Wellington Town Council minutes December 2005
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 5th December 2005 at 7.pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor D. Mitton (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley and Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Horsman, A. Govier, S. Palmer and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James and N. Wilson. There were 4 members of the public present.
13587 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah reported that the switch-on of Wellington’s Christmas lights on Friday, 2nd December had gone very well, with fine carol singing by the Churches Together in Wellington, a superb big Christmas tree presented by Langford Lakes, and an excellent display by Wellington Majorettes. The new illuminated Christmas cracker was first class. He thanked all who had supported the event, wished everyone a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year, and invited all to snacks and nibbles at the end of the council meeting. With reference to minute 13538 (Future use of Basins allotments) he reported that letters had been received from a number of allotment tenants expressing various concerns and stated that a joint meeting between the council and the tenants would be held in the New Year.
13588 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn reported stated that during November there had been 21 thefts, 1 burglary from a shed and another from an outbuilding, 2 domestic burglaries (at Wiveliscombe and Churchinford), 6 cases of criminal damage, 7 criminal damage to motor vehicle offences, 10 cases of thefts from cars (2 at Wellington Monument), 6 assaults which were domestic or drink related. There had been a spate of accidents in and around Wellington on Thursday and Friday, 1st and 2nd December, including a fatal crash at Beam Bridge on the Friday. He asked motorists to take care when driving in rain and poor visibility when stopping distances were much greater. Noisy mini motorbikes ridden by teenagers on pavements around the town had become a right pain. The bikes were uninsurable, were a nuisance and a danger to other people. A number of bikes had been seized by police and had been destroyed. As a result the second hand value of such bikes had plummeted and the number of complaints about them had gone down. There would be extra police presence on the town’s streets over the Christmas period, provided by Special Constables. Referring to youth issues, he said they were trying to divert problems away from the street and trying to set up a riding scheme but it was proving difficult because of the financial implications involved. He referred to the loss the community had suffered through the recent death of Mrs Pearl Buttle. The chairman and Councillor A. Govier thanked Sgt Caburn and his colleagues for their hard work and support during the past year.
13589 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER COUNCIL MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 7th November 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, taken as read and confirmed as correct.
13590 IMPROVING HEALTH SERVICES IN WELLINGTONConsideration was given to Taunton Deane Primary Care Trust’s discussion paper “Modernising older people’s services in Taunton Deane: Improving services in Wellington.” After some discussion it was agreed to support the proposals in the discussion paper. Councillor A. Govier declared a personal interest as a non executive director of the trust.2201WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13591 NEW COUNCIL FINANCIAL REGULATIONSNew town council financial regulations, attached to these minutes, were circulated to councillors and, on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, who had considered the regulations at its November meeting, the regulations were unanimously approved.
13592 TAUNTON DBC STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTWith reference to minute 13560 further consideration was given to Taunton Deane Borough Council’s revised Statement of Community Involvement dealing with the preparation of the Local Development Framework and other planning issues. A letter and a summary of the CSI were circulated to members who agreed to broadly support the revised CSI. Some reservations were expressed over consultation by developers before submitting significant planning applications. It was agreed to state that the town council would like to be reassured that Taunton DBC would keep a close eye on those consultations to ensure that the consultations were comprehensive and relevant and not just confined to what might help the developer’s application. It was also agreed to point out that the document could have been more user friendly.
13593 WELLINGTON IN BLOOM COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form and accounts were received from Wellington in Bloom Committee asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,250 for 2006, which was £250 more than in 2005, pointing out that £262 was for refurbishing the 4 town entry signs. On the proposition of Councillor R. Bowrah, seconded by Councillor D. Mitton, it was agreed to make a grant of £1,250 and to point out that the extra £250 was for the new town entry signs.
