Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wellington Town Council minutes January 2005

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 10th January 2005 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor K. Biscoe, who arrived at 7.25pm, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillor D. Gill, P. Critchard and A. Horsman. There were 11 members of the public present.
13098 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah, wished everyone a happy New Year and reported that he had made enjoyable visits to Wellington Cottage Hospital, Popham House and The Court on Christmas Eve to meet patients, residents and staff. He had been made very welcome. He welcomed parish liaison officer Mr David Greig.
13099 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn, reported that December had been a fairly quiet month for crime in the Wellington section, with 8 assaults, various incidents round the town and surrounding areas, 3 commercial burglaries, no house burglaries, 16 thefts, 2 thefts from motor vehicles, 18 criminal damage offences, with 11 vehicles damaged on the night of 11th/12th December on roads to the south of the town, mainly wing mirrors kicked off by people going home from the pubs The damage was only discovered in the morning. It seemed to be a regular occurrence. Three warrants had been issued under the Misuse of Drugs Act and 2 people had been charged with the possession of drugs. Over the Christmas period there had been very little disorder. On Boxing Day a man had been ejected from the Kings Arms, threw a glass at a member of staff and then threw a plank of wood through the pub window. The incident had been captured on the town centre CCTV and the man arrested and charged. It had also been quiet on New Year’s Eve apart from a couple of incidents in the early hours which had been of a domestic nature. A 15 year old boy who had been the ringleader of a group causing anti social problems in various parts of the town had been identified and after a meeting with the boy, his parents and the police an acceptable behaviour contract had been drawn up which included a curfew and which, hopefully would reduce trouble in the town. Sgt Caburn and his police colleagues were congratulated by Councillors Govier and Bowrah for their efforts in achieving a quiet and peaceful Christmas and New Year in Wellington. Councillor James drew attention to congestion caused by vehicles parking outside takeaways in South Street in the early evenings and Councillor Henley drew attention to the fact that many drivers were still using mobile phones while driving. Sgt Caburn said he would get his officers to keep an eye on the congestion in South Street and stated that a plain police car was tackling the problem of mobile phone users. It had been operating in Wellington from time to time. There was now a £60 fine plus 3 points on a driver’s licence for this offence. He was thanked for his report and for attending.
13100 POSSIBLE EXTENSION OF CCTV IN WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 13067 the clerk reported that a council sub-committee had met with representatives of the police, Baptist Church, Medical Centre, Scouts and Porter & Fry and had agreed to recommend the council to put £20,000 in its 2005-06 budget for the possible extension of CCTV coverage in Wellington. Councillor Govier, who chaired the sub-committee meeting, stated that on the evidence received there was not a strong enough case at the moment to put CCTV in any of the three car parks. A number of measures had been put in place by the Baptist Church and these 2092WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH JANUARY 2005
13100 POSSIBLE EXTENSION OF CCTV IN WELLINGTON (continued)would be reviewed to see if some of the present anti social problems had been eased. Sgt Caburn stated the issue was where the cameras should be placed – Lancer Court off High Street, South Street car park or North Street car park. The cameras were a useful tool for reducing crime but were not a cure-all. Sometimes the cameras led to a displacement of crime to other areas. After some discussion it was agreed to include £20,000 in the 2005-06 estimates for CCTV cameras.
13101 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, thanked the council for increasing its grant to the committee to £1,000.
13102 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 6th December 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
13103 NEW LOCAL TRANSPORT PLANWith reference to minute 13078 further consideration was given to what suggestions to make to Somerset County Council for possible inclusion in the new Taunton Deane Local Transport Plan for the period 2006-2011. After some discussion it was agreed to suggest the following proposals for inclusion in the next five-year LTP (known as LTP2): (a) The provision of right turning filter lights at the town centre traffic lights in High Street and Fore Street for traffic turning right into North Street and right into South Street. This will improve safety for pedestrians using the green man pedestrian crossing. At the moment it is very often the case that right turning traffic in High Street and Fore Street is not able to do so when the lights are green because of the amount on on-coming traffic. These vehicles invariably queue beyond the stop line at the traffic signals and turn when the lights are red and when, in many instances, the green man pedestrian signal is operating at green with pedestrians crossing, thinking it is perfectly safe to do so. The proposed filter will make it absolutely safe for pedestrians and will only add 10/15 seconds to the present traffic signal programme. (b) The provision of a pedestrian crossing on the Milverton Road from Millstream Gardens to Wardleworth Way; (c) Traffic calming in Holyoake Street; (d) Lighting for Dark Lane footpath from Wellesley Park to Eight Acre Lane; (e) Traffic calming for Bagley Road, Rockwell Green.
