Wellington Town Council minutes November 2003
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 3rd November 2003 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There was an apology from Councillor Mrs A. Milne. There were 6 members of the public present.
12496 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that he had attended the Genesis Youth Theatre Group production which had been excellent and thanked councillors for supporting them, recalling that the council had given the group a grant earlier in the year. He had attended the Garden of Remembrance Service at Wellington Baptist Church on 2nd November and reminded members about the annual Remembrance Service to be held in Wellington Park on Sunday, 9th November 2003 at 3.30pm. He was also planning to attend the laying of flowers at war graves in Wellington Cemetery by local school-children, which was supported by the council in providing the flowers. He paid tribute to the work over many years by local British Legion stalwarts, Brian and Monica Summers.
12497 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn referred to the murder of man by another man in the Sanford Arms public house in South Street, Wellington on 29th October 2003 which he described as an isolated incident. It had been a domestic incident, a love triangle, where the motive was clear. It had not been linked to the previous incidents of disorder which had occurred near the pub recently. He wanted to reassure the public who might be worried because a gun had been used: the weapon had not been obtained from the Wellington area. Sgt Caburn stated that the police were seeking to get the licence for the Sanford Arms revoked by the justices in December. Councillor Mitton praised the police for the professional way they had dealt with the incident. Sgt Caburn reported that during the past month there had been 2 commercial burglaries, 3 domestic burglaries and 43 incidents of criminal damage, mostly to vehicles, with car wing mirrors being kicked off. There had been 14 arrests, including 3 for assault, and two search warrants had been executed at Ham, near Wellington where 140 cannabis plants had been seized. There had been a display about burglaries in the town centre when 250 night lights had been given to the public. There had been some on-street problems after 18th birthday parties at Wellington Rugby Club and following discussions with the police, club officials had agreed not to allow the club to be used for 18th birthday parties if the people were not known to the club. There had been no problems at Hallowe’en: shopkeepers had agreed not to sell eggs and flour to children in the week leading up to Hallowe’en. Two members of the public had attended the police beat surgery at the Kings Centre: there would be a beat surgery at Rockwell Green Village Hall on 11th November 2003 from 3pm-5pm. Councillor Bowrah congratulated the police for their Hallowe’en patrols and, referring to the problems at the Rugby Club, said that it was a shame that the actions of a few people were going to ruin it for a lot of residents in the town. Councillor Gill thanked Sgt Caburn to giving him the opportunity to accompany the police during a night time patrol of the town’s streets: the public did not appreciate the amount of abuse and insults the police had to put up with or the amount of time and paperwork involved when someone was arrested: an officer could be off the streets for as long as two hours dealing with the paperwork. Sgt Caburn was thanked for attending.
12498 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: COMMUNITY CENTRE/PARKMr Terry Milton stated he wished to thank Councillor Horsman for his efforts on the Friends of Wellington Park and Wellington Community Centre.
12499 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: CHRISTMAS TREES & LIGHTSReferring to the switch on of the Christmas lights on 28th November 2003, Mr Milton said he felt that councillors did not play a big enough part in the event but was told that this year it was planned for a local child to switch on the illuminations. He was also worried about the possible lack of illuminated Christmas trees outside traders premises. He had provided these last year and had made a loss: he wondered if the council might give its support. The chairman pointed out that the council had allowed £7,000 in its budget for Christmas illuminations and there was nothing in the budget for extra expenditure. The council appreciated Mr Milton’s efforts but he would have to agree a price with individual traders/businesses to ensure he did not make a loss.
12500 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meeting held on 6th October 2003, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12501 BOXING OF GRASS CUTTINGS/CLIPPINGSWith reference to minute 12399 Councillor Mark Edwards, Taunton DBC executive councillor for environmental services, was welcomed to the meeting for a discussion about boxing/collecting grass from roadside verges. Councillor Edwards said that the wholesale boxing and collecting of grass would not happen as it would be far too exorbitant. His concern was to target the areas where there was a specific nuisance. In reply to Councillor Bowrah, he indicated that a special effort might be made when the Britain in Bloom judging took place to ensure the town looked its best. Councillor Govier recalled that the council had fought for a number of years to get cut grass collected from outside sheltered accommodation but the estimated annual cost of £60,000 for extending the boxing and collecting of grass to all areas could not be justified. By leaving the grass on the verges, it was recycled which was better for the environment. Councillor Byrne also felt that the grass should be collected before the Britain in Bloom judging took place and Councillor Gill suggested that residents should be encouraged to stop using verges as litter bins. Councillor Hindley also raised the question of litter dumped on verges and felt it should be picked up before cutting took place otherwise the litter was scattered and made worse. Councillor James said there were problems in the Blackmoor Road, Beech Hill and Sylvan Road areas and said that the collecting of grass would make it safer. He also queried the extra costs. Councillor Edwards said that a review was taking place about the cleaning and tidying up of all areas, including the removal of litter from grass verges.
