Wellington Town Council minutes May 2005
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 9th May 2005 at 7.14pm (Start delayed because planning meeting over-ran) PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman) Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There was an apology from Councillor R. Henley. There were 12 members of the public present.
13254 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah congratulated Councillors Govier and Henley on their election to the county council on Thursday, 5th May 2005 and Councillor Clark on his election to Taunton Deane Borough Council. He agreed to send a letter of congratulation to Mr Jeremy Browne on his election as the new MP for Taunton at the General Election also on 5th May. The chairman also reported that Councillor Byrne had bought a book on Somerset and a video on Exmoor to present as civic gifts from the town council when she visited Wellington’s twin town of Torres Vedras in Portugal on 26th May 2005.
13255 POLICE MATTERSThe clerk reported that Sgt R. Caburn was unable to attend as he had been on a week long training course and was not back at Wellington Station on 11th May 2005 but had sent in a verbal report as follows: (a) At the end of April there had been the death of a 25 year old man from drugs in Longforth Road public toilets, the tragic consequence of drug abuse; (b) In the early hours of Friday, 29th April there had been a racial attack when 3 men in their late teens/early 20s befriended a Slovakian in the street, asked him back to a party and when they got to the address, they came out with baseball bats and attacked him, chasing him down the street: 3 men had been arrested and police inquiries were continuing; (c) The paint ball community initiative had been successful and that so far quite a number of youngsters had taken part on Sundays. Councillor Horsman expressed sympathy to the family of the man found dead in the toilets and condemned the attack on the Slovakian as “absolutely disgraceful,” a view shared by all other councillors.
13256 MINUTES OF APRIL MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 4th April 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
13257 TOWN COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR 2004-2005Councillors received and approved the town council accounts for 2004-2005 prepared by the town clerk and responsible financial officer, Mr A. Brown. The accounts showed that the council had made a surplus of £16,828 and had a balance in hand as at 31st March 2005 of £143,767, made up of general fund reserve of £105,767 and an earmarked reserve of £38,000. The clerk was congratulated on his work. Councillors also considered a letter from the internal auditor Mr A. Bullen who suggested the council should increase its fidelity insurance to £200,000, its libel and slander cover to £250,000 and review the level of personal cover as the weekly sum of £150 did not appear to be realistic. He also felt the general reserve of £105,767 was too high and that £60,000 was adequate. It was agreed to ask the council’s insurers for quotes for higher fidelity insurance, increased libel and slander cover and higher personal cover. It was agreed to note the auditor’s comments about the general reserve after it was pointed out that the council had taken nearly £23,000 from its balances to keep its council tax unchanged for the 2005-2006 financial year.2129WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13258 FILING INLAND REVENUE RETURNS ON LINEThe clerk reported that he was now filing income tax and national insurance returns to the Inland Revenue on-line on the council’s computer instead of paper returns. The change would earn the council £825 tax free over 5 years: £250 in 2005, £250 in 2006, £150 in 2007, £100 in 2008 and £75 in 2009. The report was noted.
13259 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICYA risk management policy prepared by the clerk was received and approved. The policy, which is attached to these minutes, covered liability, employer liability, legal liability, standing orders and financial regulations, councillors’ propriety, finance and technological areas.
13260 ALTERATIONS TO STANDING ORDERSIt was agreed to make the alterations to the council’s standing orders to comply with the Code of Conduct. The alterations are attached to these minutes.
13261 1ST WELLINGTON SCOUT GROUP GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from the 1st Wellington Scout Group asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,000 towards the £9,000 cost of buying new kayaks, trailer and safety boat. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Steve Altria, scout leader, to address councillors. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to make a grant of £1,000.
13262 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,200 towards the cost of its Wellington outreach which was now operating twice weekly (Mondays and Wednesdays) compared with weekly last year. On the proposition of Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor Mitton, it was agreed to make a grant of £1,200. It was also agreed to arrange a meeting between CAB, Healthy Living Centre and Jobcentre Plus to improve liaison/co-operation between such groups.
13263 POSSIBLE IMPROVED LIGHTING FOR OLANDS ROADCouncillor Govier reported that a number of residents had complained that the street lighting in Olands Road was poor and needed improving. It was agreed to ask the county council to prepare a scheme for improving the existing lighting.
13264 PIPER SYSTEM AT POPHAM FLATS, VICTORIA STREETCouncillor Byrne reported that residents in Popham Flats for the elderly in Victoria Street were very unsettled by an incident where 87 year old Mr Ron Cosby had died in April 2005 after neighbours claimed he had to wait for 3 hours for attention after they had alerted the Deane piper alarm control centre in Taunton. A copy of a letter sent by Taunton DBC to Major M. Hart, steward of the charity running the flats, was received by councillors. This provided details of the conversations between staff at the control centre and Mr Cosby, who was told that a doctor would be calling on him after morning surgery. Deane housing support services manager Mrs P. Potter stated that “if at any time Mr Cosby had requested assistance, our emergency response team would have attended immediately.” Councillor Byrne, a governor of the charity, felt that he should have been asked directly if he wanted someone to come immediately. If the right question had been asked there might have been a different response. The 2130WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13264 PIPER SYSTEM AT POPHAM FLATS (continued)governors would be meeting residents to try to reassure them. Councillor Govier felt that the councillors should not sit in judgment on the control centre which handled thousands of calls a year. There did not seem to have been any indication of urgency in this case. He had been assured that the control centre’s service was, on the whole, excellent. The letter from Mrs Potter stated that between the beginning of February 2005 and 27th April 2005 the centre had handled over 120,000 calls, the emergency response team had responded to 442 calls, ambulance had been called on 89 occasions and there had been 2,426 anxiety calls. 1,030 no response calls had been followed up, checked and brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Standing orders were suspended to allow another governor Mrs C. Hitchcock to speak. She also felt that Mr Cosby did not get the attention he deserved.
