Wellington Town Council minutes 2003-05

Wellington Town Council minutes and planning minutes from 2003 to 2005.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wellington Town Council minutes September 2005

Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 5th September 2005 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided,. Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, R. Henley, A. Horsman, A. Govier, D. Mitton, S. Palmer, and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors Mrs C. Biscoe, Mrs N. Wilson, C. Hindley and G. James. There were 7 members of the public present.
13454 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah reported that he had attended Wellington Cricket Club’s annual open day where he had been warmly received, and also attended the summer spectacular organised by the Federation of Wellington Sports Clubs which had been a superb event.
13455 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn reported that during August there had been 3 burglaries – 2 at Wiveliscombe and 1 at Wellington where an elderly person had been districted while the theft took place; 8 thefts from motor vehicles, including 4 at Wellington Monument; 13 offences of criminal damage to vehicles in various locations; 15 cases of criminal damage; 11 assaults, most of which had been detected with the culprits known to the victims, mostly alcohol related and 16 thefts. Following spot checks 2 men had been arrested in Wellington for the possession of cocaine for personal use. One of the men had links with London. Monitoring was continuing to take place of the Kings Arms, High Street which was the busiest pub in the town and attracted most problems. The position had improved now that better trained doormen were employed. Referring to speeding in Mantle Street he reported that speed checks had been carried out resulting in 6 fixed penalty tickets being issued to mainly local drivers who were travelling at over 40mph. A number of other vehicles had been stopped and warned, including a bin lorry. A longer term solution needed to be found to the problem of speeding in Mantle Street which was something the highways should look at. Dealing with anti social behaviour he said that August, with the school holidays and summer nights, was the worst month for such behaviour. There had been problems in Wellington Park, where goldfish had been killed by washing up liquid, and at Dobree Park, Rockwell Green as well as hanging baskets damaged. Teenaged girls, who had drunk excessively, had caused a lot of the problems. There was a group of “young ladies” who were causing trouble and the police were doing all they could to deal with the problem. Some of the culprits had been identified and they had a good idea of others involved. Offences linked to anti social behaviour were difficult to prove and he appealed to the public to report such incidents, giving date, time and place if possible. The police were continuing to support schemes which took youngsters off the street such as paint-ball sessions which had been held mid-week as well as at weekends, and a motorcycle project at Tonedale. Although petty vandalism was upsetting, the town did not have a huge disorder problem. The figures showed that Wellington was still a very pleasant place in which to live. Councillor Horsman asked how effective CCTV in dealing with anti social behaviour, referring to the fact that when he went home from work at 6am he often saw flower troughs overturned and flowers strewn about the pavements. Sgt Caburn replied that CCTV were an aid to the police but often all they knew was that an offence had been committed between 8pm and 8am which was a lot of tape to look at. The police could not afford to spend hours and hours looking at tapes as it would not be an effective use of their time. He asked people to tell the police if they saw something happening, giving the date, time and place of the incident. Councillor Govier thanked the police for their swift 2173WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH SEPTEMBER 2005
13455 POLICE MATTERS (continued) response to an incident in the Park on Sunday night (4th September). In reply to questions from Councillor Copley, Sgt Caburn said that the police spoke to the head of Court Fields School on a regular basis and that there was good communications between schools and the police about the various behaviour problems encountered. The chairman thanked Sgt Caburn for attending.
13456 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: OVERGROWN FOOTPATHSMr Basil Pattemore reported that the public footpaths from Crosslands to Longforth Farm and to the sewage works were obstructed by overgrown hedging/brambles and there was also some fly-tipping on the Crosslands footpaths. He thanked the council for arranging for the footpath from Church Lane, railway lines and old canal to be cut. It was agreed to get the obstructed footpaths cleared and to inform Taunton DBC of the fly-tipping at Crosslands.
13457 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME: JOHN NASH’S 65TH BIRTHDAYMr John Nash, of the Wellington Weekly News, thanked councillors for the gift of an engraved town plaque and for attending his 65th birthday party at the Arts Centre.