12502 NORTH STREET TOILETSIn reply to questions from Councillor Horsman about the possible refurbishment or replacement of the North Street public toilets, Councillor Edwards stated that the toilets were by far the worst in Taunton Deane, that the cost would be in the region of £100,000 and that he was looking to include the scheme in the 2004-05 budget. The toilets were the Deane’s top target for improvement but at this stage no decision had been made whether to knock the toilets down and rebuild or refurbish the toilets. Councillor Critchard raised the issue of picking up leaves from pavements/footways. Councillor Edwards said the situation was being looked into. Councillor Edwards was thanked for attending the meeting.1959
12503 FREE CAR PARKING FOR FIRST HOURWith reference to minute 12482 the council gave further consideration to a letter from Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce suggesting that the first hour of parking in the town’s three public car parks should be free. After some discussion it was agreed not to support the suggestion after it was pointed out by Councillor Bowrah that Wellington had some of the lowest parking charges in the Deane. Councillor Mitton suggested that traders could refund the parking charges if customers spent a significant amount of money in their shops.
12504 ON STREET PARKING RESTRICTIONSIt was agreed to seek clarification from Taunton DBC on the implementation of on-street parking restrictions after Councillor Critchard had reported that there seemed to be some confusion over the rules applying to disabled blue badge holders. Councillor James also felt that clarification was needed over loading bay regulations.
12505 POSSIBLE ONE WAY SYSTEM FOR HOLYOAKE STREETWith reference to minute 12471 further consideration was given to the possible introduction of a one way traffic system for Holyoake Street. The clerk reported that the county council would be carrying out a feasibility study and investigation into the suggestion during the next financial year. There would be considerable public consultation because of the affect on the neighbouring streets of Mitchell Street, Owen Street and Seymour Street. It was agreed to await the results of the county’s feasibility study.
12506 LONGFORTH FARM DEVELOPMENTWith reference to minute 12466 a letter was received from Mr Ian Topping, managing director of the Relyon Group Ltd, stating that the company was disappointed by the inspector’s recommendation that the Longforth Farm scheme should not proceed. From the point of view of their Wellington based businesses, Relyon and Pritex, it would be desirable to route their HGV traffic around a new relief road rather than through the town centre. The company hoped the proposal was re-opened at some point and offered their support to the council’s efforts to keep the scheme alive. A letter was also received from the leader of Taunton DBC, Councillor John Williams, stating that he regretted the inspector had seen fit not to accept what he considered to be eminently suitable proposals contained in the Deane’s Local Plan to provide a much needed relief road to the industrial sector of Wellington and that the Deane would continue to work towards achieving it. Knowing the considerable effort that had gone into the inclusion of the Longforth Farm scheme in the Local Plan, the inspector’s recommendation could only be regarded as an unusual conclusion. He noted the council’s request for the Executive to reject the inspector’s recommendation over the Longforth Farm scheme but pointed out that while it was not mandatory to follow the inspector’s recommendations, the Deane council had to have very strong legal reasons for not conforming. He gave an assurance that the Deane would be looking very closely at the situation and if it was possible to salvage any of the proposals for the good of Wellington, the Deane would be pursuing that course of action vigorously. Both letters were noted. It was also agreed to arrange a special meeting with Mr Ian Ayre, Taunton DBC principal planner, to consider the details of the town council’s rebuttal of the inspector’s Longforth recommendation. 1960WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 3RD NOVEMBER 2003
12507 ANTI-SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN SOUTH STREETWith reference to minute 12461 a letter was received from Taunton Deane magistrates stating that a copy of the town council’s letter and council minutes about alcohol related anti social behaviour problems in South Street, Wellington had been given to all members of the Licensing Committee. The magistrates would bear in mind the council’s concern when dealing with applications from the Wellington area but unless problems relating to specific premises were brought to the attention of the committee at a licensing meeting the magistrates could do very little. The council had copies of all applications for new licences and transfer of existing licensees and must appear in court to object if councillors felt strongly about an application. The existing licences were due for renewal on 10th February 2004. The letter was noted.
