Wellington Town Council minutes September 2004
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 6th September 2004 at 7.05pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, who arrived at 7.25pm, A. Govier, R. Henley, A. Horsman, G. James and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, D. Gill, C. Hindley, A. Milne and D. Mitton. There were 12 members of the public present.
12915 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah, on behalf of the council and residents, congratulated Wellington in Bloom Committee on regaining the Portman Cup in the Britain in Bloom Competition, the third time Wellington had won the trophy in 4 years. It reflected great credit on everyone involved. He had attended the annual Wellington Flower Show which had been an excellent afternoon, well supported and with first class displays. He had also attended the Sports Spectacular on Bank Holiday Monday which had been another outstanding success. He was pleased that the skate park at the sports centre had opened last week: the council would be monitoring it closely. The closure of the old established business of Richardsons Garage at the end of August had been a big shock to the town and he offered the council’s sympathy to over 30 people who had been put out of work. It was a great shame to see the filling station empty and there were fears it might become an eyesore. Councillor Byrne referred to the recent closure of Bulford Church.
12916 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn reported that during August in the Wellington section there had 25 thefts, 9 cases of criminal damage, 2 cases of criminal damage to vehicles which was an improvement, 18 thefts from vehicles (10 from Wellington itself: someone had been arrested for some of the car thefts and had been remanded in custody), 7 assaults (4 domestic), 2 commercial burglaries, 1 shed burglary and 1 distraction burglary in the town and 14 arrests, including a man for 11 deception charges for passing forged Scottish £20 notes in the town. There had been anti social behaviour problems, especially during the school holidays, and the police had targeted various areas. The youths had been moved around the town. There had been a big fight in Longforth Road where cars had gathered and drawn in people from other areas. Two people from the Watchet area had been arrested, one who had been sent to prison in April and one who was subject to an anti social behaviour order. There had been anti social behaviour problems in Bulford car park where youths had gathered, shouting, swearing, behaving yobbishly and creating rubbish for others to clear up. Ladies going to the Baptist Church had been intimidated by the presence of the youths and had to be escorted off the premises.- He had spoken to the Baptist minister, the Rev Sam Griffiths to discuss various problems and they were looking at various measures, including targeting areas with police patrols. Other areas affected included Court Fields School and Kwiksave. In the short term incidents would have to be dealt with by the police as these occurred but in the longer term they would have to look at what they could do to improve facilities for youngsters in the town: some complained there was nothing to do in the evenings. There was also the issue of would the youngsters do anything even if facilities were provided. A new police officer would be arriving shortly and would be targeting those with anti social behaviour orders and acceptable behaviour contracts. The police were aware of the problem and were trying to make inroads into it. The police could only act if they were aware of incidents. He urged the public to ring the local station and, if they could not get through, then ring 999. 2052WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12916 POLICE MATTERS (continued)The police had only received 4 calls about Bulford car park in 128 days. Councillor Wilson recalled that when Mr Griffiths had raised the issue previously it had been agreed that the council should await a report on the effectiveness of the town centre CCTV cameras. Sgt Caburn stated that a report would be prepared for discussion at the October council meeting. It was agreed to invite Mr Griffiths to the October meeting. Councillor Govier felt that the byelaws governing the use of the public car parks should not be timed and should be in operation beyond 6pm. It was agreed to take this matter up with Taunton DBC. He also reported that residents were concerned about people sleeping in cars in Court Drive and Sgt Caburn replied that the police would look into it. Councillor Horsman felt there was a need to raise the profile of the alcohol exclusion zone in the town and Councillor Henley reported that he had seen youngsters walking through the town in broad daylight drinking cans of lager. Sgt Caburn was thanked for his report. Councillors received a copy of a detailed letter from Mr Griffiths about the problems of disturbances and vandalism in the Bulford car park adjoining the Baptist Church in the summer period.
12917 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isobel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, thanked the chairman for his congratulations on winning the Portman Cup and said it was the first time that Wellington had received a gold award, obtaining over 85 marks. It was the result of much hard work. The cup would be displayed in the Community Office.
12918 PUBLIC PARTICPATION TIME: HELPING HANDS APPEALCaroline Marsh, of Helping Hands, stated that Helping Hands would be applying to the council for a grant of £6,000 to continue and expand its services which covered social and welfare issues, benefit and advocacy services, working closely with police on youth issues and passive exercises twice a week. The group offered a complete wrap around service. The chairman stated that the application would be on the council’s October agenda.
12919 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: DOBREE PARK PLAYING FIELDMr Roy Maggs, of Lancock Street, recalled that in February 2004 he had suggested the provision of a CCTV camera for the newly opened Dobree Park playing field because of vandalism and anti social behaviour. Councillor Wilson reported that higher perimeter fencing had been provided to try to stop balls going into adjoining residents’ gardens. It was agreed that the October council agenda should include an item about the state of the playing field and the CCTV camera suggestion.