13458 PPT: FUTURE USE OF 28 FORE STREETMr Colin Spackman, the secretary of Wellington Museum Society, said that the society supported the town council’s efforts to retain the use of 28 Fore Street as the offices and chamber of the town council and the home of the museum, which provided a significant service for Wellington, attracting 3,000 visitors annually. Any move from the town centre area, which was ideal for the museum, would be a drain on the museum’s reserves and would affect its viability.
13459 PPT: WELLINGTON IN BLOOMMrs Isabel Ward, the chairman of Wellington in Bloom Committee, reported that the results of the 2005 Britain in Bloom competition would be announced on Thursday, 8th September at Hestercombe House; that the committee was hopeful of success; and invited councillors to the committee’s annual awards presentation on 14th October. She also referred to the lack of response from Taunton DBC over the deteriorating state of 15 Fore Street, a listed building, and 18 Fore Street. It was agreed to contact Taunton DBC over these two buildings.
13460 PPT: FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARKMrs Pauline Sturgess, the chairman of Friends of Wellington Park, reported that the just completed summer season of Sunday entertainment at the park had gone from strength to strength, with numbers rising. There were regular attendees from Tiverton and Cullompton as well as from the town. Questionnaires had been given to regulars to find out their views on the range of entertainment and as a result some innovations, such as a children’s gazebo where they could play games under supervision and 50/50 stalls, had been made. For the third year the park had received a green flag award and had also won a national heritage award, which was a tribute to the work of Taunton DBC parks staff whohad had a lot vandalism and graffiti to put up with. Membership of the Friends was going up and she thanked members for their hard work. The winter programme included a Trafalgar Night concert at the Arts Centre on 15th October 2005 and, hopefully a Burns Night supper at Tonedale House in January 2006.
13461 DAMAGED BOLLARDS AT DOBREE PARKMr Mike Lake reported that the demountable bollards between Dobree Park and Greenway Road, Rockwell Green, had again been knocked down; that the roads in Dobree Park had still not been adopted although the estate had been completed some years ago and that there were no white lines governing traffic on the estate. It was agreed to take issues up with the county council and the developers.
13462 MINUTES OFAUGUST COUNCIL MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 1st August 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, taken as read and confirmed as correct.
13463 USE OF TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERWith reference to minute 13411 members received a copy of the letter sent by the clerk to Mrs Penny James, chief executive of Taunton DBC, detailing the reasons why the town council wanted to continue to use 28 Fore Street for its office and chamber, seeking a firm commitment from the Deane that it intended to maintain its presence in Wellington by continuing to provide the community office, tourist information centre and other services and suggesting the holding of a joint meeting to try to bring the issue to a mutually satisfactory conclusion. An email was received from Mrs James acknowledging the preferred option of the town council and stating she was working on the advice of her technical experts who would tell her what was needed to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act and how to achieve compliance in the most cost effective manner. She would be consulting with colleagues and members on the idea of a joint group to consider the issues and would come back to the town council. An email was also received from Councillor John Williams, the leader of Taunton DBC. Both emails were noted. Councillor Henley said he intended to call the whole matter in and put it before the Deane’s Review Board. After some discussion it was agreed to support this move, with one abstention.
13464 TRAFFIC SAFETY IN BULFORD LANECouncillor Mrs V. Stock-Williams reported that several residents in Bulford Lane and Improvement Place had expressed concerns about the speed of traffic in the lane which was narrow with limited visibility when emerging from Martins Buildings and Martin Close. They had suggested the provision of mirrors opposite the two entrances and turning the lane into a one-way thoroughfare. It was agreed to contact Somerset Highways for their views on improving the situation.
13465 PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL SEAT IN REC PLAY AREACouncillor A. Horsman reported that a number of parents had suggested that the provision of an additional seat in the large play area at Wellington Recreation Ground would be useful as the existing seat was often fully occupied. It was agreed to ask Taunton DBC to provide an extra seat and, on the suggestion of Councillor Mrs V. Byrne, to also consider the provision of an aerial runway.
