Wellington Town Council minutes November 2004
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 1st November 2004 at 7.10pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, who arrived at 7.20pm, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were 8 members of the public present.
13007 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah, reported that he had attended the annual carnivals at Taunton and Yeovil during the past two weeks; welcomed the new chairman of Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Mr Dennis King; congratulated Councillor Critchard on raising the issue of the cost of community transport in Wellington; and reported that a meeting was being held with Wellington Twinning Association in the town council chamber on 10th November 2004 at 7pm to discuss the 40th anniversary celebrations of the twinning link with Lillebonne.
13008 POLICE MATTERSIn a written report, Sgt R. Caburn, who was unable to attend because of police commitments, reported that during October in the Wellington section there had been 17 thefts, 3 assaults, 18 criminal damage offences, 5 thefts from vehicles, 14 criminal damage to vehicle offences, 5 commercial burglaries, 2 domestic burglaries (both out of the Wellington built-up area). Two drugs search warrants had been carried out and two cannabis growing set-ups discovered. Also two further arrests had been made for drugs offences (cannabis/heroin). Two police community support officers and special constables had been deployed on Halloween the previous night and no trick or treat incidents had been recorded, although complaints had been received regarding the inappropriate use of fireworks over the weekend. A meeting had been held with Councillor Govier following the opening of Unit 6 at the Kings Centre to form an action team to co-ordinate the provision of youth activities in Wellington. A police beat surgery was being held at St John’s Primary School on Tuesday, 16th November between 7pm and 9pm. If there were any problems councillors wished to raise, they could ring him at the Wellington Station on Tuesday morning, 2nd November.
13009 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: CLEAN NEIGHBOURHOODSMrs Isobel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, referred to the Government’s recent consultation paper Clean Neighbourhoods (see minute 12995) and suggested it should be included on the December agenda. This was agreed.
13010 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: CHRISTMAS TREESMr Terry Milton reported that he was hoping to provide illuminated Christmas trees for local businesses/shops with the help of Wellington Chamber of Trade.
13011 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: TRICK OR TREAT LEAFLETSMr Bill Slocombe said he wanted to congratulate Councillor Govier on distributing trick or treat leaflets to the homes of many local elderly residents in Wellington..
13012 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 4th October 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
2073WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 200413013 VISIT OF PENNY JAMES/DISABLED ACCESS TO 28 FORE STREETThe chairman welcomed Taunton DBC’s chief executive Penny James and the Deane’s new strategic director Joy Wishlade to their first town council meeting. Mrs James stated that 28 Fore Street was difficult in terms of access and the practicalities of making the building comply with the Disability Discrimination Act. The Deane was looking at the future of 28 Fore Street given the requirements of the act. A stairlift would not meet all the requirements. The Deane had £110,000 in its budget for the requirements of the act for all its buildings. The Deane would like to work with the town council in finding more suitable premises and delivering services from a more accessible point, and would welcome the town council’s involvement. The Deane was reviewing the cost of its services. She was thanked by the chairman.
13014 PROPOSED CORN HILL WORKING PARTYThe chairman suggested the council consider setting up a working party of councillors and traders to promote/monitor the enhancement of Corn Hill. After some discussion it was agreed to refer the suggestion to the next meeting of the Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on 8th November 2004. Councillors also received a report on the present position over Corn Hill from Roger Mitchinson, of the Deane’s forward planning unit.
13015 TROPHY IN MEMORY OF COUNCILLOR MAURICE JENNINGSCouncillor Govier reported that the Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs had asked the council to consider donating a trophy in memory of former councillor Maurice Jennings, who as well as serving on both the town and Deane councils, had also been a keen sportsman and had actively supported local sport. He had spoken to Mrs Jennings who had approved the idea. After some discussion it was agreed unanimously to donate a trophy for the Young Sportsman of the Year. Councillor Byrne declared a personal interest and left the hall while this item was discussed.
13016 REGIONAL SPATIAL STRATEGYCouncillor Govier referred to the regional spatial strategy consultation by the South West Regional Assembly which would shape the future of the region between 2006 and 2026. He felt that proposed strategies 1 and 3 were preferable as he considered these options offered the best chance of securing the Longforth Farm and Northern Relief Road development for Wellington in the future. After some discussion it was agreed to support the differential approach of strategy 3 as it provided for modest additional growth in “other significant centres.”
13017 WELLINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGYCouncillor Govier reported that there had been consultations/comments from about 650 people in the town and surrounding areas on Wellington’s community strategy for the future. The process was reaching its final stages and there would be a full presentation to the town council in the near future. The report was noted.
13018 RESIGNATION OF COUNCILLOR MILNEA letter was received from Councillor A. Milne resigning as a councillor with effect from 29th October 2004 due to health, work and family commitments. It was agreed to send a letter thanking her for her contribution to the town council and wishing her well for the future. The clerk reported that a vacancy for the North ward would be declared in a few days. 2074WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 2004
13019 COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMITTEE RESIGNATIONA letter was received from Councillor A. Horsman resigning as the council’s representative on Wellington Community Centre Committee because he felt uncomfortable about the constitution and running of the community centre. It was agreed to put an item on the December agenda to elect a new representative.
