Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wellington Town Council annual meeting minutes May 2005

PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, S. Palmer, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe and V. Byrne. There were 4 members of the public present.
13307 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2005-06On the proposition of Councillor Horsman, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was unanimously agreed to elect Councillor Bowrah as chairman for 2005-06. Councillor Bowrah signed his declaration of acceptance of office as chairman. He thanked councillors for electing him as chairman. Councillor Govier praised Councillor Bowrah for the excellent way he had carried out his duties as chairman of the council during the past 12 months.
13308 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR 2005-06The clerk read a letter from Councillor Biscoe stating that for work reasons she did not wish to continue as vice-chairman. She was thanked for her past services. On the proposition of Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was unanimously agreed to elect Councillor Mitton as vice-chairman for 2005-06.
13309 ELECTION OF COMMITTEESThe following committees were elected: Finance Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Critchard, Govier, Hindley, Horsman and Warren; Footpaths Committee – Councillors Byrne, Stock-Williams, Warren and Wilson; Environment, Tourism and Town Guide Committee – Councillors Biscoe, Copley, Critchard, James and Stock-Williams; Emergency Planning Committee – Councillors Bowrah, Byrne, Govier Hindley and Mitton; Staffing Committee – The chairman, Councillors Byrne, Mitton, Warren and Wilson.
13310 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON TWINNING ASSOCIATIONCouncillors Byrne and James were elected as the council’s two representatives on Wellington Twinning Association.
13311 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE ON WELLINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONCouncillor Mitton was elected as the council’s representative on Wellington Community Association.
13312 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPCouncillors Govier, Palmer, Stock-Williams and Warren were elected as the council’s four representatives on Wellington Economic Partnership.
13313 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON THE HOSPITAL OF SIR JOHN POPHAM KNIGHT (Popham Flats in Victoria Street)Councillors Byrne, Stock-Williams and and the clerk were elected as the council’s representatives on the Hospital of Sir John Popham Knight (Popham Flats). . 2141
13314 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE ON WELLINGTON IN BLOOM COMMITTEECouncillor Horsman was elected as the council’s representative on Wellington in Bloom Committee.
13315 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE ON FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARKCouncillor Biscoe was elected as the council’s representative on Friends of Wellington Park.
13316 REPRESENTATIVE ON SOMERSET ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILSCouncillor Mitton was elected as the council’s representative on the Somerset Association of Local Councils.
13317 RENEWAL OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONSIt was agreed to renew the council’s annual subscriptions to Somerset Association of Local Councils, Community Council for Somerset, The Council for the Protection of Rural England, and the National Association of Local Councils’ Direct Information Service.
13318 PROVISION OF LITTER AND DOG WASTE BINSIt was agreed that the Environment Committee should look at the current provision of dog waste bins and litter bins in Wellington with a view to making recommendations over the possible re-location of bins, the possible provision of additional bins provided and funded by the town council, and the possible provision of additional dog warden patrols in Wellington, again funded by the town council.
13319 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATH IMPROVEMENTSWith reference to minute 13273 a letter and map were received from Somerset County Council stating that the county was supplying the landowner with a Bristol gate (includes pedestrian access) to hang in place of the present gate on the footpath leading to Perry Elm (WG17/7) and that the county council was replacing a stile with a kissing gate on the footpath at Backways Lane. The landowner had agreed to the placing of 3 Bristol gates on the footpath from Pitt Farm to Dobree Park (WG17/8) and it was hoped to fund these out of the Community Access Fund. The clerk stated that the proposals were part of the town council’s plans to replace all stiles with either kissing gates or Bristol gates. The letter was noted.
13320 BAGLEY ROAD/EXETER ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGWith reference to minutes 13267 and 13268 a letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that the speed readings supplied by the town council would be helpful for the proposal for the right turn lane/speed limit enhancement for the Exeter Road at the junction with Bagley Road. The Bagley Road lining scheme discussed at the site meeting would be progressed as soon as possible. Members were also supplied with the results of traffic volume count carried out in Bagley Road for the week starting 17th and 24th January 2005. The letter was noted.2142
13321 CEMETERY ROAD, ROCKWELL GREEN TRAFFIC CALMINGA letter and plans were received from Somerset Highways stating that a request had been received from Miss Branwell, of 9 Rockwell Green, who had impaired hearing and sight, for a footway to be provided to protect her stepped access on to Cemetery Road, Rockwell Green as she had been hit by a car on more than one occasion. The road was not wide enough for a footway so it was proposed to provide two reflective bollards and white line road-marking to deter vehicles from driving too close to her access. The council was asked for its views on these suggestions. It was agreed to support the proposals.
13322 MAYOR OF WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL, TELFORDA letter was received from the outgoing Mayor of Wellington Town Council in Telford, Shropshire, Councillor Mrs Pat Fairclough stating that she was planning to continue her contact with other Wellingtons, to put some information on a disc and circulate it to as many Wellingtons as possible. Local schools had been visited and shown the display about Wellingtons around the World. She also enclosed a copy of her annual report, a photograph and list of councillors. Councillor Bowrah stated that he would write to Councillor Fairclough and thank her for her letter.
13323 WELLINGTON WEEKLY NEWS NOW DOUBLE IN SIZEMr John Nash, of the Wellington Weekly News, recalled that five years ago he and the editor had spoken to councillors about plans to improve the newspaper. Since then the paper had doubled in size and each 6 months had increased its sales. The paper aimed to inform and entertain. He thanked the clerk, the chairman, past chairmen and councillors for their support and help. Councillor Bowrah replied that councillors very much appreciated the fair assessment of events and reports on council meetings. He also praised the WWN for its strong support of many events and organisations in Wellington and hoped that would continue for a long time.


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