Wellington Town Council minutes August 2004
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 2nd August 2004 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors V. Byrne, D. Gill and A. Milne. There were 22 members of the public present.
12868 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that a former councillor, Mrs Valerie Buissink was not very well. It was agreed to send her a get-well card and the council’s best wishes for a speedy recovery. It was also agreed to send a similar card to Councillor David Gill, who was also unwell. The chairman congratulated Wellington Weekly News reporter John Nash on his 64th birthday. He welcomed local MP Adrian Flook to the meeting.
12869 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn reported that during July there had been 37 thefts; 17 criminal damage offences, including 2 at the bowling club where the turf had been damaged; 9 thefts from motor vehicles; 11 criminal damage to vehicles (scratched with keys); 5 assaults (3 domestic); 1 burglary in Mantle Street; 2 domestic house burglaries in Milverton; 4 shed and outbuilding break-ins; 12 arrests (3 for theft, 3 for criminal damage, including a hanging basket where the offender had been caught on CCTV; and one at Wiveliscombe where the offender had become violent and CS gas was used). In response to complaints about cycling on pavements, police community support officers would be visiting schools to teach cycling proficiency. If cyclists were caught riding without lights they would be fined unless they bought a light from a nominated retailer. Sgt Caburn was thanked for his attendance by the chairman and was also congratulated on passing his recent inspector’s examination.
12870 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PADDOCKS PLAY AREAMrs Pearl Buttle, the chairman of Wellington East Tenants and Residents Association, referred to vandalism and anti-social behaviour at The Paddocks play area and stated that it was hoped the erection of goalposts might help to reduce the problems. The position would be reviewed after a few months. She also mentioned that no decision had yet been made on what was to be erected at The Mounds open space area off Lillebonne Close. There would be more discussions and it was planned to hold an open meeting to which residents would be invited to hear their views.
12871 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isobel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, said that the judging day in the Britain in Bloom competition on 19th July 2004 had gone very well, that everyone had worked extremely hard and that the results would be known at the end of August.
12872 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meeting held on 5th July 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12873 PROPOSED WHEELIE BIN COLLECTIONWith reference to minute 12838, Councillor Mark Edwards, Taunton DBC executive member for environmental services, gave an informative talk on waste collection which was one of the biggest issues facing the Deane who had been set a recycling 2041WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12873 PROPOSED WHEELIE BIN COLLECTION (continued)target of 34% compared with 17.8% at present. They had to look at the entire system and make radical changes. They had to change from waste to recycling and people had to be educated to recycle more and to sort waste for recycling. It was proposed to supply householders with 180 litre wheelie bins which would be collected fortnightly. On top of that there would be a weekly collection of the green bins for recycling glass, paper, tins etc and also a new food waste bin – no bigger than a pedal bin – which would also be collected weekly at the same time as the green bin. They were also continuing with the organic waste collection and would be reducing the cost of this service to encourage more people to take part. It was estimated that between 10% and 20% of households would be unsuitable for wheelie bins: they would keep the present black sacks. It was planned to start a pilot service in the Autumn, covering between 3,000 and 5,000 houses, including Wellington. In reply to questions, he said it was planned to improve the collection of cardboard and plastic bottles, making more banks available, and also to provide collection points at supermarkets. He was thanked for his interesting talk by Councillor Bowrah.
12874 REPORT ON COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH SCHEMEWith reference to minute 12728 Councillor Chris Hindley, community speed watch co-ordinator, gave an up to date report on the working of the scheme. During the past month 167 motorists had been logged exceeding the 30mph speed limit and 76 of these had been caught in a two hour period at Rockwell Green between Dobree Park and the traffic lights. The highest speed had been 59mph with others logged at 53 and 55mph and a National Express coach had been logged at 44mph. Two thirds of the offenders were entering Rockwell Green and one third leaving. Some were repeat drivers. Speed watch was trying to get people to slow down. He suggested that something should be placed behind the speed limit signs to make them more visible. Sites covered by the scheme included Mantle Street, Sylvan Road, North Street, Waterloo Road, Station Road, Milverton Road, Wellesley Park. The chairman thanked Councillor Hindley and his team were thanked for the excellent job they were doing. Sgt Caburn said that because of the excess speeds recorded in Rockwell Green and Wellesley Park the police were considering getting the speed camera partnership in to enforce the limit. Letters were sent to companies whose vehicles had been logged exceeding the limit.
12875 ARTS FUNDING BY TAUNTON DBCWith reference to minute 12861 Councillor Andy Horsman pointed out that in its 2004-05 budget Taunton DBC had earmarked £210,000 for arts grants, of which £180,000 (85%) was for the Brewhouse Theatre in Taunton which had a turnover of £1 million. In the next few years the Deane was looking to make savings of £300,000 and the town council needed to ensure that local groups got their fair share of the Deane’s arts funding. It was agreed to contact Wellington Arts Association to suggest that if it had any plans for future grant-aided schemes it should make sure that Taunton DBC was aware of these.
