Wellington Town Council minutes July 2005
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 4th July 2005 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, S. Palmer, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman) and R. Henley. There were 6 members of the public present.
13364 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah reported that the visit by councillors and twinners from Lillebonne, Immenstadt and Torres Vedras to mark the 40th anniversary of the twinning link between Wellington and Lillebonne had been very successful, with an excellent civic church service in Wellington Parish Church on 3rd July and a very pleasant social evening at Wellington Junior School, also on 3rd July, when various civic presentations had been made. Councillor Mrs Byrne thanked the chairman and the clerk for making the civic arrangements.
13365 POLICE MATTERSThere was no police report as Sgt R. Caburn was unable to attend but the clerk reported that he had been told by Sgt Caburn that June had been a fairly quiet month.
13366 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMThe chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, Isobel Ward reported that judging in this year’s Britain in Bloom competition would take place on 19th July 2005 when a visit to the park by the Mayor of Taunton Deane at 3pm would be followed by a presentation in the URC Church Hall at 4.30pm, that the boarded-up shops in Cornhill would be painted with murals by local schoolchildren shortly, that Wellington would be competing against Penzance and newcomers St Mary Church, Torquay this year. She also reported that a new poster detailing the location of dog bins in Wellington had been produced with the help of Councillor Mrs Stock-Williams and Taunton DBC and had been distributed around the town. She referred to the 18 month delay in getting broken panes of glass in the listed building at 18 Fore Street replaced. The chairman wished the committee every success on 19th July.13367 MINUTES OF MAY MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 6th June 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
13368 REMOVAL OF TELEPHONE KIOSKSWith reference to minute 13347 further consideration was given to the proposal by BT to remove the public telephone payphone kiosk at Priory and to convert the existing payphones at Station Road, Tone Hill and Beech Hill to cashless kiosks requiring the use of phone cards. It was agreed to write to BT stating that the town council was against the removal of the Priory kiosk and the conversion of those at Station Road, Tone Hill and Beech Hill to cashless payphones.
13369 CIVIC DELEGATION TO VISIT IMMENSTADTWith reference to minute 13340 it was agreed that Councillors Mrs Byrne, Mrs Copley, Mrs Stock-Williams and Warren should comprise the civic delegation to visit Immenstadt in September 2005 to mark the 20th anniversary of the twinning link between Wellington and Immenstadt, with Councillor Warren making a speech on behalf of the council.2154WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13370 SPEEDING IN MANTLE STREETConsideration was given to a report from Somerset Highways giving details of speed checks carried out over 12 hours periods between 12th and 17th May 2005 in Mantle Street which showed that the 30mph speed limit was consistently ignored throughout the day with average speeds of 35mph eastbound and 35.9mph westbound. The highest speeds were early in the morning between 7am and 8am and in the evening between 6pm and 7pm. A letter was received from Mr J. McCluskey, of 73 Mantle Street, suggesting the provision of a 20mph speed limit in Mantle Street. After some discussion it was to agreed to ask the police to carry out manual speed checks and to have the portable speed camera set up in Mantle Street. It was further agreed to ask the community speed watch group, which was being reformed, to target Mantle Street.
13371 TRAFFIC IN BAGLEY ROADDetails were received from County Highways of a traffic volume survey in Bagley Road between 19th and 26th January 2005 which showed that the weekday average was 53 and weekend average 29 northbound and the weekday average was 26 and the weekend average 30 southbound. There was a typical increase during the 8am-9am rush-hour northbound and the reverse flow 5pm-6pm southbound. Apart from these times there was a fairly consistent flow of traffic throughout the day. An average of one vehicle a minute during the day in both directions was not considered excessive. The details were noted.
13372 CEMETERY TASK AND FINISH GROUPThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane’s Review Board had decided to raise a Task & Finish Group to look at how to overcome the potential problems that existed with the cemetery in Wellington fast running out of space. One idea that did not meet favour was to use part of the existing car parking area – a very short term measure. The group would consist of 5 members – 3 borough councillors (Councillors Hindley, Mrs Wilson and Miss Peppard) and 2 town councillors. It was hoped that the investigation would be completed within three months. It was agreed to appoint Councillors Critchard and Mrs Stock-Williams to the Task & Finish Group.
