Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wellington Town Council minutes April 2005

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 4th April 2005 at 7.10pm (Start delayed because planning meeting over-ran)
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, R. Henley, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were 8 members of the public present.
13215 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah reported that Councillor Byrne was going to visit Torres Vedras, Portugal, to take part in the 5th anniversary celebrations of the twinning between the two towns. It was agreed to provide a gift for Councillor Byrne to take on behalf of the town council. Councillor Byrne pointed out that she was paying her own fare.
13216 POLICE MATTERSSgt R. Caburn, reported that during March there had been 18 thefts, 5 thefts from motor vehicles, 9 criminal damage to vehicles, 14 other criminal damage offences, 5 assaults, 4 commercial burglaries (2 in the town), 2 domestic burglaries. A drugs warrant had been served at Milverton where a man had been arrested. The drugs were for personal use. It was hoped to have the paint ball project for youngsters up and running shortly. It would a reward for good behaviour, such as picking up litter and removing graffiti. He had had a useful meeting with Councillor Govier about youth facilities in the town. Councillor Wilson reported that she had received complaints from Dobree Park residents about teenagers playing football in the under-5s play area because they claimed they had been bullied when playing on the football pitch further down the estate. Sgt Caburn said he would arrange for a community support officer to investigate. Councillor Critchard praised the police for their handling of a domestic incident. Sgt Caburn, who was thanked for attending, distributed sponsor sheets for Cancer Relief following his participation in the Taunton Half-Marathon.
13217 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMThe chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, Mrs Isabell Ward invited members to the launch of the 2005 competition at Nynehead Court on Friday, 22nd April at 6.30pm, distributed copies of the annual gardens competition leaflet, referred to the amount of dog fouling in Mantle Street, to broken windows in the upper storeys of 18 Fore Street, Wellington, which was a listed building, and to the dilapidated condition of the former craft shop at 15 Fore Street. It was agreed to contact Taunton DBC asking for pressure to be brought on the owners to improve their properties.
13218 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: FRIENDS OF THE PARK PARKThe chairman of the Friends of Wellington Park, Mrs Pauline Sturgess distributed leaflets about the Family and Fun Day of Celebrations being organised at the park on Monday, 2nd May 1p0m to 5pm. There were already 30 stalls taking part and there was lots of entertainment planned. It would be well worth attending.
13219 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: APPLE TREE PLAY GROUPThe chairman of Wellington Community Centre Committee, Mr Terry Milton reported that the Apple Tree Play Group, which had been operating for 25 years at the centre, would be closing on 22nd July 2005 which would mean a loss of income of £55 weekly. However the centre was in a healthy financial position. Internally it was in a good state of repair but externally repairs were needed.2120WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH APRIL 200513220 MINUTES OF MARCH MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 7th March 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
13221 LONGFORTH FARM & NORTHERN RELIEF ROAD SCHEMEWith reference to minute 13180 a letter was received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, stating that the Deane would strongly support the aspirations of the people of Wellington to achieve a Northern Relief Road scheme. Working together constructively and presenting a united front to the Highways Authority, Somerset County Council was the best way of moving the scheme forward. He enclosed a copy of the Deane’s response to the Sub Regional Studies of Taunton which included a specific item relating to the Longforth Farm proposals. This stated that Taunton DBC “supports a mixed use scheme for Longforth Farm, Wellington to include the relief road for Wellington.” The letter was noted.
13222 CONTAINERISED TREE PLANTING IN TOWN CENTRECouncillor Stock-Williams suggested that the council should consider enhancing the town centre area by planting a specimen tree in a large container outside the old post office in High Street. It was agreed to seek advice from the Deane’s parks department on suitable trees/containers and to find out the views of the highway authority.
13223 WELLINGTON ARTS ASSOCIATION GRANT REQUESTLetters, a grant application form and accounts were received from Wellington Arts Association asking the town council to consider making a grant of £5,000 towards the arts centre extension. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Ken Atherton, the treasurer, to speak. Unforeseen problems over the foundations, due to the extreme wetness of the ground, possibly caused by an underground spring, had added £16,000 to the construction bill which now totalled almost £108,000. So far the association had raised £46,500, had received £42,000 in grants and had been offered an interest free loan of £10,000 and a donation of £5,000. After some discussion Councillor Henley proposed a grant of £3,750, seconded by Councillor James and this was approved.
13224 WELLINGTON SCHOOL CCF BAND GRANT REQUESTA letter and grant application form were received from Wellington School CCF Corps of Drums asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,000 towards the cost of new drums. Councillor Bowrah proposed that the council should buy a new drum for the band up to a maximum of £500 in recognition of the community work by the band in playing at the annual Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day services and the town’s annual carnival as well as at other events. His proposal was seconded by Councillor Hindley and approved. Councillor Warren declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
13225 HOME-START TAUNTON DEANE GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Home-Start Taunton Deane asking the town council to consider making a grant towards the £8,000 cost of increasing the service in Wellington. Councillor Hindley proposed, with Councillor James seconding, that the council should make a one-off grant of £540 for the purchase of toys by the group and this was agreed.