12876 PUBLIC NOTICEBOARD OUTSIDE SOMERFIELDWith reference to minute 12829 Councillor Andy Govier reported that 10 councillors had signed his motion the suggestion of a second public noticeboard outside Somerfield in Fore Street should be discussed at the August council meeting. Adult Learning and Leisure wanted to keep their half of the existing board. The public half was often full to capacity. He felt the council should provide a second board. The 2042WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12876 PUBLIC NOTICEBOARD OUTSIDE SOMERFIELD (continued) Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs had offered to part fund a second board. On the proposition of Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed to provide a second noticeboard, to meet 50% of the cost and to hold a site meeting on 4th August 2004 to decide the precise location. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Ken Bird, federation chairman, to speak. He said that the federation had obtained a quote of £1,600 for the supply and erection of a noticeboard and was prepared to fund half the cost in return for exclusive use of half of the board. This was agreed.
12877 SKATEBOARDING IN WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12837 a letter was received from the leader of Taunton DBC, Councillor John Williams stating unequivocally that the Deane was not looking to Wellington Town Council to maintain the inspection regime or any maintenance as a result of that inspection regime. The Deane fully accepted that the equipment was owned by the Deane and that it was responsible for its safekeeping and maintenance. It was intended to start site preparation towards the end of July and the provisional date for the installation of the equipment was mid August. A letter was also received from Councillor Dilly Bradley stating that instructions had been given for the ordering of both the fence and skateboarding equipment. The letters were noted.
12878 PROPOSED TEEN AREA OFF LILLEBONNE CLOSEWith reference to minute 12828 an email was received from Taunton DBC stating that the rough cost of providing a metal games wall, with basketball hoop, youth shelter and safety surfacing was between £8,813 (excluding installation) and £16,396. This was noted. A letter was also received from Mr Denis Croughton, of Lillebonne Close, objecting to the proposed installation of equipment and stating that as far as he was aware no Lillebonne Close resident had asked for a hard play area at The Mounds, which currently did not suffer from anti-social behaviour. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mrs Jackie Hellings, Mr Peter Drohan, Mr Tracey and Mr Wilson, all of Lillebonne Close, to speak. All opposed the provision of the hard play area and said that residents had not been consulted: the consultation leaflets referred to invited young people to a meeting to find out what they wanted provided in the Priory area. They also stated they had not had any problems with children in the adjoining St John’s School play area. Sgt Richard Caburn said he felt there was a need to provide something on the estate for 10-16 years old and they were looking to provide a multi use games area. A similar view was expressed by Mrs Pearl Buttle, chairperson of the Wellington East Tenants and Residents Association. The clerk reported that following a site meeting to discuss problems at The Paddocks play area, Taunton DBC had agreed to install goalposts at The Mounds as an interim measure pending a decision of proposed hard play area/sports wall. After some discussion it was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council supported the provision of the goalposts but did not support any other changes being made to The Mounds area without residents being consulted for their views. It was also agreed to state that the town council felt the existing mounds at this open space should be retained.
12879 PROPOSED SOMERSET STRUCTURE PLAN ALTERATIONWith reference to minute 12830 a letter was received from Somerset County Council acknowledging receipt of the town council’s objection to the proposed structure plan alteration. The letter was noted.
2043WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 200412880 DEANE DELEGATED PLANNING SCHEME & TRAINING EVENT With reference to minute 12701 a letter was received from Taunton DBC confirming that the delegated planning scheme had been extended to 31st March 2006 and that a training event for councillors would be held later in the year. The letter was noted.
12881 OVERHANGING TREES AT COURT FIELDS SCHOOLWith reference to minute 12750 a letter was received from Court Fields Community School stating that the county council, who were the landlords, would not reduce the height of the trees which were blocking the light in the rear gardens of the disabled at Grooms Orchard, Court Drive, Wellington, because it felt the lopping would kill the trees. It was agreed to write to the county council to again ask for the trees to be cut.
12882 CHRISTMAS ILLUMINATIONSWith reference to minute 12692 a letter was received from Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce stating that some members felt that the Wellington Christmas lights were becoming jaded and time-worn and would at some stage require renewal and suggesting that a plan should be considered for their phased replacement, possibly with some funding from Taunton DBC. The chamber was making inquiries with the DLO about the possibility of having a small themed low cost light that would be acceptable to town centre traders so that a uniform display was possible. The clerk reported that since the letter had been received the chamber had arranged a provisional pre-Christmas entertainment programme of Wellington School Choir on 4th December, Salvation Army on 11th December and Wellington Operatic Society on 18th December. The events would be staged either outside the old post office or Somerfield in the mornings. He also reported that the United Reformed Church had offered the use of their large yew tree for Christmas lights and he had arranged for festive lights to be erected. He had also started contacting the various banks and multiples in the town to try to get them to agree to erect an illuminated Christmas tree outside their premises. Natwest Bank had already agreed to do so and he was hopeful that some others might provide trees. During the discussion on the chamber letter councillors felt that the existing Christmas lights were fine and drew much praise.
12883 EXTRA LIGHTING IN CLIFFORD TERRACE LANEWith reference to minute 12435 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the highway authority had never carried out works to the footpath from Clifford Terrace to High Street where extra lighting had been requested. The footpath would be inspected to see what works were needed should the path be considered suitable for adoption and what the rough costs would be. The letter was noted.
12884 PROPOSED SHOP DEMOLITION & ERECTION OF 3 FLATSWith reference to minute 12791 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the planning application to demolish the empty shop at 126 Rockwell Green, Wellington, and to erect 3 flats had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
12885 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12815 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau for the council grant of £400. The letter was noted.
