Wellington Town Council minutes January 2004
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 5th January 2004 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillor Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs N. Wilson and D. Mitton. There were 5 members of the public present.
12559 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that he would be attending the joint church service at Wellington Baptist Church on Sunday, 11th January 2004 at 6.30pm when the new full time worker with the Wellington Christian Youth Trust, Gary Walker, would be commissioned.
12560 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn reported that during December 2003 there had been 20 thefts in the Wellington sector, 5 domestic burglaries, 1 commercial burglary; 6 thefts from sheds/outbuildings; 7 criminal damage to motor vehicles; 18 thefts from motor vehicles (12 overnight 8th/9th December 2003); 5 offences of criminal damage and 1 offence of actual bodily harm. There had been 11 arrests, including 2 for drink-drive offences, 2 wanted on warrant, 1 for domestic burglary and 1 for assault. One prolific offender had been arrested for domestic burglary and had admitted 300 offences all over Somerset, including some in Wellington. Nine of the vehicle thefts were from white vans containing power tools and Christmas presents in the back and were thought to have a Bristol connection. Devon and Cornwall police had reported 21 similar cases in the Hemyock area of 17th/18th December 2003 and it was believed these might also have a Bristol connection. Two drugs warrants had been executed with 15 cannabis plants seized, plus 70 seedlings which were like a little factory in someone’s loft. No-one had been arrested on New Year’s Eve but one troublesome customer had to be ejected from the Vintage Inn and there were also a couple of domestic incidents. A beat surgery was being held at Rockwell Green Village Hall from 7pm to 9pm on 6th February 2004 and regular beat surgeries were being held at the Kings Centre on the second Monday of each month from 10am to 12 noon. Next week community speed watch training would take place on 12th and 15th January. Councillor Bowrah asked if the community support officers could be more positive in dealing with the increase in people riding bikes on pavements and without lights at night. Such behaviour was happening more and more and could lead to accidents. Sgt Caburn replied that the police were aware of the problem. He hoped that with better youth facilities in the town planned soon, the situation would improve. In reply to Councillor Henley, Sgt Caburn indicated that there was a two month trial period over the use of mobile phones in cars after which the £60 on the spot fines would come into force. Sgt Caburn was thanked for attending.
12561 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMDuring public participation time Mrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, reported that the committee would be working even harder in the competition this year when there would be greater emphasis on sustainability, recycling and community involvement. Her report was noted.
12562 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 1st December 2003, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.1975WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH JANUARY 200412563 BAKERS LANE/SYLVAN ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGMembers received a detailed report from Somerset Highways on the Priory, Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic calming scheme carried out in 2003 on behalf of the county council and the town council. Members also considered a recommendation to approve the payment of an agreed contribution of £31,620 towards the cost of the scheme. Mr David Monk and Miss Rosie Darch (county council and Atkins) attended to answer questions. Mr Monk felt that the scheme was a great success as it had slowed down speeds to under 20mph outside St John’s Primary School in Priory (91% of drivers) and to under 30mph in Sylvan Road (97%) and Bakers Lane (95%). Councillors questioned the effectiveness and cost of the calming scheme and resident Mr Sean Nightingill pointed out that motorists could drive down the middle of the road between the two sets of speed cushions. After some discussion it was agreed on the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, to pay the previously agreed contribution of £31,620 and to ask the county council for a detailed breakdown of the costs of the scheme.
12564 20MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 12511 members received a copy of the traffic order for a proposed 20mph speed limit with traffic calming build-outs for Pyles Thorne Road, a copy of the letter and questionnaire sent by the county council to 350 residents in the area seeking their views on the scheme. Mr Monk reported that so far 83 replies had been received with 2-1 in favour of the scheme and with 12 formal objections and 40% in favour of speed cushions (which were not in the scheme) and 60% against speed cushions. The closing date for the return of the questionnaires was 14th January 2004. It was agreed to defer making comments/recommendations on the scheme until the results of the residents’ survey were known.
