Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wellington Town Council minutes August 2005

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 1st August 2005 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor Mrs C. Biscoe (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams and Mrs N. Wilson, Councillors P. Critchard, R. Henley, C. Hindley, A. Horsman, D. Mitton, S. Palmer, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors A. Govier and G. James. There were 9 members of the public present.
13405 MINUTE’S SILENCE FOR VICTIMS OF TERRORIST BOMBSAt the start of the meeting there was a minute’s silence in memory of those killed by 4 suicide terrorist bombers on the London underground and on a London double decker bus on 7th July 2005.
13406 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah reported invitations would be going out shortly for the carnival civic reception in September and asked councillors to let him know if there were friends they wished to invite so that proper invitations could be sent out. He reported that three litter bins provided by the Basins Group in the Basins area were going to be removed as the bins were not emptied by Taunton DBC who already provided and emptied two large litter bins on the Basins causeway. He welcomed Mr David Greig, parish liaison officer, and Mr Dominick Brett from Somerset County Gazette to his first town council meeting.
13407 POLICE MATTERSThere was no police report as Sgt R. Caburn was on holiday.
13408 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMThe chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, Isobel Ward reported that the judging had gone well on 19th July 2005 but the result would not be known until 7th September. The local committee was hopeful. The judges had been impressed with the friendly atmosphere in the URC Church Hall and by the large number of leaders of the local community who had attended to see the various displays. She was grateful for all those who had attended. The chairman thanked Janet and Steve Disney for the excellent buffet. Mrs Ward said she supported the council’s efforts for travel calming in Mantle Street where there were a lot of cyclists riding on pavements.
13409 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: WHITE HART LANE LINESMr Terry Milton reported that when new double yellow lines had been painted in White Hart Lane to replace old faded lines the contractors had put the lines around a private area. The clerk reported that he had already raised the matter with Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, who was arranging for the lines to be removed.
13410 MINUTES OF JULY MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 4th July 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, confirmed and signed as correct.
13411 USE OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERWith reference to minute 13387 an e-mail was received from Mrs Penny James, chief executive of Taunton DBC, stating that an inspection of the premises at 28-30 Fore Street to see how these complied with the Disability Discrimination Act showed that there were deficiencies in signage, markings to car parking bays, ramp to front door, 2163
13411 USE OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBER (continued)induction loop, alterations to reception desk, widening some doors, improvements to staircase, a lift, provision of toilet on ground floor, alterations to first floor which was not level. The cost of the works was estimated at £62,000. Upgrading the property was not the preferred option either technically or on cost grounds. The clerk reported that he had spoken to Mrs James who stated that alternative premises were the preferred option and were being actively sought by the Deane’s officers. An e-mail was also received from Councillor D. Mitton stating that he and Councillors Byrne and Wilson had recently discussed making more use of the existing council chamber and suggested that alternative seating arrangements should be investigated to see if it was possible to provide additional space for the public to attend council meetings. Councillor Henley reported that he had spoken to Mrs James earlier that day and she had told him that the Deane’s preferred option was for the town council to see either the community centre or Lodge Close hall for its meetings. During considerable discussion members felt that the council should fight to retain its present premises, that the problems were not insurmountable and could be remedied at a lower cost than the £62,000 suggested by the Deane, and also pointed out the premises were used for the community office, tourist information centre, housing benefit office, police surgery, Citizen Advice Bureau, town museum, town council chamber and clerk’s office. It was agreed unanimously to write to Taunton DBC stating that the town council did not support the suggested move to alternative premises and wanted the existing premises to be upgraded to provide disabled access. The clerk pointed out that the town council had £9,000 in its budget for the cost of work to 28 Fore Street which covered providing a ramped front entrance, a stair lift to the first floor and levelling the corridor flooring upstairs.