13265 LONGFORTH FARM & NORTHERN RELIEF ROAD SCHEMEWith reference to minute 13221 a letter was received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, enclosing a copy of a letter from Nigel Farrow, corporate director of Somerset County Council, setting out various conclusions from the report of the inspector who conducted the inquiry into the Taunton Deane Local Plan. The two main reasons for the inspector rejecting the Longforth Farm proposals were the scale of development in relation to Taunton and loss of high grade agricultural land and the likely related increases in traffic flows between Wellington and Taunton. In usual circumstances developers would carry out a full transport assessment in support of a development proposal and would have been expected to make the case for the site working closely with planning and transport authorities. In the case of Longforth the developers did not appear to have carried out much work in the way of transport assessment That point had to be borne in mind in making the case for the future. It was heartening to note the support offered by the county council in that their officers would do all they could to help bring forward the scheme because of the strong support of the town and Deane councils. The letters were noted.
13266 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATIONWith reference to minute 13210 a letter was received from Councillor C. Bakewell, the leader of Somerset County Council, stating that the application had been received in late October 2004, transport assessments in November 200 with plans which were sent for audit. The audit system was at present overwhelmed due to the large number of audits required. Comments on the transport assessment had been sent to the applicant on 5th April 2005 and outstanding audit comments on design and traffic signals had been delivered to county officers on 12th April which would be sent on immediately to the developer. The county council accepted there had been delays in their internal audit process but it also appeared that the applicant did not follow the advice he had been given which meant there was a need for some further work to be done. The applicant had been informed of that requirement in early April and it was hoped to sort it out a soon as possible. The letter was noted.
13267 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN BAGLEY ROADWith reference to minute 13232 a report was received from the clerk on a site meeting held on 19th April 2005 between town councillors, residents and Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways to discuss proposed traffic calming measures for Bagley Road. It had been agreed to put a yellow bus stop marking outside Golden Hill Pet Supplies on2131WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13267 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN BAGLEY ROAD (continued)had been agreed to put a yellow bus stop marking outside Golden Hill Pet Supplies onthe Exeter Road (old A38) to prevent left turning vehicles from using the length of carriageway as a slip road and so reduce their speed; to put new edge lines along the eastern side of the road from Rylands Nurseries to give the impression of narrowing the road and also delineating the lay-by/footpath area; to refurbish the existing edge line on the western side of the road; to erect 2 “pedestrian in road” signs – one in the verge by Rylands Nurseries and one from the A38 direction in the verge by the new builders merchants with “slow” and yellow bar markings adjacent to the signs to highlight to motorists the potential hazard of pedestrians walking in the narrowest part of Bagley Road. It was hoped to carry out the work as soon as possible. The report was noted.
13268 RIGHT TURNING LANE INTO BAGLEY ROADThe clerk reported that at the site meeting referred to in minute 13267 Mr Titcombe stated it was hoped to provide a right turning lane/waiting bay into Bagley Road from the Exeter Road when travelling from the Exeter direction. In addition edge lining would be painted on both sides of the road to give the impression of narrowing the road to try to slow down traffic. As requested the clerk had sent Mr Titcombe traffic speed figures recorded at that location last year by the community speed watch team which showed that many vehicles were well in excess of the 30mph speed limit. It was felt the figures would be useful in getting the police to support the right turning bay. The report was noted.
13269 ALEXANDRA ROAD PLAY FACILITIESWith reference to minute 13234 the clerk reported that “playground” signs had been erected in Victoria Street and Longforth Road. The report was noted.
13270 CORNHILL IMPROVEMENTSWith reference to minute 13139 the clerk reported that rubbish had been cleared from behind Cornhill shop iron gates (former vegetable shop). The report was noted.
13271 LONGFORTH ROAD DOUBLE YELLOW LINESWith reference to minute 13245 the clerk reported that the previously erased double yellow lines in Longforth Road had been reinstated. The report was noted.
13272 SPEEDING TRAFFIC IN MANTLE STREETWith reference to minute 13226 the clerk reported that Somerset Highways would be putting down speed loops in the vicinity of the garage in Mantle Street to check the volume and speed of traffic. The report was noted.
13273 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATH PROBLEMSWith reference to minute 12839 a report was received from the clerk on a site meeting on 27th April 2005 with assistant county rights of way officer Tamsyn Matthews and town councillors to discuss some Rockwell Green footpath access problems. It was agreed that (a) where possible farmyard type gates and stiles should be replaced with Bristol gates (a specially designed farmyard type gate which incorporates a self closing pedestrian gate providing easy access for pedestrian and dog walkers; (b) to replace the existing gate and stile on footpath WG17/8 near Pitt Farm with a Bristol gate; (c) to replace the existing gate and stile on WG17/8 where it turns west to join WG17/7 to Perry Elm with a Bristol gate; (c) to replace the existing stile on the 2132
13273 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATH PROBLEMS (continued)section of WG17/8 to the east (leading to Lancock Street and Dobree Park) with kissing gates; (d) to replace the existing gate on WG17/7 leading to Perry Elm with a Bristol gate (this had already been agreed with the landowner and the county council); (e) to replace the existing gate and stile on 17/6 (from Dobree Park) where it joins the Pitt Farm Lane (17/8) with a Bristol gate in the longer term as the stile is in good condition at present. It was hoped to obtain funds later this year from the Community Access Fund to carry out the work in partnership with the county council and the landowners. The council approved all the proposals in the report and also agreed that in the event of the Community Access Fund application not being successful, the town council would provide the gates in partnership with the county council. The clerk also reported that he had contacted county council about broken kissing gates and damaged fencing on footpaths WG17/10, WG17/11, WG17/l1 and WG17/22 at the Basins, Rockwell Green, leading to the railway lines and Hilly Head. The report was noted.
