Wellington Town Council planning minutes March 2005
Minutes of the 96th planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday 7th March 2005 at 6pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, A. Horsman, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James, and E. Warren, the clerk, A. Brown and Taunton DBC West area planning manager, Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillor D. Mitton and Councillor Mrs N. Wilson. There were 8 members of the public present.
13169 APPROVED PLANNING APPLICATIONSThe town council received details of applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to approve planning permission for the following applications: (a) Extension of existing parking area to provide additional parking spaces, The Well, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/005: There was a letter of objection from Mr R. Howe, of 11 The Well, who felt more parking spaces would encourage more non residents to park, causing more problems for residents. Mr Hamer recommended approval. It was agreed to inform the applicants, Taunton DBC, that the town council would like to see appropriate signs erected to indicate that the parking spaces are for the use of residents of The Well only and that the parking of commercial vehicles is not permitted. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Howe to address councillors); (b) Erection of single storey extension to front of 24 Drakes Park, Wellington (43/2005/008: A letter of objection was received from Mr D. Wright of 23 Drakes Park on the grounds that the extension was not in keeping with the rest of the block of terraced houses and would take light from his property. Mr Hamer recommended approval and pointed out that other properties in Drakes Park had similar porches. A letter was received from the applicant, Mrs D. Webb stating that two similar single storey extensions to properties in Drakes Park had been approved by the planning authority. Councillor Byrne declared an interest and left the hall while this application was considered); (c) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 3 Brendon Road, Wellington as amended by drawing Nos. TA218RL/1S/Rev 1, 2/Rev 1, 3/Rev 1 and 4/Rev 1 received on 4th March 2005 (43/2005/011); (d) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 31 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/012).
13170 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATION DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13123, members received an amended layout and design for the application by Somerfield Stores Ltd for the erection of a supermarket (2,187sq.m) and retail unit with first floor offices with associated car parking and servicing, 38-46 High Street, Wellington together with land to rear between High Street and Scotts Lane, formation of a new access to High Street (43/2004/141) and the demolition of Kwiksave Store, 38-40 High Street, Wellington and buildings to rear of 38-40 High Street, Wellington (43/2004/142CA). A letter of objection was received on behalf of the trustees of Wellington Medical Centre on the grounds that it would given rise to unacceptable highway and traffic problems; would lead to the loss of existing High Street frontage buildings in the Wellington conservation area; that the approved Bulford site (medical centre) was better related to the town centre; that it would adversely affect the viability of the town as it was not adjacent to the retail core and would not provide any community benefits or a new medical centre and would increase reliance on the car. Standing orders were suspended to allow Dr R. Fairbairn 2108
TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING 7TH MARCH 200513170 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATION DEFERREDto reinforce the objections of the trustees, who had been trying to relocate their existing surgery for the past seven years as the building was inadequate for present and future demands. Mr Hamer reported that the Deane’s conservation officer was still against the new design and layout and was still against the demolition of the buildings. The site had been allocated for a variety of uses including retail but the report of Somerset Highways on the traffic impact was still awaited. Answering questions Mr Hamer stated that there would be landscaping between the new store and the old people’s bungalows at Orchard Close, that the loading bay would be enclosed, that HGVs would come through Sylvan Road, that most cars would come from High Street, that there would be no way through for vehicles from Scottts Lane to High Street but there would be a pedestrian access. Opening hours and delivery times could be restricted by conditions. After some discussion it was agreed to defer a decision until the April meeting pending the receipt of the traffic impact report and clarification of proposed opening hours.
