Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wellington Town Council planning minutes April 2005

Minutes of the 97th planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday 4th April 2005 at 6pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, A. Horsman, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, the clerk, A. Brown and Taunton DBC planning officer Mr D. Addicott. There were 12 members of the public present.
13208 APPROVED PLANNING APPLICATIONSThe town council received details of applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to approve planning permission for the following applications: (a) Conversion of garage to habitable room at 14 Rowe Close, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/023 The planning officer recommended refusal because the proposed development would be likely to encourage the parking of vehicles on the public highway which would interrupt the free flow of traffic, add to the hazards of road users at this point and also set a precedent likely to encourage further additional parking on the road. One of the original planning conditions was that one garage and one parking space should be provided for each dwelling. Standing orders were suspended to allow the applicant, Mr Howley to speak. He pointed out that like most of the residents in Rowe Close, which was a cul-de-sac, he did not use his garage. He wanted to convert the garage into a play room for his children. The biggest road hazard was children playing in the street. Councillor Mitton, who proposed approval, did not think it would set a precedent and felt that each plan should be treated on its merits. Councillor Critchard seconded and the motion was carried 9-1 with 3 abstentions. There were no objections from neighbours.
13209 DEFERRED PLAN: STABLE PLACE, EIGHT ACRE LANEConsideration was given to an application for the erection of extensions to provide first floor level (turning a bungalow into a house) at Stable Place, Eight Acre Lane, Wellington as amended by drawing received 30th March 2005 (43/2005/018). There were letters of objection from Mr E. Tyler, of 14 Grange Close, Mrs L. Chetland, of 13 Grange Close, Mr and Mrs P. Wright, of 15 Grange Close, and Mr M. Rose of 17 Grange Close on the grounds of loss of light, overshadowing, visually oppressive, out of keeping with immediate area, invasion of privacy, oppressive size and design, and precedent setting. Plans and photographs were also received from Mr Tyler. Planning officer Mr Addicott recommended approval, stating that amended plans had reduced the size of the side extension to single storey, with a height of 2.6m rising to 4.5m, and provided a hipped roof. The highest point of the dwelling would be about 9m away. Given that the neighbouring property had two large windows in the lounge at the rear of the property and that the side extension had been reduced, he did not consider the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of the neighbouring property. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Tyler to speak. He asked for the plan to be deferred as residents had not had adequate chance to study the amended plans, the details of which had only just been received. The applicant, Mr R. Hancock stated that he felt the changes met the neighbours’ objections. On the proposal of Councillor Critchard, seconded by Councillor James, it was agreed to defer a decision until the May meeting and to visit the site and Grange Close on Wednesday, 6th April 2005 at 6pm.
13210 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATION DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13170 consideration of the application by Somerfield Stores Ltd for the erection of a supermarket (2,187sq.m) and retail unit with first floor offices with associated car parking and servicing, 38-46 High Street, Wellington together with land to rear between High Street and Scotts Lane, formation of a new access to High Street (43/2004/141) and the demolition of Kwiksave Store, 38-40 High Street, Wellington and buildings to rear of 38-40 High Street, Wellington (43/2004/142CA) was deferred to the May meeting as a traffic report from the county council was still awaited. County councillor Govier reported that the county, who had been dealing with the application since October 2004, still had concerns about traffic at the new junction which would be provided in High Street, but he had been assured the report would be given to Taunton Deane that week (4th April). On the suggestion of Councillor Warren it was agreed to write to the county council expressing the town council’s extreme disappointment at the long delay in the county’s response. He also congratulated Councillor Govier for his efforts in speeding up the production of the report.
13211 CHELSTON CATTLE MARKET PLAN DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13174 consideration of the application for the erection of a livestock market comprising covered livestock stalls and sales arena, administrative building and toilet facilities, together with car and articulated vehicle parking, livestock unloading area, vehicle washdown area, site drainage and strategic landscaping and formation of vehicular access onto the A38 on land at Chelston Heathfield, Chelston, near Wellington as amplified and amended by letter dated 16th November 2004 with accompanying environmental statement and drawing No. 1224/1 and letter dated 17th February 2005 (46/2004/018) was deferred to the May meeting to await the results of consultation responses. The clerk stated the plan would not be dealt with by Taunton DBC until 18th May 2005.
13212 CHANGE OF USE AND CONVERSION OF 52 HIGH STREETConsideration was given to an application for the change of use and conversion of a retail unit (furniture shop) and one dwelling to 7 flats at 52 High Street, Wellington (43/2005/030 and 43/2005/037LB). It was reported that the conservation officer had some concerns about proposed external and internal alterations and so it was agreed to defer the application pending the result of discussions over these concerns.
13213 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANNING APPLICATIONSIt was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of 7 industrial units at Blackdown Business Park, Sylvan Road, Wellington (43/2005/024: providing there are suitable conditions covering hours of work, loading and unloading, noise levels and landscaping to protect existing screen hedging and trees); (b) Amended plans for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6 houses and 6 flats and alteration to access and parking, Wardleworth House, Wardleworth Way, Wellington as amended by letter dated 9th March 2005 with accompanying drawings Nos. 1103358/03/A, 04/A, 05/A, 06/A, 07/A and 08/A (43/2004/088: it was stated that the amendment omits “room in roof” and associated roof amendments, incorporating minor elevational revisions to suit internal space planning); (c) demolition of outbuilding at rear of 49 High Street, Wellington (43/2005/029LB); (d) Erection of dwelling on land to rear of 31 Blackmoor Road, Wellington (43/2005/025: providing there is no undue overlooking or loss of privacy 2118TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING 4TH APRIL 2005
13213 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANS (continued)for neighbours and providing trees are protected. There were letters of objection from Mr J. Shanklyn, of 19 Pyles Thorne Road, Mr A. Dawson, of 30 Blackmoor Road, and Mr and Mrs R.V. Martin, of 21 Pyles Thorne Road on the grounds that the proposed house was out of keeping and out of scale with surrounding dwellings, was over-development of a small site, would cause loss of light and would cause privacy problems. It was stated that these were amended plans which had reduced the size of the house. The original plans, to which the town council had objected in January 2005 on the grounds of overdevelopment of a tight site, had been withdrawn. Standing orders were suspended to allow the applicant Mr J. Hester to speak in support of the amended plans and to answer councillors’ questions).
13214 TONEDALE MILL REDEVELOPMENTThe clerk reported that amended plans for the redevelopment/conversion of mill buildings at Tonedale Business Park, Tonedale Mill, Milverton Road, Wellington to 147 dwellings and commercial units and associated external works (43/2004/119) had been received that day (4th April 2005). It was agreed that the application should be dealt with at a special planning meeting on a date to be arranged.


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