13373 POSSIBLE DUAL USE OF LOADING BAYSWith reference to minute 13339 a report was received from the clerk on the possible dual use of town centre loading bays. Questionnaires had been delivered to just over 100 traders, offices and businesses in the town centre asking for views on the proposal under which 30 minute waiting would be permitted in the loading bays after 1pm. A total of 35 replies had been received, with 23 in favour of dual use and 11 against, with one trader undecided. It was agreed to arrange a joint meeting with the police, County Highways, Chamber of Trade, Taunton DBC and town council to discuss whether all or some of the loading bays should have dual usage.
13374 WELLINGTON ARTS ASSOCIATION GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13223 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington Arts Association for the council grant of £3,750. The letter was noted.
13375 HOME-START TAUNTON DEANE GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13333 a letter of thanks was received from Home-Start Taunton Deane for the council grant of £540. The letter was noted.2155WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13376 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13262 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton CAB for the grant of £600. The letter was noted.
13377 TRAINING EVENING FOR NEWER COUNCILLORSWith reference to minute 13334 a letter was received from Somerset Association of Local Councils confirming the booking for councillors to attend the training evening for newer councillors at West Buckland on 13th July 2005. The letter was noted.
13378 POSSIBLE IMPROVED LIGHTING FOR OLANDS ROADWith reference to minute 13263 a letter and plan were received from Somerset County Council stating that the likely cost of an additional light in Olands Road would be about £410 and asking if the town council required an additional light between the existing two lights in Olands Road. It was agreed to accept the estimate and that Councillor Govier should report back on the need for an extra light.
13379 ADDITIONAL INSURANCE COVERWith reference to minute 13257 a letter was received from Zurich Municipal stating that the cost of increasing cover for the fidelity guarantee insurance to £200,000, increasing the libel and slander cover to £250,000 and increasing the personal accident cover to £300 per week would be £132.42 a year. Proposed by Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed to accept the quotation.
13380 POSSIBILITY OF CCTV IN SOUTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12965 a letter was received from Wellington Chamber of Trade recommending that when the new Somerfield development got under way on the existing Kwiksave site that two new CCTV cameras should be installed, not only as a traffic safety precaution but also as a deterrent against the area becoming a congregation point. It was reported that Taunton DBC was installing a mobile CCTV at Wellington Sports Centre to monitor the skatepark where there had been problems. It was agreed to put in a bid for this mobile CCTV camera to be used subsequently at South Street car park and also to find out the cost of purchasing a mobile CCTV camera. It was also agreed to pass on the chamber’s suggestion about 2 CCTV cameras at the Somerfield site to Taunton DBC.
13381 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2006-2011With reference to minute 13291 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that all comments would be compiled and looked at for the revised provisional plan due for submission to Government in July 2005. As it was only a provisional plan work was ongoing regarding the scheme programme, which was the reason no schemes were listed in the draft plan. Parish councils, stakeholders and the public would get another opportunity to comment on the plan in January 2006 prior to the final plan being submitted in March 2006. The letter was noted.
13382 CONTAINERISED TREE PLANTING IN TOWN CENTREWith reference to minute 13286 an email was received from Taunton DBC suggesting 4 trees suitable for a planter to be placed in the town centre, namely sorbus aucuparia sheerwater seedling, sorbus aria lutescens, malus tschonoski and prunus kanzan. After some discussion it was agreed 11-1 to place a tree in a container on the footway near the old post office in High Street but to ask the Deane for the names of suitable evergreen trees as this would avoid problems with falling leaves.2156WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13383 PROPOSED JOBCENTRE PLUS CHANGESWith reference to minute 13348 a letter dated 10th June 2005 was received from JobcentrePlus stating that arrangements had been put in-train to provide better access by customers to the warm phone in Wellington Community Office and better signage. However the clerk reported that he had received an e-mail dated 4th July 2005 from JobcentrePlus stating that, following a risk assessment, the warm phone had been withdrawn from the community office by Taunton DBC because of the safety risk to the team at Wellington. Councillors expressed disappointment at this decision and it was decided to ask Taunton DBC what the health and safety dangers were as the experienced Wellington staff already dealt with “difficult” customers over housing benefits from time to time and to ask for the phone to be re-installed. Copies of the booklets How JobcentrePlus Can Help and Support You were received. Councillor Wilson declared an interest.