13274 40TH TWINNING ANNIVERSARY WITH LILLEBONNEWith reference to minute 13149 the clerk reported that Torres Vedras Town Council would be represented at the Lillebonne 40th twinning anniversary celebrations on Sunday, 3rd July 2005 by Councillor Carlos Bernardes (details of arrival and departure not known at this stage) and Immenstadt Town Council by 2nd mayor Councillor Thomas Wurmback and Councillor Armin Landle, who would arrive at 4.45pm on Friday, 1st July and depart at 9.55am on Monday, 4th July. Offers of accommodation from town councillors would be appreciated. No information had yet been received about civic visitors from Lillebonne. The report was noted.
13275 DILAPIDATED PREMISES IN FORE STREETWith reference to minute 13217 an email was received from Di Hartnell, Taunton DBC conservation officer, stating that the Deane was dealing with 18 Fore Street which was a listed building but had little power to achieve an improvement at 15 Fore Street as it was not listed. She suggested either the town council or the chamber of trade should approach the owner. A letter was also received from Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, urging the town council to put pressure on the Deane to take action over these two properties. It was agreed to contact the owner of 15 Fore Street with a request to improve the condition of the property, which was now empty.
13276 WELLINGTON IN BLOOM GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13081 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington in Bloom Committee for the town council grant of £1,000. The letter was noted.
13277 DOG WASTE BIN AT ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 13191 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the town council’s request for a dog waste bin in the Barley Mow/Meadowside area of Rockwell Green had been unsuccessful. A letter was also received from Wellington in Bloom Committee expressing concern about the amount of dog fouling in the town and suggesting the town council consider paying for additional bins. It was agreed to find out from Taunton DBC the cost of providing and emptying additional dog waste and litter bins and the cost of additional dog warden hours in Wellington. Members were supplied with a list showing the location of the existing 18 dog waste bins.2133WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13278 AGE CONCERN GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13198 a letter was received from Age Concern Somerset thanking the council for its grant of £100. The letter was noted.
13279 ROCKWELL GREEN ALLOTMENTSWith reference to minute 13197 a letter was received from Rockwell Green Allotments Association thanking the council for its help and support over the question of the ownership of the allotments. The letter was noted.
13280 COMMUNITY COUNCIL FOR SOMERSETWith reference to minute 13244 a letter of thanks was received from the Community Council for Somerset for the town council’s annual subscription. Letter was noted.
13281 REFUSED PLAN FOR TW0 STOREY EXTENSION AT 5 ARDWYNWith reference to minute 13122 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an appeal had been lodged against the town council’s decision to refuse permission for a two storey extension at 5 Ardwyn, Wellington. The letter was noted.
13282 FLOWERS FOR WAR GRAVESWith reference to minute 12713 a letter was received from the Wellington branch of the Royal British Legion asking the town council to agree to continue to provide flowers for war graves at an annual cost of £150. The clerk reported that £150 had been allowed in the estimates for the flowers. Councillor Bowrah proposed, seconded by Councillor Hindley, that the council meet the cost and this was agreed. Councillor Critchard declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
13283 TONE PLAY AREA GRASS CUTTING QUOTEWith reference to minute 12616 a quote of £37.30 per cut was received from Deane DLO for cutting the grass at the town council’s Tone play area at Wardleworth Way. It was agreed to accept the quote (last year the charge was £35.69 per cut).
13284 FOOTPATH MAINTENANCE QUOTEWith reference to minute 12617 a quote of £1,895.39 was received from Deane DLO for footpath maintenance for footpaths at Crosslands (behind Relyon), Church Path, Victoria Street and The Basins allotments. It was agreed to accept the quote. It was pointed out that the charge last year was £2,174.17 but Dark Lane had been excluded this year as its hedges etc were privately owned.
13285 DEFECTIVE SWINGS AT WELLINGTON RECThe clerk reported that two flat rubber swings in the senior play area at Wellington Recreation Ground which had been missing for over a year, had been erected by Taunton DBC. The report was noted.
13286 CONTAINERISED TREE PLANTING IN TOWN CENTREWith reference to minute 13222 an email was received from Taunton DBC stating that the cost of providing a containerised tree would be about £250. The Deane would supply the container. The Deane would supply more information on tree species and the exact cost. The letter was noted.
13287 DIVERSION OF LILLEBONNE CLOSE-CHELSTON FOOTPATHA letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that it was proposed to 2134WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13287 DIVERSION OF LILLEBONNE-CHELSTON FOOTPATH (continued)divert the public footpath WG17/19 from Lillebonne Close to Chelston House Farm and asking for the town council’s views on the changes which would make more efficient use of land. It was agreed to raise no objection to the diversion providing all the proposed stiles were replaced by kissing gates/Bristol gates because stiles limited access for walkers and because the town council was aiming to replace all stiles in its area with kissing gates/Bristol gates.
13288 HIGH STREET-SCOTTS LANE FOOTPATHA letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that Mr D.G. Smith had contacted the county’s rights of way group to apply for the addition of the footpath from High Street (Brooks Place) to Scotts Lane to the definitive map of public footpaths. Letters were received from eight residents of High Street/Brooks Place and from Western Power strongly objecting to the suggested adding of the footpath to the definitive list. The clerk also reported that the police were against the path being kept open as it was an escape route for criminals or those causing anti social problems in High Street. It was agreed to inform the county council that the town council was opposed to the footpath being added to the definitive map
13289 ELECTORAL REVIEW OF TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGHA letter and report were received from Taunton DBC stating that the Electoral Commission was to carry out a further electoral review of Taunton Deane Borough and would like to address parish councils to explain what was involved on 17th May. The review would not alter the boundaries of any parish or look at electoral representation within parish councils. It would be solely concerned with electoral representation at borough level and would undoubtedly result in changes to existing ward boundaries. It was agreed to note the letter and members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend the meeting on 17th May 2005.
