsp. Ashwin detailed changes which had been made to police cover in Wellington and said it would provide a more professional response to policing in the town. Previously Wellington had been trying to provide 24-hour cover from the local station without using officers from Taunton. Now the number of beat officers for the town centre had been doubled up to 4 and emergencies were dealt with from Taunton. Over the past 6 months the number of 999 calls received after midnight in Wellington had been very few. The changes were designed to meet demand when it occurred. His sector was meeting Government targets in 95% of cases. The positive feedback from the Wellington officers was that it was a good idea. He urged councillors not to judge the scheme now, but to judge it in 3 months time. He would attend the October meeting to discuss the scheme. On the fear of crime among the elderly, Insp Ashwin said that young people were much more likely to be assaulted than the elderly. In reply to Councillor James, the inspector said that the new special constables who had been recruited in the area would work in Wellington except when there was a special need elsewhere. It worked the other way when there was something like the carnival in Wellington when specials were brought in from all over the county.
12346 COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SCHEMEA report was received from the clerk on the possibility of setting up a community speed watch scheme in Wellington. For some time concerns had been expressed by councillors and residents about the speed and perceived speed of traffic in various parts of the town, particularly the North Street, Longforth Road and Pyles Thorne Road areas. The aim of such schemes was a 5% reduction in the number of speed offenders within 12 months and the average cost of setting the schemes up was £1,000 for speed detection device, signage, stationary and fluorescent jackets. Volunteers had to be aged 18 or over and a minimum of 6 were needed. Training in the use of the equipment would be given by the police. Insp. Ashwin stated that community speed watch schemes had proved tremendously successful and showed a community cared. It was agreed to set up a scheme and to appeal through the Press for volunteers. Councillors Wilson and Horsman both stated that speeding was a problem in Bulford where many elderly lived and was an area which should be covered by the speed watch scheme. It was agreed to put the suggestion of erecting elderly persons crossing signs in Bulford on the August agenda. Both Insp. Ashwin and Sgt. Caburn were thanked for attending.
12347 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isobel Ward reported that the Wellington judging in the Britain in Bloom competition would take place on Tuesday, 15th July 2003. She felt that there was a need for better signposting of Wellington Park, pointed out that Taunton Deane’s tourist leaflet had not yet been updated and that the new tourist information point for the town centre had still not been erected, and asked when the new Wellington town guide was to be published. It was agreed to find out from Taunton DBC the position regarding the TIP. The clerk reported that the draft copy of the new town guide had just been approved by the council’s Town Guide Committee and was being sent to the publishers the following day. It was hoped the new guide would be available either in August or September.
12348 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held 2nd June 2003, as circulated to members, were received, taken as read and signed as correct. Councillor Byrne moved, with Councillor Milne seconding, that minute 12312 (Tone play area) should be altered as she did not feel it was correct but after some discussion an amendment by Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor Warren, that the minute was correct was carried by six votes to five.
12349 TOWN CENTRE STREET FURNITURE/SEATSCouncillor Govier reported that a number of residents had referred to the lack of seats in the town centre. It had been planned to install some seats as part of the town centre enhancement last year but these had been cut out because of budget considerations. He suggested and it was agreed to investigate the possibility of installing seats and to consult residents in the area at the appropriate time.
12350 DISABLED ACCESS TO TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERWith reference to minute 12280 Councillor Gill pointed out that it was over 2 months ago that Taunton DBC had written that it was investigating the provision of disabled access to 28 Fore Street, including a disabled stairlift to the council chamber. Since then nothing had been heard from the Deane. On his suggestion it was agreed to press the Deane for a reply.1933WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 7TH JULY 2003
12351 BOXING GRASS WHEN OPEN SPACES/VERGES ARE CUTCouncillor James reported that he had been approached by quite a few residents about the state of grass cutting in the town. The complaints were about unsightly cut grass left lying all over pavements and roads, which resulted in slippery pavements and footways when it was wet. In addition seeds collected and grew in gutters, clogging the drains. If the grass was collected the town would be much tidier. He moved and it was agreed that Taunton DBC should be asked to consider introducing the boxing of grass cuttings when open spaces and roadside verges were cut instead of leaving the grass uncollected as at present.
12352 OVERHANGING SHRUBS/TREES AT MEADOWSIDECouncillor Wilson reported that she had received complaints that the footpath from Meadowside to Oaken Ground, Rockwell Green, was blocked by rose bushes and hedging overhanging the fence of the Barley Mow public house. It was agreed to write to the landlord asking for the overhanging bushes to be cut back.
12353 OVERHANGING TREES AT WALKERS GATE PLAY AREACouncillor Horsman reported that trees were overhanging a play area at Walkers Gate. It was agreed to ask the owners of Foxdown House to cut the trees back.