13020 AUDIT OF COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR 2003-04With reference to minute 12729 a report was received from external auditors Moore Stephens stating that the information contained in the annual return was in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements and no matters had come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met. The auditors noted the council had undertaken a limited risk assessment and suggested more steps should be considered to identify key risks, evaluate potential consequences of these risks and decide what measures might be taken to avoid, reduce or control the risks or their consequences. It was agreed that this assessment should be carried out by the Finance Committee.
13021 HELPING HANDS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12972 a letter was received from Councillor Joanna Lewin-Harris stating that Taunton DBC had given £2,500 to Helping Hands in 2003-04 and £2,500 in the current financial year but given the views expressed by a majority of town councillors at the October meeting that they felt the work of Helping Hands could be done by others, it was difficult for her to recommend further funding from Taunton Deane at this stage. Given the implications of the Disability Discrimination Act on the Wellington Community Office and the town clerk’s office, the possible duplication of services offered by Helping Hands and the opening of the new Health Information Centre, she suggested that consideration should be given to developing the one stop shop concept. It was agreed to note the letter and to give further consideration to Helping Hands grant request at the December council meeting. Councillor Hindley declared an interest and left the hall was this item was discussed.
13022 CLAIMED FOOTPATH AT TONEDALEWith reference to minute 12600 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the two large landowners involved had agreed to the dedication of the claimed footpath from Linden Drive to Burchills Hill via Thunderbridge under the main railway line but Network Rail had not agreed to do so although it was to inspect the concrete walkway under the bridge at sometime. Did the town council want the county to press Network Rail for a dedication or abandon the idea of a dedication and return to a full investigation into the claimed route. It was agreed to suggest that the town council should also press Network Rail to agree to a dedication and, failing that, to push for an investigation into the claimed route.
13023 COST OF COMMUNITY TRANSPORTWith reference to minute 12974 a letter was received from Taunton Deane Community Transport operations manager Mr Andrew Heap stating that it provided a specialist service to the mobility impaired in the Deane and did not seek to compete with taxis or public transport. The question of the fare from Tonedale to the town centre had been investigated and it should have been £2.50 not the £3 charged. The lady in question would be reimbursed. The initial charge was £2 and then 50p per mile thereafter which might seem to load the cost for shorter journeys but a trip from Wellington to Taunton town centre would cost £5.50 whereas a taxi firm would 2075
WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 200413023 COST OF COMMUNITY TRANSPORT (continued)charge about £13 for such a trip. Additionally they did not charge for waiting time or time in traffic: purely a flat rate per mile. Passengers were told when registering with Community Transport that it was a specialist service and not a cheap alternative to public transport which they should use if they were able to do so. Letter was noted.
13024 DAMAGE TO GREENWAY ROAD TRAFFIC BOLLARDSWith reference to minute 12925 an e-mail was received from Somerset Fire and Rescue Service stating that it would not object to a permanent barrier being erected between Dobree Park and Greenway Road. That decision had been made on the basis of the restricted access to Dobree Park via Greenway Road which regularly resulted from the parking in that area and the fact that the fire service was still able to achieve a response to Dobree Park within acceptable times using the alternative access available. It was agreed to ask Sanctuary Housing to erect a permanent barrier.
13025 PROTECTION OF PARK WAR MEMORIALWith reference to minute 12831 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the suggestion of putting chains around the war memorial in Wellington Park was felt to be the best solution to stop any damage to the memorial. During the winter treated timber bollards and black chains similar to those at the Vivary Park Normany Memorial would be installed. The chain would be detachable on one post in front of the steps for access. The letter was noted.
13026 LONGFORTH ROAD/BRENDON ROAD PARKING RESTRICTIONSWith reference to minute 12930 letters and plans were received from Somerset County Council giving details of proposed seven short lengths of no waiting at any time parking restrictions at bends and junctions in Longforth Road, Brendon Road, Seymour Street, Holyoake Street, Parker Close and Jurston Lane. It was again agreed to support all the proposed restrictions.
13027 TREE PROBLEMS AT WELLINGTON MEDICAL CENTREWith reference to minute 12976 a letter was received from Wellington Medical Centre stating that the trees shade fell more on the medical centre than on adjacent properties and there was little case for the trees to be cut back regarding residents’ loss of light. It was agreed to point out that not only did the trees cause loss of light but also caused damage to property with glass panes in residents’ greenhouses being damaged. It was further agreed to take the matter up with Taunton DBC over the TPO trees.
13028 DOG WASTE BIN NEAR BARLEY MOW, ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 13001 an e-mail was received from Councillor Mark Edwards stating the Barley Mow/Meadowside area would be assessed and scored for future reference with a view to installing a dog waste bin next year. The allocation for 2004 was used up. He confirmed that there were no objections to placing double wrapped dog bags in litter bins where there was no dog bin in the immediate area. It was agreed to ask for the dog bin to be provided as soon as possible.
