Wellington Town Council annual meeting May 2004
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, G. James, D. Mitton, E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors V. Byrne, A. Horsman and A. Milne. There were 14 members of the public present.
12772 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2004-05On the proposition of Councillor Hindley, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was unanimously agreed to elect Councillor Bowrah as chairman for 2004-05. Councillor Bowrah signed his declaration of acceptance of office as chairman. He thanked councillors for electing him as chairman and thanked Councillor Henley for his work as chairman for the past two years.
12773 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR 2004-05On the proposition of Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor D. Mitton, it was unanimously agreed to elect Councillor Biscoe as vice-chairman for 2004-05.
12774 ELECTION OF COMMITTEESThe following committees were elected: Finance Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Critchard, Govier, Gill, Hindley and Warren; Footpaths Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Byrne, Gill and Warren; Environment, Tourism and Town Guide Committee – Councillors Biscoe, Critchard, Gill, James and Stock-Williams; Emergency Planning Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Byrne, Gill, Govier and Hindley.
12775 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON TWINNING ASSOCIATIONCouncillors Byrne and James were elected as the council’s two representatives on Wellington Twinning Association.
12776 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONCouncillors Bowrah, Critchard and Horsman were elected as the council’s three representatives on Wellington Community Association.
12777 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPCouncillors Gill, Govier, Stock-Williams and Warren were elected as the council’s four representatives on Wellington Economic Partnership.
12778 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON THE HOSPITAL OF SIR JOHN POPHAM KNIGHT (Popham Flats in Victoria Street)Councillors Byrne and and the clerk were elected as the council’s representatives on the Hospital of Sir John Popham Knight (Popham Flats). Councillor Critchard stated he had not been able to attend meetings of the governors and would stand down if another councillor would like to take his place. The vacancy was left open.
127879 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON IN BLOOM COMMITTEECouncillors Horsman and Wilson were elected as the council’s representatives on Wellington in Bloom Committee.
12780 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE ON FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARKCouncillors Hindley was elected as the council’s representative on Friends of Wellington Park.
12781 REPRESENTATIVE ON SOMERSET ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILSCouncillor Mitton was elected as the council’s representative on the Somerset Association of Local Councils.
12782 RENEWAL OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONSIt was agreed to renew the council’s annual subscriptions to Somerset Association of Local Councils, Community Council for Somerset, The Council for the Protection of Rural England, and the National Association of Local Councils’ Direct Information Service.
12783 RYLAND FARM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE EXPANSIONWith reference to minute 12722 further consideration was given, following a site visit by councillors on 15th May 2004, to the plan for the expansion of business on to land to be used for covered and open storage of raw materials and finished products together with access and landscaping on land adjoining Unit 2, Rylands Farm Industrial Estate, Bagley Road, Wellington (43/2004/038). Opposition to the plan was voiced by Mrs D. Land and Mr S. Cusack, who pointed out that 6 letters of objection had been received from residents in Bagley Road. For the applicants Mr R. Hunt stated that there would be no machinery in the building and that they were willing to lower the height of the building as requested by the objectors. After discussion, Councillor Henley proposed, with Councillor Wilson seconding, that the town council should inform Taunton DBC that it recommended refusal of the application and this was carried 6-4. Councillor Govier declared a prejudicial interest and left the hall while this application was considered. The clerk stated that Taunton DBC was being recommended to approve the plan at its meeting on 19th May 2004 and members received a copy of the Deane planning officer’s report recommending approval.
12784 KINGS ARMS PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCEWith reference to minute 12760 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the only objections to the application for a public entertainment licence for the Kings Arms, High Street, Wellington, to 2am each day had been from the town council and a resident in Mantle Street. The police had no objection to the proposed hours. It had been agreed with the applicant, however, that the terminal hour for public entertainment on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights should be 2am and Sunday to Wednesday 12 midnight, which would mean alcohol could be served to 1am Thursday to Saturday and 11pm Sunday to Wednesday. In view of the fact there was no police objection the application would be dealt with by the Chief Environment Officer under delegated powers and would not to go the Deane’s Licensing Board for a decision. Councillors expressed great surprise at the lack of a police objection and were also 2021
12784 KINGS ARMS PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (continued)concerned that the application would be dealt with by a Deane officer and not by members of the Licensing Board, particularly as it was an important decision affecting Wellington. It was agreed to ask the police why they had not objected and also write to the leader and chief executive of Taunton DBC stating that the town council strongly felt that the application should be dealt with by the Licensing Board and not by an officer.
12785 KINGS ARM LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Kings Arms, High Street, Wellington to Jeremy Mark Clark, Stephen Charles Martin, Carine Jane Clark, Stephen William Pedlar, Stephen Dunham and Seth Michael Moseley, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 8th June 2004. The notice was noted.
12786 NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR AREA HIGHWAY OFFICESA letter was received from Somerset Highways about new office arrangements for the Taunton Deane and West Somerset area. The letter was noted.
12787 PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE AT HOLYWELL LAKEA letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the road from Holywell Lake to Langford Budville would be closed for 21 days from 7th June 2004. The letter was noted.
12788 ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Henley, seconded by Councillor Bowrah, it was agreed to authorise the payment of an account from Zurich Municipal for £29.82 for the insurance of the council’s speed gun against all risk.
12789 COMMUNITY COUNCIL FOR SOMERSET SUBSCRIPTIONA letter of thanks was received from the Community Council for Somerset for the town council’s £20 subscription. The letter was noted.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Henley (chairman), who presided, Councillor R. Bowrah (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, C. Hindley, G. James, D. Mitton, E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors V. Byrne, A. Horsman and A. Milne. There were 14 members of the public present.