12565 NORTH STREET CAR PARK PUBLIC TOILETSWith reference to minute 12502 consideration was given whether to recommend Taunton DBC to demolish the North Street public toilets and build new toilets or to refurbish the existing toilets. The clerk pointed out that when Councillor Mark Edwards, the Taunton DBC executive councillor for environmental services, had talked to town councillors at the 3rd November 2003 council meeting he had stated the cost would be in the region of £100,000 and that he would be looking to include the scheme in the Deane’s 2004-05 budget. After some discussion, Councillor Warren proposed, with Councillor James seconding, that Taunton DBC should be informed that the town council felt it was essential that there should be value for money, whether new build or refurbishment, and that the toilets must be as vandal proof as possible. The proposal was carried 8-1 with 1 abstention.
12566 CLOSURE OF STRATFIELD HOUSE, WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12531 a letter was received from Taunton Deane Primary Care Trust stating that the two NHS Trusts would put in place arrangements to assist patients, carers and relatives of patients who might experience travel problems from Wellington to Pyrland House, Taunton and that the closure of Stratfield House would enable resources to be released to support the development and provision of additional community health and social care services. The letter was noted.
12567 RELOCATION OF TAUNTON CATTLE MARKETWith reference to minute 12540 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook stating that he strongly supported the relocation of Taunton Cattle Market to a site at Chelston, near Wellington. The letter was noted.1976WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH JANUARY 2004
12568 LONGFORTH FARM SCHEMEWith reference to minute 12540 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook stating he would be writing to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister about allowing Taunton DBC to “walk deftly round” his department’s Regional Planning Guidance, which was one of the reasons the inspector gave for his recommended refusal of the Longforth Farm scheme and so be in a stronger legal position to re-instate Longforth Farm proposals. He was also writing to Somerset County Council about possibly building the northern relief road as part of its own transport plan. The letter was noted.
12569 POSSIBLE RE-NAMING OF WELLINGTON SPORTS CENTREWith reference to minute 12526 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the suggestion of re-naming Wellington Sports Centre as the Maurice Jennings Sports Centre would be discussed by the Deane. The Deane had a policy of having centres with recognisable geographic appellations and there would also be some minor costs for changing signs, stationery and literature. It was agreed to authorise the chairman to discuss the matter with the Deane.
12570 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUNWith reference to minute 12445 a report was received from the City of Truro Centenary Run Committee stating that it had been agreed that there should be some City of Truro Centenary lectures at the Beam Bridge Hotel, that it was hoped that the City of Truro train would make the commemorative run and that a viewing stand would be erected by Wellington Rotary Club near the spot where the speed record of 100mph was achieved in 1904. The committee might ask the council for a guarantee of between £200 and £300 – to meet the costs of hiring the hotel and for speakers - but it was not envisaged there would be any deficit. The report was noted.
12571 KIRSTY PAGE GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12548 a letter of thanks was received from Kirsty Page for the council grant of £50. The letter was noted.
12572 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12554 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton Citizens Advice Bureau for the council grant of £400. The letter was noted.
12573 RETENTION OF SIGN AT 2 NORTH STREETWith reference to minute 12495 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the application for the retention of an externally illuminated projecting sign at 2 North Street, Wellington, had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
12574 FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARK GRANT REQUESTA letter and accounts received from the Friends of Wellington Park asking the council to consider making a grant towards of cost of its 2004 entertainment programme. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Hindley it was agreed to make a grant of £1,500 (the same as in 2003). It was agreed to point out that the council had noticed that the Friends were in a healthy financial position with a balance in hand of just over £3,350 and that the size of the balance would be taken into consideration in the future. Councillor Horsman declared an interest and left the chamber while this item was discussed.
12575 DORSET & SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE GRANT REQUESTA letter and accounts were received from the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Trust asking consider making a grant towards the 2004 running costs of the service. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to make a grant of £500 (£250 more than in 2003).
12576 CPRE AND THE PLANNING BILLA letter was received from the Campaign to Protect Rural England asking the council to consider writing to MP Keith Hill, the Minister for Housing and Planning, urging him to support amendments to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill which would (i) give county councils a statutory responsibility to engage in the preparation and review of the new Regional Spatial Strategies and (ii) address the urgent need for better enforcement of planning controls. It was agreed to write to the Minister as suggested by the CPRE.