12886 RETENTION OF WINDOWS AT 4 HIGHLAND PLACEWith reference to minute 12677 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an appeal had been lodged against its decision to refuse permission for the retention of first floor windows at 4 Highland Place, High Street, Wellington. Letter was noted.2044WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12887 ADAM GLASS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12817 a letter of thanks was received from Adam Glass for the council grant of £50 for his GAP project. The letter was noted.
12888 FOOTPATH CLEARANCE & TONE PLAY GRASS CUTTINGWith reference to minute 12468 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had agreed to pay the town council a grant of £1,540 (same as last year) for footpath maintenance and £735 (£35 more) for grass cutting at the Tone play area. The report was noted.
12889 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUNWith reference to minute 12809 a letter received from Mr M. Rose enclosing a cheque for £80, the balance in the City of Truro Centenary Run Account. The committee hoped it would be token donation towards any permanent monument that might be eventually erected to mark the event. The letter was noted.
12890 EMPTY FORMER F & R COOLING FACTORYA letter was received from Capt G. Church, of Sylvan Road, Wellington, expressing the concern of residents in Sylvan Road about the danger from the derelict former F & R Cooling factory owned by Taunton DBC, pointing out that it was a fire hazard, that vandals had broken in and caused a fire, which had resulted in the fire brigade being called, and that the surrounding land was badly overgrown with brambles. He also enclosed a copy of a letter sent to Taunton DBC about the problems. The clerk reported that the Deane had agreed to the demolition of the factory, which was expected to be carried out very shortly, and that a scheme for the erection of a number of small units on the site had been agreed. The report and letters were noted.
12891 PROBLEMS WITH THE PADDOCKS PLAY AREALetters were received from Wellington East Tenants and Residents Association and Mr and Mrs L. Winter about anti social behaviour problems at the Paddocks play area. The clerk reported that a site meeting with residents, police, Taunton DBC, town councillors and WETRA had been held on 28th July 2004 to discuss the problems when various suggestions had been put forward. An email was received from Mr Steven Cuthill, of Taunton DBC, stating that small goalposts would be erected to encourage youngsters to play lengthways rather than across the play area, that the situation would be monitored, and that later in the year the hedge along the path boundary was likely to be removed and transplanted along the fence boundary adjoining the rear gardens of residents of The Paddocks. It was agreed to reply to the Deane that the town council supported the installation of the goalposts but was against the removal of the hedge along the path.
12892 CARNIVAL COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Wellington Carnival Committee asking the town council to consider making a grant of £700 to cover the cost of the DLO erecting barriers and signs for the 2004 carnival. Councillor Govier reported that there was a possibility of obtaining funds from the county council to help meet such expenditure. After some discussion it was agreed to make a grant of £700, less any amount that was obtainable from the county council. Councillor Warren declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
12893 3RD WELLINGTON GUIDES GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from the 3rd Wellington Guides asking the town council to consider making a grant of £335 to cover the cost of transport for a weekend guiding event at Torquay. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, it was agreed to make a grant of £335.
12894 MANAGEMENT OF DEANE’S NIGHT TIME ECONOMYAn email was received from Taunton town centre manager Lucy Ball and a letter from police sector commander Inspector Mike Ashwin inviting councillors to a presentation on the management of Taunton Deane’s night time economy on Tuesday, 24th August 2004 at 2.30pm. The letters were noted.
12895 FUTURE OF TAUNTON DEANE’S HOUSING STOCKA letter was received from Councillor G. Garner, Taunton DBC’s executive member for housing, stating that the Deane had been looking at alternative ways of managing and maintaining its housing stock – on the instructions of the Government – and that the date for completing that appraisal was July 2005. After months of fact finding, listening to tenants and leaseholders, taking advice from specialist advisers, the full council had decided to investigate further a full stock transfer to a new or existing housing association. TDBC would now undertake a major consultation exercise with tenants and leaseholders who would make the final decision as part of a borough-wide ballot. The majority would have to vote in favour for a transfer to take place. Formal consultations would start in the New Year, probably from April 2005 for a period of about 12 months. As one of the Deane’s housing partners, the town council would receive regular uptdates and be invited to an open event later in the year. The letter was noted.
12896 UNAUTHORISED SCRAP YARD IN MANLE STREETA letter was received from Taunton DBC enclosing a copy of enforcement notice served on Mr T. Klimpke, of Grants of Wellington, 58-60 Mantle Street, Wellington, requiring the unauthorised use of land at the rear of 58-60 Mantle Street for the storage of scrap vehicles and items of scrap to cease within six weeks of 18th August 2004. The letter was noted.
12897 LICENSING APPLICATION FOR RADHUNINotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for Radhuni (formerly Taste of India), 2 North Street, Wellington to Enamul Latifi, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 14th September 2004. The application was noted.
12898 LICENSING APPLICATION FOR BARLEY MOWNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Barley Mow, Rockwell Green, Wellington to Dean Russell Stojic and Ryan Paul Stojic, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 10th August 2004. The application was noted.
12899 LICENSING APPLICATION FOR SPORTSMAN ARMSNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Sportsman Arms, 46 Waterloo Road, Wellington to Hayley Michelle Grant, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 10th August 2004. The application was noted.2046WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12900 DEANE-COUNTY COUNCIL FOOTPATHS AGREEMENTA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that it was considering ending its agency agreement with Somerset County Council to look after footpaths and asking for the town council’s views on that possibility. After some discussion it was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council would like to the Deane to continue with its footpaths agreement with the county council.