12508 GRANT REQUEST FROM SARAH JONESWith reference to minute 11948 a detailed report, complete with photographs, was received from Sarah Jones on her 7 month GAP placement in South Africa. The report, which was praised by councillors, was noted. The clerk reported that he had written to Sarah thanking her for the report.
12509 CORN HILL LIGHTINGWith reference to minute 12429 the clerk reported that it was now proposed to have 5 new infill lighting units in Corn Hill. The cost was £5,529, of which Taunton DBC would meet 85%. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed that the town council should meet its 15% share of the cost (£829.35).
12510 WELLINGTON JOBCENTRE CLOSUREWith reference to minute 12313 members received a copy of a report presented by Jobcentre officials at a special council meeting on 27th October 2003. The report, which was noted, stated that the present Jobcentre in White Hart Lane, which currently opened three days a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and which had 110 customers signing fortnightly, would close on 27th November 2003. A new Jobcentre would open at the Old School House, Corams Lane, Wellington where existing customers would be able to continue to sign. The office would be open three days a week and provide internet access and a warm phone for direct access to job vacancies; on other days, including Saturday mornings, customers would be able to access the Jobcentre Plus website via the internet at Wellington Library; new signers would be required to sign at Taunton Jobcentre Plus office where an enhanced integrated service would be provided; if customers joined the New Deal, they would be eligible to sign at the Old School House, Wellington. It was also hoped to install a warm phone at Taunton Deane Borough Council’s Community Office at The Squirrel in Fore Street which would give customers free access to Jobcentre services.
12511 20MPH SPEED LIMT FOR PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 12477 a letter was received from Mr V. Martin, of 21 Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington, stating that there had been a major accident in the road on 29th October 2003 and that he understood two motorcyclists had come off their bikes two weeks earlier. He urged the council to to put pressure on the county council and Atkins to introduce speed curbing and safety measures. The letter was noted. The clerk reported that a meeting about the proposed 20mph speed limit and traffic calming steps would be held in the county chamber shortly.
12512 LISTED BUILDINGS AT RISKA letter was received from the county council seeking the town council’s help over compiling the 6th edition of the register of historic and architectural interest buildings at risk in Wellington, enclosing a list of 163 listed buildings in the town. Councillors were asked to inform the clerk if they knew of any listed buildings which they felt were at risk so that he could pass on the information to the county by the end of November 2003 if possible.
12513 REMEMBRANCE SERVICE IN TAUNTONA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting councillors to attend Remembrance Day civic service at Taunton on Sunday, 9th November 2003 at St Mary Magdalene Church at 9.30am and the Service of Remembrance at Vivary Park, Taunton at 11am. The letter was noted.
12514 CLOSURE OF STRATFIELD HOUSE, WELLINGTONA letter was received from Taunton Deane Primary Care Trust inviting the council’s comments on the draft strategy “Modernising Older People’s Services in Taunton Deane” and enclosing a copy of the strategy which was circulated to all members. The proposals included the closure of Stratfield House for the elderly mentally ill at Wellington, the relocation of the EMI beds from Wellington to Pyrland House in Taunton, the relocation of inpatient beds at Wellington Cottage Hospital into the vacated Stratfield House, and the development of enhanced outpatient and new clinical services for the population of Wellington. The clerk reported that a meeting with the trust’s chief executive, Mr Edward Colgan, would be held in the council chamber on Monday, 10th November 2003 at 6.30pm to explain and discuss the proposals with councillors. The report was noted.
12515 ROAD RESURFACING WORK IN WELLINGTONReferring to the current road resurfacing work taking place in Longforth Road, North Street, Waterloo Road and Station Road, the clerk reported that providing the budgets were maintained, the county council was planning to resurface High Street in 2004 from where last year’s town centre enhancement works finished down to the Priory junction and to resurface Mantle Street in 2005. The report was noted.