13290 ANNUAL MEETING WITH PARISH COUNCILSA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the annual meeting with parish councils would be held in the Deane House on Thursday, 30th June 2005 at 7pm. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend.
13291 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2006-2011A letter and report were received from Somerset County Council about the proposed Local Transport Plan 2006-2011. The council was asked for its comments by 27th May 2005. It was agreed that members should make individual comments.
13292 WEBSITE TRAINING/INFORMATION SESSIONA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting the council to a website training and information session being run by Vision ICT Ltd, a website company, at the Deane House on 15th June 2005. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend.
13293 RURAL POLICINGA letter was received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, stating that at a recent meeting with Colin Port, the new chief constable of Avon and Somerset, he had raised the growing perception that it was not worth reporting crimes, unless very serious, because the police just did not bother attending. Mr Port rebutted the perception that the police were not interested in minor crimes and wanted to2135 WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 200513293 RURAL POLICING (continued)regain public confidence that incidents reported would be properly dealt with. It had been agreed Councillor Williams should write to all town/parish councils stressing the importance of reporting crimes and anti-social behaviour. The letter was noted.
13294 SETTING UP OF GYPSY/TRAVELLERS SITESA letter was received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, dealing with the sale of small parcels of land within parishes, the setting up of illegal gypsy/travellers sites on such land and detailing the action the Deane could take in such cases. He also enclosed a copy of a letter from East Herts Council outlining their problems with illegal encampments of gypsies and travellers and further enclosed details of the Deane’s council emergency procedures and out of normal office hours services. All the letters were noted.
13295 NEW SEWAGE PIPE IN MILVERTON ROADThe clerk reported that Wessex Water was laying a new sewage pipe from Malt Houses near Running to Tonedale as part of a scheme to replace a septic tank. It would mean that the main Wellington-Milverton road would be controlled by either temporary traffic lights or a stop-go board. A control panel for equipment to pump effluent to the Lowmoor sewerage works at Tone would be sited the roadside lay-by near Tone river bridge. The report was noted.
13296 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13241 the clerk gave a detailed report on the Wellington Economic Partnership meeting held on 18th April 2005 (attached to these minutes) and stated that the next WEP meeting would be held on Monday, 27th June 2005 at 6pm.13297 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of single storey extension and dormer window, 7 White Hart Lane, Wellington (43/2005/031: delegated decision); (b) Demolition of outbuildings at 49 High Street, Wellington (43/2005/029LB); (c) Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6 houses and 6 flats and alteration to access and parking, Wardleworth House, Wardleworth Way, Wellington as amended by letter dated 9th March 2005 with accompanying drawings Nos. 1103358/03A, 04/A, 05/A, 0/6A, 07/A and 08/A (43/2004/088); (d) Erection of two storey extension at 1 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/038: delegated decision); (e) Erection of first floor extension over kitchen at 36 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/028: delegated decision); (f) Erection of first floor extension above garage, 4 Oakfield Park, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 5th April 2005 and accompanying plan 3600.1A and further letter dated 8th April 2005 (43/2005/026: delegated decision); (g) Erection of conservatory at rear of 7 The Brambles, Wellington (43/2005/020: delegated decision); (h) Erection of extension to side of Leat Cottage, Rackfield,Wellington as amended by applicants letter dated 9th March 2005 and attached plans (43/2005/017: delegated decision); (i) Erection of dwelling on land to rear of 31 Blackmoor Road, Wellington as amended by drawing No. 2190/1C received on 23rd March 2005 (43/2005/025); (j) Erection of single garage at 16 The Paddocks, Wellington (43/2005/033: delegated decision); (k) Demolition of 79 Rockwell Green (outbuilding to 81 Rockwell Green) and erection of two storey building to be used as garaging/workshop with first floor annexe living accommodation over to be used an ancillary to 81 Rockwell Green, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 12th January 2005 and plan 1243/A/001/C (43/2004/159)2136
13298 PLANNING DECISIONS BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following plan: (a) Refurbishment to provide toilet for the disabled, male and female toilet, ramp and opening to link two rooms at Over 55 Club, North Street, Wellington (43/2005/021).
13299 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH APRIL 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 30th April 2005 was £38,830 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £12,589 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.
13300 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: BT £156.70 for telephone, fax, email and internet calls and servicing; Western Newspapers (South) Ltd £63.45 for advertising annual meeting; Mr A.J. Bullen £273.45 for auditing 2004-05 accounts; St John’s Primary School £204.92 for school crossing patrol for spring term 2005; Mr D. Rabson £120 for holiday relief work; Mr A. Brown £1,662.34; Inland Revenue £644.82; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for March and April 2005; The Carly Press £23.99 for ink cartridge; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £136 for subsidised hospital patient transport for March 2005; SWEB Energy £121.44 for electricity for office to 20th April 2005; SWEB Energy £6.31 for electricity for Rackfield street light to 31st March 2005; Councillor D. Mitton £85.60 for travelling expenses.
13301 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th April and 5th May 2005; What’s On within Taunton Deane for May 2005; Blackdown Hills Rural Partnership 2005 diary of events and activities; Clerks & Councils Direct for May 2005; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 603, 604 and 605; Coach Monthly for April 2005; Business Link magazine for South West for Spring 2005; InterAction brochure from Local Government International Bureau for April 2005; European Union newsletters Nos. 131 and 132 on working together for growth and jobs.