13384 ELECTORAL REVIEW OF TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGHWith reference to minute 13337 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that comments to the Electoral Commission had to be received by 8th August 2005. No changes were proposed for Wellington wards. It was agreed to note the letter.
13385 PROVISION OF LITTER AND DOG WASTE BINSWith reference to minute 13318 a report was received from the clerk on a meeting of the Environment Committee held on 28th June 2005 at which it was reported that there were 19 dog waste bins and 64 litter bins already in place in the town. The committee recommended the council to provide 5 additional dog waste bins and to meet the cost of emptying the bins at the following locations: Rockwell Green near the Hilly Head bus shelter; junction of Swains Lane and the relief road; entrance to Millstream Gardens; bottom of George Street/Bovet Street; opposite entrance to Jurston Lane. The cost of the bins was about £240 each plus £40 for installation so the total capital cost was £1,400. In addition there was a weekly change of £1.76 for emptying each bin, an annual cost of £183 per bin, making the yearly cost of emptying the 5 bins £915. The committee considered the possibility of employing Taunton DBC’s dog warden for extra patrolling in Wellington but felt it prudent to first see the effect of the 5 additional bins, all of which had been requested by the public because of dog fouling problems in those areas. However the committee agreed that if the situation did not improve then the question of having additional patrols would have to be reconsidered. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Stock-Williams, it was agreed 11-1 to meet the cost of providing and emptying the 5 additional dog waste bins as recommended by the committee.
13386 DELAY OVER TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE ORDERSWith reference to minute 13352 an e-mail was received from Taunton DBC stating that there had been a misunderstanding over the issue of a temporary road closure order to Wellington Carnival Committee. A letter had been received on 4th April from the committee asking for an order for 2nd June (for annual street fair) and the relevant forms had been sent to the committee but the forms had never been returned. Nothing more was heard until Councillor Warren’s phone call a few days before the event. The carnival committee probably felt their letter was sufficient and that they did not need to complete the forms. However the Deane should have picked up on the fact that the event was looming and the order was not in place. As it was the Deane responded quickly when it realised the situation and the order had been completed with no problems. The letter was noted.2157WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13387 USE OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERWith reference to minute 13353 Councillor Warren asked why no reply had been received from Taunton DBC about the use of the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street since the June meeting. The clerk stated that he had contacted Taunton DBC leader Councillor John Williams about the town council’s proposals to install a stair lift, level the upstair flooring and provide a ramped access at the front door by e-mail immediately after the June meeting but unfortunately the e-mail had been lost. He had been promised a reply in time for the August meeting. The report was noted.
13388 CRIME REDUCTION AND DRUGS STRATEGY 2005-2008A letter was received from Taunton Deane Crime and Disorder Partnership giving details of their crime reduction and drug strategy for 2005-2008 and their 2004 crime and disorder audit. The letter was noted.
13389 PARKS AND OPEN SPACES AND RESIDENTS’ QUESTIONNAIREA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an assessment of the green space that currently existed in the Deane against the needs of the local community had been completed in 2004. The assessment was necessary to find out if the Deane had the right amount of green space for local communities. The aim was to ensure that all Deane residents lived within walking distance of good quality park or open space and that every child lived within a 300 metre walking distance of a quality play area. A questionnaire was being sent to local residents to find out their views on improving current facilities. The letter and questionnaire were noted.
13390 NAME FOR WARDLEWORTH HOUSE DEVELOPMENTThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had asked for suggestions for the name for six new houses and six new flats to be erected in the grounds of Wardleworth House which had been demolished. Access would be off Wardleway Way. It was agreed to suggest the name of Wardleworth Court.
13391 STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTA letter was received from Taunton DBC about the Deane’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Local Development Framework (LDF), plus the Deane’s vision for community involvement and summary. The letter and summary were noted.
13392 CLEAN NEIGHBOURHOODS AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 2005A letter was received from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) about the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 which will allow town and parish councils to issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for litter, graffiti, fly posting and dog offences and to introduce dog control orders for a range of offences, if they wish. The clerk stated that more information about be available later in the year. The letter was noted.