12516 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12485 a report was received from the clerk on a meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership held on 20th October 2003 dealing with Kwiksave redevelopment in High Street; Corn Hill redevelopment; Tonedale Mill feasibility study; Chelston Manor industrial site; the Longforth Farm scheme; the relocation of Taunton Livestock Market; free parking suggestion by Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce; and CCTV in South Street. The next WEP meeting would be held on Monday, 15th December 2003 at 6pm. The report was noted. On the suggestion of Councillor Byrne it was agreed to put an item about the provision of promotional items/goods for Wellington on the next WEP agenda.
12517 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of two storey extension to side, conservatory to rear and conversion of existing garage at 42 George Street, Wellington (43/2003/095: amended proposal) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (b) Erection of single storey extensions, Allendale, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/091) – APPROVED 1962WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 3RD NOVEMBER 2003
12517 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)(delegated decision); (c) Erection of extension to form ground floor kitchen and first floor en-suite, 5 Longmead Close, Wellington (43/2003/092) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (d) Erection of conservatory, Enmore, Holyoake Street, Wellington (43/2003/097) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (e) Erection of two storey extension and removal of car port and part garage, 8 Elms Road, Wellington as amended by letter dated 17th October 2003 with accompanying drawing No. 5421/01A (43/2003/094) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (f) Retrospective application for removal of chimney at 47 High Street, Wellington (43/2003/084LB) – APPROVED; (g) Erection of new dwelling on land adjoining 1 Riverside, Wellington as amended by applicant’s letter and plan SK2A received 29th September 2003 (43/2003/090) – APPROVED.
12518 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST OCTOBER 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st October 2003 was £43,383 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £36,153 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12519 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Govier, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: (a) Wellington Carnival Committee £700 grant; (b) Rockwell Green Village Hall Committee £957 payment of reclaimed VAT; (c) Mr A. Brown £1,536.76; (d) Inland Revenue £577.28; (e) Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal £20; (f) St John’s Primary School £320 for school crossing patrol for summer term 2003; (g) Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for window cleaning and bus shelter cleaning for September 2003; (h) Taunton DBC £177.08 for repairs to safety surface at Tone play area; (i) PC Webshop £316.08 for yearly hosting fee for council website from October 2003 to October 2004; (j) Taunton Deane Community Transport £1,612.50 for subsidised patient transport to Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton from 1st July to 30th September 2003 (208 return journeys, 7 single journeys); (k) Cosalt International Ltd £104.11 for 2 maroon rockets for firing on Remembrance Day 2003; (m) Taunton DBC £8.15 for gas recharge for July to September 2003; (n) Somerset County Council £313.33 contribution towards new street lights at Three Cups public footpath; (o) SWEB Energy £126.94 for electricity for office and chamber to 30th October 2003; (p) Wellington Bowmen £250 grant.
12520 GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR 2004Councillor Bowrah reported that the Finance Committee had received letters from Wellington in Bloom Committee, Friends of Wellington Park, and the Dorset and Air Ambulance Trust asking the council to consider making grants in 2004. It had been agreed to ask all three groups to let the council have their up to date accounts. The report was noted.
12521 PURCHASE OF COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SIGNSCouncillor Bowrah reported that the Finance Committee proposed the purchase of 10 community speed watch pole-mounted signs at a cost of £290 which were designed to slow traffic down and also make motorists aware of speed checks being carried out. Councillor Hindley seconded and the proposal was carried 12-1, with Councillor Gill voting against. Members were shown a copy of the proposed sign.1963WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 3RD NOVEMBER 2003
12522 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th October 2003; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 14th October 2003; minutes of Taunton DBC Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings held between June and September 2003; What’s On within Taunton Deane for November 2003; Taunton Deane Council for Voluntary Service annual report for 2002-03; Somerset County Council Local Transport Plan annual progress report summary 2003; Somerset Highways newsletter for Autumn 2003; agenda and reports for Somerset Association of Local Councils West area meeting at Oake Village Hall on 4th December 2003; Blackdown Hills Rural Partnership newsletter No. 22 for Autumn 2003; River Parrett catchment water management strategy action plan 2003 update; Campaign to Protect Rural England Countryside Voice magazine for Autumn 2003; CPRE Transport Campaign Group newsletter for October 2003; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 564 and 565; Interactive magazine from Shell Better Britain Campaign for Autumn 2003; InterAction newsletter from Local Government International Bureau for October 2003; European Union brochures and newsletters for September and October 2003 detailing various regional policy and structural funding schemes.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown. There was an apology from Councillor Mrs A. Milne. There were 6 members of the public present.