12577 APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL’S INTERNAL AUDITORA letter was received from Mr A.J. Bullen asking if the council wished to reappoint him as its internal auditor for 2003-04. The clerk pointed out that Mr Bullen had audited the council’s accounts for several years and also audited the accounts of various other town and parish councils in Somerset. It was agreed to reappoint Mr Bullen as the council’s internal auditor for 2003-04.
12578 STATE OF BROOKLAND ROAD, ROCKWELL GREENA letter was received from Mr E. Poole complaining about the state of Brookland Road, Rockwell Green, particularly an area with several garages at the rear of No. 12. It was agreed to refer the matter to Somerset Highways and also to investigate whether the road had been adopted as a public highway.
12579 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12551 it was agreed to suggest that the updating of the Taunton DBC leaflet “Specialist Shops in Wellington” should be included on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 16th February 2004 at 6pm.
12580 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 12 The Brambles, Wellington (43/2003/118: delegated decision); (b) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 1 Victoria Street, Wellington (43/2003/120: delegated decision); (c) Erection of single storey and first floor extensions at rear and side of 4 Andrew Allen Road, Wellington (43/2003/114: delegated decision); (d) Erection of extension to rear of 13 Elworthy Drive, Wellington (43/2003/093: delegated decision); (e) Erection of a conservatory at rear of 82 Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2003/117: delegated decision); (f) Erection of dining room and bathroom extension at front of The Manse, Westford, Wellington (43/2003/111 & 43/2003/112LB); (g) Erection of tourist information point on pavement in front of 15 High Street, Wellington (43/2003/119); (h) Change of use of part of building to form one bedroom ground floor flat and three bedroom first floor flat, erection of dormer and raising roof, 11 North Street, Wellington as amended by agents plans 1004/02 Rev 2 received 4th December 2003 (43/2003/115); (i) Erection of new dwelling with associated garage on land to rear of 31 Blackmoor Road, Wellington as amended by applicants letter and plan received 24th November 1978WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH JANUARY 200412580 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)2003 (43/2003/122). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan: (a) Demolition of existing warehouse and erection of block of 14 flats, former Haymans coalyard, Higher Westford, Wellington (43/2003/099: re-submission of 43/2003/018).
12581 PLANNING DECISION BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following plan: (a) Alterations to Wellington Adult Learning and Leisure Centre, including disabled access ramp and disabled parking space at Somerset County Training, 4 Corams Lane, Wellington (43/2003/113)
12582 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST DECEMBER 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st December 2003 was £82,235 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £47,803 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12583 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Taunton Deane Borough Council £2,394.89 for supply and erection of town centre seats in High Street and Fore Street; Taunton DBC £58.16 for repairs to flagpole; Taunton DBC £98.94 for repairs to Tone play area safety surfacing; Mr A.Brown £1,436.76; Inland Revenue £591.99; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for window and bus shelter cleaning for November 2003; Konica Minolta Business Solutions West £82.25 for two boxes of staples; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for local war graves for October and November 2003; Empire Signs £264.38 for 10 new tri-star speed watch noticeboards.
12584 REPAINTING OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERCouncillor Bowrah referred to the need to repaint the town council chamber and that a quote was still awaited from Deane DLO. It was agreed to press the DLO for a quote.
12585 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 4th, 11th and 18th December 2003; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 16th December 2003; minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings of Taunton DBC held between September and November 2003; What’s On within Taunton Deane for January 2004; Taunton Deane Council for Voluntary Service Christmas newsletter 2003; minutes of a voluntary and community developments in Wellington meeting on 19th November 2003; Somerset Rural Youth Project newsletter for autumn/winter 2003 and review for 2002-03; letter and winter maintenance leaflet from Somerset Highways; letter, Press release and leaflets from Parrett Catchment Project about managing flooding in Somerset; Autumn 2003 newsletter of Someset branch of Campaign to Protect Rural England plus leaflets “Our Somerset Countryside in Danger;” November 2003 issue of The Clerk from Society of Local Council Clerks; news release from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs about proposals on use of off-road vehicles on rights of way; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos 568 and 569; November 2003 newsletter No 116 of European Union on regional policy.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillor Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs A. Milne, Mrs N. Wilson and D. Mitton. There were 5 members of the public present.