13254 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah congratulated Councillors Govier and Henley on their election to the county council on Thursday, 5th May 2005 and Councillor Clark on his election to Taunton Deane Borough Council. He agreed to send a letter of congratulation to Mr Jeremy Browne on his election as the new MP for Taunton at the General Election also on 5th May. The chairman also reported that Councillor Byrne had bought a book on Somerset and a video on Exmoor to present as civic gifts from the town council when she visited Wellington’s twin town of Torres Vedras in Portugal on 26th May 2005.
13255 POLICE MATTERSThe clerk reported that Sgt R. Caburn was unable to attend as he had been on a week long training course and was not back at Wellington Station on 11th May 2005 but had sent in a verbal report as follows: (a) At the end of April there had been the death of a 25 year old man from drugs in Longforth Road public toilets, the tragic consequence of drug abuse; (b) In the early hours of Friday, 29th April there had been a racial attack when 3 men in their late teens/early 20s befriended a Slovakian in the street, asked him back to a party and when they got to the address, they came out with baseball bats and attacked him, chasing him down the street: 3 men had been arrested and police inquiries were continuing; (c) The paint ball community initiative had been successful and that so far quite a number of youngsters had taken part on Sundays. Councillor Horsman expressed sympathy to the family of the man found dead in the toilets and condemned the attack on the Slovakian as “absolutely disgraceful,” a view shared by all other councillors.
13256 MINUTES OF APRIL MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 4th April 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
13257 TOWN COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR 2004-2005Councillors received and approved the town council accounts for 2004-2005 prepared by the town clerk and responsible financial officer, Mr A. Brown. The accounts showed that the council had made a surplus of £16,828 and had a balance in hand as at 31st March 2005 of £143,767, made up of general fund reserve of £105,767 and an earmarked reserve of £38,000. The clerk was congratulated on his work. Councillors also considered a letter from the internal auditor Mr A. Bullen who suggested the council should increase its fidelity insurance to £200,000, its libel and slander cover to £250,000 and review the level of personal cover as the weekly sum of £150 did not appear to be realistic. He also felt the general reserve of £105,767 was too high and that £60,000 was adequate. It was agreed to ask the council’s insurers for quotes for higher fidelity insurance, increased libel and slander cover and higher personal cover. It was agreed to note the auditor’s comments about the general reserve after it was pointed out that the council had taken nearly £23,000 from its balances to keep its council tax unchanged for the 2005-2006 financial year.2129WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13258 FILING INLAND REVENUE RETURNS ON LINEThe clerk reported that he was now filing income tax and national insurance returns to the Inland Revenue on-line on the council’s computer instead of paper returns. The change would earn the council £825 tax free over 5 years: £250 in 2005, £250 in 2006, £150 in 2007, £100 in 2008 and £75 in 2009. The report was noted.
13259 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICYA risk management policy prepared by the clerk was received and approved. The policy, which is attached to these minutes, covered liability, employer liability, legal liability, standing orders and financial regulations, councillors’ propriety, finance and technological areas.
13260 ALTERATIONS TO STANDING ORDERSIt was agreed to make the alterations to the council’s standing orders to comply with the Code of Conduct. The alterations are attached to these minutes.
13261 1ST WELLINGTON SCOUT GROUP GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from the 1st Wellington Scout Group asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,000 towards the £9,000 cost of buying new kayaks, trailer and safety boat. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Steve Altria, scout leader, to address councillors. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to make a grant of £1,000.
13262 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTA letter, grant application form and accounts were received from Taunton and District Citizens Advice Bureau asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,200 towards the cost of its Wellington outreach which was now operating twice weekly (Mondays and Wednesdays) compared with weekly last year. On the proposition of Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor Mitton, it was agreed to make a grant of £1,200. It was also agreed to arrange a meeting between CAB, Healthy Living Centre and Jobcentre Plus to improve liaison/co-operation between such groups.
13263 POSSIBLE IMPROVED LIGHTING FOR OLANDS ROADCouncillor Govier reported that a number of residents had complained that the street lighting in Olands Road was poor and needed improving. It was agreed to ask the county council to prepare a scheme for improving the existing lighting.
13264 PIPER SYSTEM AT POPHAM FLATS, VICTORIA STREETCouncillor Byrne reported that residents in Popham Flats for the elderly in Victoria Street were very unsettled by an incident where 87 year old Mr Ron Cosby had died in April 2005 after neighbours claimed he had to wait for 3 hours for attention after they had alerted the Deane piper alarm control centre in Taunton. A copy of a letter sent by Taunton DBC to Major M. Hart, steward of the charity running the flats, was received by councillors. This provided details of the conversations between staff at the control centre and Mr Cosby, who was told that a doctor would be calling on him after morning surgery. Deane housing support services manager Mrs P. Potter stated that “if at any time Mr Cosby had requested assistance, our emergency response team would have attended immediately.” Councillor Byrne, a governor of the charity, felt that he should have been asked directly if he wanted someone to come immediately. If the right question had been asked there might have been a different response. The 2130WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13264 PIPER SYSTEM AT POPHAM FLATS (continued)governors would be meeting residents to try to reassure them. Councillor Govier felt that the councillors should not sit in judgment on the control centre which handled thousands of calls a year. There did not seem to have been any indication of urgency in this case. He had been assured that the control centre’s service was, on the whole, excellent. The letter from Mrs Potter stated that between the beginning of February 2005 and 27th April 2005 the centre had handled over 120,000 calls, the emergency response team had responded to 442 calls, ambulance had been called on 89 occasions and there had been 2,426 anxiety calls. 1,030 no response calls had been followed up, checked and brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Standing orders were suspended to allow another governor Mrs C. Hitchcock to speak. She also felt that Mr Cosby did not get the attention he deserved.