13171 CADES FARM HOUSING SCHEME DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13124 further consideration was given to the application by Heron Land Developments and Westbury Homes (Holdings) Ltd for residential development (295 dwellings), affordable housing, recreational open space, structural landscaping and associated works on land forming part of Cades Farm, Taunton Road, Wellington (43/2005/004). Mr Hamer stated that the site had been allocated for residential development in the revised Taunton Deane Local Plan so the principle of development was acceptable. The Deane was looking for 35% of the dwellings to be affordable housing, mostly for rent. A number of responses had been received covering wildlife on the site, the footpath network, landscaping, flood alleviation and foul drainage. Someset County Council wanted a contribution from the developers towards secondary education but not primary education as these places were sufficient. The proposed on-site play provision and public open space areas were considered acceptable. The Deane’s leisure officer was looking for a £250,000 contribution from the developers for community centre facilities in the town (possibly the existing community centre in White Hart Lane could be sold for development and a new centre provided), off-site contribution to improve playing fields and changing facilities, improved drainage to Beech Grove School pitch and improved facilities at Wellington Sports Centre such as air conditioning and better flooring. Standing orders were suspended to allow Dr Fairbairn to address councillors. He pointed out that health facilities/services in Wellington were already bulging and that the proposed Cades Farm development would put even more pressure of the health services. Councillor Stock-Williams suggested that a working party should be set up with the Deane and developers to see what community benefits could be achieved from a Section 106 agreement. She wanted to see help for medical services in Wellington. This was agreed. A letter was received and noted from Mr C. Watson, of Aysgarth, Nynehead, suggesting supporting the retention of footpath WG17/18 and another exit from the south of the site to link with path WG17/19 to Chelston. After some discussion the town council agreed by six votes to five that the principle of development at the site was acceptable.
13172 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANNING APPLICATIONSIt was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Application to carry out tree management work to one walnut tree and two trees of heaven included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No.2) Tree 2109TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING 7TH MARCH 2005
13172 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANS (continued)Preservation Order 1999 at Wellington Medical Centre, Bulford, Wellington (43/2005/015T); (b) new roof to swede storage and cleaning building at Chelston House Farm, Chelston, near Wellington (43/2005/019AGN).13173 COMMENTS TO COUNTY COUNCIL ON APPLICATIONSIt was agreed to inform Somerset County Council that the town council was in favour of the following application: (a) Refurbishment to provide toilet for the disabled, male and female toilets, ramp and opening to link two rooms at Over 55 Club, North Street, Wellington (43/2005/021 and 43/2005/022LB).
13174 RELOCATION OF TAUNTON CATTLE MARKET TO CHELSTONDetails were received of a planning application for the erection of a livestock market comprising covered livestock stalls and sales arena, administrative building and toilet facilities, together with car and articulated vehicle parking, livestock unloading area, vehicle washdown area, site drainage and strategic landscaping and formation of vehicular access onto the A38 on land at Chelston Heathfield, Chelston, near Wellington as amplified and amended by letter dated 16th November 2004 with accompanying environmental statement and drawing No. 1224/1 and letter dated 17th February 2005 (46/2004/018). The site is in West Buckland parish but as the plan will affect the Wellington area the town council has been asked for its comments. It was agreed to defer consideration of the application pending the receipt of the views of various consultees. It was stated that the planning officer’s initial assessment was that the principle of the development was likely to be acceptable.
13175 REDEVELOPMENT AT BLACKDOWN TRADING ESTATEDetails were received of the application by Taunton DBC for the erection of 7 industrial units at Blackdown (formerly Wellington) Trading Estate, Sylvan Road, Wellington on the site of the demolished F & R Cooling factory (43/2005/024). It was agreed to defer consideration of the application until the receipt of the responses and comments of neighbours/consultees had been received. It was stated that the planning officer’s initial assessment was that the proposal appeared acceptable as there had been a larger unit on the site which had been demolished.
13176 INVITE FROM MR BEN FOX OF TONE DALE HOUSEA letter was received from Mr Ben Fox, of Tone Dale House, Wellington, inviting councillors to meet the Big House Company to discuss how the proposed Tonedale Mills development plans could affect the company. It was agreed that the clerk should arrange a date for such a meeting. In response to members’ concerns about whether accepting the invitation would comprise their impartiality when considering the Tonedale Mills development plans at a later stage, Mr Hamer stated that as long as councillors just listened to the views of the Big House Company and did not commit themselves over these views then there was no problem in accepting the invitation.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, A. Horsman, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James, and E. Warren, the clerk, A. Brown and Taunton DBC West area planning manager, Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillor D. Mitton and Councillor Mrs N. Wilson. There were 8 members of the public present.