13466 DANGER AT CONCEALED FOOTPATH CROSSINGCouncillor Mrs V. Stock-Williams proposed asking the county council to erect advance signs on Wellington relief road warning of a concealed footpath exit/entrance opposite Byways on Oldway Road. She pointed out that the staggered gateway cutting through a hedge opened directly onto the relief road at a blind spot for both motorists from the Exeter direction and pedestrians from the footpath (WG17/5). It was agreed to ask the county to erect such a sign.2175WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH SEPTEMBER 200513467 PLANTING OF CONTAINERISED TREE IN TOWN CENTREWith reference to minute 13382 an email was received from Taunton DBC with a list of the names of five possible containerised evergreen trees for the town centre. After some discussion it was agreed to have a Juniperus blue arrow tree.
13468 PROPOSED REMOVAL OF TELEPHONE KIOSKSWith reference to minute 13368 a letter was received from BT stating that the proposed removal of the public payphone from the Priory would not proceed until the issues raised by the town council had been resolved. All responses about cashless proposals were being collated and held pending the outcome of the Ofcom review of BT’s universal service obligation which was expected to be concluded around November of 2005. Any comments or concerns would be taken into consideration before any action was taken. The letter was noted.
13469 IMPROVING ACCESS TO WELLINGTON MONUMENTWith reference to minute 13440 a letter was received from the National Trust with notes on the site meeting held at Wellington Monument on 12th August 2005 to gather ideas to improve the access, interpretation and building repairs to the Monument and its surrounds. It was stated that the tower had been closed in July for public access because of cracks in the structure and an increased risk of masonry fall. In September one of the largest cherry-pickers in the country would be used to access the state of repair of the whole tower. The main access issue was how to provide for quiet enjoyment of pedestrians, allow vehicle/wheelchair access for those less able to walk the track and restrict the opportunities for joy-riding, crime and vandalism. Various suggestions were put forward included repairing the potholes, closing the car park near the Monument to improve the open space for quiet enjoyment, providing extra car parking areas, providing a hand rail and lighting for the tower. A condition survey would be carried out and a management strategy formulated for the site with full public consultation. The letter and report were noted.
13470 PYLES THORNE ROAD TRAFFIC CALMING SCHEMEWith reference to minute 13421 a letter was received from Somerset County Council acknowledging receipt of the town council’s comments. The letter was noted.
13471 ERECTION OF DWELLING AT OAKLEIGH, PYLES THORNE ROADWith reference to minute 13326 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that the application to erect a dwelling on land adjacent to Oakleigh, Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington had been withdrawn. The letter was noted.
13472 POSSIBLE PURCHASE OF RELOCATABLE CCTV CAMERAWith reference to minute 13412 the clerk reported that Mr John Lewis, who is in charge of CCTV in Taunton Deane, would be attending the council meeting on 3rd October 2005 after the trial of the relocatable CCTV camera at Wellington Sports Centre. The report was noted.
13473 TONE PLAY AREA EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONWith reference to minute 13188 a report was received from Zurich Municipal’s engineer surveyor Mr Greg Hoare on the six-monthly inspection carried out on 9th August 2005 of the equipment at the town council’s Tone play area. The clerk stated that instructions had been given to tighten the bolts on top of the swings as suggested and that the aerial runway suppliers had been asked for their comments on the report dealing with that equipment. The report was noted.2176WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH SEPTEMBER 2005
13474 PROVISION OF DOG WASTE BINSWith reference to minute 13420 the clerk reported that all five dog waste bins had been installed. The report was noted.
13475 ERECTION OF HOUSE ADJACENT TO 28 LONGFORTH ROADWith reference to minute 13326 a letter was received from Taunton DBC stating that an appeal had been lodged against the decision of the Deane to refuse planning permission for the erection of a house on land adjacent to 28 Longforth Road, Wellington. The town council had recommended refusal. It was agreed to write to the planning inspector stating the town council opposed the application.