13265 LONGFORTH FARM & NORTHERN RELIEF ROAD SCHEMEWith reference to minute 13221 a letter was received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, enclosing a copy of a letter from Nigel Farrow, corporate director of Somerset County Council, setting out various conclusions from the report of the inspector who conducted the inquiry into the Taunton Deane Local Plan. The two main reasons for the inspector rejecting the Longforth Farm proposals were the scale of development in relation to Taunton and loss of high grade agricultural land and the likely related increases in traffic flows between Wellington and Taunton. In usual circumstances developers would carry out a full transport assessment in support of a development proposal and would have been expected to make the case for the site working closely with planning and transport authorities. In the case of Longforth the developers did not appear to have carried out much work in the way of transport assessment That point had to be borne in mind in making the case for the future. It was heartening to note the support offered by the county council in that their officers would do all they could to help bring forward the scheme because of the strong support of the town and Deane councils. The letters were noted.
13266 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATIONWith reference to minute 13210 a letter was received from Councillor C. Bakewell, the leader of Somerset County Council, stating that the application had been received in late October 2004, transport assessments in November 200 with plans which were sent for audit. The audit system was at present overwhelmed due to the large number of audits required. Comments on the transport assessment had been sent to the applicant on 5th April 2005 and outstanding audit comments on design and traffic signals had been delivered to county officers on 12th April which would be sent on immediately to the developer. The county council accepted there had been delays in their internal audit process but it also appeared that the applicant did not follow the advice he had been given which meant there was a need for some further work to be done. The applicant had been informed of that requirement in early April and it was hoped to sort it out a soon as possible. The letter was noted.
13267 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN BAGLEY ROADWith reference to minute 13232 a report was received from the clerk on a site meeting held on 19th April 2005 between town councillors, residents and Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways to discuss proposed traffic calming measures for Bagley Road. It had been agreed to put a yellow bus stop marking outside Golden Hill Pet Supplies on2131WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13267 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES IN BAGLEY ROAD (continued)had been agreed to put a yellow bus stop marking outside Golden Hill Pet Supplies onthe Exeter Road (old A38) to prevent left turning vehicles from using the length of carriageway as a slip road and so reduce their speed; to put new edge lines along the eastern side of the road from Rylands Nurseries to give the impression of narrowing the road and also delineating the lay-by/footpath area; to refurbish the existing edge line on the western side of the road; to erect 2 “pedestrian in road” signs – one in the verge by Rylands Nurseries and one from the A38 direction in the verge by the new builders merchants with “slow” and yellow bar markings adjacent to the signs to highlight to motorists the potential hazard of pedestrians walking in the narrowest part of Bagley Road. It was hoped to carry out the work as soon as possible. The report was noted.
13268 RIGHT TURNING LANE INTO BAGLEY ROADThe clerk reported that at the site meeting referred to in minute 13267 Mr Titcombe stated it was hoped to provide a right turning lane/waiting bay into Bagley Road from the Exeter Road when travelling from the Exeter direction. In addition edge lining would be painted on both sides of the road to give the impression of narrowing the road to try to slow down traffic. As requested the clerk had sent Mr Titcombe traffic speed figures recorded at that location last year by the community speed watch team which showed that many vehicles were well in excess of the 30mph speed limit. It was felt the figures would be useful in getting the police to support the right turning bay. The report was noted.
13269 ALEXANDRA ROAD PLAY FACILITIESWith reference to minute 13234 the clerk reported that “playground” signs had been erected in Victoria Street and Longforth Road. The report was noted.
13270 CORNHILL IMPROVEMENTSWith reference to minute 13139 the clerk reported that rubbish had been cleared from behind Cornhill shop iron gates (former vegetable shop). The report was noted.
13271 LONGFORTH ROAD DOUBLE YELLOW LINESWith reference to minute 13245 the clerk reported that the previously erased double yellow lines in Longforth Road had been reinstated. The report was noted.
13272 SPEEDING TRAFFIC IN MANTLE STREETWith reference to minute 13226 the clerk reported that Somerset Highways would be putting down speed loops in the vicinity of the garage in Mantle Street to check the volume and speed of traffic. The report was noted.
13273 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATH PROBLEMSWith reference to minute 12839 a report was received from the clerk on a site meeting on 27th April 2005 with assistant county rights of way officer Tamsyn Matthews and town councillors to discuss some Rockwell Green footpath access problems. It was agreed that (a) where possible farmyard type gates and stiles should be replaced with Bristol gates (a specially designed farmyard type gate which incorporates a self closing pedestrian gate providing easy access for pedestrian and dog walkers; (b) to replace the existing gate and stile on footpath WG17/8 near Pitt Farm with a Bristol gate; (c) to replace the existing gate and stile on WG17/8 where it turns west to join WG17/7 to Perry Elm with a Bristol gate; (c) to replace the existing stile on the 2132
13273 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATH PROBLEMS (continued)section of WG17/8 to the east (leading to Lancock Street and Dobree Park) with kissing gates; (d) to replace the existing gate on WG17/7 leading to Perry Elm with a Bristol gate (this had already been agreed with the landowner and the county council); (e) to replace the existing gate and stile on 17/6 (from Dobree Park) where it joins the Pitt Farm Lane (17/8) with a Bristol gate in the longer term as the stile is in good condition at present. It was hoped to obtain funds later this year from the Community Access Fund to carry out the work in partnership with the county council and the landowners. The council approved all the proposals in the report and also agreed that in the event of the Community Access Fund application not being successful, the town council would provide the gates in partnership with the county council. The clerk also reported that he had contacted county council about broken kissing gates and damaged fencing on footpaths WG17/10, WG17/11, WG17/l1 and WG17/22 at the Basins, Rockwell Green, leading to the railway lines and Hilly Head. The report was noted.