13029 REPRESENTATIVE ON FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARKWith reference to minute 12780 Councillor Hindley stated he wished to step down as the council’s representative on Friends of Wellington Park. It was agreed to appoint Councillor Biscoe as the council’s new FOWP representative. Councillor Horsman declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.2076
13030 COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH SCHEME CO-ORDINATORWith reference to minute 12874 Councillor Hindley reported that he was no longer the Wellington Community Speedwatch Scheme co-ordinator. Efforts were being made to appoint another co-ordinator. The report was noted.
13031 BARN MEADS ROAD AND BUCKWELL STREET LIGHTINGWith reference to minutes 12984 and 12990 a report was received from Councillor Govier on site visits by Councillors Critchard, Mitton, Stock-Williams and himself to Buckwell, where it was felt there was no need for additional lighting, and Barn Meads Road where the courtyards nearer Swains Lane were darker than the courtyards nearer Hoyles Road. It was felt the difference was because those courtyards towards Swains Lane had not been adopted by the county council. The report was noted. It was agreed to find out from the county if the “dark” courtyards had been adopted or not.
13032 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS QUOTEWith reference to minute 12476 a quote of £5,099 plus VAT was received from Deane DLO for the erection of the town council’s lights for 2004, which included new lights outside the United Reformed Church and the large Christmas tree outside the old post office in High Street. It was agreed to accept the quote.
13033 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH-ON & FREE PARKINGWith reference to minute 12476 the clerk reported that the annual switch-on of the town’s Christmas illuminations would take place on Friday, 26th November 2004. It was agreed that the time of the switch-on should be brought forward by 30 minutes to 7pm which had been requested by parents with younger children. The clerk also reported that Taunton DBC had agreed to provide free parking in the three public car parks on Saturday, 27th November, Saturday 4th December, Saturday, 11th December and Saturday 18th December. He further reported that Wellington Chamber of Trade had arranged pre-Christmas entertainment in the town centre with Wellington School Choir on 4th December, Salvation Army Band on 11th December and Wellington Arts Society on 18th December. The reports were noted.
13034 HIGHER CAR PARKING CHARGESWith reference to minute 12970 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that as objections to the proposed increased car parking charges had been received the Traffic regulation Orders Panel would be considering these objections at a meeting on 21st October with a view to making a recommendation to the Executive Councillor (Councillor C. Bishop) who had the authority to make the decision to proceed or not. The TRO Panel had agreed to support the increased charges. The letter and report were noted. It was stated there was a possibility of a 10% discount for season tickets.
13035 TAUNTON DBC DRAFT LICENSING POLICYWith reference to minute 12989 further consideration was given to the questionnaire from Taunton DBC on their draft licensing policy following the open session about policy held on 20th October 2004. Members had a copy of the letter and questionnaire and it was agreed that councillors should send in their individual views.
13036 ROCKWELL GREEN BUS SHELTERWith reference to minute 12754 the clerk reported that the bus shelter near the entrance to Dobree Park, Rockwell Green, was due to be installed on 3rd November 2004. The report was noted.
13037 POSSIBILITY OF CCTV FOR SOUTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12965 the clerk reported that he had received that evening a letter from Taunton DBC chief executive Mrs Penny James about the town council’s request for additional CCTV cameras in Wellington. The topic would be included in the December council agenda. The report was noted.
13038 REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES IN TAUNTONA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting members to Remembrance Day services in Taunton on Sunday, 14th November 2004. The letter was noted.
13039 RURAL BUS SERVICESA letter was received from local MP Adrian Flook about rural bus services and and a reply from First Bus about a suggested service from Wellington to Taunton via Wiveliscombe, Milverton and Cotford St Luke. The letters were noted.
13040 HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE TRUSTA letter was received from Wellington and District Healthy Living Centre Trust stating that it was setting up a health information centre in the ground floor office at 28 Fore Street on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in the office used by CAB on Wednesdays and inviting the chairman to officially open the centre on Saturday, 20th November at 11am. The letter was noted. Vice chairman Councillor Biscoe agreed to open the centre as the chairman had a previous engagement on 20th November.
13041 TRAVIS PERKINS OPERATORS’ LICENCEA copy of a letter sent by Helping Hands to the Western Area Traffic Commissioners expressing concern about the application by Travis Perkins for an operators licence for Unit 7, Blackdown Business Park, Scotts Lane, Wellington because of possible danger to pedestrians was received. The letter was noted.
13042 COURT FIELDS SCHOOL AWARDS EVENINGA letter was received from Court Fields Community School inviting the chairman and councillors to the school’s annual awards evening on Thursday, 18th November 2004 at 7.30pm. The letter was noted.