13412 POSSIBLE PURCHASE OF RELOCATABLE CCTV CAMERAWith reference to minute 13380 an email was received from Mr John Lewis, Taunton DBC officer in charge of CCTV system in the Deane stating a three month trial of the Deane’s new deployable/relocatable camera at Wellington Sports Centre would be starting shortly. After that town/parish councils would have to make a submission for its use in their area. The cost of the camera with internal digital video recorder (DVR) with mounting brackets and battery packs was about £11,000. The cost of the remote controller unit – basically a control console and review facility in a briefcase was about £7,000. Because cameras were stand alone units it was possible for one remote controller unit to be used for several cameras (one at a time). There was also running costs such as power (mains being much preferable to short-life batteries) and re-location expenditure. He was happy to meet the town council to talk through the issues after the sports centre trial. It was agreed to ask Mr Lewis to do this. He did not agree with the chamber of trade view that two cameras were needed when the new Somerfield store replaced the existing Kwiksave store in High Street. The need was to look for an alternative site that provided the best possible views to observe what was happening on the street whether on the pavement or in the road.
13413 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IN MANTLE STREETWith reference to minute 13370 Councillor Palmer reported that he had been approached by parents concerned about the safety of their children crossing the road. Because of the volume of traffic it sometimes took 10 minutes to cross, leading to children dashing across. He also referred to cyclists riding on the pavements. He felt the council should consider what action could be taken to provide better protection for 2164
13413 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IN MANTLE STREET (continued)pedestrians in Mantle Street. A letter was received from Mr Jem McCluskey, of 73 Mantle Street, suggesting traffic calming speed cushions and cutting the speed limit to 20mph. A letter was also received Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, in response to Mr McCluskey’s letter, stating that in line with Government and county council policy, funding for highway schemes was primarily targeted at accident reduction and was therefore focussed on sites where there were high numbers of personal injury accidents. Funding for future years was likely to be dependent on accident reduction being achieved at these sites. Other highway improvement schemes were only undertaken where the scheme hit the county’s local transport plan sustainable targets. At the present time county council funding for speed reduction schemes was targeted to the priorities outlined above. There were no other specific county council funding sources for the implementation of requests for speed reduction schemes, such as for Mantle Street, if these did not fall within those priorities. The request for a speed reduction scheme for Mantle Street had been registered, along with all other similar requests and would be reviewed as and when priority criteria were revisited. After some discussion it was agreed to hold a public meeting so that Mantle Street residents could put forward their concerns and hear the views of Mr Titcombe on what action/steps could be taken to improve safety.
13414 TRAFFIC PROBLEMS IN WELLESLEY PARK & 4 X 4s PARKINGA letter was received from Mr John Jeffery, of 158 Barn Meads Road, referring to the problems caused by cars parking both sides of the road in Wellesley Park at its junction with South Street. He suggested a simple “one day one side” rule would solve the congestion. He also suggested that Taunton DBC should have a separate parking area in its car parks for 4 x 4 vehicles which took up 50% more space. It was agreed to discuss the Wellesley Park parking difficulties at the public meeting to be arranged for Mantle Street pedestrian safety issues but not to take action action over the suggested special parking areas for 4 x 4s in the Deane’s car parks.
13415 CARNIVAL COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form and financial details were received from Wellington Carnival Committee asking the town council to consider making a grant of £700 to cover the cost of putting out and collecting signs and barriers supplied by the DLO for the annual carnival on 24th September 2005. On the proposition of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Hindley, it was agreed to make a grant of £700.
13416 UNIT 6 SKATEPARK GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form, membership statistics and financial details were received from Unit 6 asking the town council to consider making a grant of £6,000 towards the running costs of the skatepark and youth leisure facility at Blackdown Trading Estate. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr Terry Milton and Mr Kevin Jones, Unit 6 manager, to speak. Mr Milton said that the skatepark had not been open on some occasions when it was supposed to have been. Mr Jones replied that it had been closed because of a lack of volunteers and because of the intimidating behaviour of certain individuals. Councillor Bowrah stated that the Finance Committee was in favour of making a grant towards replacement equipment and Councillor Mitton said it should be made clear that the council did not support salaries. On the proposition of Councillor Hindley, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed – with one abstention - to make a grant of £1,000 towards the cost of replacement equipment.2165WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST AUGUST 2005
13417 WHERE GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form and financial details were received from Westcountry Health Education and Research Enterprise asking the town council to consider a grant of £5,000 towards the cost of running a café for service users and carers with events and activities. Councillor Bowrah stated that the Finance Committee, after looking at the finances which showed a balance of £73,000, recommended that no grant should be made. On the proposition of Councillor Hindley, seconded by Councillor Bowrah, it was agreed – with two abstentions – not to make a grant.