13274 40TH TWINNING ANNIVERSARY WITH LILLEBONNEWith reference to minute 13149 the clerk reported that Torres Vedras Town Council would be represented at the Lillebonne 40th twinning anniversary celebrations on Sunday, 3rd July 2005 by Councillor Carlos Bernardes (details of arrival and departure not known at this stage) and Immenstadt Town Council by 2nd mayor Councillor Thomas Wurmback and Councillor Armin Landle, who would arrive at 4.45pm on Friday, 1st July and depart at 9.55am on Monday, 4th July. Offers of accommodation from town councillors would be appreciated. No information had yet been received about civic visitors from Lillebonne. The report was noted.
13275 DILAPIDATED PREMISES IN FORE STREETWith reference to minute 13217 an email was received from Di Hartnell, Taunton DBC conservation officer, stating that the Deane was dealing with 18 Fore Street which was a listed building but had little power to achieve an improvement at 15 Fore Street as it was not listed. She suggested either the town council or the chamber of trade should approach the owner. A letter was also received from Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, urging the town council to put pressure on the Deane to take action over these two properties. It was agreed to contact the owner of 15 Fore Street with a request to improve the condition of the property, which was now empty.
13276 WELLINGTON IN BLOOM GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13081 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington in Bloom Committee for the town council grant of £1,000. The letter was noted.
13277 DOG WASTE BIN AT ROCKWELL GREENWith reference to minute 13191 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the town council’s request for a dog waste bin in the Barley Mow/Meadowside area of Rockwell Green had been unsuccessful. A letter was also received from Wellington in Bloom Committee expressing concern about the amount of dog fouling in the town and suggesting the town council consider paying for additional bins. It was agreed to find out from Taunton DBC the cost of providing and emptying additional dog waste and litter bins and the cost of additional dog warden hours in Wellington. Members were supplied with a list showing the location of the existing 18 dog waste bins.2133WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13278 AGE CONCERN GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13198 a letter was received from Age Concern Somerset thanking the council for its grant of £100. The letter was noted.
13279 ROCKWELL GREEN ALLOTMENTSWith reference to minute 13197 a letter was received from Rockwell Green Allotments Association thanking the council for its help and support over the question of the ownership of the allotments. The letter was noted.
13280 COMMUNITY COUNCIL FOR SOMERSETWith reference to minute 13244 a letter of thanks was received from the Community Council for Somerset for the town council’s annual subscription. Letter was noted.
13281 REFUSED PLAN FOR TW0 STOREY EXTENSION AT 5 ARDWYNWith reference to minute 13122 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an appeal had been lodged against the town council’s decision to refuse permission for a two storey extension at 5 Ardwyn, Wellington. The letter was noted.
13282 FLOWERS FOR WAR GRAVESWith reference to minute 12713 a letter was received from the Wellington branch of the Royal British Legion asking the town council to agree to continue to provide flowers for war graves at an annual cost of £150. The clerk reported that £150 had been allowed in the estimates for the flowers. Councillor Bowrah proposed, seconded by Councillor Hindley, that the council meet the cost and this was agreed. Councillor Critchard declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
13283 TONE PLAY AREA GRASS CUTTING QUOTEWith reference to minute 12616 a quote of £37.30 per cut was received from Deane DLO for cutting the grass at the town council’s Tone play area at Wardleworth Way. It was agreed to accept the quote (last year the charge was £35.69 per cut).
13284 FOOTPATH MAINTENANCE QUOTEWith reference to minute 12617 a quote of £1,895.39 was received from Deane DLO for footpath maintenance for footpaths at Crosslands (behind Relyon), Church Path, Victoria Street and The Basins allotments. It was agreed to accept the quote. It was pointed out that the charge last year was £2,174.17 but Dark Lane had been excluded this year as its hedges etc were privately owned.
13285 DEFECTIVE SWINGS AT WELLINGTON RECThe clerk reported that two flat rubber swings in the senior play area at Wellington Recreation Ground which had been missing for over a year, had been erected by Taunton DBC. The report was noted.
13286 CONTAINERISED TREE PLANTING IN TOWN CENTREWith reference to minute 13222 an email was received from Taunton DBC stating that the cost of providing a containerised tree would be about £250. The Deane would supply the container. The Deane would supply more information on tree species and the exact cost. The letter was noted.
13287 DIVERSION OF LILLEBONNE CLOSE-CHELSTON FOOTPATHA letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that it was proposed to 2134WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 2005
13287 DIVERSION OF LILLEBONNE-CHELSTON FOOTPATH (continued)divert the public footpath WG17/19 from Lillebonne Close to Chelston House Farm and asking for the town council’s views on the changes which would make more efficient use of land. It was agreed to raise no objection to the diversion providing all the proposed stiles were replaced by kissing gates/Bristol gates because stiles limited access for walkers and because the town council was aiming to replace all stiles in its area with kissing gates/Bristol gates.
13288 HIGH STREET-SCOTTS LANE FOOTPATHA letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that Mr D.G. Smith had contacted the county’s rights of way group to apply for the addition of the footpath from High Street (Brooks Place) to Scotts Lane to the definitive map of public footpaths. Letters were received from eight residents of High Street/Brooks Place and from Western Power strongly objecting to the suggested adding of the footpath to the definitive list. The clerk also reported that the police were against the path being kept open as it was an escape route for criminals or those causing anti social problems in High Street. It was agreed to inform the county council that the town council was opposed to the footpath being added to the definitive map
13289 ELECTORAL REVIEW OF TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGHA letter and report were received from Taunton DBC stating that the Electoral Commission was to carry out a further electoral review of Taunton Deane Borough and would like to address parish councils to explain what was involved on 17th May. The review would not alter the boundaries of any parish or look at electoral representation within parish councils. It would be solely concerned with electoral representation at borough level and would undoubtedly result in changes to existing ward boundaries. It was agreed to note the letter and members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend the meeting on 17th May 2005.