12920 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meeting held on 2nd August 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12921 NEW SKATEPARK AT KING’S CENTREWith reference to minute 12867 a letter was received from Mr Peter Gibson, elder and trustee of the King’s Church, stating that the skatepark was open 5 times a week, Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am to 1pm during school holidays, and Mondays and Fridays 7pm to 10pm and Saturdays 10am to 1pm. There had been 6 Press articles about the plans for the skatepark and other youth facilities at the centre and immediate neighbours, youth groups and local churches had been circulated to attend an open meeting held on 24th June when a full explanation of the plans had been given. More 2053WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12921 NEW SKATEPARK AT KING’S CENTRE (continued)people had attended the opening night of the skatepark on 23rd July than anticipated and one of the lessons learnt was the need to monitor carefully the volume of music, a matter being given serious attention. All the other comments they had received had been positive, complimentary and encouraging. They would be happy to show councillors around the centre. A letter was also received from Mrs M. Smith and Mr R.J. Parr, of Buckwell, stating that neither received the leaflet inviting residents to the open meting on 24th June. Both letters were noted. Councillor Govier declared a personal interest as a member of the King’s Church.
12922 WHEELIE BIN COLLECTIONWith reference to minute 12873 Councillor Henley reported that there had been some problems with the collection of the green recycling bins in Wellington. It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC of the problems, to ask when the pilot scheme for the wheelie bin collection service was to be introduced in Wellington and also for a schedule of the collections in Wellington.
12923 PROPOSED TEEN AREA OFF LILLEBONE CLOSEWith reference to minute 12878 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that a public exhibition of the proposals to provide permanent recreational facilities on the open space area off Lillebonne Close had been arranged at the Kings’s Centre from noon to 9pm on 16th September 2004 to allow further public consultation to be undertaken. The Mounds did not form part of the proposals under consideration and would not be removed. The police had suggested removing a section of the hedging at the Paddocks play area as it enclosed a path and was detrimental to personal safety and security. Its removal would increase passive supervision of the area. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr P. Drohan and Mr P. Wilson, of Lillebonne Close, to speak. Both complained about the erection of full sized goalposts by the side of one of the Mounds, which was the worst possible site, when mini goalposts had been promised. Mr Wilson said the goalposts were only 20 metres from his garden and on the previous day when adults had been using the goalposts a football had landed in his garden four times. The posts were at the wrong end of the Mounds. It was agreed to write to Taunton DBC to ask for the full sized goalposts to be removed and to be replaced by mini goalposts in the middle of the open area between the Mounds and the car parking area at the Gay Street end of the play area and near a garage area in Lillebonne Close.
12924 FUTURE ARTS FUNDING IN WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12875 a letter was received from Mr Geoff Cross, the chairman of Wellington Arts Association, stating that both the town council and Taunton DBC had been most generous to the association over recent years. During the last five years the association had received from Taunton DBC £17,000 to help with the rewiring of the Wellesley Theatre, £10,0000 towards paying for the consultancy work associated with a lottery bid, £40,000 as part of the Deane share of the lottery bid which had still been awarded even though the main bid failed, £3,000 to fund a course in multi-media training for the association’s youth theatre group, and, very recently, £1,500 to pay for team leader fees, again for its youth theatre group. At the moment the Deane’s arts development officer was looking for sources of funding to help the association replace the heating system at the Wellesley Theatre. The association was grateful for the concern of town councillors on their behalf. The letter was noted.2054WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12925 DAMAGE TO GREENWAY ROAD BOLLARDSCouncillor Wilson reported that traffic bollards at the top of Greenway Road had been damaged three times with a result that traffic was travelling between Dobree Park and Greenway Road, causing danger to children who played at the top of Greenway Road. The road had not been adopted and so it was the responsibility of Sanctuary Housing Association to repair the bollards. It was agreed to write to the association asking for the bollards to be repaired as soon as possible and to write to the Fire and Rescue Service asking for their views on retaining the bollards which are demountable to allow emergency vehicles through while keeping out normal traffic.
12926 LONGER ENTERTAINMENT HOURS AT THE VINTAGECouncillor Wilson reported that the Vintage Inn, 24 Fore Street, had applied to Taunton DBC for extended public entertainment licence hours: from 11am to 12 midnight Monday to Saturday and 12noon to 11.30pm on Sundays, an hour longer than at present. After some discussion it was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council supported the longer hours on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for an experimental period of six months but not Monday-Wednesday or Sundays. It was agreed to point out that close to the rear garden of the Vintage was council accommodation for the elderly at Squirrel Court and Bulford.
12927 OVERHANGING TREES AT CHESTNUT CLOSECouncillor Henley reported that he had received from complaints from residents in Chestnut Close about overhanging trees on a grass verge near 4 and 5 Chestnut Close causing loss of light. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to lop the trees.
12928 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS TO TONE PLAY AREAWith reference to minute 12752 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that a grant of £6,000 had been approved towards the cost of providing an aerial runway, roundabout, picnic table and litter bins at the Tone play area. It was agreed to note the letter and to authorise Councillors Byrne, Govier and Bowrah and the clerk to accept one of the quotes that had been received.
12929 NEW TOILETS FOR NORTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12735 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that plans for the new toilets at the North Street car park would include a canopy which had not been supported by the town council when the design had been originally considered in May 2004. It was agreed to reply that the town council strongly opposed the canopy as it felt it would lead to youths gathering and loitering, resulting in anti social behaviour.