13043 SOMERSET WASTE LOCAL PLAN MODIFICATIONSA letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the schedule of proposed modifications to the Somerset Waste Local Plan would be on deposit for a six week consultation period from 22nd October to 3rd December 2004, which was the closing date for objections. The letter was noted.
13044 SCHOOL GOVERNORSA letter was received from Somerset County Council inviting the town council to submit names of suitable persons for LEA governors for schools in the area. The letter was noted. 2078WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 2004
13045 OFF-LICENCE FOR ST JOHN’S SERVICE STATIONNotice was received of an application by Hugh Duder, of County Stores, Taunton, and by Karen Clapp for the grant of a justices off-licence for St John’s Service Station, Longforth Road, Wellington, to be heard by West Somerset magistrates at Minehead on 9th November 2004. It was noted. It was pointed out that St John’s was part of Richardsons Garage which closed suddenly in August 2004 when the firm had gone into receivership.
13046 TRANSFER OF LICENCE FOR VINTAGE INNNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Vintage Inn, 24 Fore Street, Wellington to Angela Zeneth Ahearne, David Cyril Lock and Anna Ahearne, to be heard by West Somerset magistrates at Minehead on 9th November 2004. It was noted.
13047 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12996 it was agreed to suggest that items about the formation of a Corn Hill working party and the redevelopment proposals at Tone Mills should be put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next Economic Partnership meeting on Monday, 8th November 2004 at 6pm.
13048 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Erection of first floor extension and pitched roof to porch, 30 Laburnum Road, Wellington (43/2004/110: delegated decision); (2) application to fell two cupressus macrocarpa trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2 Tree Preservation Order 1991 at 20 Elms Road, Wellington (43/2004/101T: subject to planting of replacement tree within 2 months of felling); (3) Retention of two storey extension, 93 Springfield, Wellington (43/2004/109: amended scheme); (4) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 28 Trinity Close, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 28th September 2004 and drawing No. 474.RE (43/2004/113: delegated decision); (5) Installation of new organ at The Chapel, Wellington School, Wellington as clarified by statement of significance received 18th October 2004 (43/2004/103LB); (6) Erection of extension to form double garage at 6 Rackfield, Westford, Wellington (43/2004/118: delegated decision); (7) Installation of ramp in front lobby, internal alterations and removal of front steps, Natwest Bank, 12 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2004/111 and 43/2004/112LB); (8) Residential development to provide two detached dwellings on land opposite 10 Farthings Pitts, Wellington as amplied by letter dated 22nd September 2004 (43/2004/114).
13049 PLANNING DECISIONS BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following planning application: (1) Erection of an open ended building and associated works for use as a waste transfer station for a temporary period of three years at Poole Landfill Site, Poole, Wellington (46/2004/023).
13950 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST OCTOBER 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st October 2004 was £85,508 (£85,280 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £50,876 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
13051 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: SWEB Energy £6.31 for electricity for Rackfield street light; Mr A. Brown £1,575.76; Inland Revenue £607.98; St John’s Primary School £320 for school crossing patrol for summer term April to July 2004; The Carly Press Ltd £45.98 for ink cartridges; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for window cleaning and bus shelter cleaning for September 2004; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves; PC Webshop Ltd £316.80 for yearly hosting fee for council’s website from November 2004 to October 2005; Cosalt International Ltd £66.98 for two maroon rockets for Remembrance Day.
13052 TOWN COUNCIL PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCEThe clerk reported that Wellington Silver Band had been told by Taunton DBC that if it wanted to play in Wellington town centre and collect from the public it would have to have a public entertainment licence which would cost £145, which would probably be more than the band would collect for badly needed funds. In Taunton the town centre manager Lucy Ball had a public entertainment licence covering the town centre area which individual organisations were able to use with her approval. It was suggested that the town council should obtain a public entertainment to save local individual groups the cost of having to apply for a PEL. The use of such a licence would be controlled by the town council. It was agreed to apply for a public entertainment licence at a cost of £145.
13053 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 7th, 14th 21st and 28th October 2004; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 12th October 2004; Minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings of Taunton DBC between June and September 2004; What’s On Within Taunton Deane for November 2004; Somerset Strategic Partnership “A Vision for Somerset” (consultation draft); Issue 20 of the newsletter of the Grand Western Canal Trust; Autumn 2004 newsletter of Somerset Playing Fields Association; October 2004 newsletter of the River Parrett Catchment Project; Autumn 2004 edition of Countryside Voice from the Campaign to Protect Rural England; September 2004 edition of Fieldwork magazine from CPRE; South West of England Regional Development Agency highlights brochure 2004; letter from Office of Deputy Prime Minister about the new ethical framework regulations; October 2004 issue of The Clerk by Society of Local Council Clerks; November 2004 issue of Clerks and Councils Direct; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 590 and 591; European Union September 2004 brochure on The Cohesion Fund; EU September 2004 newsletter on regional policy and structural funds.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, D. Gill, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, who arrived at 7.20pm, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were 8 members of the public present.