12901 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN WORKSHOPA letter was received from the county council inviting councillors to a Taunton Deane Local Transport Plan Workshop on at the Deane House on 22nd November 2004. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend.
12902 ALEXANDRA ROAD SITE MEETING RE PLAY FACILITIESAn email was received from Taunton DBC tenancy participation officer, Mr Bill McAllister-Lovatt inviting members to a meeting at Roly Poly Green, Alexandra Road, Wellington, at 10.30am on Monday, 9th August 2004 to discuss with tenants, police, county council and town council a suggestion by some tenants of providing children’s play facilities. The letter was noted.
12903 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12856 no items or recommendations were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 13th September 2004 at 6pm.
12904 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Raising flat roof above garage, 12 Sylvan Road, Wellington (43/2004/069: delegated decision); (2) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 1 Twyford Place, Wellington (43/2004/067); (3) Erection of brick display panel on land adjacent to the Chapel and Great Hall, Wellington School, South Street, Wellington (43/2004/073); (4) Erection of single storey extension with accommodation in roof space to side of 30 Seymour Street, Wellington (43/2004/081: delegated decision); (5) Erection of extension to rear of 24 Seymour Street, Wellington (43/2004/078: delegated decision); (6) Change of use from retail (A1) to financial services (A2) at 22 South Street, Wellington (43/2004/077: delegated decision); (6) Proposed secure storage compound for touring/motor caravans, siting of caravan for site staff and erection of extension to existing reception at Cadeside Caravan club site, Nynehead Road, Wellington as amended by email dated 24th June 2004 and drawing No. CAD-02004-R0201A received on 28th June 2004 (43/2004/070); (7) Erection of 2 detached dwellings and formation of vehicular access thereto, land to east of Windyridge, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington (43/2004/052); (8) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 44 Dobree Park, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/074: delegated decision); (9) Erection of two storey extension at 7 Bulford, Wellington (43/2004/062: delegated decision); (10) Application to carry out tree work on one willow tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2001 at rear of Lloyds TSB, 27 Fore Street, adjacent to Bishops Court, North Street, Wellington (43/2004/068T); (11) Internal alterations and repainting to listed building at 1a South Street, Wellington (43/2004/061LB); (12) Change of use of first floor from retail to charity office/consultation room, change of use of second and third floors from residential to storage, and change of use of rear storage building to charity office/ consultation room at 1a South Street, Wellington (43/2004/060); (13) Internal 2047WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12904 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)alterations to form new bedroom and en-suite at The Court, Courtland Road, Wellington (43/.2004/079LB); (14) Alterations to shop front at 16 High Street, Wellington (43/2004/076LB). Taunton DBC had refused the following plans: (1) Residential development to provide two semi detached dwellings and one detached dwelling on land opposite 10 Farthings Pitts, Wellington as amended by letter dated 7th June 12004 with accompanying drawing (43/2004/058); (2) Formation of ramp with handrail for disabled access, National Westminster Bank, 12 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2004/046).
12905 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST JULY 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st July 2004 was £42,373 (£85,280 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £30,778 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
12906 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Henley, seconded by Councillor Hindley , it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs £400 grant; Mr A. Brown £1,436.76; Inland Revenue £590.33; Wellington United Reformed Church £62.50 for hire of church hall; Konica Minolta Business Solutions West £261.22 for photocopier servicing charges from 30/4/04 to 31/7/04; PC Webshop Ltd £58.76 for two years use of town council’s domain name on council website; Taunton DBC £250 for quarterly payment on museum lease; Humberts £470 for valuation fees over museum lease; The Carly Press £27.99 for ink cartridges and laminations; St John’s Primary School £192 for school crossing patrol for Spring term 2004; SWEB Energy £96.16 for electricity for office/chamber for quarter ending 27th July 2004.
12907 USE OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERCouncillor Ernie Warren pointed out that the town council had been meeting in the URC Church Hall for quite a few months because of disabled access problems with the first floor council chamber at 28 Fore Street. The town council chamber was empty and he was worried that Taunton DBC might say that as the town council did not use it any longer they would take the chamber away. The clerk replied that the chamber and his office had been provided by Taunton DBC as part of the transfer of property arrangements when local government re-organisation had taken place in 1974 and that his view was that the Deane would not be able to take the chamber (or his office) away. The town council had been waiting to hear from the Deane for several months about possible proposals to provide disabled access to 28 Fore Street. It was agreed to contact the Deane to find out when a decision was likely to be made on the suggested disabled access, which was likely to be a stair lift.
12908 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th July 2004; Agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 20th July 2004; Minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee of Taunton DBC held between April and June 2004; 2048
12908 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC (continued)What’s On within Taunton Deane for August 2004; Taunton Deane Crime and Disorder Strategy Update for 2003-04; invitation from South West Regional Development Agency to attend conference and workshops on possible scenarios for future of South West England at Cheltenham on 14th September 2004; Quality Parish Council: A handbook for parish and town councils in the South West, plus quarterly leaflet on subject of quality councils; letter and leaflet about Draft Somerset Compact setting out shared responsibilities of the public, voluntary and community sectors in the county; July 2004 newsletter from the River Parrett Catchment Project; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos 584 and 585; Local Government International Bureau’s InterAction magazine for July 2004; Community News magazine from Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers; European Union’s May 2004 newsletter on regional policy; EU brochure on “Working for the regions.”
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors V. Byrne, D. Gill and A. Milne. There were 22 members of the public present.