13226 SPEEDING TRAFFIC IN MANTLE STREETCouncillor Stock-Williams reported that a number of residents had complained about the speed of traffic in Mantle Street between Golden House and Hilly Head and she2121WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH APRIL 2005
13226 SPEEDING TRAFFIC IN MANTLE STREET (continued)suggested that the council should ask Somerset Highways to put down speed cables to monitor the speed of traffic. This was agreed. Sgt Caburn stated he would take up the matter with the Safety Camera Partnership.
13227 BURIAL SPACE PLANS AT WELLINGTON CEMETERYWith reference to minute 13182 an email was received from Taunton DBC stating that no decision had yet been made over the suggestion of digging up part of the existing car park to provide more space for burials but that if use was made of some of the car park a further 127 graves could be accommodated. The existing covered area and all the seats would remain. A turning circle would be provided and parking would still be available along the driveway. The cemetery currently had space for a further 10 years of burial. The Deane had made a number of enquiries for additional land without much success but the planners were currently engaged in discussions with a landowner. The letter was noted.
13228 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS DONATIONWith reference to minute 13140 the clerk reported that a donation of £100 had been received from Wellington Chamber of Trade. A letter of thanks had been sent to the chamber. The report was noted.
13229 20MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 13159 the clerk report that the 20mph speed limit between Pyles Thorne Close and Oakfield Park had come into force on 24th March 2005. The report was noted.
13230 VACANCY FOR WELLINGTON WEST WARDWith reference to minute 13189 the clerk reported that there had been no request for an election to fill the vacancy for the Wellington West ward and it would now be filled by the town council by co-option. Those interested in being considered to fill the vacancy had been asked to submit their details by 23rd April 2005 with a view to the co-option being made at the council meeting on 9th May. The report was noted.
13231 LONGMEAD CLOSE-BURCHILLS HILL CLAIMED FOOTPATHWith reference to minute 13194 a letter was received from the county council acknowledging the town council’s objection to the recommendation not to accept the claimed footpath from Longmead Close to Burchills Hill but stating that county councillors were at liberty to overturn the officer recommendation if they disagreed with their interpretation of the evidence. The letter was noted.
13232 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN BAGLEY ROADWith reference to minute 13196 an email was received from Ian Titcombe (Somerset Highways) suggesting various signs and road markings designed to slow down traffic and offering a site visit. It was agreed to arrange a site meeting.
13233 DAMAGE TO WELLINGTON SKATEPARKWith reference to minute 12877 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the skatepark at the sports centre had been closed for a short time due to vandalism but had re-opened following repairs. If it was vandalised again the Deane might not be able to reinstate it for a second time. It appeared from the vandalism that some users were dissatisfied with the current lay-out despite it being in accordance with the 2122WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH APRIL 2005
13233 DAMAGE TO WELLINGTON SKATEPARK (continued)wishes of local young people consulted by the town council last year. The Deane asked the town council to undertake wide-ranging discussions with young people on the issue of skate and bmx provision, possibly through the Youth Action Team, and advise the Deane of the conclusions. Councillor Govier stated he would raise the matter at a meeting of the Youth Action Team.
13234 ALEXANDRA ROAD PLAY FACILITIESWith reference to minute 13148 the clerk reported that Taunton DBC had erected a small goalpost on Roly Poly Green. The report was noted.
13235 GYPSIES AND TRAVELLERSA copy was received of the letter sent by Taunton DBC to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister giving the Deane’s views on the Gypsies and Travellers consultation paper. The letter was noted.
13236 NEW JUSTICES RESTAURANT LICENCE FOR CUNNINGHAMSNotice was received of the application for the granting of a new justices restaurant licence for Cunninghams, 14-18 North Street, Wellington to Sarah Elizabeth Cunningham, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 12th April 2005. The information was noted.
13237 JUSTICES LICENCE FOR TOTAL CONVENIENCE STORENotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices off-licence for Total Convenience Store, Mantle Street, Wellington to Sherrill Lynn Hooley, Keir Mitton, Fay Helen Davis and Justine Windsor, the application to be heard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 12th April 2005. The information was noted.
13238 ROADS USED AS PUBLIC PATHSA letter was received from the county council clarifying the position relating to the change of classification of Roads Used as Public Paths (RUPPs) to “restricted byways” following an unprecedented increase in application for modifications to the Definitive Map to show these routes as byways open to all traffic (BOATs). The redesignation of RUPPs as “restricted byways” would make it an offence for the public to drive a mechanically propelled vehicle along these routes. The letter was noted.
13239 TAUNTON DEANE RIGHTS OF WAY MAINTENANCEA letter was received from the county council stating that the agency agreement with Taunton DBC for the maintenance of the rights of way network in Taunton Deane had been terminated at the request of the Deane and as from 1st April 2005 this function would be carried out by the county council. The letter was noted.