13007 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah, reported that he had attended the annual carnivals at Taunton and Yeovil during the past two weeks; welcomed the new chairman of Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Mr Dennis King; congratulated Councillor Critchard on raising the issue of the cost of community transport in Wellington; and reported that a meeting was being held with Wellington Twinning Association in the town council chamber on 10th November 2004 at 7pm to discuss the 40th anniversary celebrations of the twinning link with Lillebonne.
13008 POLICE MATTERSIn a written report, Sgt R. Caburn, who was unable to attend because of police commitments, reported that during October in the Wellington section there had been 17 thefts, 3 assaults, 18 criminal damage offences, 5 thefts from vehicles, 14 criminal damage to vehicle offences, 5 commercial burglaries, 2 domestic burglaries (both out of the Wellington built-up area). Two drugs search warrants had been carried out and two cannabis growing set-ups discovered. Also two further arrests had been made for drugs offences (cannabis/heroin). Two police community support officers and special constables had been deployed on Halloween the previous night and no trick or treat incidents had been recorded, although complaints had been received regarding the inappropriate use of fireworks over the weekend. A meeting had been held with Councillor Govier following the opening of Unit 6 at the Kings Centre to form an action team to co-ordinate the provision of youth activities in Wellington. A police beat surgery was being held at St John’s Primary School on Tuesday, 16th November between 7pm and 9pm. If there were any problems councillors wished to raise, they could ring him at the Wellington Station on Tuesday morning, 2nd November.
13009 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: CLEAN NEIGHBOURHOODSMrs Isobel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, referred to the Government’s recent consultation paper Clean Neighbourhoods (see minute 12995) and suggested it should be included on the December agenda. This was agreed.
13010 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: CHRISTMAS TREESMr Terry Milton reported that he was hoping to provide illuminated Christmas trees for local businesses/shops with the help of Wellington Chamber of Trade.
13011 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: TRICK OR TREAT LEAFLETSMr Bill Slocombe said he wanted to congratulate Councillor Govier on distributing trick or treat leaflets to the homes of many local elderly residents in Wellington..
13012 MINUTESThe minutes of the council meetings held on 4th October 2004, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
2073WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 200413013 VISIT OF PENNY JAMES/DISABLED ACCESS TO 28 FORE STREETThe chairman welcomed Taunton DBC’s chief executive Penny James and the Deane’s new strategic director Joy Wishlade to their first town council meeting. Mrs James stated that 28 Fore Street was difficult in terms of access and the practicalities of making the building comply with the Disability Discrimination Act. The Deane was looking at the future of 28 Fore Street given the requirements of the act. A stairlift would not meet all the requirements. The Deane had £110,000 in its budget for the requirements of the act for all its buildings. The Deane would like to work with the town council in finding more suitable premises and delivering services from a more accessible point, and would welcome the town council’s involvement. The Deane was reviewing the cost of its services. She was thanked by the chairman.
13014 PROPOSED CORN HILL WORKING PARTYThe chairman suggested the council consider setting up a working party of councillors and traders to promote/monitor the enhancement of Corn Hill. After some discussion it was agreed to refer the suggestion to the next meeting of the Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on 8th November 2004. Councillors also received a report on the present position over Corn Hill from Roger Mitchinson, of the Deane’s forward planning unit.
13015 TROPHY IN MEMORY OF COUNCILLOR MAURICE JENNINGSCouncillor Govier reported that the Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs had asked the council to consider donating a trophy in memory of former councillor Maurice Jennings, who as well as serving on both the town and Deane councils, had also been a keen sportsman and had actively supported local sport. He had spoken to Mrs Jennings who had approved the idea. After some discussion it was agreed unanimously to donate a trophy for the Young Sportsman of the Year. Councillor Byrne declared a personal interest and left the hall while this item was discussed.
13016 REGIONAL SPATIAL STRATEGYCouncillor Govier referred to the regional spatial strategy consultation by the South West Regional Assembly which would shape the future of the region between 2006 and 2026. He felt that proposed strategies 1 and 3 were preferable as he considered these options offered the best chance of securing the Longforth Farm and Northern Relief Road development for Wellington in the future. After some discussion it was agreed to support the differential approach of strategy 3 as it provided for modest additional growth in “other significant centres.”
13017 WELLINGTON COMMUNITY STRATEGYCouncillor Govier reported that there had been consultations/comments from about 650 people in the town and surrounding areas on Wellington’s community strategy for the future. The process was reaching its final stages and there would be a full presentation to the town council in the near future. The report was noted.
13018 RESIGNATION OF COUNCILLOR MILNEA letter was received from Councillor A. Milne resigning as a councillor with effect from 29th October 2004 due to health, work and family commitments. It was agreed to send a letter thanking her for her contribution to the town council and wishing her well for the future. The clerk reported that a vacancy for the North ward would be declared in a few days. 2074WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 2004
13019 COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMITTEE RESIGNATIONA letter was received from Councillor A. Horsman resigning as the council’s representative on Wellington Community Centre Committee because he felt uncomfortable about the constitution and running of the community centre. It was agreed to put an item on the December agenda to elect a new representative.