13290 ANNUAL MEETING WITH PARISH COUNCILSA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the annual meeting with parish councils would be held in the Deane House on Thursday, 30th June 2005 at 7pm. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend.
13291 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2006-2011A letter and report were received from Somerset County Council about the proposed Local Transport Plan 2006-2011. The council was asked for its comments by 27th May 2005. It was agreed that members should make individual comments.
13292 WEBSITE TRAINING/INFORMATION SESSIONA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting the council to a website training and information session being run by Vision ICT Ltd, a website company, at the Deane House on 15th June 2005. Members were asked to inform the clerk if they wished to attend.
13293 RURAL POLICINGA letter was received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, stating that at a recent meeting with Colin Port, the new chief constable of Avon and Somerset, he had raised the growing perception that it was not worth reporting crimes, unless very serious, because the police just did not bother attending. Mr Port rebutted the perception that the police were not interested in minor crimes and wanted to2135 WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 9TH MAY 200513293 RURAL POLICING (continued)regain public confidence that incidents reported would be properly dealt with. It had been agreed Councillor Williams should write to all town/parish councils stressing the importance of reporting crimes and anti-social behaviour. The letter was noted.
13294 SETTING UP OF GYPSY/TRAVELLERS SITESA letter was received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, dealing with the sale of small parcels of land within parishes, the setting up of illegal gypsy/travellers sites on such land and detailing the action the Deane could take in such cases. He also enclosed a copy of a letter from East Herts Council outlining their problems with illegal encampments of gypsies and travellers and further enclosed details of the Deane’s council emergency procedures and out of normal office hours services. All the letters were noted.
13295 NEW SEWAGE PIPE IN MILVERTON ROADThe clerk reported that Wessex Water was laying a new sewage pipe from Malt Houses near Running to Tonedale as part of a scheme to replace a septic tank. It would mean that the main Wellington-Milverton road would be controlled by either temporary traffic lights or a stop-go board. A control panel for equipment to pump effluent to the Lowmoor sewerage works at Tone would be sited the roadside lay-by near Tone river bridge. The report was noted.
13296 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13241 the clerk gave a detailed report on the Wellington Economic Partnership meeting held on 18th April 2005 (attached to these minutes) and stated that the next WEP meeting would be held on Monday, 27th June 2005 at 6pm.13297 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of single storey extension and dormer window, 7 White Hart Lane, Wellington (43/2005/031: delegated decision); (b) Demolition of outbuildings at 49 High Street, Wellington (43/2005/029LB); (c) Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6 houses and 6 flats and alteration to access and parking, Wardleworth House, Wardleworth Way, Wellington as amended by letter dated 9th March 2005 with accompanying drawings Nos. 1103358/03A, 04/A, 05/A, 0/6A, 07/A and 08/A (43/2004/088); (d) Erection of two storey extension at 1 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/038: delegated decision); (e) Erection of first floor extension over kitchen at 36 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/028: delegated decision); (f) Erection of first floor extension above garage, 4 Oakfield Park, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 5th April 2005 and accompanying plan 3600.1A and further letter dated 8th April 2005 (43/2005/026: delegated decision); (g) Erection of conservatory at rear of 7 The Brambles, Wellington (43/2005/020: delegated decision); (h) Erection of extension to side of Leat Cottage, Rackfield,Wellington as amended by applicants letter dated 9th March 2005 and attached plans (43/2005/017: delegated decision); (i) Erection of dwelling on land to rear of 31 Blackmoor Road, Wellington as amended by drawing No. 2190/1C received on 23rd March 2005 (43/2005/025); (j) Erection of single garage at 16 The Paddocks, Wellington (43/2005/033: delegated decision); (k) Demolition of 79 Rockwell Green (outbuilding to 81 Rockwell Green) and erection of two storey building to be used as garaging/workshop with first floor annexe living accommodation over to be used an ancillary to 81 Rockwell Green, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 12th January 2005 and plan 1243/A/001/C (43/2004/159)2136
13298 PLANNING DECISIONS BY SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following plan: (a) Refurbishment to provide toilet for the disabled, male and female toilet, ramp and opening to link two rooms at Over 55 Club, North Street, Wellington (43/2005/021).
13299 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH APRIL 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 30th April 2005 was £38,830 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £12,589 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.
13300 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: BT £156.70 for telephone, fax, email and internet calls and servicing; Western Newspapers (South) Ltd £63.45 for advertising annual meeting; Mr A.J. Bullen £273.45 for auditing 2004-05 accounts; St John’s Primary School £204.92 for school crossing patrol for spring term 2005; Mr D. Rabson £120 for holiday relief work; Mr A. Brown £1,662.34; Inland Revenue £644.82; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for March and April 2005; The Carly Press £23.99 for ink cartridge; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £136 for subsidised hospital patient transport for March 2005; SWEB Energy £121.44 for electricity for office to 20th April 2005; SWEB Energy £6.31 for electricity for Rackfield street light to 31st March 2005; Councillor D. Mitton £85.60 for travelling expenses.
13301 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th April and 5th May 2005; What’s On within Taunton Deane for May 2005; Blackdown Hills Rural Partnership 2005 diary of events and activities; Clerks & Councils Direct for May 2005; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 603, 604 and 605; Coach Monthly for April 2005; Business Link magazine for South West for Spring 2005; InterAction brochure from Local Government International Bureau for April 2005; European Union newsletters Nos. 131 and 132 on working together for growth and jobs.
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