13104 FREQUENCY OF GREEN MAN PEDESTRIAN PHASECouncillor Byrne reported that she had received complaints from the public about the length of time they had to wait for the green man pedestrian phase at the town centre traffic lights and that as a result some pedestrians were crossing when the phase was at red when they should not cross. She felt it was an accident waiting to happen. She felt that the frequency of the green man phase should be increased although she recognised that it would slow down traffic. The clerk reported that he had timed the frequency of the green man phase which ranged from 1min 25secs to 1min 55secs depending on the flow of traffic. It was agreed to ask Somerset County Council to consider increasing the frequency of the operation of the green man phase.
13105 CORN HILL IMPROVEMENTSWith reference to minute 13073 the clerk reported that the hanging sign outside the Radhuni Indian Restaurant had been removed, so improving the CCTV coverage of Corn Hill; that a broken grille had been replaced by a new grille; that defective doors 2093WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH JANUARY 2005
13105 CORN HILL IMPROVEMENTS (continued)to the SWEB sub-station had been replaced with new doors; and that the Corn Hill brick paviors had been pressure washed on Sunday, 2nd January 2005 with the town council meeting the cost of £235. The report was noted. The Corn Hill Sub-Committee was congratulated by the chairman for the improvements it had achieved.
13106 ROCKWELL GREEN ALLOTMENTSWith reference to minute 13065 a letter was received from the Bath & Wells Diocesan Board of Finance stating that following extensive investigations into the ownership of the allotments over a number of years, the Land Registry had granted the board absolute title to the allotments as diocesan glebe in 1995; that the land was referred to as glebe in the diocesan surveyor’s report of 7th December 1898 and was clearly shown on the plan. Part of the glebe was sold to the former Wellington UDC in 1938 and there were further sales in 1968. For many years the allotment holders had only had an oral tenancy. The board was seeking to put that on a formal basis and it was for that reason that the secretary of the allotment holders had been asked to sign a tenancy agreement on behalf of the other holders. It was agreed to ask the board for a joint meeting with allotment holders, the three Rockwell Green ward councillors and the chairman to discuss the issue further. Councillor Warren reported that he had some information which did not tally with that supplied by the board. He would be attending a meeting of the allotment holders the following night (11th January). It was agreed to defer any further action until after that meeting. Councillor Bowrah declared an interest as an allotment tenant and left the hall while this item was discussed under the chairmanship of vice chairman Councillor Biscoe.
13107 HELPING HANDS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13063 a letter of thanks was received from Helping Hands for the council grant of £1,500. The letter was noted.
13108 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13064 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton CAB for the council grant of £400. The letter was noted.
13109 HIGHER CAR PARKING CHARGESWith reference to minute 13034 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the higher car parking charges would come into force on 4th April 2005 and that season tickets would get a 10% discount. The letter was noted.
13110 FILLING OF VACANCY ON COUNCILWith reference to minute 13075 the clerk reported that 5 local residents had applied for the vacancy which would be filled at a special council meeting on 18th January 20005. The report was noted.13111 EXTENSION OF SPEED LIMIT IN BAGLEY ROADWith reference to minute 12842 a letter was received from County Highways turning down the town council’s request for an extension of the 30mph speed limits in Bagley Road, Popes Lane and Farthings Pitts because none of the roads met the new county criteria of having at least 20 houses on a road length of 600 metres. Letters were received from Mrs D. Land, of Westlands, Bagley Green, and Mrs B. Baker, of 2 Bagley Road, asking for action to be taken over Bagley Road, pointing out that it had a business park with 17 industrial units on it. After some discussion it was agreed to 2094WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH JANUARY 2005
13111 EXTENSION OF SPEED LIMIT IN BAGLEY ROAD (continued0inform the county council that the town council felt that Bagley Road was a special case as it had Ryelands Business Park with its 17 industrial units and all its traffic on it. In addition a large new builders merchants would be opened in Bagley Road shortly. It was agreed to ask for consideration to be given to slowing down traffic by painting “slow” on the road and by possibly installing traffic calming humps. In the long term it was felt that consideration might be given to the provision of a footway. It was further agreed to point out that the road surface contained a number of dips and channels where the main drain had sunk and trenches had been excavated and to ask for remedial works to be carried out.