12868 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman reported that a former councillor, Mrs Valerie Buissink was not very well. It was agreed to send her a get-well card and the council’s best wishes for a speedy recovery. It was also agreed to send a similar card to Councillor David Gill, who was also unwell. The chairman congratulated Wellington Weekly News reporter John Nash on his 64th birthday. He welcomed local MP Adrian Flook to the meeting.
12869 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn reported that during July there had been 37 thefts; 17 criminal damage offences, including 2 at the bowling club where the turf had been damaged; 9 thefts from motor vehicles; 11 criminal damage to vehicles (scratched with keys); 5 assaults (3 domestic); 1 burglary in Mantle Street; 2 domestic house burglaries in Milverton; 4 shed and outbuilding break-ins; 12 arrests (3 for theft, 3 for criminal damage, including a hanging basket where the offender had been caught on CCTV; and one at Wiveliscombe where the offender had become violent and CS gas was used). In response to complaints about cycling on pavements, police community support officers would be visiting schools to teach cycling proficiency. If cyclists were caught riding without lights they would be fined unless they bought a light from a nominated retailer. Sgt Caburn was thanked for his attendance by the chairman and was also congratulated on passing his recent inspector’s examination.
12870 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: PADDOCKS PLAY AREAMrs Pearl Buttle, the chairman of Wellington East Tenants and Residents Association, referred to vandalism and anti-social behaviour at The Paddocks play area and stated that it was hoped the erection of goalposts might help to reduce the problems. The position would be reviewed after a few months. She also mentioned that no decision had yet been made on what was to be erected at The Mounds open space area off Lillebonne Close. There would be more discussions and it was planned to hold an open meeting to which residents would be invited to hear their views.
12871 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isobel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, said that the judging day in the Britain in Bloom competition on 19th July 2004 had gone very well, that everyone had worked extremely hard and that the results would be known at the end of August.
12872 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meeting held on 5th July 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
12873 PROPOSED WHEELIE BIN COLLECTIONWith reference to minute 12838, Councillor Mark Edwards, Taunton DBC executive member for environmental services, gave an informative talk on waste collection which was one of the biggest issues facing the Deane who had been set a recycling 2041WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12873 PROPOSED WHEELIE BIN COLLECTION (continued)target of 34% compared with 17.8% at present. They had to look at the entire system and make radical changes. They had to change from waste to recycling and people had to be educated to recycle more and to sort waste for recycling. It was proposed to supply householders with 180 litre wheelie bins which would be collected fortnightly. On top of that there would be a weekly collection of the green bins for recycling glass, paper, tins etc and also a new food waste bin – no bigger than a pedal bin – which would also be collected weekly at the same time as the green bin. They were also continuing with the organic waste collection and would be reducing the cost of this service to encourage more people to take part. It was estimated that between 10% and 20% of households would be unsuitable for wheelie bins: they would keep the present black sacks. It was planned to start a pilot service in the Autumn, covering between 3,000 and 5,000 houses, including Wellington. In reply to questions, he said it was planned to improve the collection of cardboard and plastic bottles, making more banks available, and also to provide collection points at supermarkets. He was thanked for his interesting talk by Councillor Bowrah.
12874 REPORT ON COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH SCHEMEWith reference to minute 12728 Councillor Chris Hindley, community speed watch co-ordinator, gave an up to date report on the working of the scheme. During the past month 167 motorists had been logged exceeding the 30mph speed limit and 76 of these had been caught in a two hour period at Rockwell Green between Dobree Park and the traffic lights. The highest speed had been 59mph with others logged at 53 and 55mph and a National Express coach had been logged at 44mph. Two thirds of the offenders were entering Rockwell Green and one third leaving. Some were repeat drivers. Speed watch was trying to get people to slow down. He suggested that something should be placed behind the speed limit signs to make them more visible. Sites covered by the scheme included Mantle Street, Sylvan Road, North Street, Waterloo Road, Station Road, Milverton Road, Wellesley Park. The chairman thanked Councillor Hindley and his team were thanked for the excellent job they were doing. Sgt Caburn said that because of the excess speeds recorded in Rockwell Green and Wellesley Park the police were considering getting the speed camera partnership in to enforce the limit. Letters were sent to companies whose vehicles had been logged exceeding the limit.
12875 ARTS FUNDING BY TAUNTON DBCWith reference to minute 12861 Councillor Andy Horsman pointed out that in its 2004-05 budget Taunton DBC had earmarked £210,000 for arts grants, of which £180,000 (85%) was for the Brewhouse Theatre in Taunton which had a turnover of £1 million. In the next few years the Deane was looking to make savings of £300,000 and the town council needed to ensure that local groups got their fair share of the Deane’s arts funding. It was agreed to contact Wellington Arts Association to suggest that if it had any plans for future grant-aided schemes it should make sure that Taunton DBC was aware of these.
12876 PUBLIC NOTICEBOARD OUTSIDE SOMERFIELDWith reference to minute 12829 Councillor Andy Govier reported that 10 councillors had signed his motion the suggestion of a second public noticeboard outside Somerfield in Fore Street should be discussed at the August council meeting. Adult Learning and Leisure wanted to keep their half of the existing board. The public half was often full to capacity. He felt the council should provide a second board. The 2042WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12876 PUBLIC NOTICEBOARD OUTSIDE SOMERFIELD (continued) Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs had offered to part fund a second board. On the proposition of Councillor Govier, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed to provide a second noticeboard, to meet 50% of the cost and to hold a site meeting on 4th August 2004 to decide the precise location. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Ken Bird, federation chairman, to speak. He said that the federation had obtained a quote of £1,600 for the supply and erection of a noticeboard and was prepared to fund half the cost in return for exclusive use of half of the board. This was agreed.