12496 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that he had attended the Genesis Youth Theatre Group production which had been excellent and thanked councillors for supporting them, recalling that the council had given the group a grant earlier in the year. He had attended the Garden of Remembrance Service at Wellington Baptist Church on 2nd November and reminded members about the annual Remembrance Service to be held in Wellington Park on Sunday, 9th November 2003 at 3.30pm. He was also planning to attend the laying of flowers at war graves in Wellington Cemetery by local school-children, which was supported by the council in providing the flowers. He paid tribute to the work over many years by local British Legion stalwarts, Brian and Monica Summers.
12497 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn referred to the murder of man by another man in the Sanford Arms public house in South Street, Wellington on 29th October 2003 which he described as an isolated incident. It had been a domestic incident, a love triangle, where the motive was clear. It had not been linked to the previous incidents of disorder which had occurred near the pub recently. He wanted to reassure the public who might be worried because a gun had been used: the weapon had not been obtained from the Wellington area. Sgt Caburn stated that the police were seeking to get the licence for the Sanford Arms revoked by the justices in December. Councillor Mitton praised the police for the professional way they had dealt with the incident. Sgt Caburn reported that during the past month there had been 2 commercial burglaries, 3 domestic burglaries and 43 incidents of criminal damage, mostly to vehicles, with car wing mirrors being kicked off. There had been 14 arrests, including 3 for assault, and two search warrants had been executed at Ham, near Wellington where 140 cannabis plants had been seized. There had been a display about burglaries in the town centre when 250 night lights had been given to the public. There had been some on-street problems after 18th birthday parties at Wellington Rugby Club and following discussions with the police, club officials had agreed not to allow the club to be used for 18th birthday parties if the people were not known to the club. There had been no problems at Hallowe’en: shopkeepers had agreed not to sell eggs and flour to children in the week leading up to Hallowe’en. Two members of the public had attended the police beat surgery at the Kings Centre: there would be a beat surgery at Rockwell Green Village Hall on 11th November 2003 from 3pm-5pm. Councillor Bowrah congratulated the police for their Hallowe’en patrols and, referring to the problems at the Rugby Club, said that it was a shame that the actions of a few people were going to ruin it for a lot of residents in the town. Councillor Gill thanked Sgt Caburn to giving him the opportunity to accompany the police during a night time patrol of the town’s streets: the public did not appreciate the amount of abuse and insults the police had to put up with or the amount of time and paperwork involved when someone was arrested: an officer could be off the streets for as long as two hours dealing with the paperwork. Sgt Caburn was thanked for attending.
12498 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: COMMUNITY CENTRE/PARKMr Terry Milton stated he wished to thank Councillor Horsman for his efforts on the Friends of Wellington Park and Wellington Community Centre.
12499 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: CHRISTMAS TREES & LIGHTSReferring to the switch on of the Christmas lights on 28th November 2003, Mr Milton said he felt that councillors did not play a big enough part in the event but was told that this year it was planned for a local child to switch on the illuminations. He was also worried about the possible lack of illuminated Christmas trees outside traders premises. He had provided these last year and had made a loss: he wondered if the council might give its support. The chairman pointed out that the council had allowed £7,000 in its budget for Christmas illuminations and there was nothing in the budget for extra expenditure. The council appreciated Mr Milton’s efforts but he would have to agree a price with individual traders/businesses to ensure he did not make a loss.
12500 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meeting held on 6th October 2003, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12501 BOXING OF GRASS CUTTINGS/CLIPPINGSWith reference to minute 12399 Councillor Mark Edwards, Taunton DBC executive councillor for environmental services, was welcomed to the meeting for a discussion about boxing/collecting grass from roadside verges. Councillor Edwards said that the wholesale boxing and collecting of grass would not happen as it would be far too exorbitant. His concern was to target the areas where there was a specific nuisance. In reply to Councillor Bowrah, he indicated that a special effort might be made when the Britain in Bloom judging took place to ensure the town looked its best. Councillor Govier recalled that the council had fought for a number of years to get cut grass collected from outside sheltered accommodation but the estimated annual cost of £60,000 for extending the boxing and collecting of grass to all areas could not be justified. By leaving the grass on the verges, it was recycled which was better for the environment. Councillor Byrne also felt that the grass should be collected before the Britain in Bloom judging took place and Councillor Gill suggested that residents should be encouraged to stop using verges as litter bins. Councillor Hindley also raised the question of litter dumped on verges and felt it should be picked up before cutting took place otherwise the litter was scattered and made worse. Councillor James said there were problems in the Blackmoor Road, Beech Hill and Sylvan Road areas and said that the collecting of grass would make it safer. He also queried the extra costs. Councillor Edwards said that a review was taking place about the cleaning and tidying up of all areas, including the removal of litter from grass verges.