13418 WELLINGTON SPORTS CLUBS FEDERATION GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form and financial details were received from Wellington Federation of Sports Clubs asking the council to consider making a grant of £500 towards the cost of staging the annual Summer Spectacular on 29th August 2005. On the proposition of Councillor Byrne, seconded by Councillor Horsman, it was agreed to make a grant of £500.
13419 JOBCENTRE PLUS PHONE AT COMMUNITY OFFICEWith reference to minute 13383 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that while it was agreed the community office should provide as many facilities for local residents as possible, the security of staff and premises had to be considered. It was felt that the continued location of the Jobcentre Plus warm phone in the community office, following the closure of the Jobcentre Plus outreach centre at Corams Lane, placed staff in an increased security risk situation which the Deane was not prepared to accept, particularly as there were large amounts on cash on the premises at the end of each day. A letter was also received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC, stating the Deane was duty bound to take action to remove the phone as the advice of its safety officer was that there was a risk to staff. Both letters noted.
13420 PROVISON OF DOG WASTE BINS With reference to minute 13385 the clerk reported that the exact locations for 5 dog waste bins at Rockwell Green, Swains Lane, Jurston Lane, Millstream Gardens and Bovet Street had been agreed and that the bins would be installed shortly. The report was noted.
13421 PYLES THORNE ROAD TRAFFIC CALMINGWith reference to minute 13229 a letter, scheme summary and questionnaire were received from Somerset County Council asking for the town council’s views on the way the £46,000 traffic calming scheme for Pyles Thorne Road had been carried out. It was agreed to reply that the town council felt the scheme was working well, had slowed down traffic and improved pedestrian safety but had taken too long to complete.
13422 ADDITIONAL CYCLE STANDS IN FORE STREETThe clerk reported that the positioning of two additional cycle stands outside of Somerfield in Fore Street had been agreed with Somerset Highways and that the stands should be installed soon. The report was noted.
13423 PLANNING TRAINING FOR COUNCILLORSThe clerk reported that planning training by Taunton DBC for councillors was to be held in the Wellington United Reformed Church Hall on Monday, 26th September 2005 at 7pm. The report was noted.2166WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST AUGUST 2005
13424 NEW TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING SYSTEMA letter was received from Taunton DBC inviting the town council to send 2 members to a briefing session on the New Town and Country Planning System to be held at Wellington United Reformed Church Hall on Monday, 19th September 2005 at 7.30pm. Councillors Biscoe, Bowrah and Palmer volunteered to attend.
13425 GRANT FOR WELLINGTON SCHOOL CCF BANDWith reference to minute 13224 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington School CCF Band for the council grant of £500 for a new drum. The letter was noted.
13426 GRANT FOR WELLINGTON CRICKET CLUBWith reference to minute 13332 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington Cricket Club for the council grant of £500 towards the cost of repairing outdoor cricket nets at Wellington Playing Field. The letter was noted.
13427 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATHS AND FOOTPATH GUIDESWith reference to minute 13273 a report was received from the clerk on a meeting of the council’s Footpaths Committee held on 26th July 2005. The clerk reported that he had received written permission from the landowners to erect 3 Bristol gates in place of defective gates and stiles on public footpath WG17/8 at Rockwell Green from Pitt Farm to Perry Elm and Dobree Park and that a quote for the work was awaited. The committee had received a report from Councillors Stock-Williams and Wilson on their attendance at a Community Access Fund seminar and they had produced copies of walking guides produced by Crewkerne, Beckington, Tatworth & Forton councils. It was that a Wellington guide on similar lines to the Crewkerne guide would be ideal. The cost of producing 1,000 guides was £1,995, plus £799 for each additional 1,000 guides, plus about £250/£300 for art work if required. It was hoped to obtain some finance from the Community Access Fund for the guides, which would cover the Monumnet, the old canal, Basins and Winsbeer. The public would be invited to suggest their favourite walks for consideration. The council approved the report and also approved the sum of up to £2,000 towards the production of the guides which it was hoped would be available in the Spring of 2006.