13169 APPROVED PLANNING APPLICATIONSThe town council received details of applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to approve planning permission for the following applications: (a) Extension of existing parking area to provide additional parking spaces, The Well, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/005: There was a letter of objection from Mr R. Howe, of 11 The Well, who felt more parking spaces would encourage more non residents to park, causing more problems for residents. Mr Hamer recommended approval. It was agreed to inform the applicants, Taunton DBC, that the town council would like to see appropriate signs erected to indicate that the parking spaces are for the use of residents of The Well only and that the parking of commercial vehicles is not permitted. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Howe to address councillors); (b) Erection of single storey extension to front of 24 Drakes Park, Wellington (43/2005/008: A letter of objection was received from Mr D. Wright of 23 Drakes Park on the grounds that the extension was not in keeping with the rest of the block of terraced houses and would take light from his property. Mr Hamer recommended approval and pointed out that other properties in Drakes Park had similar porches. A letter was received from the applicant, Mrs D. Webb stating that two similar single storey extensions to properties in Drakes Park had been approved by the planning authority. Councillor Byrne declared an interest and left the hall while this application was considered); (c) Erection of two storey extension to rear of 3 Brendon Road, Wellington as amended by drawing Nos. TA218RL/1S/Rev 1, 2/Rev 1, 3/Rev 1 and 4/Rev 1 received on 4th March 2005 (43/2005/011); (d) Erection of a conservatory to rear of 31 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/012).
13170 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATION DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13123, members received an amended layout and design for the application by Somerfield Stores Ltd for the erection of a supermarket (2,187sq.m) and retail unit with first floor offices with associated car parking and servicing, 38-46 High Street, Wellington together with land to rear between High Street and Scotts Lane, formation of a new access to High Street (43/2004/141) and the demolition of Kwiksave Store, 38-40 High Street, Wellington and buildings to rear of 38-40 High Street, Wellington (43/2004/142CA). A letter of objection was received on behalf of the trustees of Wellington Medical Centre on the grounds that it would given rise to unacceptable highway and traffic problems; would lead to the loss of existing High Street frontage buildings in the Wellington conservation area; that the approved Bulford site (medical centre) was better related to the town centre; that it would adversely affect the viability of the town as it was not adjacent to the retail core and would not provide any community benefits or a new medical centre and would increase reliance on the car. Standing orders were suspended to allow Dr R. Fairbairn 2108
TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING 7TH MARCH 200513170 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATION DEFERREDto reinforce the objections of the trustees, who had been trying to relocate their existing surgery for the past seven years as the building was inadequate for present and future demands. Mr Hamer reported that the Deane’s conservation officer was still against the new design and layout and was still against the demolition of the buildings. The site had been allocated for a variety of uses including retail but the report of Somerset Highways on the traffic impact was still awaited. Answering questions Mr Hamer stated that there would be landscaping between the new store and the old people’s bungalows at Orchard Close, that the loading bay would be enclosed, that HGVs would come through Sylvan Road, that most cars would come from High Street, that there would be no way through for vehicles from Scottts Lane to High Street but there would be a pedestrian access. Opening hours and delivery times could be restricted by conditions. After some discussion it was agreed to defer a decision until the April meeting pending the receipt of the traffic impact report and clarification of proposed opening hours.