13594 FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARK GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form and accounts were received from Friends of Wellington Park asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,600 for 2006, which was £100 more than in 2005. On the proposition of Councillor R. Bowrah, seconded by Councillor D. Mitton it was agreed to make a grant of £1,600. Councillors A. Horsman, S. Palmer, A. Govier and V. Byrne declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
13595 APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT TO CLERKWith reference to minute 13581 a verbal report was received from Councillor D. Mitton and the clerk about the advertising of the appointment of an assistant to the clerk. It was agreed that the Staffing Committee should meet on Wednesday, 14th December 2005 at 6.15pm to finalise a decision over advertising and should be the interviewing panel, plus the clerk.
13596 VARIOUS TRAFFIC MATTERSWith reference to minutes 13544 (Pedestrian safety in Mantle Street), 13515 (new waiting restrictions and loading bay changes) and 13320 (Bagley Road right turning lane), an email was received from Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, giving an update on these various traffic issues. The letter was noted.
13597 PROPOSED JURSTON LANE UPGRADINGWith reference to minute 13564 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the town council’s objection to the proposed upgrading of Jurston Lane had been noted. The letter was noted.2202WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13598 INCREASED CAR PARKING CHARGESWith reference to minute 13535 the clerk reported that despite the objections of the town council, Wellington Chamber of Trade, Wellington Economic Partnership and various traders and individuals, Taunton DBC’s Traffic Regulations Orders Panel had agreed on 29th November 2005 to recommend the confirmation of the increased car parking charges in Wellington and Taunton to Executive Councillor C. Bishop, who had decided to refer the decision to the Deane’s full council meeting on 13th December 2005. The report was noted.
13599 FUTURE USE OF BASINS ALLOTMENTSWith reference to minute 13538 the clerk reported that letters had been sent out to tenants of the Basins allotments asking for their views on the possible setting up of an allotment association and that tenants had been asked to reply by 16th December. A decision would not be made until the New Year when it was likely that the council would hold a meeting with tenants. The rent for 2006 was due on 1st January and letters to tenants about the rent were normally sent out in December. The current rent was £8 a plot, which had been unchanged for two years. He suggested that the rent was increased to £10 to help fund expenditure the council would have to meet whatever decision was made over the future running of the allotments. Rents in Taunton ranged from £14 to £18 for similar sized plots and at Rockwell Green the yearly charge was £14. It was agreed to increase the rent to £10 wef 1st January 2006.
13600 PURCHASE OF RELOCATABLE CCTVWith reference to minute 13539 a report was received from the clerk following meetings of the council’s CCTV working party with representatives of two relocatable CCTV supply companies, Petards Ltd and Wireless CCTV. Both supply councils and police forces all over the country. Petards supply the relocatable CCTV used by Taunton DBC and fitted at Wellington Sports Centre. The purchase of a dome camera, laptop and accessories from Wireless CCTV at a cost of £9,190, which includes software training, 12 months warranty, ongoing technical support and 24 months line rental was recommended by the working party. The cost was less than half the price of Petards. The camera would be attached to lighting columns in such places at South Street, North Street and Longforth Road car parks and Lancer Court. The town council would need the permission of Taunton DBC to site the cameras on the car park lighting columns. Quedgeley Parish Council in Gloucester had a similar system. The working party recommended that the approval of the quotation from Wireless CCTV should be subject to a satisfactory report from Quedgeley Parish Council and to a written agreement from Taunton DBC to use their lighting columns. Verbal approval had already been received. On the proposal of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to accept the working party report and to approve all its recommendations.
13601 ELECTORAL REVIEW OF TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGHWith reference to minute 13289 the clerk reported that a letter and report had just been received from The Boundary Commission for England about proposed minor changes to the three wards in Wellington. As the council had until 6th March 2006 to make any comments, he suggested that the item should be deferred until the January meeting so that councillors could have adequate time to study the report. This was agreed.
13602 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATH AND FOOTPATH GUIDESWith reference to minute 13551 the clerk reported that new Bristol gates and new metal kissing gates had been ordered and that the Footpath Committee had met to work on preparing the new footpath guides. The report was noted.
13603 CADES FARM DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN SPACES FORUMWith reference to minute 13528 an email was received from Karen Dyson, Taunton DBC leisure development manager, about the Cades Farm development Section 106 agreement and the green spaces forum, and agreeing to attend to the January 2006 council meeting to discuss green spaces issues. The letter was noted.