13240 JUSTICES LICENCE FOR ONE STOP STORENotice was received of the application for the transfer of the justices off-licence for One Stop Store, 20-22 High Street, Wellington to Ruth Gabrielle Hawkins and Daryn Liddel, the application to be beard by Taunton Deane magistrates on 10th May 2005. The information was noted.
WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH APRIL 200513241 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13203 the clerk reported that the Wellington Economic Partnership meeting due to have been held on 14th March had been cancelled and that the next meeting would take place on Monday, 18th April 2005 at 6pm. At the suggestion of Councillor Govier it was agreed to put the possible dual use of loading and unloading bays in the town centre on the WEP agenda.
13242 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (1) Erection of conservatory at 41 Richards Close, Wellington (43/2005/006: delegated decision); (2) Erection of two storey extension at Wellington House Nursing Home, Longforth Road, Wellington as amended by drawings Nos. 1678/05A and 1678/02B and amplified by agents letter dated 8th March 2005 (43/2005/013: delegated decision); (3) Erection of first floor extension at side of 2 Gillards Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/014: delegated decision); (4) Erection of extension to side of Leat Cottage, Rackfield, Wellington (43/2005/017: delegated decision); (5) Change of use from retail to residential use in conjunction with existing accommodation at 44 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2005/009: delegated decision); (6) Conversion of The Classroom to dwelling, The Community Centre, Crosslands, Wellington as amplified by letter and accompanying plans received 10th March 2005 (43/2005/010: delegated decision); (7) Erection of conservatory at rear of 12 Clifford Mews, Wellington (43/2005/016: delegated decision).
13243 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST MARCH 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2004 to 31st March 2005 was £97,723 (£85,721 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005) and that expenditure for the same period was £84,128 (£106,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2005). The report was noted.
13244 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Age Concern Somerset £100 grant; Friends of Wellington Park £1,500 grant; Wellington in Bloom Committee £1,000 grant; Taunton Deane Borough Council £146.85 for erection of skateboarding sign at Laburnum Road; Taunton DBC £5,991.33 for Christmas illuminations; Taunton DBC £250 for museum lease for quarter ending 30th June 2005; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £108 for hospital patient transport from Wellington to Musgrove Park Hospital for February 2005; Mr A. Brown £1,629.78; Inland Revenue £608.20; Judith Goss £30 for flowers for war graves for January and February 2005; The Carly Press Ltd £42.29 for stationery; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for fortnightly/monthly cleaning of town centre bus shelters and monthly window cleaning of council office and chamber for March 2005; Somerset Association of Local Councils £10 for salary scale workshop; Community Council for Somerset £20 annual subscription; Somerset Association of Local Councils £1,004.71 annual subscription; National Association of Local Councils £100 for fortnightly direct information service bulletins.
13245 DOUBLE YELLOW LINES IN LONGFORTH ROADCouncillor Hindley reported that a section of the yellow lines put down in Longforth Road for safety reasons had been erased by Somerset Highways but following complaints about their removal on the apex of the bend the lines were to be reinstated. The report was noted.2124WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH APRIL 2005
13246 AWARD FOR STEVE FREEMANIt was agreed to send a letter of congratulation to local trader Steve Freeman, of Don Jones Fish, Cornhill, who had won the Best Fishmonger in Southern England Award in the Seafoods Awards for 2005.
13247 CLERK’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENTWith reference to minute 13167 Councillor Mitton presented a report from the working party of the council which had been considering the terms and conditions of employment of the clerk and the appointment of an assistant to the clerk. The report took into consideration changes in the hours and duties of the clerk since these were last reviewed in the 1980s, the new national agreement on conditions of service for clerks of local councils and the latest requirements of employment legislation. Councillor Mitton updated the report with the latest advice which he had received as a result of attending a workshop held by the Somerset Association of Local Councils. Councillor Byrne and the chairman, Councillor Bowrah also added their comments as members of the working party. After considering the report in detail, the council agreed to accept the recommendations of the working party, including the salary scale for the clerk which will be spinal column points 30-34 of the new national agreement. The clerk will progress to the next salary point on the new scale. It was agreed that the chairman would outline the new salary arrangements with the clerk, and that Councillor Mitton would ensure that the documentation affecting the changes were formally drawn up and, where necessary, signed by the chairman, on behalf of the council, and the clerk. In addition it was agreed that Councillor Mitton would start discussions with the clerk about the employment of an assistant to the clerk and report back to the council in June.
13248 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st March 2005; What’s On within Taunton Deane for April 2005; Community Council for Somerset March 2005 newsletter; Spring 2005 Thatch magazine of Community Council for Somerset; March 2005 edition of Fieldwork newsletter from Campaign to Protect Rural England; Spring 2005 edition of Countryside Voice from CPRE; Letter from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs re broadband for rural communities; Letter from DEFRA re quality parishes and parish planning; South West Business Link newsletter; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 601 and 602; March and April edition of Lillebonne Town Council’s municipal magazine.


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