13428 POSSIBLE DUAL USE OF LOADING BAYSWith reference to minute 13373 a report was received from the clerk on joint meeting held on 26th July 2005 between the town council, Wellington Chamber of Trade, Somerset Highways and Taunton DBC about the possible dual use of town centre loading bays. It was stated that questionnaires had been delivered to over 100 traders and of the 35 replies, 25 were in favour of dual use and 11 against. Sgt Richard Caburn was also in favour. There was universal agreement that no changes could be made to the existing loading bays in South Street and Fore Street without causing traffic congestion. It had been agreed to recommend that the existing loading bay on the south side of High Street outside the estate agents, jewellers and angling shop, which currently operates 24 x 7, should be changed to operate Monday to Saturday 6am to 6pm with no restrictions outside those times. It was also agreed to recommend that the existing loading bay on the north side of High Street outside Lancer Court, which currently operates Monday-Saturday 8a-6pm, should operate 6am to 1pm, that 30 minute waiting should be allowed from 1pm to6pm, with no restrictions outside of those times. The council accepted the report and approved the recommendations for changing the High Street loading bays. The clerk stated the traffic order would also include replacing the existing double yellow lines at the bottom of Corn Hill with a 2167WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST AUGUST 2005
13428 POSSIBLE DUAL USE OF LOADING BAYS (continued)single yellow line Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm as well a single yellow lines and a loading bay at Millstream Gardens which the town council had approved in February 2005 to deal with congestion/parking problems there.
13429 COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SCHEMEWith reference to minute 13154 the clerk reported that the first training session for the revived Community Speed Watch Scheme had taken place at Wellington Police Station on 25th July and that a second training session was to be held at the police station on Friday, 5th August 2005 at 7pm. The report was noted.
13430 CONTINUED CLOSURE OF SWAINS PLAY AREACouncillor Stock-Williams reported that the kindergarten play area at Swains was still closed although it had been stated it would be re-opened within a few weeks after it had been shut in June due to safety surfacing vandalism. It was agreed to find out from Taunton DBC when the play area would be re-opened.
13431 DROPPED KERBS FOR OAKEN GROUND AND THE WELLA note and map were received from Somerset Highways showing the location of 12 dropped kerbs to be provided in Oaken Ground and The Well, Rockwell Green. It was also stated that additional sites were being considered at Mantle Street and Bulford. The information was noted.
13432 COURTLAND ROAD CLOSUREA letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that Courtland Road would be closed for a week starting on 8th August 2005 while traffic calming works were carried out. The letter was noted.
13433 HOME MEALS FOR THE ELDERLYA letter was received from Somerset County Council about changes to meals at home services for people over 65 or who have a disability. The letter was noted.
13434 ANNUAL POLICE REPORTA letter was received from the Avon and Somerset Police Authority with a copy of its annual report. The letter and report were noted.
13435 HIGHWAYS RELATED SERVICESA letter and questionnaire were received from Somerset County Council asking for the town council’s views on highways related services. It was agreed that members should complete the questionnaires individually.
13436 BREACH OF CONDITIONS AT MR SCRUMPTIOUSA letter was received from Taunton DBC about the service of a breach of condition notice on the takeaway Mr Scrumptious, 8 South Street, Wellington, for opening after hours. The letter was noted.
13437 WELLINGTON CRICKET CLUB’S ANNUAL CLUB DAYA letter was received from Wellington Cricket Club inviting a councillor and partner to attend the club’s annual get-together club day on Sunday, 14th August 2005. The chairman agreed that he and his wife would attend.
13438 ARTS CENTRE OFFICIAL OPENINGA letter was received from Wellington Arts Association inviting councillors to attend the official opening of the Arts Centre’s new facilities on Saturday, 17th September 2005. Councillors Bowrah, Henley, Wilson, Palmer, Critchard and Hindley indicated that they would be attending.