12930 LONGFORTH ROAD AND BRENDON ROAD TRAFFIC ISSUESWith reference to minute 12390 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the proposed parking restrictions Longforth Road, Brendon Road and Seymour Street were now to be progressed by the area traffic engineer. The proposed 20mph scheme for Pyles Thorne Road had been subject to a detailed technical and safety audit procedure which had raised a number of important issues which meant the scheme had to be amended. Revised drawings would be sent to the town council in due course. It was agreed to reply that the council supported the proposed parking restrictions in Brendon Road, Longforth Road and Seymour Street; again strongly supported the idea of a mini roundabout at the junction of Longforth Road with Victoria Street; and to ask when the amended Pyles Thorne scheme would be ready. 2055WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12931 OVERHANGING TREES AT COURT FIELDS SCHOOLWith reference to minute 12881 a letter was received from Somerset County Council refusing to lop the trees in the grounds of Court Fields School adjoining Black Path blocking the light of disabled residents in Grooms Orchard, Court Drive, stating that the trees pre-dated the bungalows and were a valued part of the landscape and the school. The letter was noted.
12932 ALEXANDRA ROAD SITE MEETING RE PLAY FACILITIESWith reference to minute 12902 the clerk reported that at a well attended site meeting with residents, councillors, officers and police it had been agreed that small goalposts should be provided in the centre of Roly Poly Green to encourage children to play football there, that “children playing” signs should be erected in Victoria Street and Longforth Road and that consideration should be given to installing a litter bin and dog waste bin. The report was noted.
12933 FOOTPATHSWith reference to minute 12839 the clerk reported that the Footpath Committee had walked public footpaths from the bottom of Brendon Road to Crosslands, the line of the old canal and back to Church Lane and had agreed that three existing stiles should be replaced by kissing gates and one existing kissing gate repaired to improve pubic access. It was hoped to obtain grants from the county council’s Community Access Fund to pay for most of the work. The report was noted.
12934 DEANE-COUNTY COUNCIL FOOTPATHS AGREEMENTWith reference to minute 12900 a letter was received from Taunton DBC acknowledging the town council’s comments. The letter was noted.
12935 CARNIVAL COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12892 a letter was received from Wellington Carnival Committee thanking the council for its grant of £700. The letter was noted.
12936 3RD WELLINGTON GUIDES GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12893 a letter was received from 3rd Wellington Guides thanking the council for its grant of £335. The letter was noted.
12937 WELLINGTON FIRST RESPONDERS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12749 a letter was received from Wellington First Responders thanking the council its grant of £500. The letter was noted.
12938 INSPECTION OF TONE PLAY AREA EQUIPMENTWith reference to minute 12659 a report was received from Mr G. Little, engineer surveyor, of Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers, on the six-monthly inspection carried out on 5th August 2004 of the equipment at the town council’s Tone play area off Wardleworth Way. The report was noted. The clerk pointed out that the bolts holding the chain suspension clamps onto the crossbar of the swings had been dismantled, examined and renewed as necessary in July 2002.
12939 PROTECTION OF WELLINGTON PARK WAR MEMORIALWith reference to minute 12831 an email was received from Councillor P. Critchard suggesting the erection of chains around the War Memorial in Wellington Park to protect it from skateboarders. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to provide these.2056WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12940 SOUTH STREET FOOTWAY WIDENINGWith reference to minute 12391 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the scheme to widen the footpath in the narrow part of South Street had been put on hold indefinitely because the landowners involved were not prepared to sell their land and the costly and time consuming compulsory purchase order procedure was not considered appropriate in the current circumstances. Letter noted.
12941 SPEED MANAGEMENT REVIEWA letter was received from Somerset County Council giving details the county wide speed management review resulting in policy revisions covering the reconsideration of the limits currently applicable on strategic routes, a reassessment of existing requests for speed limits held over from last year, and a re-prioritisation exercise for the village 30mph and school 20mph schemes. The letter was noted.
12942 PASSENGER TRANSPORT STRATEGY FOR SOMERSETA letter was received from Somerset County Council asking for the town council’s comments on the development of a passenger transport strategy for Somerset. It was agreed to consider the letter again at the council’s October meeting.
12943 HOLYWELL INN LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Holywell Inn, Holywell Lake to Christopher Neil Curtis and John Roderick Day, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 14th September 2004. It was noted.
12944 PICCADILLY SERVICE STATION LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for a new provisional justices licence for Piccadilly Service Station, Chelston, near Wellington to be made final and transferred to Ian James Fowler and Kathy Durbin, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 14th September 2004. It was noted.
12945 TOTAL CONVENIENCE STORE LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Total Convenience Store, Mantle Street, Wellington to Colin Mills and Lisa Karenza Opie, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 12th October 2004. It was noted.
12946 WEAVERS ARMS LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Weavers Arms, Rockwell Green, to Shaun Wootton and Eric Osterholm, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 14th September 2004. It was noted.
12947 CONDUCT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEESA letter was received from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister seeking the town council’s views on two draft consultation papers: (i) A draft code of conduct for local government employees; and (ii) A review of restrictions on the political activities of local authority employees and the pay of political assistants. It was agreed to accept Councillor Warren’s offer to read both papers and report back with any proposals or recommendations he felt appropriate.