13020 AUDIT OF COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR 2003-04With reference to minute 12729 a report was received from external auditors Moore Stephens stating that the information contained in the annual return was in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements and no matters had come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met. The auditors noted the council had undertaken a limited risk assessment and suggested more steps should be considered to identify key risks, evaluate potential consequences of these risks and decide what measures might be taken to avoid, reduce or control the risks or their consequences. It was agreed that this assessment should be carried out by the Finance Committee.
13021 HELPING HANDS GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 12972 a letter was received from Councillor Joanna Lewin-Harris stating that Taunton DBC had given £2,500 to Helping Hands in 2003-04 and £2,500 in the current financial year but given the views expressed by a majority of town councillors at the October meeting that they felt the work of Helping Hands could be done by others, it was difficult for her to recommend further funding from Taunton Deane at this stage. Given the implications of the Disability Discrimination Act on the Wellington Community Office and the town clerk’s office, the possible duplication of services offered by Helping Hands and the opening of the new Health Information Centre, she suggested that consideration should be given to developing the one stop shop concept. It was agreed to note the letter and to give further consideration to Helping Hands grant request at the December council meeting. Councillor Hindley declared an interest and left the hall was this item was discussed.
13022 CLAIMED FOOTPATH AT TONEDALEWith reference to minute 12600 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the two large landowners involved had agreed to the dedication of the claimed footpath from Linden Drive to Burchills Hill via Thunderbridge under the main railway line but Network Rail had not agreed to do so although it was to inspect the concrete walkway under the bridge at sometime. Did the town council want the county to press Network Rail for a dedication or abandon the idea of a dedication and return to a full investigation into the claimed route. It was agreed to suggest that the town council should also press Network Rail to agree to a dedication and, failing that, to push for an investigation into the claimed route.
13023 COST OF COMMUNITY TRANSPORTWith reference to minute 12974 a letter was received from Taunton Deane Community Transport operations manager Mr Andrew Heap stating that it provided a specialist service to the mobility impaired in the Deane and did not seek to compete with taxis or public transport. The question of the fare from Tonedale to the town centre had been investigated and it should have been £2.50 not the £3 charged. The lady in question would be reimbursed. The initial charge was £2 and then 50p per mile thereafter which might seem to load the cost for shorter journeys but a trip from Wellington to Taunton town centre would cost £5.50 whereas a taxi firm would 2075
WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 200413023 COST OF COMMUNITY TRANSPORT (continued)charge about £13 for such a trip. Additionally they did not charge for waiting time or time in traffic: purely a flat rate per mile. Passengers were told when registering with Community Transport that it was a specialist service and not a cheap alternative to public transport which they should use if they were able to do so. Letter was noted.
13024 DAMAGE TO GREENWAY ROAD TRAFFIC BOLLARDSWith reference to minute 12925 an e-mail was received from Somerset Fire and Rescue Service stating that it would not object to a permanent barrier being erected between Dobree Park and Greenway Road. That decision had been made on the basis of the restricted access to Dobree Park via Greenway Road which regularly resulted from the parking in that area and the fact that the fire service was still able to achieve a response to Dobree Park within acceptable times using the alternative access available. It was agreed to ask Sanctuary Housing to erect a permanent barrier.
13025 PROTECTION OF PARK WAR MEMORIALWith reference to minute 12831 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the suggestion of putting chains around the war memorial in Wellington Park was felt to be the best solution to stop any damage to the memorial. During the winter treated timber bollards and black chains similar to those at the Vivary Park Normany Memorial would be installed. The chain would be detachable on one post in front of the steps for access. The letter was noted.
13026 LONGFORTH ROAD/BRENDON ROAD PARKING RESTRICTIONSWith reference to minute 12930 letters and plans were received from Somerset County Council giving details of proposed seven short lengths of no waiting at any time parking restrictions at bends and junctions in Longforth Road, Brendon Road, Seymour Street, Holyoake Street, Parker Close and Jurston Lane. It was again agreed to support all the proposed restrictions.
13027 TREE PROBLEMS AT WELLINGTON MEDICAL CENTREWith reference to minute 12976 a letter was received from Wellington Medical Centre stating that the trees shade fell more on the medical centre than on adjacent properties and there was little case for the trees to be cut back regarding residents’ loss of light. It was agreed to point out that not only did the trees cause loss of light but also caused damage to property with glass panes in residents’ greenhouses being damaged. It was further agreed to take the matter up with Taunton DBC over the TPO trees.
13028 DOG WASTE BIN NEAR BARLEY MOW, ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 13001 an e-mail was received from Councillor Mark Edwards stating the Barley Mow/Meadowside area would be assessed and scored for future reference with a view to installing a dog waste bin next year. The allocation for 2004 was used up. He confirmed that there were no objections to placing double wrapped dog bags in litter bins where there was no dog bin in the immediate area. It was agreed to ask for the dog bin to be provided as soon as possible.