13393 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13354 the clerk reported that the Wellington Economic Partnership meeting due to have been held on 27th June 2005 had been cancelled due to lack of business. The next WEP meeting would be held on Monday, 12th September 2005 at 6pm. It was agreed to appoint Councillors Stock-Williams and Warren as the council’s two representatives on the WEP group to consider regeneration in the town.2158
13394 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Application to carry out tree works on one horse chestnut tree and two sycamore trees included in Taunton Deane (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 1997 to the rear of Walkers Gate, Wellington (43/20056/059T); (b) Erection of single storey and two storey extensions at 18 Blackdown Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/053: delegated decision); (c) Conversion of bakery store building and first floor extension to rear of 13 High Street to form a two storey residential dwelling with access from White Hart Lane, Wellington (43/2005/032: resubmission); (d) Erection of conservatory at rear of 15 Walkers Gate, Wellington (43/2005/052: delegated decision); (e) Erection of 7 industrial units at Wellington Trading Estate, Sylvan Road, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 24th March 2005 and drawing Nos. 0B8/1402:02/01A and OB/1402:02/02A); (f) Erection of two bungalows to replace three holiday chalets on land to the east of Westford House, Westford, Wellington (43/2005/045) (g) Retention of change of use from retail (Al) to financial services (A2) at 20 South Street, Wellington (43/2005/077); (h) Erection of conservatory at 43 Wellesley Park, Wellington (43/2005/061: delegated decision); (i) Change of use from auction house to retail at Clifton House, The Sales Rooms, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2005/056); (j) Retention of conservatory to front and erection of conservatory to rear of 36 Longforth Road, Wellington (43/2005/049: subject to glazing on side of elevation facing 37 Longforth Road being replaced with obscure glazing). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following applications: (a) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 28 Longforth Road, Wellington (43/2005/055); (b) Formation of access at 74 Waterloo Road, Wellington (43/2005/062: delegated decision: refused on direction of county highways).
13395 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH JUNE 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 30th June 2005 was £40,465 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £24,986 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.
13396 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Wellington Cricket Club £500 grant; Home-Start Taunton Deane £540 grant; Wellington School £500 grant; Councillor Mrs V. Stock-Williams £14.80 for travelling expenses; Taunton Deane Borough Council £250 for museum lease for period 1/7/05 to 30/9/05; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for cleaning town centre bus shelters and office window cleaning for May 2005; A. Brown £1,662.34; Inland Revenue £644.69; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £136 for subsidised hospital patient transport for May 2005; The E-Steamed Cleaning Co £50 for steam cleaning bus shelter area in High Street in June 2005; Military Marketing Inc £408.02 for 25 town council plaques and artwork; Alpha Trophies £12.50 for engraving; Mr D. Rabson £240 for two weeks holiday relief work; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for May and June 2005; Wellington School £1,230 for civic twinning dinner; The Carly Press Ltd £44.98 for ink cartridges.
13397 FOOTPATH IMPROVEMENTSCouncillor Stock-Williams reported that she and Councillor Wilson had attended a useful meeting about the County Community Access Fund which provided grants to improve access to footpaths and also for the production of footpath guides. The town council’s Footpaths Committee would be meeting shortly to progress the grant application to the Community Access Fund for providing Bristol gates on footpaths at Rockwell Green and for producing walking guides. The report was noted.
13398 POSSIBLE APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT TO CLERKCouncillor Mitton recalled that the council had decided in principle to consider the appointment of an assistant to the clerk. He had had discussions with the clerk about the duties and responsibilities and a possible job description for an assistant. The working party who had looked at the terms and conditions of employment for the clerk earlier in the year would be meeting on 20th July 2005 to consider the question of the possible appointment of an assistant to the clerk. The working party would be reporting back to the August council meeting. The report was noted.
13399 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th June 2005; What’s On within Taunton Deane for July 2005; June Fieldwork magazine from Campaign to Protect Rural England; May edition of The Clerk from Society of Local Council Clerks; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 608 and 609; Coach Monthly for June 2005; InterAction magazine for June 2005 from Local Government International Bureau; European Union magazine for May 2005 on best practice in regional development.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Govier, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, G. James, D. Mitton, S. Palmer, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman) and R. Henley. There were 6 members of the public present.
