Wellington Town Council planning minutes September 2005
Minutes of the 102nd planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday 5th September 2005 at 6pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, who arrived at 6.24pm, A. Govier, R. Henley, A. Horsman, D. Mitton, S. Palmer and E. Warren, the clerk, A. Brown and Taunton DBC West area planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, C. Hindley, G. James and N. Wilson. There were 4 members of the public present
13449 LIGHTING COMPANY APPLICATION DEFERREDConsideration was given to an application by the Lighting Company for the display of a non illuminated fascia sign at Clifton House, The Sales Room, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2005/086A). The clerk reported that the planning officer had recommended refusal of the application as he considered it too big as the 3600mm wide and 1300mm high sign was about twice as high as the existing sign. No report had been received from the planning officer as he had been expecting an amended application reducing the height of the sign. No objections had been received from neighbours. Mr Hamer asked for the application to be deferred until the October meeting pending a detailed report from the planning officer dealing with the application and pointed out that under the delegated agreement with Taunton DBC the town council could not determine applications without such a report. Standing orders were suspended to allow the applicant Mrs L. Hickin to speak. She asked the council to make a decision and contended that a large sign was needed as the building was back from the road, did not look part of a shopping area and was next to a building that was falling down. It was vital to make people aware of her shop and stop. After several members spoke in support of the application, it was agreed, on the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Bowrah, to defer a decision until the October meeting.
13450 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATION DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13403 a letter was received from Mr Jeff Copp, county planning liaison manager, stating he was aware that the highways and transport issues regarding the Somerfield development were taking a long time to resolve. The issues were complex and not only affected the site junction but the surrounding road network as well and he was sure the town council would not wish to see a quick fix that created problems for the rest of the town. To say that “it is basically a cross roads controlled by a set of traffic lights with only cars, not HGVs, entering and exiting the supermarket access road,” did not really do justice to the complexity of the problem. All sides were in agreement that it was a difficult junction to address as there was limited physical space. The county council had made comment on the developer’s proposals in March and April 2005. Since then two meetings had been held in June and July and only that week (12th August 2005) the county had received further plans from the developers. The county would be considering those resubmissions in the normal way and would make comments in the near future. He hoped that those submissions offered a suitable solution. The clerk reported that the amended plans and comments referred to in Mr Copp’s letter had not been received so the application would have to be deferred until the October council meeting. Mr Hamer reported that the Deane’s conservation officer was reluctantly happy with the revised scheme and there were no objections to the proposed designs. It was agreed to defer consideration of the revised plans until the October meeting.
2171TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING 5TH SEPTEMBER 200513451 TONE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE APPLICATION WITHDRAWNWith reference to minute 13404 Mr Hamer reported that the application for the erection of 6 light industrial starter units on plot 8 and 9, Tone Industrial Estate, Wellington on land that was formerly a builder’s yard (43/2005/089) had been withdrawn. The clerk reported that a number of local businesses had expressed an interest in possibly taking one of the units. The reports were noted.
13452 CHANGE OF USE OF 3 FORE STREET, WELLINGTON Consideration was given to an application for the change of use of the ground floor and basement from retail (A1) to estate agency and surveyor’s office at 3 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2005/092). A letter of objection was received from Wellington Chamber of Commerce on the grounds that the proposal was contrary to policy 12 of the Taunton Deane Local Plan, that it would not enhance that section of Fore Street in any way, that it would further undermine the prime retail use of the area, would lead to further fragmentation of the retail frontage, and would do nothing to ensure the restoration or rehabilitation of the listed building as part occupation might lead to the repairs of the upper parts being disregarded in the future. The chamber also contended that independent efforts to find a retail tenant had not been made. There was also a letter of objection from former trader Mr Dennis Croughton, of 16 Lillebonne Close, Wellington, on similar grounds. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr N. Bond, of estate agents Tamlyns, the applicants, to speak. He denied that Tamlyns hadbeen underhand or unprofessional in their dealings with 3 Fore Street, which had been marketed by London based agents and pointed out that there were retail premises in the town centre which had been empty for many months and even years. It would not be detrimental to retail users: Tamlyns offered a much wider range of services than normal agents. Mr Hamer said a similar application had been refused in 2004. On the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Copley, it was agreed 9-0 to recommend Taunton DBC to refuse the application and to ask for an independent marking of the premises as a shop. There was one abstention.
13453 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANNING APPLICATIONSIt was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Demolition of 79 Rockwell Green (outbuilding to 81 Rockwell Green), erection of 2 storey building to be used as garage/workshop with first floor annexe living accommodation over to be used ancillary to no. 81 (revised scheme to 43/2004/159) (43/2005/090); (b) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 1 Twyford Place, Wellington (43/2005/091: subject to no undue loss of privacy or overlooking of neighbours); (c) Fell one eucalyptus tree within Wellington conservation area at 4 Highland Place, High Street, Wellington (43/2005/097T: subject to the Deane tree officer agreeing that felling is necessary); (d) Amendments to conditions 02 and 04 of planning permission 43/1996/048 dated 16th June 1997 to permit the submission of reserved matters within 12 years of the date of the permission and that development can commence within 14 years of the permission, land at Rylands Farm, Bagley Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/098: Councillor Govier declared an interest and left the hall while this plan was considered).