13029 REPRESENTATIVE ON FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARKWith reference to minute 12780 Councillor Hindley stated he wished to step down as the council’s representative on Friends of Wellington Park. It was agreed to appoint Councillor Biscoe as the council’s new FOWP representative. Councillor Horsman declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.2076
13030 COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH SCHEME CO-ORDINATORWith reference to minute 12874 Councillor Hindley reported that he was no longer the Wellington Community Speedwatch Scheme co-ordinator. Efforts were being made to appoint another co-ordinator. The report was noted.
13031 BARN MEADS ROAD AND BUCKWELL STREET LIGHTINGWith reference to minutes 12984 and 12990 a report was received from Councillor Govier on site visits by Councillors Critchard, Mitton, Stock-Williams and himself to Buckwell, where it was felt there was no need for additional lighting, and Barn Meads Road where the courtyards nearer Swains Lane were darker than the courtyards nearer Hoyles Road. It was felt the difference was because those courtyards towards Swains Lane had not been adopted by the county council. The report was noted. It was agreed to find out from the county if the “dark” courtyards had been adopted or not.
13032 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS QUOTEWith reference to minute 12476 a quote of £5,099 plus VAT was received from Deane DLO for the erection of the town council’s lights for 2004, which included new lights outside the United Reformed Church and the large Christmas tree outside the old post office in High Street. It was agreed to accept the quote.
13033 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH-ON & FREE PARKINGWith reference to minute 12476 the clerk reported that the annual switch-on of the town’s Christmas illuminations would take place on Friday, 26th November 2004. It was agreed that the time of the switch-on should be brought forward by 30 minutes to 7pm which had been requested by parents with younger children. The clerk also reported that Taunton DBC had agreed to provide free parking in the three public car parks on Saturday, 27th November, Saturday 4th December, Saturday, 11th December and Saturday 18th December. He further reported that Wellington Chamber of Trade had arranged pre-Christmas entertainment in the town centre with Wellington School Choir on 4th December, Salvation Army Band on 11th December and Wellington Arts Society on 18th December. The reports were noted.
13034 HIGHER CAR PARKING CHARGESWith reference to minute 12970 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that as objections to the proposed increased car parking charges had been received the Traffic regulation Orders Panel would be considering these objections at a meeting on 21st October with a view to making a recommendation to the Executive Councillor (Councillor C. Bishop) who had the authority to make the decision to proceed or not. The TRO Panel had agreed to support the increased charges. The letter and report were noted. It was stated there was a possibility of a 10% discount for season tickets.
13035 TAUNTON DBC DRAFT LICENSING POLICYWith reference to minute 12989 further consideration was given to the questionnaire from Taunton DBC on their draft licensing policy following the open session about policy held on 20th October 2004. Members had a copy of the letter and questionnaire and it was agreed that councillors should send in their individual views.
13036 ROCKWELL GREEN BUS SHELTERWith reference to minute 12754 the clerk reported that the bus shelter near the entrance to Dobree Park, Rockwell Green, was due to be installed on 3rd November 2004. The report was noted.
13037 POSSIBILITY OF CCTV FOR SOUTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12965 the clerk reported that he had received that evening a letter from Taunton DBC chief executive Mrs Penny James about the town council’s request for additional CCTV cameras in Wellington. The topic would be included in the December council agenda. The report was noted.
13038 REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES IN TAUNTONA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting members to Remembrance Day services in Taunton on Sunday, 14th November 2004. The letter was noted.
13039 RURAL BUS SERVICESA letter was received from local MP Adrian Flook about rural bus services and and a reply from First Bus about a suggested service from Wellington to Taunton via Wiveliscombe, Milverton and Cotford St Luke. The letters were noted.
13040 HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE TRUSTA letter was received from Wellington and District Healthy Living Centre Trust stating that it was setting up a health information centre in the ground floor office at 28 Fore Street on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in the office used by CAB on Wednesdays and inviting the chairman to officially open the centre on Saturday, 20th November at 11am. The letter was noted. Vice chairman Councillor Biscoe agreed to open the centre as the chairman had a previous engagement on 20th November.
13041 TRAVIS PERKINS OPERATORS’ LICENCEA copy of a letter sent by Helping Hands to the Western Area Traffic Commissioners expressing concern about the application by Travis Perkins for an operators licence for Unit 7, Blackdown Business Park, Scotts Lane, Wellington because of possible danger to pedestrians was received. The letter was noted.
13042 COURT FIELDS SCHOOL AWARDS EVENINGA letter was received from Court Fields Community School inviting the chairman and councillors to the school’s annual awards evening on Thursday, 18th November 2004 at 7.30pm. The letter was noted.
13043 SOMERSET WASTE LOCAL PLAN MODIFICATIONSA letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the schedule of proposed modifications to the Somerset Waste Local Plan would be on deposit for a six week consultation period from 22nd October to 3rd December 2004, which was the closing date for objections. The letter was noted.