13364 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah reported that the visit by councillors and twinners from Lillebonne, Immenstadt and Torres Vedras to mark the 40th anniversary of the twinning link between Wellington and Lillebonne had been very successful, with an excellent civic church service in Wellington Parish Church on 3rd July and a very pleasant social evening at Wellington Junior School, also on 3rd July, when various civic presentations had been made. Councillor Mrs Byrne thanked the chairman and the clerk for making the civic arrangements.
13365 POLICE MATTERSThere was no police report as Sgt R. Caburn was unable to attend but the clerk reported that he had been told by Sgt Caburn that June had been a fairly quiet month.
13366 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMThe chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, Isobel Ward reported that judging in this year’s Britain in Bloom competition would take place on 19th July 2005 when a visit to the park by the Mayor of Taunton Deane at 3pm would be followed by a presentation in the URC Church Hall at 4.30pm, that the boarded-up shops in Cornhill would be painted with murals by local schoolchildren shortly, that Wellington would be competing against Penzance and newcomers St Mary Church, Torquay this year. She also reported that a new poster detailing the location of dog bins in Wellington had been produced with the help of Councillor Mrs Stock-Williams and Taunton DBC and had been distributed around the town. She referred to the 18 month delay in getting broken panes of glass in the listed building at 18 Fore Street replaced. The chairman wished the committee every success on 19th July.13367 MINUTES OF MAY MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 6th June 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
13368 REMOVAL OF TELEPHONE KIOSKSWith reference to minute 13347 further consideration was given to the proposal by BT to remove the public telephone payphone kiosk at Priory and to convert the existing payphones at Station Road, Tone Hill and Beech Hill to cashless kiosks requiring the use of phone cards. It was agreed to write to BT stating that the town council was against the removal of the Priory kiosk and the conversion of those at Station Road, Tone Hill and Beech Hill to cashless payphones.
13369 CIVIC DELEGATION TO VISIT IMMENSTADTWith reference to minute 13340 it was agreed that Councillors Mrs Byrne, Mrs Copley, Mrs Stock-Williams and Warren should comprise the civic delegation to visit Immenstadt in September 2005 to mark the 20th anniversary of the twinning link between Wellington and Immenstadt, with Councillor Warren making a speech on behalf of the council.2154WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13370 SPEEDING IN MANTLE STREETConsideration was given to a report from Somerset Highways giving details of speed checks carried out over 12 hours periods between 12th and 17th May 2005 in Mantle Street which showed that the 30mph speed limit was consistently ignored throughout the day with average speeds of 35mph eastbound and 35.9mph westbound. The highest speeds were early in the morning between 7am and 8am and in the evening between 6pm and 7pm. A letter was received from Mr J. McCluskey, of 73 Mantle Street, suggesting the provision of a 20mph speed limit in Mantle Street. After some discussion it was to agreed to ask the police to carry out manual speed checks and to have the portable speed camera set up in Mantle Street. It was further agreed to ask the community speed watch group, which was being reformed, to target Mantle Street.
13371 TRAFFIC IN BAGLEY ROADDetails were received from County Highways of a traffic volume survey in Bagley Road between 19th and 26th January 2005 which showed that the weekday average was 53 and weekend average 29 northbound and the weekday average was 26 and the weekend average 30 southbound. There was a typical increase during the 8am-9am rush-hour northbound and the reverse flow 5pm-6pm southbound. Apart from these times there was a fairly consistent flow of traffic throughout the day. An average of one vehicle a minute during the day in both directions was not considered excessive. The details were noted.
13372 CEMETERY TASK AND FINISH GROUPThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane’s Review Board had decided to raise a Task & Finish Group to look at how to overcome the potential problems that existed with the cemetery in Wellington fast running out of space. One idea that did not meet favour was to use part of the existing car parking area – a very short term measure. The group would consist of 5 members – 3 borough councillors (Councillors Hindley, Mrs Wilson and Miss Peppard) and 2 town councillors. It was hoped that the investigation would be completed within three months. It was agreed to appoint Councillors Critchard and Mrs Stock-Williams to the Task & Finish Group.