12559 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that he would be attending the joint church service at Wellington Baptist Church on Sunday, 11th January 2004 at 6.30pm when the new full time worker with the Wellington Christian Youth Trust, Gary Walker, would be commissioned.
12560 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn reported that during December 2003 there had been 20 thefts in the Wellington sector, 5 domestic burglaries, 1 commercial burglary; 6 thefts from sheds/outbuildings; 7 criminal damage to motor vehicles; 18 thefts from motor vehicles (12 overnight 8th/9th December 2003); 5 offences of criminal damage and 1 offence of actual bodily harm. There had been 11 arrests, including 2 for drink-drive offences, 2 wanted on warrant, 1 for domestic burglary and 1 for assault. One prolific offender had been arrested for domestic burglary and had admitted 300 offences all over Somerset, including some in Wellington. Nine of the vehicle thefts were from white vans containing power tools and Christmas presents in the back and were thought to have a Bristol connection. Devon and Cornwall police had reported 21 similar cases in the Hemyock area of 17th/18th December 2003 and it was believed these might also have a Bristol connection. Two drugs warrants had been executed with 15 cannabis plants seized, plus 70 seedlings which were like a little factory in someone’s loft. No-one had been arrested on New Year’s Eve but one troublesome customer had to be ejected from the Vintage Inn and there were also a couple of domestic incidents. A beat surgery was being held at Rockwell Green Village Hall from 7pm to 9pm on 6th February 2004 and regular beat surgeries were being held at the Kings Centre on the second Monday of each month from 10am to 12 noon. Next week community speed watch training would take place on 12th and 15th January. Councillor Bowrah asked if the community support officers could be more positive in dealing with the increase in people riding bikes on pavements and without lights at night. Such behaviour was happening more and more and could lead to accidents. Sgt Caburn replied that the police were aware of the problem. He hoped that with better youth facilities in the town planned soon, the situation would improve. In reply to Councillor Henley, Sgt Caburn indicated that there was a two month trial period over the use of mobile phones in cars after which the £60 on the spot fines would come into force. Sgt Caburn was thanked for attending.
12561 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMDuring public participation time Mrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, reported that the committee would be working even harder in the competition this year when there would be greater emphasis on sustainability, recycling and community involvement. Her report was noted.
12562 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 1st December 2003, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.1975WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH JANUARY 200412563 BAKERS LANE/SYLVAN ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGMembers received a detailed report from Somerset Highways on the Priory, Bakers Lane and Sylvan Road traffic calming scheme carried out in 2003 on behalf of the county council and the town council. Members also considered a recommendation to approve the payment of an agreed contribution of £31,620 towards the cost of the scheme. Mr David Monk and Miss Rosie Darch (county council and Atkins) attended to answer questions. Mr Monk felt that the scheme was a great success as it had slowed down speeds to under 20mph outside St John’s Primary School in Priory (91% of drivers) and to under 30mph in Sylvan Road (97%) and Bakers Lane (95%). Councillors questioned the effectiveness and cost of the calming scheme and resident Mr Sean Nightingill pointed out that motorists could drive down the middle of the road between the two sets of speed cushions. After some discussion it was agreed on the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, to pay the previously agreed contribution of £31,620 and to ask the county council for a detailed breakdown of the costs of the scheme.
12564 20MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 12511 members received a copy of the traffic order for a proposed 20mph speed limit with traffic calming build-outs for Pyles Thorne Road, a copy of the letter and questionnaire sent by the county council to 350 residents in the area seeking their views on the scheme. Mr Monk reported that so far 83 replies had been received with 2-1 in favour of the scheme and with 12 formal objections and 40% in favour of speed cushions (which were not in the scheme) and 60% against speed cushions. The closing date for the return of the questionnaires was 14th January 2004. It was agreed to defer making comments/recommendations on the scheme until the results of the residents’ survey were known.