12502 NORTH STREET TOILETSIn reply to questions from Councillor Horsman about the possible refurbishment or replacement of the North Street public toilets, Councillor Edwards stated that the toilets were by far the worst in Taunton Deane, that the cost would be in the region of £100,000 and that he was looking to include the scheme in the 2004-05 budget. The toilets were the Deane’s top target for improvement but at this stage no decision had been made whether to knock the toilets down and rebuild or refurbish the toilets. Councillor Critchard raised the issue of picking up leaves from pavements/footways. Councillor Edwards said the situation was being looked into. Councillor Edwards was thanked for attending the meeting.1959
12503 FREE CAR PARKING FOR FIRST HOURWith reference to minute 12482 the council gave further consideration to a letter from Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce suggesting that the first hour of parking in the town’s three public car parks should be free. After some discussion it was agreed not to support the suggestion after it was pointed out by Councillor Bowrah that Wellington had some of the lowest parking charges in the Deane. Councillor Mitton suggested that traders could refund the parking charges if customers spent a significant amount of money in their shops.
12504 ON STREET PARKING RESTRICTIONSIt was agreed to seek clarification from Taunton DBC on the implementation of on-street parking restrictions after Councillor Critchard had reported that there seemed to be some confusion over the rules applying to disabled blue badge holders. Councillor James also felt that clarification was needed over loading bay regulations.
12505 POSSIBLE ONE WAY SYSTEM FOR HOLYOAKE STREETWith reference to minute 12471 further consideration was given to the possible introduction of a one way traffic system for Holyoake Street. The clerk reported that the county council would be carrying out a feasibility study and investigation into the suggestion during the next financial year. There would be considerable public consultation because of the affect on the neighbouring streets of Mitchell Street, Owen Street and Seymour Street. It was agreed to await the results of the county’s feasibility study.
12506 LONGFORTH FARM DEVELOPMENTWith reference to minute 12466 a letter was received from Mr Ian Topping, managing director of the Relyon Group Ltd, stating that the company was disappointed by the inspector’s recommendation that the Longforth Farm scheme should not proceed. From the point of view of their Wellington based businesses, Relyon and Pritex, it would be desirable to route their HGV traffic around a new relief road rather than through the town centre. The company hoped the proposal was re-opened at some point and offered their support to the council’s efforts to keep the scheme alive. A letter was also received from the leader of Taunton DBC, Councillor John Williams, stating that he regretted the inspector had seen fit not to accept what he considered to be eminently suitable proposals contained in the Deane’s Local Plan to provide a much needed relief road to the industrial sector of Wellington and that the Deane would continue to work towards achieving it. Knowing the considerable effort that had gone into the inclusion of the Longforth Farm scheme in the Local Plan, the inspector’s recommendation could only be regarded as an unusual conclusion. He noted the council’s request for the Executive to reject the inspector’s recommendation over the Longforth Farm scheme but pointed out that while it was not mandatory to follow the inspector’s recommendations, the Deane council had to have very strong legal reasons for not conforming. He gave an assurance that the Deane would be looking very closely at the situation and if it was possible to salvage any of the proposals for the good of Wellington, the Deane would be pursuing that course of action vigorously. Both letters were noted. It was also agreed to arrange a special meeting with Mr Ian Ayre, Taunton DBC principal planner, to consider the details of the town council’s rebuttal of the inspector’s Longforth recommendation. 1960WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 3RD NOVEMBER 2003
12507 ANTI-SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN SOUTH STREETWith reference to minute 12461 a letter was received from Taunton Deane magistrates stating that a copy of the town council’s letter and council minutes about alcohol related anti social behaviour problems in South Street, Wellington had been given to all members of the Licensing Committee. The magistrates would bear in mind the council’s concern when dealing with applications from the Wellington area but unless problems relating to specific premises were brought to the attention of the committee at a licensing meeting the magistrates could do very little. The council had copies of all applications for new licences and transfer of existing licensees and must appear in court to object if councillors felt strongly about an application. The existing licences were due for renewal on 10th February 2004. The letter was noted.