13373 POSSIBLE DUAL USE OF LOADING BAYSWith reference to minute 13339 a report was received from the clerk on the possible dual use of town centre loading bays. Questionnaires had been delivered to just over 100 traders, offices and businesses in the town centre asking for views on the proposal under which 30 minute waiting would be permitted in the loading bays after 1pm. A total of 35 replies had been received, with 23 in favour of dual use and 11 against, with one trader undecided. It was agreed to arrange a joint meeting with the police, County Highways, Chamber of Trade, Taunton DBC and town council to discuss whether all or some of the loading bays should have dual usage.
13374 WELLINGTON ARTS ASSOCIATION GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13223 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington Arts Association for the council grant of £3,750. The letter was noted.
13375 HOME-START TAUNTON DEANE GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13333 a letter of thanks was received from Home-Start Taunton Deane for the council grant of £540. The letter was noted.2155WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13376 TAUNTON CAB GRANT REQUESTWith reference to minute 13262 a letter of thanks was received from Taunton CAB for the grant of £600. The letter was noted.
13377 TRAINING EVENING FOR NEWER COUNCILLORSWith reference to minute 13334 a letter was received from Somerset Association of Local Councils confirming the booking for councillors to attend the training evening for newer councillors at West Buckland on 13th July 2005. The letter was noted.
13378 POSSIBLE IMPROVED LIGHTING FOR OLANDS ROADWith reference to minute 13263 a letter and plan were received from Somerset County Council stating that the likely cost of an additional light in Olands Road would be about £410 and asking if the town council required an additional light between the existing two lights in Olands Road. It was agreed to accept the estimate and that Councillor Govier should report back on the need for an extra light.
13379 ADDITIONAL INSURANCE COVERWith reference to minute 13257 a letter was received from Zurich Municipal stating that the cost of increasing cover for the fidelity guarantee insurance to £200,000, increasing the libel and slander cover to £250,000 and increasing the personal accident cover to £300 per week would be £132.42 a year. Proposed by Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed to accept the quotation.
13380 POSSIBILITY OF CCTV IN SOUTH STREET CAR PARKWith reference to minute 12965 a letter was received from Wellington Chamber of Trade recommending that when the new Somerfield development got under way on the existing Kwiksave site that two new CCTV cameras should be installed, not only as a traffic safety precaution but also as a deterrent against the area becoming a congregation point. It was reported that Taunton DBC was installing a mobile CCTV at Wellington Sports Centre to monitor the skatepark where there had been problems. It was agreed to put in a bid for this mobile CCTV camera to be used subsequently at South Street car park and also to find out the cost of purchasing a mobile CCTV camera. It was also agreed to pass on the chamber’s suggestion about 2 CCTV cameras at the Somerfield site to Taunton DBC.
13381 LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2006-2011With reference to minute 13291 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that all comments would be compiled and looked at for the revised provisional plan due for submission to Government in July 2005. As it was only a provisional plan work was ongoing regarding the scheme programme, which was the reason no schemes were listed in the draft plan. Parish councils, stakeholders and the public would get another opportunity to comment on the plan in January 2006 prior to the final plan being submitted in March 2006. The letter was noted.
13382 CONTAINERISED TREE PLANTING IN TOWN CENTREWith reference to minute 13286 an email was received from Taunton DBC suggesting 4 trees suitable for a planter to be placed in the town centre, namely sorbus aucuparia sheerwater seedling, sorbus aria lutescens, malus tschonoski and prunus kanzan. After some discussion it was agreed 11-1 to place a tree in a container on the footway near the old post office in High Street but to ask the Deane for the names of suitable evergreen trees as this would avoid problems with falling leaves.2156WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13383 PROPOSED JOBCENTRE PLUS CHANGESWith reference to minute 13348 a letter dated 10th June 2005 was received from JobcentrePlus stating that arrangements had been put in-train to provide better access by customers to the warm phone in Wellington Community Office and better signage. However the clerk reported that he had received an e-mail dated 4th July 2005 from JobcentrePlus stating that, following a risk assessment, the warm phone had been withdrawn from the community office by Taunton DBC because of the safety risk to the team at Wellington. Councillors expressed disappointment at this decision and it was decided to ask Taunton DBC what the health and safety dangers were as the experienced Wellington staff already dealt with “difficult” customers over housing benefits from time to time and to ask for the phone to be re-installed. Copies of the booklets How JobcentrePlus Can Help and Support You were received. Councillor Wilson declared an interest.