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, who arrived at 6.24pm, A. Govier, R. Henley, A. Horsman, D. Mitton, S. Palmer and E. Warren, the clerk, A. Brown and Taunton DBC West area planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, C. Hindley, G. James and N. Wilson. There were 4 members of the public present
13449 LIGHTING COMPANY APPLICATION DEFERREDConsideration was given to an application by the Lighting Company for the display of a non illuminated fascia sign at Clifton House, The Sales Room, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2005/086A). The clerk reported that the planning officer had recommended refusal of the application as he considered it too big as the 3600mm wide and 1300mm high sign was about twice as high as the existing sign. No report had been received from the planning officer as he had been expecting an amended application reducing the height of the sign. No objections had been received from neighbours. Mr Hamer asked for the application to be deferred until the October meeting pending a detailed report from the planning officer dealing with the application and pointed out that under the delegated agreement with Taunton DBC the town council could not determine applications without such a report. Standing orders were suspended to allow the applicant Mrs L. Hickin to speak. She asked the council to make a decision and contended that a large sign was needed as the building was back from the road, did not look part of a shopping area and was next to a building that was falling down. It was vital to make people aware of her shop and stop. After several members spoke in support of the application, it was agreed, on the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Bowrah, to defer a decision until the October meeting.
13450 SOMERFIELD STORE APPLICATION DEFERREDWith reference to minute 13403 a letter was received from Mr Jeff Copp, county planning liaison manager, stating he was aware that the highways and transport issues regarding the Somerfield development were taking a long time to resolve. The issues were complex and not only affected the site junction but the surrounding road network as well and he was sure the town council would not wish to see a quick fix that created problems for the rest of the town. To say that “it is basically a cross roads controlled by a set of traffic lights with only cars, not HGVs, entering and exiting the supermarket access road,” did not really do justice to the complexity of the problem. All sides were in agreement that it was a difficult junction to address as there was limited physical space. The county council had made comment on the developer’s proposals in March and April 2005. Since then two meetings had been held in June and July and only that week (12th August 2005) the county had received further plans from the developers. The county would be considering those resubmissions in the normal way and would make comments in the near future. He hoped that those submissions offered a suitable solution. The clerk reported that the amended plans and comments referred to in Mr Copp’s letter had not been received so the application would have to be deferred until the October council meeting. Mr Hamer reported that the Deane’s conservation officer was reluctantly happy with the revised scheme and there were no objections to the proposed designs. It was agreed to defer consideration of the revised plans until the October meeting.
2171TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING 5TH SEPTEMBER 200513451 TONE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE APPLICATION WITHDRAWNWith reference to minute 13404 Mr Hamer reported that the application for the erection of 6 light industrial starter units on plot 8 and 9, Tone Industrial Estate, Wellington on land that was formerly a builder’s yard (43/2005/089) had been withdrawn. The clerk reported that a number of local businesses had expressed an interest in possibly taking one of the units. The reports were noted.
13452 CHANGE OF USE OF 3 FORE STREET, WELLINGTON Consideration was given to an application for the change of use of the ground floor and basement from retail (A1) to estate agency and surveyor’s office at 3 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2005/092). A letter of objection was received from Wellington Chamber of Commerce on the grounds that the proposal was contrary to policy 12 of the Taunton Deane Local Plan, that it would not enhance that section of Fore Street in any way, that it would further undermine the prime retail use of the area, would lead to further fragmentation of the retail frontage, and would do nothing to ensure the restoration or rehabilitation of the listed building as part occupation might lead to the repairs of the upper parts being disregarded in the future. The chamber also contended that independent efforts to find a retail tenant had not been made. There was also a letter of objection from former trader Mr Dennis Croughton, of 16 Lillebonne Close, Wellington, on similar grounds. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr N. Bond, of estate agents Tamlyns, the applicants, to speak. He denied that Tamlyns hadbeen underhand or unprofessional in their dealings with 3 Fore Street, which had been marketed by London based agents and pointed out that there were retail premises in the town centre which had been empty for many months and even years. It would not be detrimental to retail users: Tamlyns offered a much wider range of services than normal agents. Mr Hamer said a similar application had been refused in 2004. On the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Copley, it was agreed 9-0 to recommend Taunton DBC to refuse the application and to ask for an independent marking of the premises as a shop. There was one abstention.
13453 COMMENTS TO TAUNTON DBC ON PLANNING APPLICATIONSIt was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Demolition of 79 Rockwell Green (outbuilding to 81 Rockwell Green), erection of 2 storey building to be used as garage/workshop with first floor annexe living accommodation over to be used ancillary to no. 81 (revised scheme to 43/2004/159) (43/2005/090); (b) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 1 Twyford Place, Wellington (43/2005/091: subject to no undue loss of privacy or overlooking of neighbours); (c) Fell one eucalyptus tree within Wellington conservation area at 4 Highland Place, High Street, Wellington (43/2005/097T: subject to the Deane tree officer agreeing that felling is necessary); (d) Amendments to conditions 02 and 04 of planning permission 43/1996/048 dated 16th June 1997 to permit the submission of reserved matters within 12 years of the date of the permission and that development can commence within 14 years of the permission, land at Rylands Farm, Bagley Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/098: Councillor Govier declared an interest and left the hall while this plan was considered).
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