12508 GRANT REQUEST FROM SARAH JONESWith reference to minute 11948 a detailed report, complete with photographs, was received from Sarah Jones on her 7 month GAP placement in South Africa. The report, which was praised by councillors, was noted. The clerk reported that he had written to Sarah thanking her for the report.
12509 CORN HILL LIGHTINGWith reference to minute 12429 the clerk reported that it was now proposed to have 5 new infill lighting units in Corn Hill. The cost was £5,529, of which Taunton DBC would meet 85%. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was agreed that the town council should meet its 15% share of the cost (£829.35).
12510 WELLINGTON JOBCENTRE CLOSUREWith reference to minute 12313 members received a copy of a report presented by Jobcentre officials at a special council meeting on 27th October 2003. The report, which was noted, stated that the present Jobcentre in White Hart Lane, which currently opened three days a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and which had 110 customers signing fortnightly, would close on 27th November 2003. A new Jobcentre would open at the Old School House, Corams Lane, Wellington where existing customers would be able to continue to sign. The office would be open three days a week and provide internet access and a warm phone for direct access to job vacancies; on other days, including Saturday mornings, customers would be able to access the Jobcentre Plus website via the internet at Wellington Library; new signers would be required to sign at Taunton Jobcentre Plus office where an enhanced integrated service would be provided; if customers joined the New Deal, they would be eligible to sign at the Old School House, Wellington. It was also hoped to install a warm phone at Taunton Deane Borough Council’s Community Office at The Squirrel in Fore Street which would give customers free access to Jobcentre services.
12511 20MPH SPEED LIMT FOR PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 12477 a letter was received from Mr V. Martin, of 21 Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington, stating that there had been a major accident in the road on 29th October 2003 and that he understood two motorcyclists had come off their bikes two weeks earlier. He urged the council to to put pressure on the county council and Atkins to introduce speed curbing and safety measures. The letter was noted. The clerk reported that a meeting about the proposed 20mph speed limit and traffic calming steps would be held in the county chamber shortly.
12512 LISTED BUILDINGS AT RISKA letter was received from the county council seeking the town council’s help over compiling the 6th edition of the register of historic and architectural interest buildings at risk in Wellington, enclosing a list of 163 listed buildings in the town. Councillors were asked to inform the clerk if they knew of any listed buildings which they felt were at risk so that he could pass on the information to the county by the end of November 2003 if possible.
12513 REMEMBRANCE SERVICE IN TAUNTONA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting councillors to attend Remembrance Day civic service at Taunton on Sunday, 9th November 2003 at St Mary Magdalene Church at 9.30am and the Service of Remembrance at Vivary Park, Taunton at 11am. The letter was noted.
12514 CLOSURE OF STRATFIELD HOUSE, WELLINGTONA letter was received from Taunton Deane Primary Care Trust inviting the council’s comments on the draft strategy “Modernising Older People’s Services in Taunton Deane” and enclosing a copy of the strategy which was circulated to all members. The proposals included the closure of Stratfield House for the elderly mentally ill at Wellington, the relocation of the EMI beds from Wellington to Pyrland House in Taunton, the relocation of inpatient beds at Wellington Cottage Hospital into the vacated Stratfield House, and the development of enhanced outpatient and new clinical services for the population of Wellington. The clerk reported that a meeting with the trust’s chief executive, Mr Edward Colgan, would be held in the council chamber on Monday, 10th November 2003 at 6.30pm to explain and discuss the proposals with councillors. The report was noted.
12515 ROAD RESURFACING WORK IN WELLINGTONReferring to the current road resurfacing work taking place in Longforth Road, North Street, Waterloo Road and Station Road, the clerk reported that providing the budgets were maintained, the county council was planning to resurface High Street in 2004 from where last year’s town centre enhancement works finished down to the Priory junction and to resurface Mantle Street in 2005. The report was noted.
12516 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12485 a report was received from the clerk on a meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership held on 20th October 2003 dealing with Kwiksave redevelopment in High Street; Corn Hill redevelopment; Tonedale Mill feasibility study; Chelston Manor industrial site; the Longforth Farm scheme; the relocation of Taunton Livestock Market; free parking suggestion by Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce; and CCTV in South Street. The next WEP meeting would be held on Monday, 15th December 2003 at 6pm. The report was noted. On the suggestion of Councillor Byrne it was agreed to put an item about the provision of promotional items/goods for Wellington on the next WEP agenda.