12354 NEW SPORTS PAVILION AT ROCKWELL GREEN PLAYING FIELDCouncillor Wilson reported that Taunton DBC were considering cutting up to 22 items from the proposed new sports pavilion at Rockwell Green playing field at Dobree Park because the quotation received was over the figure of £130,000 in the budget. The possible cuts included a ladies’ toilet, anti-graffiti paint, roller shutters and mud mats. It was agreed to contact Taunton DBC urgently stating that the town council strongly felt that the suggested cuts should not be made, that the full range of facilities/equipment should be provided as originally planned and that the difference in the quote and the budget should be met from the £1.8 million recently “found” in the Deane’s funds. Standing orders were suspended to allow resident, Mr M. Lake, to address councillors. He suggested that additional fencing was needed at the western end of the field to stop balls going into nearby gardens and also felt that the ladies toilet should be provided.
12355 EXTENSION OF YELLOW LINES AT SYLVAN ROAD/JURSTON LANEWith reference to minute 12338 a report was received from the clerk following a site meeting on 23rd June 2003 between councillors, the county council and Priory Residents Association. He reported that the majority of the councillors recommended that the existing double yellow lines on the western side of Jurston Lane should be extended by about 25 metres to the Jurston Lane nameplate and that the existing double yellow lines in Sylvan Road on the western side of the Jurston Lane junction should be extended to 15 metres. He also reported that Councillor James did not support either of the two recommendations. On the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Byrne, it was agreed to approve both recommendations and to ask the county council to make traffic orders introducing the double yellow lines.
12356 REFUSE COLLECTION AT CROSSLANDS, TONEWith reference to minute 12337 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had made it clear to the refuse contractors Cleanaway that they should remove the sacks of waste by hand if the refuse vehicle could not get past parked vehicles at Crosslands. The report was noted.1934WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 7TH JULY 2003
12357 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS TO TONE PLAY AREAWith reference to minute 12312 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC’s present funding scheme for play areas gave priority to young children’s play equipment, that grants up to a maximum of 85% of the cost could be awarded, that applications for the 2004-05 financial year had to be submitted by 30th April 2004 with a letter of intent to apply by 31st December 2003 and that if there was insufficient demand for young children’s play equipment then provision for equipment for teenagers was considered. The whole scheme was to be reviewed later in the year so the present criteria could change. The chairman of the Finance Committee, Councillor Bowrah reported that the committee had considered the matter earlier that evening and was in favour of seeking further advice. Councillor Byrne moved, with Councillor Milne seconding, that the town council should fund play equipment up to £12,000. Councillor Govier moved an amendment that the council should consult with residents in the Tone area for their views about the suggested additions to the play equipment and the possible multi use games area first before deciding how much to spend on equipment. The amendment was seconded by Councillor Gill and was carried 7-6. It was agreed to obtain a quote from Taunton DBC for boxing grass cuttings at the Tone play area.
12358 CONTINUING DILAPIDATED STATE OF CORNHILLWith reference to minute 12310 a letter was received from Councillor J.R. Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, stating that he had been appalled at what he had seen when he visited Cornhill which should be the jewel in Wellington’s crown as Bath Place was in Taunton. Certain things needed dealing with as a matter of urgency and others needed investigation to ensure a long term recovery programme was put into place. The Deane council would do all it could to remedy the situation which had become progressively worse over a number of years. Short term action included ensuring adequate street cleaning; cleaning brick paving surfaces of moss and vegetable growth (a county council responsibility); improving lighting, investigating the adequacy of existing CCTV camera at lower end of Cornhill and if inadequate possibly providing a camera at the top end; investigating if enforcement action could be taken against the owners of the listed building to prevent further dilapidation of structures; providing litter bins. Longer term action included: Establishing ownership of the various properties within Cornhill; making contact with the owners or their representatives to establish their longer term plans for the properties; establishing if any grant aid was available to assist in upgrading and refurbishing existing properties to bring them back into viable use; reviewing possibility of carrying out an overall development of the properties in Cornhill and behind and, if feasible and wanted, carry out the necessary consultation with the town council, owners and the public; investigate with BT the possibility of changing their concrete covers in the brick paving for recessed covers to receive matching brickwork. The Deane agreed that Cornhill badly needed refurbishment and would apply whatever resources it could to resolve what had been a long running problem. He offered to attend a future meeting of the town council. The letter was noted. The clerk reported that Councillor Williams would be attending the town council meeting on Monday, 1st September 2003.