12948 ADDITIONAL CYCLE STANDS IN FORE STREETThe clerk reported that he had received two verbal requests from the public for additional cycle stands to be provided outside Somerfield in Fore Street. There were2057WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12948 ADDITIONAL CYCLESTANDS IN FORE STREET (continued)currently three cycle stands outside the store and he felt there was room for one or possibly two additional stands. The existing stands were well used. It was agreed to ask Somerset Highways to provide additional stands and to suggest where other cycle stands might be provided in the town centre area.
12949 SOMERFIELD STORE LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for Somerfield Store, 4-6 Fore Street, Wellington to Brendan Moran, Marianne Jane Hould, Susan Ann West and Judith Ann Cable, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 12th October 2004. It was noted.
12950 KWIKSAVE STORE LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Kwiksave Store, 44-46 High Street, Wellington to Anthony Michael Osborne, Justin Cleeve, Susan Carol Madge and Deborah Ann Parker, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 12th October 2004. It was noted.
12951 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12903 no items or recommendations were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 13th September 2004 at 6pm.
12952 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Erection of conservatory at rear of 30 Wellesley Park, Wellington (43/2004/080: delegated decision); (2) Erection of two storey extension to side of 11 Lancock Street, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/084: delegated decision; (3) Application to carry out tree work on one lime tree included in Taunton Deane (Wellington No. 1) Tree Preservation Order 1986 at 12 Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2004/082T); (4) Demolition of existing warehouse and erection of block of 14 flats, former Haymans Coal Yard, Westford, Wellington (43/2004/051); (5) Demolition of house and erection of 6 extra care units, 2 Lodge Close, Wellington (43/2004/066); (6) Erection of 5 two bedroomed bungalows on land between 63 and 65 Howard Road and associated parking (12 spaces) for new and existing dwellings on open space area adjacent to Howard Road, Wellington as amplified by letter dated 9th June 2004 (43/2004/041); (7) Erection of 4 one bedroomed houses on land between 43 and 45 Howard Road and associated parking (8 spaces) for new and existing houses on open space area adjacent to Howard Road, Wellington (43/2004/042); (8) Erection of conservatory at 31 Blackmoor Road, Wellington (43/2004/087: delegated decision); (9) Erection of first floor extension to side of 18 John Grinter Way, Wellington (43/2004/086: delegated decision); (10) Erection of conservatory to rear of 29 Walkers Gate, Wellington (43/2004/083: delegated decision); (11) Conversion of barn to dwelling with demolition of lean-to buildings, Jurston Farm, Wellington as amended by structural engineer’s letter dated 9th August 2004 (43/2004/049 and 43/2004/050LB); (12) Installation of bathroom and stud wall alterations at 19 and 21 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2004/094LB); (13) Erection of conservatory to rear of 125 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/092: delegated decision). 2059WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12953 PLANNING DECISIONS BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following planning application: (1) Renewal of time-limited permission (Ref 46/1999/010) for a further five years from the current end date of 3rd September 2004 to install a landfall gas utilisation facility to generate electricity of Poole Landfill Site, Poole, Wellington (43/2004/021).
12954 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST AUGUST 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st August 2004 was £45,222 (£85,280 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £34,624 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
12955 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Henley, seconded by Councillor Byrne , it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: 3rd Wellington Guides £335 grant; Mr A. Brown £1,731.76; Inland Revenue £677.58; Wellington Carnival Committee £700 grant; The Carly Press Ltd £29.90 for paper; Hinewood Cleaning Services £160 for window cleaning and bus shelter cleaning; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for May and June 2004; BT £175.94 for telephone calls, fax and internet service charges to 18th August 2004; Taunton Deane Borough Council £3,525 for contribution towards new skate park at Wellington Sports Centre; Taunton Deane Borough Council £2,554.65 for cutting and clearing footpaths for 2004.
12956 CLERK’S SALARYOn the proposition of Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor Bowrah, it was agreed that the clerk’s salary for 2004-05 should be increased to £22,705 with effect from 1st April 2004 and for 2005-06 should be increased to £23,375 wef 1st April 2005 in accordance with the scales jointly recommended by the National Association of Local Councils and the Society of Local Council Clerks.
12957 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 5th, 12th, 19th and 26 August and 2nd September 2004; What’s On within Taunton Deane for September 2004; Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau’s annual report for 2003-04; first edition of bulletin from Taunton Deane Council for Voluntary Service; Summer 2004 newsletter of Somerset Playing Fields Association; Community Council for Somerset’s annual report to 31st March 2004; Somerset Association of Local Councils annual report and accounts for 2003-04, agenda for AGM on 25th September 2004 and minutes of West area meeting on 10th June; Autumn 2004 issue of Thatch; September 2004 edition of Community Update from Community Council for Somerset; August 2004 edition of The Clerk from Society of Local Council Clerks; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 586 and 587; July 2004 issue of News & Views from Zurich Municipal; July 2004 issue of Court Circular from Zurich Municipal; Coach Monthly for August and September 2004; European Union newsletters for June and July 2004 about regional policy and structural funds.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, who arrived at 7.25pm, A. Govier, R. Henley, A. Horsman, G. James and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, D. Gill, C. Hindley, A. Milne and D. Mitton. There were 12 members of the public present.