12517 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of two storey extension to side, conservatory to rear and conversion of existing garage at 42 George Street, Wellington (43/2003/095: amended proposal) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (b) Erection of single storey extensions, Allendale, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2003/091) – APPROVED 1962WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 3RD NOVEMBER 2003
12517 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)(delegated decision); (c) Erection of extension to form ground floor kitchen and first floor en-suite, 5 Longmead Close, Wellington (43/2003/092) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (d) Erection of conservatory, Enmore, Holyoake Street, Wellington (43/2003/097) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (e) Erection of two storey extension and removal of car port and part garage, 8 Elms Road, Wellington as amended by letter dated 17th October 2003 with accompanying drawing No. 5421/01A (43/2003/094) – APPROVED (delegated decision); (f) Retrospective application for removal of chimney at 47 High Street, Wellington (43/2003/084LB) – APPROVED; (g) Erection of new dwelling on land adjoining 1 Riverside, Wellington as amended by applicant’s letter and plan SK2A received 29th September 2003 (43/2003/090) – APPROVED.
12518 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST OCTOBER 2003A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2003 to 31st October 2003 was £43,383 (£86,078 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2004) and that expenditure for the same period was £36,153 (£104,720). The report was noted.
12519 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Govier, it was agreed to pay the following accounts and to authorise the signing of the following cheques: (a) Wellington Carnival Committee £700 grant; (b) Rockwell Green Village Hall Committee £957 payment of reclaimed VAT; (c) Mr A. Brown £1,536.76; (d) Inland Revenue £577.28; (e) Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal £20; (f) St John’s Primary School £320 for school crossing patrol for summer term 2003; (g) Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for window cleaning and bus shelter cleaning for September 2003; (h) Taunton DBC £177.08 for repairs to safety surface at Tone play area; (i) PC Webshop £316.08 for yearly hosting fee for council website from October 2003 to October 2004; (j) Taunton Deane Community Transport £1,612.50 for subsidised patient transport to Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton from 1st July to 30th September 2003 (208 return journeys, 7 single journeys); (k) Cosalt International Ltd £104.11 for 2 maroon rockets for firing on Remembrance Day 2003; (m) Taunton DBC £8.15 for gas recharge for July to September 2003; (n) Somerset County Council £313.33 contribution towards new street lights at Three Cups public footpath; (o) SWEB Energy £126.94 for electricity for office and chamber to 30th October 2003; (p) Wellington Bowmen £250 grant.
12520 GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR 2004Councillor Bowrah reported that the Finance Committee had received letters from Wellington in Bloom Committee, Friends of Wellington Park, and the Dorset and Air Ambulance Trust asking the council to consider making grants in 2004. It had been agreed to ask all three groups to let the council have their up to date accounts. The report was noted.
12521 PURCHASE OF COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SIGNSCouncillor Bowrah reported that the Finance Committee proposed the purchase of 10 community speed watch pole-mounted signs at a cost of £290 which were designed to slow traffic down and also make motorists aware of speed checks being carried out. Councillor Hindley seconded and the proposal was carried 12-1, with Councillor Gill voting against. Members were shown a copy of the proposed sign.1963WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL 3RD NOVEMBER 2003
12522 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th October 2003; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 14th October 2003; minutes of Taunton DBC Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings held between June and September 2003; What’s On within Taunton Deane for November 2003; Taunton Deane Council for Voluntary Service annual report for 2002-03; Somerset County Council Local Transport Plan annual progress report summary 2003; Somerset Highways newsletter for Autumn 2003; agenda and reports for Somerset Association of Local Councils West area meeting at Oake Village Hall on 4th December 2003; Blackdown Hills Rural Partnership newsletter No. 22 for Autumn 2003; River Parrett catchment water management strategy action plan 2003 update; Campaign to Protect Rural England Countryside Voice magazine for Autumn 2003; CPRE Transport Campaign Group newsletter for October 2003; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 564 and 565; Interactive magazine from Shell Better Britain Campaign for Autumn 2003; InterAction newsletter from Local Government International Bureau for October 2003; European Union brochures and newsletters for September and October 2003 detailing various regional policy and structural funding schemes.
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