12772 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2004-05On the proposition of Councillor Hindley, seconded by Councillor Gill, it was unanimously agreed to elect Councillor Bowrah as chairman for 2004-05. Councillor Bowrah signed his declaration of acceptance of office as chairman. He thanked councillors for electing him as chairman and thanked Councillor Henley for his work as chairman for the past two years.
12773 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR 2004-05On the proposition of Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor D. Mitton, it was unanimously agreed to elect Councillor Biscoe as vice-chairman for 2004-05.
12774 ELECTION OF COMMITTEESThe following committees were elected: Finance Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Critchard, Govier, Gill, Hindley and Warren; Footpaths Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Byrne, Gill and Warren; Environment, Tourism and Town Guide Committee – Councillors Biscoe, Critchard, Gill, James and Stock-Williams; Emergency Planning Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Byrne, Gill, Govier and Hindley.
12775 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON TWINNING ASSOCIATIONCouncillors Byrne and James were elected as the council’s two representatives on Wellington Twinning Association.
12776 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONCouncillors Bowrah, Critchard and Horsman were elected as the council’s three representatives on Wellington Community Association.
12777 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPCouncillors Gill, Govier, Stock-Williams and Warren were elected as the council’s four representatives on Wellington Economic Partnership.
12778 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON THE HOSPITAL OF SIR JOHN POPHAM KNIGHT (Popham Flats in Victoria Street)Councillors Byrne and and the clerk were elected as the council’s representatives on the Hospital of Sir John Popham Knight (Popham Flats). Councillor Critchard stated he had not been able to attend meetings of the governors and would stand down if another councillor would like to take his place. The vacancy was left open.
127879 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON IN BLOOM COMMITTEECouncillors Horsman and Wilson were elected as the council’s representatives on Wellington in Bloom Committee.
12780 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE ON FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARKCouncillors Hindley was elected as the council’s representative on Friends of Wellington Park.
12781 REPRESENTATIVE ON SOMERSET ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILSCouncillor Mitton was elected as the council’s representative on the Somerset Association of Local Councils.
12782 RENEWAL OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONSIt was agreed to renew the council’s annual subscriptions to Somerset Association of Local Councils, Community Council for Somerset, The Council for the Protection of Rural England, and the National Association of Local Councils’ Direct Information Service.
12783 RYLAND FARM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE EXPANSIONWith reference to minute 12722 further consideration was given, following a site visit by councillors on 15th May 2004, to the plan for the expansion of business on to land to be used for covered and open storage of raw materials and finished products together with access and landscaping on land adjoining Unit 2, Rylands Farm Industrial Estate, Bagley Road, Wellington (43/2004/038). Opposition to the plan was voiced by Mrs D. Land and Mr S. Cusack, who pointed out that 6 letters of objection had been received from residents in Bagley Road. For the applicants Mr R. Hunt stated that there would be no machinery in the building and that they were willing to lower the height of the building as requested by the objectors. After discussion, Councillor Henley proposed, with Councillor Wilson seconding, that the town council should inform Taunton DBC that it recommended refusal of the application and this was carried 6-4. Councillor Govier declared a prejudicial interest and left the hall while this application was considered. The clerk stated that Taunton DBC was being recommended to approve the plan at its meeting on 19th May 2004 and members received a copy of the Deane planning officer’s report recommending approval.
12784 KINGS ARMS PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCEWith reference to minute 12760 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the only objections to the application for a public entertainment licence for the Kings Arms, High Street, Wellington, to 2am each day had been from the town council and a resident in Mantle Street. The police had no objection to the proposed hours. It had been agreed with the applicant, however, that the terminal hour for public entertainment on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights should be 2am and Sunday to Wednesday 12 midnight, which would mean alcohol could be served to 1am Thursday to Saturday and 11pm Sunday to Wednesday. In view of the fact there was no police objection the application would be dealt with by the Chief Environment Officer under delegated powers and would not to go the Deane’s Licensing Board for a decision. Councillors expressed great surprise at the lack of a police objection and were also 2021
12784 KINGS ARMS PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (continued)concerned that the application would be dealt with by a Deane officer and not by members of the Licensing Board, particularly as it was an important decision affecting Wellington. It was agreed to ask the police why they had not objected and also write to the leader and chief executive of Taunton DBC stating that the town council strongly felt that the application should be dealt with by the Licensing Board and not by an officer.
12785 KINGS ARM LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Kings Arms, High Street, Wellington to Jeremy Mark Clark, Stephen Charles Martin, Carine Jane Clark, Stephen William Pedlar, Stephen Dunham and Seth Michael Moseley, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 8th June 2004. The notice was noted.
12786 NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR AREA HIGHWAY OFFICESA letter was received from Somerset Highways about new office arrangements for the Taunton Deane and West Somerset area. The letter was noted.
12787 PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE AT HOLYWELL LAKEA letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the road from Holywell Lake to Langford Budville would be closed for 21 days from 7th June 2004. The letter was noted.
12788 ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Henley, seconded by Councillor Bowrah, it was agreed to authorise the payment of an account from Zurich Municipal for £29.82 for the insurance of the council’s speed gun against all risk.
12789 COMMUNITY COUNCIL FOR SOMERSET SUBSCRIPTIONA letter of thanks was received from the Community Council for Somerset for the town council’s £20 subscription. The letter was noted.
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