12915 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah, on behalf of the council and residents, congratulated Wellington in Bloom Committee on regaining the Portman Cup in the Britain in Bloom Competition, the third time Wellington had won the trophy in 4 years. It reflected great credit on everyone involved. He had attended the annual Wellington Flower Show which had been an excellent afternoon, well supported and with first class displays. He had also attended the Sports Spectacular on Bank Holiday Monday which had been another outstanding success. He was pleased that the skate park at the sports centre had opened last week: the council would be monitoring it closely. The closure of the old established business of Richardsons Garage at the end of August had been a big shock to the town and he offered the council’s sympathy to over 30 people who had been put out of work. It was a great shame to see the filling station empty and there were fears it might become an eyesore. Councillor Byrne referred to the recent closure of Bulford Church.
12916 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn reported that during August in the Wellington section there had 25 thefts, 9 cases of criminal damage, 2 cases of criminal damage to vehicles which was an improvement, 18 thefts from vehicles (10 from Wellington itself: someone had been arrested for some of the car thefts and had been remanded in custody), 7 assaults (4 domestic), 2 commercial burglaries, 1 shed burglary and 1 distraction burglary in the town and 14 arrests, including a man for 11 deception charges for passing forged Scottish £20 notes in the town. There had been anti social behaviour problems, especially during the school holidays, and the police had targeted various areas. The youths had been moved around the town. There had been a big fight in Longforth Road where cars had gathered and drawn in people from other areas. Two people from the Watchet area had been arrested, one who had been sent to prison in April and one who was subject to an anti social behaviour order. There had been anti social behaviour problems in Bulford car park where youths had gathered, shouting, swearing, behaving yobbishly and creating rubbish for others to clear up. Ladies going to the Baptist Church had been intimidated by the presence of the youths and had to be escorted off the premises.- He had spoken to the Baptist minister, the Rev Sam Griffiths to discuss various problems and they were looking at various measures, including targeting areas with police patrols. Other areas affected included Court Fields School and Kwiksave. In the short term incidents would have to be dealt with by the police as these occurred but in the longer term they would have to look at what they could do to improve facilities for youngsters in the town: some complained there was nothing to do in the evenings. There was also the issue of would the youngsters do anything even if facilities were provided. A new police officer would be arriving shortly and would be targeting those with anti social behaviour orders and acceptable behaviour contracts. The police were aware of the problem and were trying to make inroads into it. The police could only act if they were aware of incidents. He urged the public to ring the local station and, if they could not get through, then ring 999. 2052WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12916 POLICE MATTERS (continued)The police had only received 4 calls about Bulford car park in 128 days. Councillor Wilson recalled that when Mr Griffiths had raised the issue previously it had been agreed that the council should await a report on the effectiveness of the town centre CCTV cameras. Sgt Caburn stated that a report would be prepared for discussion at the October council meeting. It was agreed to invite Mr Griffiths to the October meeting. Councillor Govier felt that the byelaws governing the use of the public car parks should not be timed and should be in operation beyond 6pm. It was agreed to take this matter up with Taunton DBC. He also reported that residents were concerned about people sleeping in cars in Court Drive and Sgt Caburn replied that the police would look into it. Councillor Horsman felt there was a need to raise the profile of the alcohol exclusion zone in the town and Councillor Henley reported that he had seen youngsters walking through the town in broad daylight drinking cans of lager. Sgt Caburn was thanked for his report. Councillors received a copy of a detailed letter from Mr Griffiths about the problems of disturbances and vandalism in the Bulford car park adjoining the Baptist Church in the summer period.
12917 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isobel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, thanked the chairman for his congratulations on winning the Portman Cup and said it was the first time that Wellington had received a gold award, obtaining over 85 marks. It was the result of much hard work. The cup would be displayed in the Community Office.
12918 PUBLIC PARTICPATION TIME: HELPING HANDS APPEALCaroline Marsh, of Helping Hands, stated that Helping Hands would be applying to the council for a grant of £6,000 to continue and expand its services which covered social and welfare issues, benefit and advocacy services, working closely with police on youth issues and passive exercises twice a week. The group offered a complete wrap around service. The chairman stated that the application would be on the council’s October agenda.
12919 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: DOBREE PARK PLAYING FIELDMr Roy Maggs, of Lancock Street, recalled that in February 2004 he had suggested the provision of a CCTV camera for the newly opened Dobree Park playing field because of vandalism and anti social behaviour. Councillor Wilson reported that higher perimeter fencing had been provided to try to stop balls going into adjoining residents’ gardens. It was agreed that the October council agenda should include an item about the state of the playing field and the CCTV camera suggestion.