13476 TAUNTON DBC FOOTPATH & PLAY AREA GRANTSWith reference to minute 12888 the clerk reported that grants of £1,540 for footpath maintenance and £735 for Tone play area maintenance had been received from Taunton DBC, the same amounts as in 2004. The report was noted.
13477 NEW TOWN GUIDEThe clerk reported that the new town guides had been delivered and were available free of charge at the community office, museum and town council office. Councillors received a copy of the new guide.
13478 AUDIT OF TOWN COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR 2004-05With reference to minute 13257 the report of the external auditors, Moore Stephens on the council accounts for 2004-05 was received. This stated that “no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met” but suggested that the council should have a separate document detailing internal controls. The clerk reported that he had asked Moore Stephens for details of the suggested document. He pointed out that the council’s Standing Orders stated that cheques had to be signed by 2 councillors, that accounts for payment must be approved monthly by the council and that councillors received a monthly statement of receipts and payments. The report was noted.
13479 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IN MANTLE STREETWith reference to minute 13413 an email was received from Somerset County Council suggesting a site meeting with town councillors before fixing a date for a public meeting. It was agreed to arrange such a site meeting.
13480 COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH SCHEMEWith reference to minute 13429 the clerk reported that a check had been carried out in Mantle Street by Court Fields School on 1st September 2005 and that 8 motorists had been reported for speeding (37mph to 42mph). The vast majority of drivers had been within the 30mph limit. Another session was planned for the same location on 6th September. The report was noted.
13481 ARTS ASSOCIATION SHOWA letter was received from Wellington Arts Association inviting councillors to attend a performance of “Young, Talented & Overdrawn!” either on 9th or 10th September 2005 at the Arts Centre in aid of the Arts Centre Building Fund. Councillors Bowrah, Byrne and Copley stated that they would attend.
13482 SURESTART CHILDREN’S CENTRE INVITATIONA letter was received from SureStart (Somerset Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership) inviting councillors to a consultation event about a children’s centre in Wellington on 28th September 2005 at 9.30am to 11am at the Kings Centre. Members were asked to reply direct if they would be attending.
13483 SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES BILLA letter was received from the Campaign for Sustainable Communities Bill asking the council to support the campaign and the Bill. The letter was noted.
13484 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FOR PLANNINGA letter was received from Somerset County Council enclosing a copy of the statement of community involvement for planning – issues and options report and asking if the town council wished to make any comments on the report. It was agreed to note the letter.
13485 NEW WASTE AND RECYCLING ARRANGEMENTSA letter was received from Taunton DBC giving details of phase 2 of the new waste and recycling collection arrangements which will cover Wellington North, Wellington West and Rockwell Green and which will involve weekly recycling and food waste collections, fortnightly collections of refuse, and optional fortnightly composting collections for garden waste. The new collection bins would be delivered in October. The letter was noted.
13486 STATE OF SPRINGFIELD ROADA letter was received from Mr John Gould, of 74 Springfield Road, Wellington, complaining about weeds growing in the gutter, the road surface, the lack of street sweeping and blocked drains. It was agreed to contact the county council about the drains, weeds in the gutter and the road surface.
13487 AGE CONCERN LOCAL LINK PROJECTA letter was received from Age Concern Somerset inviting councillors to the launch of its Local Link Scheme at Taunton Library on Tuesday, 25th October 2005 at 11am. The local link would be a volunteer who would promote the wide range of services that Age Concern offered. Two volunteers were being sought for the Wellington area. Councillors were asked to inform the clerk if they would like to attend.
13488 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13441 the clerk reported that the Wellington Economic Partnership meeting due to be held on 12th September 2005 had been cancelled. The next WEP meeting would be held on Monday, 10th October 2005 at 6pm. The report was noted.