13171 CADES FARM HOUSING SCHEME DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13124 further consideration was given to the application by Heron Land Developments and Westbury Homes (Holdings) Ltd for residential development (295 dwellings), affordable housing, recreational open space, structural landscaping and associated works on land forming part of Cades Farm, Taunton Road, Wellington (43/2005/004). Mr Hamer stated that the site had been allocated for residential development in the revised Taunton Deane Local Plan so the principle of development was acceptable. The Deane was looking for 35% of the dwellings to be affordable housing, mostly for rent. A number of responses had been received covering wildlife on the site, the footpath network, landscaping, flood alleviation and foul drainage. Someset County Council wanted a contribution from the developers towards secondary education but not primary education as these places were sufficient. The proposed on-site play provision and public open space areas were considered acceptable. The Deane’s leisure officer was looking for a £250,000 contribution from the developers for community centre facilities in the town (possibly the existing community centre in White Hart Lane could be sold for development and a new centre provided), off-site contribution to improve playing fields and changing facilities, improved drainage to Beech Grove School pitch and improved facilities at Wellington Sports Centre such as air conditioning and better flooring. Standing orders were suspended to allow Dr Fairbairn to address councillors. He pointed out that health facilities/services in Wellington were already bulging and that the proposed Cades Farm development would put even more pressure of the health services. Councillor Stock-Williams suggested that a working party should be set up with the Deane and developers to see what community benefits could be achieved from a Section 106 agreement. She wanted to see help for medical services in Wellington. This was agreed. A letter was received and noted from Mr C. Watson, of Aysgarth, Nynehead, suggesting supporting the retention of footpath WG17/18 and another exit from the south of the site to link with path WG17/19 to Chelston. After some discussion the town council agreed by six votes to five that the principle of development at the site was acceptable.
13172 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANNING APPLICATIONSIt was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Application to carry out tree management work to one walnut tree and two trees of heaven included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No.2) Tree 2109TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING 7TH MARCH 2005
13172 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANS (continued)Preservation Order 1999 at Wellington Medical Centre, Bulford, Wellington (43/2005/015T); (b) new roof to swede storage and cleaning building at Chelston House Farm, Chelston, near Wellington (43/2005/019AGN).13173 COMMENTS TO COUNTY COUNCIL ON APPLICATIONSIt was agreed to inform Somerset County Council that the town council was in favour of the following application: (a) Refurbishment to provide toilet for the disabled, male and female toilets, ramp and opening to link two rooms at Over 55 Club, North Street, Wellington (43/2005/021 and 43/2005/022LB).
13174 RELOCATION OF TAUNTON CATTLE MARKET TO CHELSTONDetails were received of a planning application for the erection of a livestock market comprising covered livestock stalls and sales arena, administrative building and toilet facilities, together with car and articulated vehicle parking, livestock unloading area, vehicle washdown area, site drainage and strategic landscaping and formation of vehicular access onto the A38 on land at Chelston Heathfield, Chelston, near Wellington as amplified and amended by letter dated 16th November 2004 with accompanying environmental statement and drawing No. 1224/1 and letter dated 17th February 2005 (46/2004/018). The site is in West Buckland parish but as the plan will affect the Wellington area the town council has been asked for its comments. It was agreed to defer consideration of the application pending the receipt of the views of various consultees. It was stated that the planning officer’s initial assessment was that the principle of the development was likely to be acceptable.
13175 REDEVELOPMENT AT BLACKDOWN TRADING ESTATEDetails were received of the application by Taunton DBC for the erection of 7 industrial units at Blackdown (formerly Wellington) Trading Estate, Sylvan Road, Wellington on the site of the demolished F & R Cooling factory (43/2005/024). It was agreed to defer consideration of the application until the receipt of the responses and comments of neighbours/consultees had been received. It was stated that the planning officer’s initial assessment was that the proposal appeared acceptable as there had been a larger unit on the site which had been demolished.
13176 INVITE FROM MR BEN FOX OF TONE DALE HOUSEA letter was received from Mr Ben Fox, of Tone Dale House, Wellington, inviting councillors to meet the Big House Company to discuss how the proposed Tonedale Mills development plans could affect the company. It was agreed that the clerk should arrange a date for such a meeting. In response to members’ concerns about whether accepting the invitation would comprise their impartiality when considering the Tonedale Mills development plans at a later stage, Mr Hamer stated that as long as councillors just listened to the views of the Big House Company and did not commit themselves over these views then there was no problem in accepting the invitation.
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