12877 SKATEBOARDING IN WELLINGTONWith reference to minute 12837 a letter was received from the leader of Taunton DBC, Councillor John Williams stating unequivocally that the Deane was not looking to Wellington Town Council to maintain the inspection regime or any maintenance as a result of that inspection regime. The Deane fully accepted that the equipment was owned by the Deane and that it was responsible for its safekeeping and maintenance. It was intended to start site preparation towards the end of July and the provisional date for the installation of the equipment was mid August. A letter was also received from Councillor Dilly Bradley stating that instructions had been given for the ordering of both the fence and skateboarding equipment. The letters were noted.
12878 PROPOSED TEEN AREA OFF LILLEBONNE CLOSEWith reference to minute 12828 an email was received from Taunton DBC stating that the rough cost of providing a metal games wall, with basketball hoop, youth shelter and safety surfacing was between £8,813 (excluding installation) and £16,396. This was noted. A letter was also received from Mr Denis Croughton, of Lillebonne Close, objecting to the proposed installation of equipment and stating that as far as he was aware no Lillebonne Close resident had asked for a hard play area at The Mounds, which currently did not suffer from anti-social behaviour. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mrs Jackie Hellings, Mr Peter Drohan, Mr Tracey and Mr Wilson, all of Lillebonne Close, to speak. All opposed the provision of the hard play area and said that residents had not been consulted: the consultation leaflets referred to invited young people to a meeting to find out what they wanted provided in the Priory area. They also stated they had not had any problems with children in the adjoining St John’s School play area. Sgt Richard Caburn said he felt there was a need to provide something on the estate for 10-16 years old and they were looking to provide a multi use games area. A similar view was expressed by Mrs Pearl Buttle, chairperson of the Wellington East Tenants and Residents Association. The clerk reported that following a site meeting to discuss problems at The Paddocks play area, Taunton DBC had agreed to install goalposts at The Mounds as an interim measure pending a decision of proposed hard play area/sports wall. After some discussion it was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council supported the provision of the goalposts but did not support any other changes being made to The Mounds area without residents being consulted for their views. It was also agreed to state that the town council felt the existing mounds at this open space should be retained.
12879 PROPOSED SOMERSET STRUCTURE PLAN ALTERATIONWith reference to minute 12830 a letter was received from Somerset County Council acknowledging receipt of the town council’s objection to the proposed structure plan alteration. The letter was noted.
2043WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 200412880 DEANE DELEGATED PLANNING SCHEME & TRAINING EVENT With reference to minute 12701 a letter was received from Taunton DBC confirming that the delegated planning scheme had been extended to 31st March 2006 and that a training event for councillors would be held later in the year. The letter was noted.
12881 OVERHANGING TREES AT COURT FIELDS SCHOOLWith reference to minute 12750 a letter was received from Court Fields Community School stating that the county council, who were the landlords, would not reduce the height of the trees which were blocking the light in the rear gardens of the disabled at Grooms Orchard, Court Drive, Wellington, because it felt the lopping would kill the trees. It was agreed to write to the county council to again ask for the trees to be cut.
12882 CHRISTMAS ILLUMINATIONSWith reference to minute 12692 a letter was received from Wellington Chamber of Trade and Commerce stating that some members felt that the Wellington Christmas lights were becoming jaded and time-worn and would at some stage require renewal and suggesting that a plan should be considered for their phased replacement, possibly with some funding from Taunton DBC. The chamber was making inquiries with the DLO about the possibility of having a small themed low cost light that would be acceptable to town centre traders so that a uniform display was possible. The clerk reported that since the letter had been received the chamber had arranged a provisional pre-Christmas entertainment programme of Wellington School Choir on 4th December, Salvation Army on 11th December and Wellington Operatic Society on 18th December. The events would be staged either outside the old post office or Somerfield in the mornings. He also reported that the United Reformed Church had offered the use of their large yew tree for Christmas lights and he had arranged for festive lights to be erected. He had also started contacting the various banks and multiples in the town to try to get them to agree to erect an illuminated Christmas tree outside their premises. Natwest Bank had already agreed to do so and he was hopeful that some others might provide trees. During the discussion on the chamber letter councillors felt that the existing Christmas lights were fine and drew much praise.
12883 EXTRA LIGHTING IN CLIFFORD TERRACE LANEWith reference to minute 12435 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the highway authority had never carried out works to the footpath from Clifford Terrace to High Street where extra lighting had been requested. The footpath would be inspected to see what works were needed should the path be considered suitable for adoption and what the rough costs would be. The letter was noted.
12884 PROPOSED SHOP DEMOLITION & ERECTION OF 3 FLATSWith reference to minute 12791 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the planning application to demolish the empty shop at 126 Rockwell Green, Wellington, and to erect 3 flats had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
12885 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12815 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau for the council grant of £400. The letter was noted.
12886 RETENTION OF WINDOWS AT 4 HIGHLAND PLACEWith reference to minute 12677 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an appeal had been lodged against its decision to refuse permission for the retention of first floor windows at 4 Highland Place, High Street, Wellington. Letter was noted.2044WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12887 ADAM GLASS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12817 a letter of thanks was received from Adam Glass for the council grant of £50 for his GAP project. The letter was noted.