13384 ELECTORAL REVIEW OF TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGHWith reference to minute 13337 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that comments to the Electoral Commission had to be received by 8th August 2005. No changes were proposed for Wellington wards. It was agreed to note the letter.
13385 PROVISION OF LITTER AND DOG WASTE BINSWith reference to minute 13318 a report was received from the clerk on a meeting of the Environment Committee held on 28th June 2005 at which it was reported that there were 19 dog waste bins and 64 litter bins already in place in the town. The committee recommended the council to provide 5 additional dog waste bins and to meet the cost of emptying the bins at the following locations: Rockwell Green near the Hilly Head bus shelter; junction of Swains Lane and the relief road; entrance to Millstream Gardens; bottom of George Street/Bovet Street; opposite entrance to Jurston Lane. The cost of the bins was about £240 each plus £40 for installation so the total capital cost was £1,400. In addition there was a weekly change of £1.76 for emptying each bin, an annual cost of £183 per bin, making the yearly cost of emptying the 5 bins £915. The committee considered the possibility of employing Taunton DBC’s dog warden for extra patrolling in Wellington but felt it prudent to first see the effect of the 5 additional bins, all of which had been requested by the public because of dog fouling problems in those areas. However the committee agreed that if the situation did not improve then the question of having additional patrols would have to be reconsidered. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Stock-Williams, it was agreed 11-1 to meet the cost of providing and emptying the 5 additional dog waste bins as recommended by the committee.
13386 DELAY OVER TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE ORDERSWith reference to minute 13352 an e-mail was received from Taunton DBC stating that there had been a misunderstanding over the issue of a temporary road closure order to Wellington Carnival Committee. A letter had been received on 4th April from the committee asking for an order for 2nd June (for annual street fair) and the relevant forms had been sent to the committee but the forms had never been returned. Nothing more was heard until Councillor Warren’s phone call a few days before the event. The carnival committee probably felt their letter was sufficient and that they did not need to complete the forms. However the Deane should have picked up on the fact that the event was looming and the order was not in place. As it was the Deane responded quickly when it realised the situation and the order had been completed with no problems. The letter was noted.2157WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 4TH JULY 2005
13387 USE OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERWith reference to minute 13353 Councillor Warren asked why no reply had been received from Taunton DBC about the use of the town council chamber at 28 Fore Street since the June meeting. The clerk stated that he had contacted Taunton DBC leader Councillor John Williams about the town council’s proposals to install a stair lift, level the upstair flooring and provide a ramped access at the front door by e-mail immediately after the June meeting but unfortunately the e-mail had been lost. He had been promised a reply in time for the August meeting. The report was noted.
13388 CRIME REDUCTION AND DRUGS STRATEGY 2005-2008A letter was received from Taunton Deane Crime and Disorder Partnership giving details of their crime reduction and drug strategy for 2005-2008 and their 2004 crime and disorder audit. The letter was noted.
13389 PARKS AND OPEN SPACES AND RESIDENTS’ QUESTIONNAIREA letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an assessment of the green space that currently existed in the Deane against the needs of the local community had been completed in 2004. The assessment was necessary to find out if the Deane had the right amount of green space for local communities. The aim was to ensure that all Deane residents lived within walking distance of good quality park or open space and that every child lived within a 300 metre walking distance of a quality play area. A questionnaire was being sent to local residents to find out their views on improving current facilities. The letter and questionnaire were noted.
13390 NAME FOR WARDLEWORTH HOUSE DEVELOPMENTThe clerk reported that Taunton DBC had asked for suggestions for the name for six new houses and six new flats to be erected in the grounds of Wardleworth House which had been demolished. Access would be off Wardleway Way. It was agreed to suggest the name of Wardleworth Court.
13391 STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTA letter was received from Taunton DBC about the Deane’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Local Development Framework (LDF), plus the Deane’s vision for community involvement and summary. The letter and summary were noted.
13392 CLEAN NEIGHBOURHOODS AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 2005A letter was received from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) about the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 which will allow town and parish councils to issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for litter, graffiti, fly posting and dog offences and to introduce dog control orders for a range of offences, if they wish. The clerk stated that more information about be available later in the year. The letter was noted.