12565 NORTH STREET CAR PARK PUBLIC TOILETSWith reference to minute 12502 consideration was given whether to recommend Taunton DBC to demolish the North Street public toilets and build new toilets or to refurbish the existing toilets. The clerk pointed out that when Councillor Mark Edwards, the Taunton DBC executive councillor for environmental services, had talked to town councillors at the 3rd November 2003 council meeting he had stated the cost would be in the region of £100,000 and that he would be looking to include the scheme in the Deane’s 2004-05 budget. After some discussion, Councillor Warren proposed, with Councillor James seconding, that Taunton DBC should be informed that the town council felt it was essential that there should be value for money, whether new build or refurbishment, and that the toilets must be as vandal proof as possible. The proposal was carried 8-1 with 1 abstention.
12566 CLOSURE OF STRATFIELD HOUSE, WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12531 a letter was received from Taunton Deane Primary Care Trust stating that the two NHS Trusts would put in place arrangements to assist patients, carers and relatives of patients who might experience travel problems from Wellington to Pyrland House, Taunton and that the closure of Stratfield House would enable resources to be released to support the development and provision of additional community health and social care services. The letter was noted.
12567 RELOCATION OF TAUNTON CATTLE MARKETWith reference to minute 12540 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook stating that he strongly supported the relocation of Taunton Cattle Market to a site at Chelston, near Wellington. The letter was noted.1976WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH JANUARY 2004
12568 LONGFORTH FARM SCHEMEWith reference to minute 12540 a letter was received from MP Adrian Flook stating he would be writing to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister about allowing Taunton DBC to “walk deftly round” his department’s Regional Planning Guidance, which was one of the reasons the inspector gave for his recommended refusal of the Longforth Farm scheme and so be in a stronger legal position to re-instate Longforth Farm proposals. He was also writing to Somerset County Council about possibly building the northern relief road as part of its own transport plan. The letter was noted.
12569 POSSIBLE RE-NAMING OF WELLINGTON SPORTS CENTREWith reference to minute 12526 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the suggestion of re-naming Wellington Sports Centre as the Maurice Jennings Sports Centre would be discussed by the Deane. The Deane had a policy of having centres with recognisable geographic appellations and there would also be some minor costs for changing signs, stationery and literature. It was agreed to authorise the chairman to discuss the matter with the Deane.
12570 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUNWith reference to minute 12445 a report was received from the City of Truro Centenary Run Committee stating that it had been agreed that there should be some City of Truro Centenary lectures at the Beam Bridge Hotel, that it was hoped that the City of Truro train would make the commemorative run and that a viewing stand would be erected by Wellington Rotary Club near the spot where the speed record of 100mph was achieved in 1904. The committee might ask the council for a guarantee of between £200 and £300 – to meet the costs of hiring the hotel and for speakers - but it was not envisaged there would be any deficit. The report was noted.
12571 KIRSTY PAGE GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12548 a letter of thanks was received from Kirsty Page for the council grant of £50. The letter was noted.
12572 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12554 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton Citizens Advice Bureau for the council grant of £400. The letter was noted.
12573 RETENTION OF SIGN AT 2 NORTH STREETWith reference to minute 12495 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the application for the retention of an externally illuminated projecting sign at 2 North Street, Wellington, had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
12574 FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARK GRANT REQUESTA letter and accounts received from the Friends of Wellington Park asking the council to consider making a grant towards of cost of its 2004 entertainment programme. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Hindley it was agreed to make a grant of £1,500 (the same as in 2003). It was agreed to point out that the council had noticed that the Friends were in a healthy financial position with a balance in hand of just over £3,350 and that the size of the balance would be taken into consideration in the future. Councillor Horsman declared an interest and left the chamber while this item was discussed.
12575 DORSET & SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE GRANT REQUESTA letter and accounts were received from the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Trust asking consider making a grant towards the 2004 running costs of the service. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to make a grant of £500 (£250 more than in 2003).
12576 CPRE AND THE PLANNING BILLA letter was received from the Campaign to Protect Rural England asking the council to consider writing to MP Keith Hill, the Minister for Housing and Planning, urging him to support amendments to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill which would (i) give county councils a statutory responsibility to engage in the preparation and review of the new Regional Spatial Strategies and (ii) address the urgent need for better enforcement of planning controls. It was agreed to write to the Minister as suggested by the CPRE.