12888 FOOTPATH CLEARANCE & TONE PLAY GRASS CUTTINGWith reference to minute 12468 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had agreed to pay the town council a grant of £1,540 (same as last year) for footpath maintenance and £735 (£35 more) for grass cutting at the Tone play area. The report was noted.
12889 CITY OF TRURO CENTENARY RUNWith reference to minute 12809 a letter received from Mr M. Rose enclosing a cheque for £80, the balance in the City of Truro Centenary Run Account. The committee hoped it would be token donation towards any permanent monument that might be eventually erected to mark the event. The letter was noted.
12890 EMPTY FORMER F & R COOLING FACTORYA letter was received from Capt G. Church, of Sylvan Road, Wellington, expressing the concern of residents in Sylvan Road about the danger from the derelict former F & R Cooling factory owned by Taunton DBC, pointing out that it was a fire hazard, that vandals had broken in and caused a fire, which had resulted in the fire brigade being called, and that the surrounding land was badly overgrown with brambles. He also enclosed a copy of a letter sent to Taunton DBC about the problems. The clerk reported that the Deane had agreed to the demolition of the factory, which was expected to be carried out very shortly, and that a scheme for the erection of a number of small units on the site had been agreed. The report and letters were noted.
12891 PROBLEMS WITH THE PADDOCKS PLAY AREALetters were received from Wellington East Tenants and Residents Association and Mr and Mrs L. Winter about anti social behaviour problems at the Paddocks play area. The clerk reported that a site meeting with residents, police, Taunton DBC, town councillors and WETRA had been held on 28th July 2004 to discuss the problems when various suggestions had been put forward. An email was received from Mr Steven Cuthill, of Taunton DBC, stating that small goalposts would be erected to encourage youngsters to play lengthways rather than across the play area, that the situation would be monitored, and that later in the year the hedge along the path boundary was likely to be removed and transplanted along the fence boundary adjoining the rear gardens of residents of The Paddocks. It was agreed to reply to the Deane that the town council supported the installation of the goalposts but was against the removal of the hedge along the path.
12892 CARNIVAL COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Wellington Carnival Committee asking the town council to consider making a grant of £700 to cover the cost of the DLO erecting barriers and signs for the 2004 carnival. Councillor Govier reported that there was a possibility of obtaining funds from the county council to help meet such expenditure. After some discussion it was agreed to make a grant of £700, less any amount that was obtainable from the county council. Councillor Warren declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
12893 3RD WELLINGTON GUIDES GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from the 3rd Wellington Guides asking the town council to consider making a grant of £335 to cover the cost of transport for a weekend guiding event at Torquay. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, it was agreed to make a grant of £335.
12894 MANAGEMENT OF DEANE’S NIGHT TIME ECONOMYAn email was received from Taunton town centre manager Lucy Ball and a letter from police sector commander Inspector Mike Ashwin inviting councillors to a presentation on the management of Taunton Deane’s night time economy on Tuesday, 24th August 2004 at 2.30pm. The letters were noted.
12895 FUTURE OF TAUNTON DEANE’S HOUSING STOCKA letter was received from Councillor G. Garner, Taunton DBC’s executive member for housing, stating that the Deane had been looking at alternative ways of managing and maintaining its housing stock – on the instructions of the Government – and that the date for completing that appraisal was July 2005. After months of fact finding, listening to tenants and leaseholders, taking advice from specialist advisers, the full council had decided to investigate further a full stock transfer to a new or existing housing association. TDBC would now undertake a major consultation exercise with tenants and leaseholders who would make the final decision as part of a borough-wide ballot. The majority would have to vote in favour for a transfer to take place. Formal consultations would start in the New Year, probably from April 2005 for a period of about 12 months. As one of the Deane’s housing partners, the town council would receive regular uptdates and be invited to an open event later in the year. The letter was noted.
12896 UNAUTHORISED SCRAP YARD IN MANLE STREETA letter was received from Taunton DBC enclosing a copy of enforcement notice served on Mr T. Klimpke, of Grants of Wellington, 58-60 Mantle Street, Wellington, requiring the unauthorised use of land at the rear of 58-60 Mantle Street for the storage of scrap vehicles and items of scrap to cease within six weeks of 18th August 2004. The letter was noted.
12897 LICENSING APPLICATION FOR RADHUNINotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for Radhuni (formerly Taste of India), 2 North Street, Wellington to Enamul Latifi, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 14th September 2004. The application was noted.
12898 LICENSING APPLICATION FOR BARLEY MOWNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Barley Mow, Rockwell Green, Wellington to Dean Russell Stojic and Ryan Paul Stojic, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 10th August 2004. The application was noted.
12899 LICENSING APPLICATION FOR SPORTSMAN ARMSNotice was received of the licensing application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Sportsman Arms, 46 Waterloo Road, Wellington to Hayley Michelle Grant, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 10th August 2004. The application was noted.2046WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12900 DEANE-COUNTY COUNCIL FOOTPATHS AGREEMENTA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that it was considering ending its agency agreement with Somerset County Council to look after footpaths and asking for the town council’s views on that possibility. After some discussion it was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council would like to the Deane to continue with its footpaths agreement with the county council.