13112 APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL’S INTERNAL AUDITORWith reference to minute 12577 a letter was received from Mr A.J. Bullen, the council’s current internal auditor, asking if the council wished to appoint him as its internal auditor for 2004-05. His hourly rate was being increased to £28.10 (0.85p, an increase of 3.1%). Mileage would be unchanged at 45p per mile. It was agreed to appoint Mr Bullen as the council’s internal auditor for 2004-05.
13113 CHRISTMAS LIGHTSWith reference to minute 13033 the clerk reported that a donation of £40 towards the Christmas lights had been received from Stags. He had sent a letter of thanks. It was agreed to note the report.
13114 WELLINGTON’S “WONDERFUL” SHOPSA letter was received from Mr and Mrs R. Wiltshire, of Kytton Cottage, Holcombe Rogus, praising Wellington’s “wonderful” shops. It was agreed to note the letter.
13115 LIGHTING FOR ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATHA letter was received from the county council estimating the cost of providing two lights on public footpath WG17/17 from Lancock Street to Rockwell Green main street to be in the region of £2,440. The clerk reported that a quote was awaited for the removal of an iron bar stile and the erection of kissing gates to make the footpath more accessible to the public. Further details would be available in due course. The letter and report were noted.
13116 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13088 no suggestions or recommendations were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next Wellington Economic Partnership meeting on Monday, 24th January 2005 at 6pm.
13117 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Formation of ramp for disabled access and installation of wheelchair lift to rear of Lloyds TSB, 27 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2004/146); (2) Change of use from residential/holiday use to occasional holiday/meeting/wedding use, The Big House (Tonedale House), Tonedale, Wellington as amended by letter dated 29th September 2004 (43/2004/127); (3) Erection of garage extension at 18 Ashford Road, Wellington (43/2004/143: delegated decision); (4) Conversion of integral garage at 11 Cox Road, Wellington (43/2004/136: delegated decision); (5) Erection of single storey extension and dormer window to rear of 32 Springfield Road, Wellington as amended by letter received 21st December 2004 and plan No. SRPPEOO1A (43/2004/ 2095WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 10TH JANUARY 200513117 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)151: delegated decision); (6) Insertion of window in second floor, east elevation, Merrymeet, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2004/152: delegated decision); (7) Change of use of vehicular repair workshop to builders, timber and plumbers merchants, including storage and distribution, tool hire and ancillary retail sales, erection of single storey extension, Unit 7, Scotts Lane, Blackdown Business Park, Wellington, as amended by agents plan No. 007 Rev B received 13th December 2004 (43/2004/144).
13118 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST DECEMBER 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st December 2004 was £87,648 (£85,721 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £61,582 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
13119 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Somerset County Council £168.58 for 15% contribution to cost of new street light at Drakes Park; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £1,444 for hospital patient transport from Wellington to Musgrove Park Hospital for April to November 2004; Helping Hands £1,500 grant; Taunton Deane Citizens Advice Bureau £200 grant for computer costs; Mr A. Brown £1,575.76; Inland Revenue £607.98; Westward Playgrounds Ltd £7,968.50 for supply and erection of tower aerial runway, roundabout with safety surfacing, picnic table and 2 waste bins at Tone play area (deposit of £3,390.85 previously paid); Richard Ball £587.50 for supply and erection of 3 kissing gates on public footpath WG17/17 from Church Lane to Old Canal; Taunton Deane Borough Council £250 for quarterly rental of museum and museum store for period 1/1/05 to 31/3/05; Coach Drivers Club of Great Britain £82.25 for annual council entry in 2005 yearbook; SWEB Energy £6.31 for electricity for Rackfield street light for period from 1st October to 31st December 2004; Taunton DBC £235 for pressure washing of Corn Hill; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for cleaning town centre bus shelters and window cleaning at council premises for December 2004; Taunton DBC £270.25 for erecting road closure barriers and signs for Christmas lights switch-on; The Carly Press Ltd £87.05 for 2 boxes of paper, files and ink cartridges.
13120 TSUNAMI DISASTERCouncillor Byrne referred to the Tsunami Disaster in Asia which had caused widespread loss of life. She also referred to the excellent fund raising which had taken place in Wellington.
13121 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 9th, 16th and 23rd December 2004 and 6th January 2005; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting held on 14th December 2004; minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings of Taunton DBC held between September and November 12004; What’s On within the Heart of Somerset for January 2005; Taunton DBC Community Green Space Newsletter Issue 1; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 595 and 596; November 2004 Court Circular magazine from Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers; European Union newsletters 127 and 128 dealing with regional policy; EU Factsheet 2004 on cohesion policy.


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