12359 PYLES THORNE ROAD AND WELLINGTON RELIEF ROADWith reference to minute 12279 a letter was received from the county council stating that because of their workload they were unable to fully respond to the queries raised by the town council at this stage but hoped to do so shortly. The letter was noted.1935WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 7TH JULY 2003
12360 RESIDENTS PARKINGWith reference to minute 12300 a letter was received from the county council stating that it was likely to be two years before residents parking was considered for other towns in Somerset. The letter was noted.
12361 CENTENARY OF RECORD BREAKING RUN BY CITY OF TRUROWith reference to minute 12176 a copy was received of the first interim report of the committee established by the town council to organise local celebrations to mark the centenary of the recording breaking train run on 9th May 1904 by the City of Truro. The possibilities being explored included a rail-borne exhibition in Taunton, a road-borne exhibition in Wellington and a luncheon at the Beam Bridge Hotel close to where the record run – the first train to travel at more than 100mph - took place. The council was asked for its views on whether it felt the luncheon should be a buffet or sit-down function. It was agreed to suggest a buffet.
12362 WELLINGTON CRICKET CLUB GRANTWith reference to minute 12276 a letter was received from Wellington Cricket Club inviting members to lunch at the annual club day and official opening of the new scorebox on Sunday, 27th July 2003 at 1pm. Councillors were asked to let the clerk know if they wished to attend.
12363 ALL SAINTS’ PCC GRANT REQUESTWith refrence to minute 12329 a letter of thanks was received from All Saints’ Parochial Church Council for the council grant of £1,000. The letter was noted.
12364 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12330 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton Citizens Advice Bureau for the council grant of £800. The letter was noted.
12365 RYLANDS FARM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE PLANNING APPLICATIONWith reference to minute 12267 the clerk report that the planning application for an expansion of business onto land to be used for parking, turning areas and open and covered storage of raw materials (concrete fencing posts and raw timber) and finished products (fencing panels) on land adjoining Unit 2, Rylands Farm Industrial Estate, Bagley Road, Wellington (43/2003/0450 had been withdrawn. The report was noted.
12366 STATE OF PUBLIC TOILETS AT NORTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12311 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that minor repairs resulting from vandalism were reported and repaired promptly but the Deane had insufficient resources to carry out the more extensive refurbishment the town council had suggested at the present time. A review of the provision of public conveniences in the Deane was to be undertaken soon. That would identify those facilities that required refurbishment as a priority and enable the Deane council to direct any available capital and revenue resources according to need. The complete refurbishment of the existing facilities in North Street car park with more modern conveniences was one of the options that would be considered as part of the review process. It was agreed to find out when the review was likely to take place.
12367 WELLINGTON CARNIVAL COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Wellington Carnival Committee asking the council to consider making a grant of £700 for the cost of 1936
12367 WELLINGTON CARNIVAL COMMITTEE GRANT REQUEST (continued)providing safety barriers for the 2003 carnival. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Byrne, it was agreed to make a grant of £700. Councillor Warren declared an interest and left the chamber while this item was considered.
12368 WELLINGTON BOWMEN ARCHERY CLUB GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Wellington Bowmen Archery Club asking the town council to consider making a grant of £500 towards the £1,000 cost of a storage container for equipment. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Horsman, it was agreed to make a grant of £250 and to suggest to the club that it applied to Taunton DBC, the county council and Sport England for grants.
12369 ROAD SURFACE DRESSING IN POPES LANEA letter was received from the county council stating that road surface dressing would be carried out in Popes Lane, Rockwell Green, Wellington in mid-July. The letter was noted.
12370 PARKING PROBLEMS IN WALKERS GATEA letter and an 18 signature petition were received from June Dunnett, of 21 Champford Lane, Wellington, requesting the provision of double yellow lines on both sides of Walkers Gate at its junction with Champford Lane because of the on-street parking problems on the corner of Walkers Gate. A selection of the photographs she sent illustrating the problem were displayed in the council chamber. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr J. Paddon, of 46 Walkers Gate, to address members. He said his main concerns were over safety and felt it was only a matter of time before there was an accident if parking on the corners was not restricted. Members also received a copy of the letter sent by Miss Dunnett to Taunton DBC about the issue and a copy of the letter sent by Somerset Highways to Miss Dunnett. It was agreed to arrange a site meeting with Somerset Highways.
12371 COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ON WHEREA letter was received from the Wellington and District Healthy Living Centre Trust asking the council to appoint a new representative in place of Councillor Govier who was stepping down because of his other commitments. It was agreed to appoint Councillor Mrs Stock-Williams.