12920 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meeting held on 2nd August 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12921 NEW SKATEPARK AT KING’S CENTREWith reference to minute 12867 a letter was received from Mr Peter Gibson, elder and trustee of the King’s Church, stating that the skatepark was open 5 times a week, Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am to 1pm during school holidays, and Mondays and Fridays 7pm to 10pm and Saturdays 10am to 1pm. There had been 6 Press articles about the plans for the skatepark and other youth facilities at the centre and immediate neighbours, youth groups and local churches had been circulated to attend an open meeting held on 24th June when a full explanation of the plans had been given. More 2053WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12921 NEW SKATEPARK AT KING’S CENTRE (continued)people had attended the opening night of the skatepark on 23rd July than anticipated and one of the lessons learnt was the need to monitor carefully the volume of music, a matter being given serious attention. All the other comments they had received had been positive, complimentary and encouraging. They would be happy to show councillors around the centre. A letter was also received from Mrs M. Smith and Mr R.J. Parr, of Buckwell, stating that neither received the leaflet inviting residents to the open meting on 24th June. Both letters were noted. Councillor Govier declared a personal interest as a member of the King’s Church.
12922 WHEELIE BIN COLLECTIONWith reference to minute 12873 Councillor Henley reported that there had been some problems with the collection of the green recycling bins in Wellington. It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC of the problems, to ask when the pilot scheme for the wheelie bin collection service was to be introduced in Wellington and also for a schedule of the collections in Wellington.
12923 PROPOSED TEEN AREA OFF LILLEBONE CLOSEWith reference to minute 12878 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that a public exhibition of the proposals to provide permanent recreational facilities on the open space area off Lillebonne Close had been arranged at the Kings’s Centre from noon to 9pm on 16th September 2004 to allow further public consultation to be undertaken. The Mounds did not form part of the proposals under consideration and would not be removed. The police had suggested removing a section of the hedging at the Paddocks play area as it enclosed a path and was detrimental to personal safety and security. Its removal would increase passive supervision of the area. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr P. Drohan and Mr P. Wilson, of Lillebonne Close, to speak. Both complained about the erection of full sized goalposts by the side of one of the Mounds, which was the worst possible site, when mini goalposts had been promised. Mr Wilson said the goalposts were only 20 metres from his garden and on the previous day when adults had been using the goalposts a football had landed in his garden four times. The posts were at the wrong end of the Mounds. It was agreed to write to Taunton DBC to ask for the full sized goalposts to be removed and to be replaced by mini goalposts in the middle of the open area between the Mounds and the car parking area at the Gay Street end of the play area and near a garage area in Lillebonne Close.
12924 FUTURE ARTS FUNDING IN WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12875 a letter was received from Mr Geoff Cross, the chairman of Wellington Arts Association, stating that both the town council and Taunton DBC had been most generous to the association over recent years. During the last five years the association had received from Taunton DBC £17,000 to help with the rewiring of the Wellesley Theatre, £10,0000 towards paying for the consultancy work associated with a lottery bid, £40,000 as part of the Deane share of the lottery bid which had still been awarded even though the main bid failed, £3,000 to fund a course in multi-media training for the association’s youth theatre group, and, very recently, £1,500 to pay for team leader fees, again for its youth theatre group. At the moment the Deane’s arts development officer was looking for sources of funding to help the association replace the heating system at the Wellesley Theatre. The association was grateful for the concern of town councillors on their behalf. The letter was noted.2054WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12925 DAMAGE TO GREENWAY ROAD BOLLARDSCouncillor Wilson reported that traffic bollards at the top of Greenway Road had been damaged three times with a result that traffic was travelling between Dobree Park and Greenway Road, causing danger to children who played at the top of Greenway Road. The road had not been adopted and so it was the responsibility of Sanctuary Housing Association to repair the bollards. It was agreed to write to the association asking for the bollards to be repaired as soon as possible and to write to the Fire and Rescue Service asking for their views on retaining the bollards which are demountable to allow emergency vehicles through while keeping out normal traffic.
12926 LONGER ENTERTAINMENT HOURS AT THE VINTAGECouncillor Wilson reported that the Vintage Inn, 24 Fore Street, had applied to Taunton DBC for extended public entertainment licence hours: from 11am to 12 midnight Monday to Saturday and 12noon to 11.30pm on Sundays, an hour longer than at present. After some discussion it was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council supported the longer hours on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for an experimental period of six months but not Monday-Wednesday or Sundays. It was agreed to point out that close to the rear garden of the Vintage was council accommodation for the elderly at Squirrel Court and Bulford.
12927 OVERHANGING TREES AT CHESTNUT CLOSECouncillor Henley reported that he had received from complaints from residents in Chestnut Close about overhanging trees on a grass verge near 4 and 5 Chestnut Close causing loss of light. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to lop the trees.
12928 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS TO TONE PLAY AREAWith reference to minute 12752 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that a grant of £6,000 had been approved towards the cost of providing an aerial runway, roundabout, picnic table and litter bins at the Tone play area. It was agreed to note the letter and to authorise Councillors Byrne, Govier and Bowrah and the clerk to accept one of the quotes that had been received.
12929 NEW TOILETS FOR NORTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12735 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that plans for the new toilets at the North Street car park would include a canopy which had not been supported by the town council when the design had been originally considered in May 2004. It was agreed to reply that the town council strongly opposed the canopy as it felt it would lead to youths gathering and loitering, resulting in anti social behaviour.