13044 SCHOOL GOVERNORSA letter was received from Somerset County Council inviting the town council to submit names of suitable persons for LEA governors for schools in the area. The letter was noted. 2078WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST NOVEMBER 2004
13045 OFF-LICENCE FOR ST JOHN’S SERVICE STATIONNotice was received of an application by Hugh Duder, of County Stores, Taunton, and by Karen Clapp for the grant of a justices off-licence for St John’s Service Station, Longforth Road, Wellington, to be heard by West Somerset magistrates at Minehead on 9th November 2004. It was noted. It was pointed out that St John’s was part of Richardsons Garage which closed suddenly in August 2004 when the firm had gone into receivership.
13046 TRANSFER OF LICENCE FOR VINTAGE INNNotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices licence for the Vintage Inn, 24 Fore Street, Wellington to Angela Zeneth Ahearne, David Cyril Lock and Anna Ahearne, to be heard by West Somerset magistrates at Minehead on 9th November 2004. It was noted.
13047 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 12996 it was agreed to suggest that items about the formation of a Corn Hill working party and the redevelopment proposals at Tone Mills should be put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next Economic Partnership meeting on Monday, 8th November 2004 at 6pm.
13048 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Erection of first floor extension and pitched roof to porch, 30 Laburnum Road, Wellington (43/2004/110: delegated decision); (2) application to fell two cupressus macrocarpa trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2 Tree Preservation Order 1991 at 20 Elms Road, Wellington (43/2004/101T: subject to planting of replacement tree within 2 months of felling); (3) Retention of two storey extension, 93 Springfield, Wellington (43/2004/109: amended scheme); (4) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 28 Trinity Close, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 28th September 2004 and drawing No. 474.RE (43/2004/113: delegated decision); (5) Installation of new organ at The Chapel, Wellington School, Wellington as clarified by statement of significance received 18th October 2004 (43/2004/103LB); (6) Erection of extension to form double garage at 6 Rackfield, Westford, Wellington (43/2004/118: delegated decision); (7) Installation of ramp in front lobby, internal alterations and removal of front steps, Natwest Bank, 12 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2004/111 and 43/2004/112LB); (8) Residential development to provide two detached dwellings on land opposite 10 Farthings Pitts, Wellington as amplied by letter dated 22nd September 2004 (43/2004/114).
13049 PLANNING DECISIONS BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following planning application: (1) Erection of an open ended building and associated works for use as a waste transfer station for a temporary period of three years at Poole Landfill Site, Poole, Wellington (46/2004/023).
13950 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST OCTOBER 2004A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st October 2004 was £85,508 (£85,280 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £50,876 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
13051 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: SWEB Energy £6.31 for electricity for Rackfield street light; Mr A. Brown £1,575.76; Inland Revenue £607.98; St John’s Primary School £320 for school crossing patrol for summer term April to July 2004; The Carly Press Ltd £45.98 for ink cartridges; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for window cleaning and bus shelter cleaning for September 2004; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves; PC Webshop Ltd £316.80 for yearly hosting fee for council’s website from November 2004 to October 2005; Cosalt International Ltd £66.98 for two maroon rockets for Remembrance Day.
13052 TOWN COUNCIL PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCEThe clerk reported that Wellington Silver Band had been told by Taunton DBC that if it wanted to play in Wellington town centre and collect from the public it would have to have a public entertainment licence which would cost £145, which would probably be more than the band would collect for badly needed funds. In Taunton the town centre manager Lucy Ball had a public entertainment licence covering the town centre area which individual organisations were able to use with her approval. It was suggested that the town council should obtain a public entertainment to save local individual groups the cost of having to apply for a PEL. The use of such a licence would be controlled by the town council. It was agreed to apply for a public entertainment licence at a cost of £145.
13053 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETCThe clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 7th, 14th 21st and 28th October 2004; agenda and reports for Taunton DBC council meeting on 12th October 2004; Minutes of Executive, Review Board, Review Panels and Planning Committee meetings of Taunton DBC between June and September 2004; What’s On Within Taunton Deane for November 2004; Somerset Strategic Partnership “A Vision for Somerset” (consultation draft); Issue 20 of the newsletter of the Grand Western Canal Trust; Autumn 2004 newsletter of Somerset Playing Fields Association; October 2004 newsletter of the River Parrett Catchment Project; Autumn 2004 edition of Countryside Voice from the Campaign to Protect Rural England; September 2004 edition of Fieldwork magazine from CPRE; South West of England Regional Development Agency highlights brochure 2004; letter from Office of Deputy Prime Minister about the new ethical framework regulations; October 2004 issue of The Clerk by Society of Local Council Clerks; November 2004 issue of Clerks and Councils Direct; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 590 and 591; European Union September 2004 brochure on The Cohesion Fund; EU September 2004 newsletter on regional policy and structural funds.
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