12577 APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL’S INTERNAL AUDITORA letter was received from Mr A.J. Bullen asking if the council wished to reappoint him as its internal auditor for 2003-04. The clerk pointed out that Mr Bullen had audited the council’s accounts for several years and also audited the accounts of various other town and parish councils in Somerset. It was agreed to reappoint Mr Bullen as the council’s internal auditor for 2003-04.
12578 STATE OF BROOKLAND ROAD, ROCKWELL GREENA letter was received from Mr E. Poole complaining about the state of Brookland Road, Rockwell Green, particularly an area with several garages at the rear of No. 12. It was agreed to refer the matter to Somerset Highways and also to investigate whether the road had been adopted as a public highway.
12579 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12551 it was agreed to suggest that the updating of the Taunton DBC leaflet “Specialist Shops in Wellington” should be included on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 16th February 2004 at 6pm.
12580 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 12 The Brambles, Wellington (43/2003/118: delegated decision); (b) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 1 Victoria Street, Wellington (43/2003/120: delegated decision); (c) Erection of single storey and first floor extensions at rear and side of 4 Andrew Allen Road, Wellington (43/2003/114: delegated decision); (d) Erection of extension to rear of 13 Elworthy Drive, Wellington (43/2003/093: delegated decision); (e) Erection of a conservatory at rear of 82 Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2003/117: delegated decision); (f) Erection of dining room and bathroom extension at front of The Manse, Westford, Wellington (43/2003/111 & 43/2003/112LB); (g) Erection of tourist information point on pavement in front of 15 High Street, Wellington (43/2003/119); (h) Change of use of part of building to form one bedroom ground floor flat and three bedroom first floor flat, erection of dormer and raising roof, 11 North Street, Wellington as amended by agents plans 1004/02 Rev 2 received 4th December 2003 (43/2003/115); (i) Erection of new dwelling with associated garage on land to rear of 31 Blackmoor Road, Wellington as amended by applicants letter and plan received 24th November 1978WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH JANUARY 200412580 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)2003 (43/2003/122). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan: (a) Demolition of existing warehouse and erection of block of 14 flats, former Haymans coalyard, Higher Westford, Wellington (43/2003/099: re-submission of 43/2003/018).
12581 PLANNING DECISION BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following plan: (a) Alterations to Wellington Adult Learning and Leisure Centre, including disabled access ramp and disabled parking space at Somerset County Training, 4 Corams Lane, Wellington (43/2003/113)
12582 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST DECEMBER 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st December 2003 was £82,235 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £47,803 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12583 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: Taunton Deane Borough Council £2,394.89 for supply and erection of town centre seats in High Street and Fore Street; Taunton DBC £58.16 for repairs to flagpole; Taunton DBC £98.94 for repairs to Tone play area safety surfacing; Mr A.Brown £1,436.76; Inland Revenue £591.99; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for window and bus shelter cleaning for November 2003; Konica Minolta Business Solutions West £82.25 for two boxes of staples; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for local war graves for October and November 2003; Empire Signs £264.38 for 10 new tri-star speed watch noticeboards.
12584 REPAINTING OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERCouncillor Bowrah referred to the need to repaint the town council chamber and that a quote was still awaited from Deane DLO. It was agreed to press the DLO for a quote.
12585 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 4th, 11th and 18th December 2003; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 16th December 2003; minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings of Taunton DBC held between September and November 2003; What’s On within Taunton Deane for January 2004; Taunton Deane Council for Voluntary Service Christmas newsletter 2003; minutes of a voluntary and community developments in Wellington meeting on 19th November 2003; Somerset Rural Youth Project newsletter for autumn/winter 2003 and review for 2002-03; letter and winter maintenance leaflet from Somerset Highways; letter, Press release and leaflets from Parrett Catchment Project about managing flooding in Somerset; Autumn 2003 newsletter of Someset branch of Campaign to Protect Rural England plus leaflets “Our Somerset Countryside in Danger;” November 2003 issue of The Clerk from Society of Local Council Clerks; news release from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs about proposals on use of off-road vehicles on rights of way; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos 568 and 569; November 2003 newsletter No 116 of European Union on regional policy.
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