13489 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of conservatory to rear of 24 Ashford Road, Wellington (43/2005/085: delegated decision); (b) Erection of extension to rear of 14 Monument Close, Wellington (43/2005/083: delegated decision); (c) Erection of building for employment use (B1, B2 and B8 uses) and provision of parking area at Unit 18, Rylands Farm Industrial Estate, Bagley Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/081); (d) Erection of single storey extension at 1 Walkers Gate, Wellington 2178WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH SEPTEMBER 2005
13489 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBC (continued)(43/2005/077: delegated decision); (e) Erection of single storey extension to replace existing to rear of 5 Springfield Road, Wellington (43/2005/082: delegated decision); (f) Erection of conservatory at 11 The Brambles, Wellington (43/2005/078: delegated decision); (g) Erection of conservatory and detached garage at 3 Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington (43/2005/075: delegated decision); (h) Erection of first floor extension and erection of garage and store at 91 Springfield Road, Wellington (43/2005/074: delegated decision); (i) Erection of single storey extension at rear of 58 High Street, Wellington as amended by agents letter and plan received 23rd August 2005 (43/2005/068: delegated decision); (j) Conversion of former church to dwelling to include garage/car parking space, Bulford Church, Bulford, Wellington (43/2005/084). The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plan:(a) Removal of condition relating to opening times to allow Mr Scrumptious, 8 South Street, Wellington to be open until 1am on Fridays and Saturdays (43/2005/088).
13490 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 31ST AUGUST 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 31st August 2005 was £43,687 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £33,704 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.
13491 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor E. Warren, seconded by Councillor A. Horsman, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Hinewood Cleaning Services £202 for cleaning town centre bus shelters, window cleaning and six monthly cleaning of 10 other bus shelters in Wellington; BT £205.15 for telephone calls, fax and emails and servicing charges for 3 months to 4th August 2005; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £148 for subsidised hospital patient transport for July 2005; Mr D. Rabson £240 for two weeks holiday relief work; Mr A. Brown £1,662.34; Inland Revenue £644.69; The Carly Press Ltd £132.86 for ink cartridges, colour photocopying, laminations and letter headings; Moore Stephens £411.25 for external audit of council’s accounts for 2004-2005; Wellington United Reformed Church £75 for hire of church hall for July, August and September 2005.
13492 ROCKWELL GREEN BUS SERVICECouncillor P. Critchard reported that temporary traffic lights and scaffolding erected outside a house between Oaken Ground and Greenway Road were causing problems for the Wellington to Rockwell Green bus service. When buses were waiting for time at the stop at the bottom of Greenway Road they were obscuring the temporary traffic lights. The actual bus sign was covered over which meant it was out of use. He felt it would be unsafe for buses to wait, set down or pick up passengers in the entrance to Greenway Road so he suggested the buses should wait for time by the chip shop and then carry out down the terminus so that they could turn around, pick up as necessary and move off straightaway. It was agreed to contact First bus company and suggest these arrangements for their consideration.
13493 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Taunton DBC’s The Weekly Bulletin for 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th August and 1st September 2005; What’s On within 2179WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH SEPTEMBER 2005
13493 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC (continued)Taunton Deane for September 2005; annual report and accounts for 2004-05 of Somerset Association of Local Councils; agendas for SALC annual general meeting and area general meeting at Burrowbridge on 1st October 2005; Summer 2005 newsletter from Somerset Rural Youth Project; Taunton and District CAB annual report for 2005-05; Community Council for Somerset’s annual report to 31st March 2005; letter from Taunton & District Civic Society re annual South West Civic Societies’ conference in Taunton on 29th October 2005; Catchment Matters, issue 7 of River Parrett Catchment Project newsletter; South West Regional Assembly’s regional spatial strategy for 2006-2026 update newsletter for July 2005; Coach Monthly for August 2005; September 2005 issue of Fieldwork, the magazine of the Campaign to Protect Rural England; NALC direct information service bulletins nos. 612 and 613; August 2005 issue of InterAction magazine from the Local Government International Bureau; Developments, new magazine from UK Local Government Alliance for International Development; European Union newsletters nos. 135 and 136 on cohesion policy.


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