12372 SOMERSET HIGHWAYSA letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that new contracts for the delivery of highways engineering and highways network management services came into effect on 1st July 2003. Somerset Highways was the new face of the highway service within the county and was a joint venture between the county council and Atkins. It was felt that a single brand for all highway related services would be more easily understood by customers and would make for a more transparent and accountable service. The letter was noted.
12373 AIR QUALITY IN TAUNTON DEANEA letter and executive summary were received from Taunton DBC of the council’s updating and screening assessment report carried out in accordance with the latest statutory obligations under the local air quality management under the Environment Act 1995 and the Air Quality Regulations 2000. The report concluded there was no need to carry out additional detailed assessments for any of the pollutants. The letter and summary were noted.
12374 SPORTS CLUBS SUMMER SPECTACULARA letter was received from the Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs giving details about their summer spectacular on Bank Holiday Monday, 25th August 2003 at Wellington Rugby Club. The letter was noted.
12375 ADDITIONAL CO-OPTED SCHOOL GOVERNORSA letter was received from Somerset County Council about forthcoming changes in the regulations over the appointment of additional co-opted (minor local authority) governors. The letter was noted.
12376 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12333 Councillor Stock-Williams reported that at the Wellington Economic Partnership meeting held on 9th June 2003 it had been reported that the Taunton auctioneers were in favour of the Taunton Cattle Market being re-located to near the M5 motorway at Wellington junction 26. The next WEP meeting was being held on Monday, 28th July 2003 at 6pm. The report was noted.
12377 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCILThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of a conservatory at rear of 12a Ashford Road, Wellington (43/2003/044: delegated decision); (b) Change of use from A2 to residential at 49 High Street, Wellington (43/2003/048: delegated decision); (c) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 5 Longforth Road, Wellington as amended by agents letter and plans 2003/34/1 & 2 Rev A received 5th June 2003 (43/2003/050: delegated decision); (d) Erection of a conservatory at rear of Canala, South Street, Wellington (43/2003/051: delegated decision); (e) Erection of a single storey extension to rear of 22 Bovet Street, Wellington (43/2003/053: delegated decision); (f) Erection of a conservatory at side of 9 Burchills Close, Westford, Wellington (43/2003/054: delegated decision); (g) Alterations to toilet to facilitate wheelchair access, Friends Meeting House, High Street, Wellington (43/2003/046LB).
12378 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH JUNE 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 30th June 2003 was £39,240 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £21,428 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12379 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Henley, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau £400 grant; Genesis Youth Theatre Group £300 grant; All Saints’ Parochial Church Council £1,000 grant; Hinewood Cleaning Services £180 for office/chamber window cleaning and bus 1938WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 7TH JULY 2003
12379 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT (continued)shelter cleaning for May and June 2003; Custom Plastics £4.82 for one councillor’s badge pin; Mr A. Brown £1,288.56; Inland Revenue £512.83; The Carly Press £53.24 for 2 ink cartridges and laminations; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £1,507.50 for subsidised patient transport service from Wellington to Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton from 1st April to 30th June 2003; SWEB £5.85 for street lighting; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for May and June 2003.
12380 CLERK’S CONDITIONS OF SERVICEWith reference to minute 12339 further consideration was given to the clerk’s conditions of service and to the suggested extended opening hours of the clerk’s office. It was agreed to defer the matter to special meeting on Thursday, 31st July 2003 at 6pm.12381 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 30th May, 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th June and 3rd July 2003; minutes of AGM and committee meeting of Wellington Community Centre on 28th May 2003; Taunton DBC’s Performance Plan 2003-04; What’s On within Taunton Deane for July 2003; leaflet about The Book of Nynehead to be published later this year; annual report of Avon and Somerset Police Authority; Somerset Waste Local Plan – Revised Deposit Draft; River Tone Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy consultation document; Learning in Somerset newsletter for Summer 2003; Community Update newsletter for June 2003 from Community Council for Somerset; Summer 2003 issue of Thatch, the rural community magazine for Somerset; Summer 2003 newsletter of Somerset Playing Fields Association; Summer 2003 newsletter of Somerset Rural Youth Project; guidance on The Quality Parish and Town Council Scheme from the Government, Countryside Agency, DEFRA, NALC, SLCC and LGA; Summer 2003 issue of Countryside Voice from Campaign to Protect Rural England; leaflet from CPRE about night blight (light pollution); June 2003 issue of InterAction brochure from Local Government International Bureau; NALC Direct Information Service bulletins Nos. 555, 556 and 557; June 2003 issue of News and Views magazine from Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers; June 2003 issue of Zurich Municipal’s Courtcircular giving details of court cases involving councils; July 2003 issue of Coach Monthly; May 2003 newsletter from European Union on regional policy reform; EU brochure on successful Austrian projects financed by Structural Funds.


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