13393 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13354 the clerk reported that the Wellington Economic Partnership meeting due to have been held on 27th June 2005 had been cancelled due to lack of business. The next WEP meeting would be held on Monday, 12th September 2005 at 6pm. It was agreed to appoint Councillors Stock-Williams and Warren as the council’s two representatives on the WEP group to consider regeneration in the town.2158
13394 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Application to carry out tree works on one horse chestnut tree and two sycamore trees included in Taunton Deane (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 1997 to the rear of Walkers Gate, Wellington (43/20056/059T); (b) Erection of single storey and two storey extensions at 18 Blackdown Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/053: delegated decision); (c) Conversion of bakery store building and first floor extension to rear of 13 High Street to form a two storey residential dwelling with access from White Hart Lane, Wellington (43/2005/032: resubmission); (d) Erection of conservatory at rear of 15 Walkers Gate, Wellington (43/2005/052: delegated decision); (e) Erection of 7 industrial units at Wellington Trading Estate, Sylvan Road, Wellington as amended by agents letter dated 24th March 2005 and drawing Nos. 0B8/1402:02/01A and OB/1402:02/02A); (f) Erection of two bungalows to replace three holiday chalets on land to the east of Westford House, Westford, Wellington (43/2005/045) (g) Retention of change of use from retail (Al) to financial services (A2) at 20 South Street, Wellington (43/2005/077); (h) Erection of conservatory at 43 Wellesley Park, Wellington (43/2005/061: delegated decision); (i) Change of use from auction house to retail at Clifton House, The Sales Rooms, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2005/056); (j) Retention of conservatory to front and erection of conservatory to rear of 36 Longforth Road, Wellington (43/2005/049: subject to glazing on side of elevation facing 37 Longforth Road being replaced with obscure glazing). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following applications: (a) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 28 Longforth Road, Wellington (43/2005/055); (b) Formation of access at 74 Waterloo Road, Wellington (43/2005/062: delegated decision: refused on direction of county highways).
13395 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH JUNE 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 30th June 2005 was £40,465 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £24,986 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.
13396 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Wellington Cricket Club £500 grant; Home-Start Taunton Deane £540 grant; Wellington School £500 grant; Councillor Mrs V. Stock-Williams £14.80 for travelling expenses; Taunton Deane Borough Council £250 for museum lease for period 1/7/05 to 30/9/05; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for cleaning town centre bus shelters and office window cleaning for May 2005; A. Brown £1,662.34; Inland Revenue £644.69; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £136 for subsidised hospital patient transport for May 2005; The E-Steamed Cleaning Co £50 for steam cleaning bus shelter area in High Street in June 2005; Military Marketing Inc £408.02 for 25 town council plaques and artwork; Alpha Trophies £12.50 for engraving; Mr D. Rabson £240 for two weeks holiday relief work; Judith Goss Florists £30 for flowers for war graves for May and June 2005; Wellington School £1,230 for civic twinning dinner; The Carly Press Ltd £44.98 for ink cartridges.
13397 FOOTPATH IMPROVEMENTSCouncillor Stock-Williams reported that she and Councillor Wilson had attended a useful meeting about the County Community Access Fund which provided grants to improve access to footpaths and also for the production of footpath guides. The town council’s Footpaths Committee would be meeting shortly to progress the grant application to the Community Access Fund for providing Bristol gates on footpaths at Rockwell Green and for producing walking guides. The report was noted.
13398 POSSIBLE APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT TO CLERKCouncillor Mitton recalled that the council had decided in principle to consider the appointment of an assistant to the clerk. He had had discussions with the clerk about the duties and responsibilities and a possible job description for an assistant. The working party who had looked at the terms and conditions of employment for the clerk earlier in the year would be meeting on 20th July 2005 to consider the question of the possible appointment of an assistant to the clerk. The working party would be reporting back to the August council meeting. The report was noted.
13399 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th June 2005; What’s On within Taunton Deane for July 2005; June Fieldwork magazine from Campaign to Protect Rural England; May edition of The Clerk from Society of Local Council Clerks; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 608 and 609; Coach Monthly for June 2005; InterAction magazine for June 2005 from Local Government International Bureau; European Union magazine for May 2005 on best practice in regional development.
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