12930 LONGFORTH ROAD AND BRENDON ROAD TRAFFIC ISSUESWith reference to minute 12390 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the proposed parking restrictions Longforth Road, Brendon Road and Seymour Street were now to be progressed by the area traffic engineer. The proposed 20mph scheme for Pyles Thorne Road had been subject to a detailed technical and safety audit procedure which had raised a number of important issues which meant the scheme had to be amended. Revised drawings would be sent to the town council in due course. It was agreed to reply that the council supported the proposed parking restrictions in Brendon Road, Longforth Road and Seymour Street; again strongly supported the idea of a mini roundabout at the junction of Longforth Road with Victoria Street; and to ask when the amended Pyles Thorne scheme would be ready. 2055WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12931 OVERHANGING TREES AT COURT FIELDS SCHOOLWith reference to minute 12881 a letter was received from Somerset County Council refusing to lop the trees in the grounds of Court Fields School adjoining Black Path blocking the light of disabled residents in Grooms Orchard, Court Drive, stating that the trees pre-dated the bungalows and were a valued part of the landscape and the school. The letter was noted.
12932 ALEXANDRA ROAD SITE MEETING RE PLAY FACILITIESWith reference to minute 12902 the clerk reported that at a well attended site meeting with residents, councillors, officers and police it had been agreed that small goalposts should be provided in the centre of Roly Poly Green to encourage children to play football there, that “children playing” signs should be erected in Victoria Street and Longforth Road and that consideration should be given to installing a litter bin and dog waste bin. The report was noted.
12933 FOOTPATHSWith reference to minute 12839 the clerk reported that the Footpath Committee had walked public footpaths from the bottom of Brendon Road to Crosslands, the line of the old canal and back to Church Lane and had agreed that three existing stiles should be replaced by kissing gates and one existing kissing gate repaired to improve pubic access. It was hoped to obtain grants from the county council’s Community Access Fund to pay for most of the work. The report was noted.
12934 DEANE-COUNTY COUNCIL FOOTPATHS AGREEMENTWith reference to minute 12900 a letter was received from Taunton DBC acknowledging the town council’s comments. The letter was noted.
12935 CARNIVAL COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12892 a letter was received from Wellington Carnival Committee thanking the council for its grant of £700. The letter was noted.
12936 3RD WELLINGTON GUIDES GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12893 a letter was received from 3rd Wellington Guides thanking the council for its grant of £335. The letter was noted.
12937 WELLINGTON FIRST RESPONDERS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12749 a letter was received from Wellington First Responders thanking the council its grant of £500. The letter was noted.
12938 INSPECTION OF TONE PLAY AREA EQUIPMENTWith reference to minute 12659 a report was received from Mr G. Little, engineer surveyor, of Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers, on the six-monthly inspection carried out on 5th August 2004 of the equipment at the town council’s Tone play area off Wardleworth Way. The report was noted. The clerk pointed out that the bolts holding the chain suspension clamps onto the crossbar of the swings had been dismantled, examined and renewed as necessary in July 2002.
12939 PROTECTION OF WELLINGTON PARK WAR MEMORIALWith reference to minute 12831 an email was received from Councillor P. Critchard suggesting the erection of chains around the War Memorial in Wellington Park to protect it from skateboarders. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to provide these.2056WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12940 SOUTH STREET FOOTWAY WIDENINGWith reference to minute 12391 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the scheme to widen the footpath in the narrow part of South Street had been put on hold indefinitely because the landowners involved were not prepared to sell their land and the costly and time consuming compulsory purchase order procedure was not considered appropriate in the current circumstances. Letter noted.
12941 SPEED MANAGEMENT REVIEWA letter was received from Somerset County Council giving details the county wide speed management review resulting in policy revisions covering the reconsideration of the limits currently applicable on strategic routes, a reassessment of existing requests for speed limits held over from last year, and a re-prioritisation exercise for the village 30mph and school 20mph schemes. The letter was noted.
12942 PASSENGER TRANSPORT STRATEGY FOR SOMERSETA letter was received from Somerset County Council asking for the town council’s comments on the development of a passenger transport strategy for Somerset. It was agreed to consider the letter again at the council’s October meeting.
12943 HOLYWELL INN LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Holywell Inn, Holywell Lake to Christopher Neil Curtis and John Roderick Day, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 14th September 2004. It was noted.
12944 PICCADILLY SERVICE STATION LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for a new provisional justices licence for Piccadilly Service Station, Chelston, near Wellington to be made final and transferred to Ian James Fowler and Kathy Durbin, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 14th September 2004. It was noted.
12945 TOTAL CONVENIENCE STORE LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Total Convenience Store, Mantle Street, Wellington to Colin Mills and Lisa Karenza Opie, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 12th October 2004. It was noted.
12946 WEAVERS ARMS LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Weavers Arms, Rockwell Green, to Shaun Wootton and Eric Osterholm, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 14th September 2004. It was noted.
12947 CONDUCT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEESA letter was received from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister seeking the town council’s views on two draft consultation papers: (i) A draft code of conduct for local government employees; and (ii) A review of restrictions on the political activities of local authority employees and the pay of political assistants. It was agreed to accept Councillor Warren’s offer to read both papers and report back with any proposals or recommendations he felt appropriate.
