Wellington Town Council planning minutes October 2005
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor D. Mitton (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, S. Palmer and E. Warren, the clerk, A. Brown and Taunton DBC West area planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, A. Horsman and G. James. There were 6 members of the public present.
The town council received details of applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to approve planning permission for the following application: (a) Display of non illuminated fascia sign at Clifton House, The Sales Room, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2005/086A: The planning officer recommended refusal as he considered the sign was too big, as the 3600mm wide and 1300mm high sign was about twice as high as the existing sign, He pointed out it was in a conservation area. . Standing orders were suspended to allow the applicant Mrs L. Hickin, of the Lighting Company, to speak. She felt that a large sign was needed as the building was back from the road, did not look part of a shopping area and was next to a building that was falling down. It was vital to make people aware of her shop and stop. The sign would not be a dominating feature of the building – a former church – which was a large building. She had already changed the sign from an illuminated one. It was stated there were no objections from neighbours. The decision to approve the sign was carried unanimously. Councillor Hindley declared an interest as a member of Taunton DBC’s Planning Committee. Councillor Henley declared a personal interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
The town council received details of applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to refuse planning permission for the following application: (a) Erection of two storey extension to side of 9 Corner Close, Wellington (43/2005/100). The planning office recommended refusal as it was felt that the development would damage the root systems of adjacent trees that are the subject of Tree Preservation Orders. There were no objections from neighbours. The decision to refuse was carried 10-2.
With reference to minute 13450 a letter was received from Comprehensive Design Architects stating that Somerfield’s highway consultant, Faber Maunsell, was endeavouring to bring the negotiations with the county council to a conclusion and it was hoped the matter could be resolved shortly. The concerns of the residents from Orchard Villas were noted. Somerfield would ensure that any rights which third parties might have in respect of rights of way or rights of access would be catered for in the development. Somerfield accepted that there might have to be some restriction on the hours of construction works because of the close proximity of residential properties but some works, such as demolition, would best be carried out outside normal trading hours when High Street was not busy. Regarding store trading hours, Somerfield would normally expect to be able to trade between 8am to 10pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sundays. Deliveries of perishables, such as bread,
milk, fruit etc, might have to take place before the store opened in the morning. Deliveries would be similar to those currently taking place to service the existing Kwik Save store. The letter was noted. Mr Hamer reported that the planners were relatively happy with the design of the new supermarket and the shop/offices on the High Street frontage. The highway authority and Somerfield were inching closer to an agreement over highway issues. Because of noise and disturbance to nearby properties, the planners were looking at controlling hours of delivery, with no deliveries of perishables before 7am, normal deliveries after 8am and a code of practice to ensure vehicles did not turn up before these times. Mr Hamer agreed to ask Somerfield about security measures for the proposed car park. It was decided to defer consideration of the revised application until the December meeting.
With reference to minute 13306 amended plans for the conversion of mill buildings into residential (148 dwellings) and commercial units and associated exterior works, Tonedale Business Park, Tonedale Mill, Milverton Road, Wellington (43/2004/141 and 142CA) were considered. A letter was received from Woodhall Planning & Conservation giving details of the amendments, which included a new roundabout on the Milverton Road near the junction with Wardleworth Way. In reply to questions Mr Hamer stated that no social housing would be provided on site as the development was on “a financial knife edge” but the developers Courtleigh Securities had agreed to make a contribution of £200,000 towards affordable homes off-site. On the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed unanimously to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the amended plans.
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Conversion of office to 2 one bedroom flats and 3 two bedroom flats at 5 and 6 White Hart Lane, Wellington (43/2005/102: Councillor Mitton declared an interest as a member of Wellington Community Association); (b) Erection of chalet bungalow on land adjacent to Oakleigh, Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington (43/2005/101); (c) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to Oakleigh, Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington (43/2005/104). It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council opposed the following plans: (a) Erection of 15m slimline monopole mast with 3 antennas, 1 radio equipment housing and ancillary equipment on highway land at Exeter Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/103TEN: There were letters of objection from Mrs D. Land, Mrs B. Baker and Mrs I. Small. Councillor Critchard declared an interest and left the room while this item was discussed); (b) Erection of bungalow on land at Manderleigh, Bagley Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/105: There was a letter of concern from Mrs D. Land. Councillor Govier declared a prejudicial interest as a family member owned a nearby property and left the hall while this item was considered. Standing orders were suspended to allow the application Mrs Jones to speak)
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