13439 UNMARKED STEPS AT THE BOTTOM OF CORN HILLCouncillor Stock-Williams reported that she had received a request from a visually impaired resident for the edge of the steps at the bottom of Corn Hill near King’s Cycle Shop and Radhuni Indian Takeaway to be painted white to make them more visible for the partially sighted. It was agreed to ask Somerset Highways to paint the edges of the steps white.
13440 IMPROVING ACCESS TO WELLINGTON MONUMENTA letter was received from the National Trust inviting the council to send a representative to a site meeting at Wellington Monument on Friday, 12th August 2005 at 11am to discuss options for improving access arrangements. Councillor Mitton agreed to represent the council.
13441 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13393 no suggestions were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next WEP meeting on Monday, 12th September 2005 at 6pm.
13442 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of single storey extension at rear of 21 Ardwyn, Wellington (43/2005/073: delegated decision); (b) Erection of porch and two storey extension at 2 Olands Road, Wellington (43/2005/072: delegated decision); (c) External alterations including insertion of velux window and re-rendering of west wall, 81 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/060LB); (d) Erection of conservatory at 9 Pyles Thorne Close, Wellington (43/2005/063: delegated decision); (e) Insertion of helifex bow ties to wall at 49 High Street, Wellington (43/2005/064LB); (f) Lowering of pavement and formation of hard standing at 105 Priory, Wellington (43/2005/067: delegated decision); (g) Refurbishment to provide toilets for disabled and female toilet ramp and opening to link two rooms at the Over 55 Club, North Street, Wellington as amended by plan 02A received 28th June 2005 (43/2005/022LB); (h) Conversion of integral garage to habitable accommodation at 29 Warren Street, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/076: delegated decision); (i) Erection of temporary classroom to rear of Myrtles, Wellington School, South Street, Wellington as amplified by applicants letter dated 20th May 2005 (43/2005/050: approval until 30th April 2010).13443 PLANNING DECISIONS BY COUNTY COUNCILThe clerk reported that Somerset County Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of play equipment at Beech Grove Primary School, Courtland Road, Wellington (43/2005/069).
13444 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST JULY 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 31st July 2005 was £41,166 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £30,425 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.2169WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 1ST AUGUST 2005
13445 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor Critchard, seconded by Councillor Byrne, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: The Carly Press Ltd £180 for 100 copies of new council standing orders; Zurich Insurance Company £97.24 for additional insurance premium for increased fidelity guarantee, libel and slander and personal accident cover; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £156 for concessionary patient transport from Wellington to Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton for June 2005; EDF Energy £103.27 for electricity for office/chamber for period 21/4/05 to 18/7/05; Monument Mini Cabs £164 for transport to Heathrow Airport to collect councillors from Torres Vedras; EFF Energy £6.32 for electricity for street light at Rackfield for period 1/4/05 to 30/6/05; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for cleaning town centre bus shelters and office window cleaning for June 2005; A. Brown £1,562.66; Inland Revenue £644.82; Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd £316.79 for photocopier servicing charges from 17/2/05 to 25/7/05.
13446 VISIT BY FRENCH TWINNER TO JULY MEETINGCouncillor Copley reported that her French twinning visitor, who had attended the council’s July meeting, had been impressed by the way the council had conducted the meeting, by the amount of information available for the public and by the friendliness of the councillors of different political groups.
13447 POSSIBLE APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT TO CLERKWith reference to minute 13398 a report was received from the Staffing Committee on the appointment of an assistant to the clerk covering job description, person specification, hours of work (12 a week), affiliation to the South West Regional Employers Organisation, and was accepted. It was stated that a further report would be presented shortly. Councillor Mitton, who presented the Staffing Committee report, was thanked for his detailed report.
13448 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th July 2005; What’s On within Taunton Deane for August 2005; Lillebonne Town Council’s municipal magazine for July and August 2005; Summer 2005 edition of Link, the business magazine for South West England; NALC direct information service bulletins Nos. 610 and 611; Coach Monthly for July 2005; European Union newsletter no. 134 for May 2005 on “Enlargement one year on: a strong start for cohesion;” The European Code of Good Administrative Behaviour booklet from the EU.


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