12948 ADDITIONAL CYCLE STANDS IN FORE STREETThe clerk reported that he had received two verbal requests from the public for additional cycle stands to be provided outside Somerfield in Fore Street. There were2057WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12948 ADDITIONAL CYCLESTANDS IN FORE STREET (continued)currently three cycle stands outside the store and he felt there was room for one or possibly two additional stands. The existing stands were well used. It was agreed to ask Somerset Highways to provide additional stands and to suggest where other cycle stands might be provided in the town centre area.
12949 SOMERFIELD STORE LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for Somerfield Store, 4-6 Fore Street, Wellington to Brendan Moran, Marianne Jane Hould, Susan Ann West and Judith Ann Cable, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 12th October 2004. It was noted.
12950 KWIKSAVE STORE LICENSING APPLICATIONNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Kwiksave Store, 44-46 High Street, Wellington to Anthony Michael Osborne, Justin Cleeve, Susan Carol Madge and Deborah Ann Parker, to be heard by Taunton magistrates on 12th October 2004. It was noted.
12951 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12903 no items or recommendations were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 13th September 2004 at 6pm.
12952 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Erection of conservatory at rear of 30 Wellesley Park, Wellington (43/2004/080: delegated decision); (2) Erection of two storey extension to side of 11 Lancock Street, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/084: delegated decision; (3) Application to carry out tree work on one lime tree included in Taunton Deane (Wellington No. 1) Tree Preservation Order 1986 at 12 Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2004/082T); (4) Demolition of existing warehouse and erection of block of 14 flats, former Haymans Coal Yard, Westford, Wellington (43/2004/051); (5) Demolition of house and erection of 6 extra care units, 2 Lodge Close, Wellington (43/2004/066); (6) Erection of 5 two bedroomed bungalows on land between 63 and 65 Howard Road and associated parking (12 spaces) for new and existing dwellings on open space area adjacent to Howard Road, Wellington as amplified by letter dated 9th June 2004 (43/2004/041); (7) Erection of 4 one bedroomed houses on land between 43 and 45 Howard Road and associated parking (8 spaces) for new and existing houses on open space area adjacent to Howard Road, Wellington (43/2004/042); (8) Erection of conservatory at 31 Blackmoor Road, Wellington (43/2004/087: delegated decision); (9) Erection of first floor extension to side of 18 John Grinter Way, Wellington (43/2004/086: delegated decision); (10) Erection of conservatory to rear of 29 Walkers Gate, Wellington (43/2004/083: delegated decision); (11) Conversion of barn to dwelling with demolition of lean-to buildings, Jurston Farm, Wellington as amended by structural engineer’s letter dated 9th August 2004 (43/2004/049 and 43/2004/050LB); (12) Installation of bathroom and stud wall alterations at 19 and 21 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2004/094LB); (13) Erection of conservatory to rear of 125 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/092: delegated decision). 2059WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 6TH SEPTEMBER 2004
12953 PLANNING DECISIONS BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following planning application: (1) Renewal of time-limited permission (Ref 46/1999/010) for a further five years from the current end date of 3rd September 2004 to install a landfall gas utilisation facility to generate electricity of Poole Landfill Site, Poole, Wellington (43/2004/021).
12954 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST AUGUST 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st August 2004 was £45,222 (£85,280 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £34,624 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
12955 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Henley, seconded by Councillor Byrne , it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: 3rd Wellington Guides £335 grant; Mr A. Brown £1,731.76; Inland Revenue £677.58; Wellington Carnival Committee £700 grant; The Carly Press Ltd £29.90 for paper; Hinewood Cleaning Services £160 for window cleaning and bus shelter cleaning; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for May and June 2004; BT £175.94 for telephone calls, fax and internet service charges to 18th August 2004; Taunton Deane Borough Council £3,525 for contribution towards new skate park at Wellington Sports Centre; Taunton Deane Borough Council £2,554.65 for cutting and clearing footpaths for 2004.
12956 CLERK’S SALARYOn the proposition of Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor Bowrah, it was agreed that the clerk’s salary for 2004-05 should be increased to £22,705 with effect from 1st April 2004 and for 2005-06 should be increased to £23,375 wef 1st April 2005 in accordance with the scales jointly recommended by the National Association of Local Councils and the Society of Local Council Clerks.
12957 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 5th, 12th, 19th and 26 August and 2nd September 2004; What’s On within Taunton Deane for September 2004; Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau’s annual report for 2003-04; first edition of bulletin from Taunton Deane Council for Voluntary Service; Summer 2004 newsletter of Somerset Playing Fields Association; Community Council for Somerset’s annual report to 31st March 2004; Somerset Association of Local Councils annual report and accounts for 2003-04, agenda for AGM on 25th September 2004 and minutes of West area meeting on 10th June; Autumn 2004 issue of Thatch; September 2004 edition of Community Update from Community Council for Somerset; August 2004 edition of The Clerk from Society of Local Council Clerks; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 586 and 587; July 2004 issue of News & Views from Zurich Municipal; July 2004 issue of Court Circular from Zurich Municipal; Coach Monthly for August and September 2004; European Union newsletters for June and July 2004 about regional policy and structural funds.
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