12901 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN WORKSHOPA letter was received from the county council inviting councillors to a Taunton Deane Local Transport Plan Workshop on at the Deane House on 22nd November 2004. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend.
12902 ALEXANDRA ROAD SITE MEETING RE PLAY FACILITIESAn email was received from Taunton DBC tenancy participation officer, Mr Bill McAllister-Lovatt inviting members to a meeting at Roly Poly Green, Alexandra Road, Wellington, at 10.30am on Monday, 9th August 2004 to discuss with tenants, police, county council and town council a suggestion by some tenants of providing children’s play facilities. The letter was noted.
12903 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12856 no items or recommendations were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 13th September 2004 at 6pm.
12904 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Raising flat roof above garage, 12 Sylvan Road, Wellington (43/2004/069: delegated decision); (2) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 1 Twyford Place, Wellington (43/2004/067); (3) Erection of brick display panel on land adjacent to the Chapel and Great Hall, Wellington School, South Street, Wellington (43/2004/073); (4) Erection of single storey extension with accommodation in roof space to side of 30 Seymour Street, Wellington (43/2004/081: delegated decision); (5) Erection of extension to rear of 24 Seymour Street, Wellington (43/2004/078: delegated decision); (6) Change of use from retail (A1) to financial services (A2) at 22 South Street, Wellington (43/2004/077: delegated decision); (6) Proposed secure storage compound for touring/motor caravans, siting of caravan for site staff and erection of extension to existing reception at Cadeside Caravan club site, Nynehead Road, Wellington as amended by email dated 24th June 2004 and drawing No. CAD-02004-R0201A received on 28th June 2004 (43/2004/070); (7) Erection of 2 detached dwellings and formation of vehicular access thereto, land to east of Windyridge, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington (43/2004/052); (8) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 44 Dobree Park, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2004/074: delegated decision); (9) Erection of two storey extension at 7 Bulford, Wellington (43/2004/062: delegated decision); (10) Application to carry out tree work on one willow tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2001 at rear of Lloyds TSB, 27 Fore Street, adjacent to Bishops Court, North Street, Wellington (43/2004/068T); (11) Internal alterations and repainting to listed building at 1a South Street, Wellington (43/2004/061LB); (12) Change of use of first floor from retail to charity office/consultation room, change of use of second and third floors from residential to storage, and change of use of rear storage building to charity office/ consultation room at 1a South Street, Wellington (43/2004/060); (13) Internal 2047WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 2ND AUGUST 2004
12904 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)alterations to form new bedroom and en-suite at The Court, Courtland Road, Wellington (43/.2004/079LB); (14) Alterations to shop front at 16 High Street, Wellington (43/2004/076LB). Taunton DBC had refused the following plans: (1) Residential development to provide two semi detached dwellings and one detached dwelling on land opposite 10 Farthings Pitts, Wellington as amended by letter dated 7th June 12004 with accompanying drawing (43/2004/058); (2) Formation of ramp with handrail for disabled access, National Westminster Bank, 12 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2004/046).
12905 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST JULY 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st July 2004 was £42,373 (£85,280 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £30,778 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
12906 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Henley, seconded by Councillor Hindley , it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs £400 grant; Mr A. Brown £1,436.76; Inland Revenue £590.33; Wellington United Reformed Church £62.50 for hire of church hall; Konica Minolta Business Solutions West £261.22 for photocopier servicing charges from 30/4/04 to 31/7/04; PC Webshop Ltd £58.76 for two years use of town council’s domain name on council website; Taunton DBC £250 for quarterly payment on museum lease; Humberts £470 for valuation fees over museum lease; The Carly Press £27.99 for ink cartridges and laminations; St John’s Primary School £192 for school crossing patrol for Spring term 2004; SWEB Energy £96.16 for electricity for office/chamber for quarter ending 27th July 2004.
12907 USE OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERCouncillor Ernie Warren pointed out that the town council had been meeting in the URC Church Hall for quite a few months because of disabled access problems with the first floor council chamber at 28 Fore Street. The town council chamber was empty and he was worried that Taunton DBC might say that as the town council did not use it any longer they would take the chamber away. The clerk replied that the chamber and his office had been provided by Taunton DBC as part of the transfer of property arrangements when local government re-organisation had taken place in 1974 and that his view was that the Deane would not be able to take the chamber (or his office) away. The town council had been waiting to hear from the Deane for several months about possible proposals to provide disabled access to 28 Fore Street. It was agreed to contact the Deane to find out when a decision was likely to be made on the suggested disabled access, which was likely to be a stair lift.
12908 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th July 2004; Agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 20th July 2004; Minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee of Taunton DBC held between April and June 2004; 2048
12908 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC (continued)What’s On within Taunton Deane for August 2004; Taunton Deane Crime and Disorder Strategy Update for 2003-04; invitation from South West Regional Development Agency to attend conference and workshops on possible scenarios for future of South West England at Cheltenham on 14th September 2004; Quality Parish Council: A handbook for parish and town councils in the South West, plus quarterly leaflet on subject of quality councils; letter and leaflet about Draft Somerset Compact setting out shared responsibilities of the public, voluntary and community sectors in the county; July 2004 newsletter from the River Parrett Catchment Project; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos 584 and 585; Local Government International Bureau’s InterAction magazine for July 2004; Community News magazine from Zurich Municipal, the council’s insurers; European Union’s May 2004 newsletter on regional policy; EU brochure on “Working for the regions.”
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