13604 WELLESLEY PARK TRAFFIC MATTERSWith reference to minute 13414 letters were received from Mr J. Jeffery and Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, about the suggested introduction of one-day one-side parking in Wellesley Park, Wellington. It was noted that in his letter Mr Titcombe had turned down the request.
13605 ST JOHN AMBULANCE GRANTWith reference to minute 13503 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington St John Ambulance for the town council grant of £3,000. The letter was noted.
13606 REPLACEMENT OF NO SKATEBOARDING SIGNA letter was received from Taunton DBC asking the council to consider replacing the recently stolen “No skateboarding” sign at the entrance to Parker Close. Residents had requested its replacement. There was a possibility of financial help towards the cost of the replacement sign from the Deane housing department. After some discussion Councillor A. Govier proposed, with Councillor D. Mitton seconding, that the town council should not replace the sign and this was carried.
13607 2012 OLYMPIC GAMESA report was received from Councillor D. Mitton on his attendance at meeting of various councils at Yeovil on 16th November 2005 to consider the opportunities and challenges which the 2012 Olympic Games could bring to the South West with the Olympic sailing sports being held in Weymouth Harbour. While the potential for training in Wellington was limited, he felt that prior to the Olympics it was likely that a number of teams from different sports could be looking for facilities for training and acclimatisation and if that facility could be provided in Wellington it could be of lasting benefit to the town. Court Fields School was going to have a new sports hall and Wellington Sports Centre might be improved as a result of a contribution to the community from the Cades Farm housing development. If within those developments they could bring the standard up to Olympic status they could encourage a foreign team in a sport such as badminton or table tennis, for example, to use Wellington as a base for training and acclimatisation. Another possibility might be fencing using the facilities at Wellington School. If Wellington was to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity, then planning had to start now. It was agreed to put the report on the January agenda for further consideration.13608 PROPOSED ROTARY SIGN AT TOWN ENTRANCE A letter was received from Wellington Rotary Club asking the town council to support the proposed erection of a Rotary sign at the entrance to Wellington, similar to a sign that had been erected at Minehead. The clerk reported that the request was a decision 2204WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13608 PROPOSED ROTARY SIGN AT TOWN ENTRANCE (continued)for Somerset Highways whose policy it was not to allow such signs as it could lead to a clutter of similar signs. Minehead’s signs seemed to have slipped through the county net and steps might be taken to get it removed. After some discussion it was agreed to inform the Rotary Club that the town council was not in favour of the erection of the sign as it would set a precedent and result in more signs.
13609 USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBER BY PENSIONERS FORUMThe clerk reported that a verbal request had been received from the Taunton and Wellington Pensioners Forum for the use of the town council chamber for meetings. Currently the town council allowed Wellington Museum Society, Wellington Twinning Association, Wellington Horticultural Society and Wellington Chamber of Trade to use the chamber free of charge for meetings. It was agreed that the forum could use the chamber free of charge.
13610 PARKING PROBLEMS IN CROSSLANDS TERRACECopies were received of letters from Mrs S. Russell, of Apple Trees, Crosslands about parking problems in Crosslands cul-de-sac, suggesting restricting parking to one side of the road only, and of the reply from Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, stating that the problems in Crosslands were similar to many other residential roads in Wellington and Taunton where the demand for on-street parking places was greater than the space available and where trying to restrict parking would be very unpopular with residents. It was agreed to support the decision of Mr Titcombe in taking no action over the request for restricted parking. Councillor S. Palmer declared a personal interest and left the hall while this item was discussed.
13611 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13576 no recommendations or items were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 23rd January 2006 at 6pm.
13612 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Application to carry out tree work on one silver birch tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 1) Tree Preservation Order 1994 at 15 Willcocks Close, Wellington (43/2005/114T); (b) Retrospective demolition of wall on land opposite Victoria Arms, 43 North Street, Wellington (43/2005/110CA); (c) Alterations to access including demolition of wall and dropping of kerb on land opposite Victoria Arms, 43 North Street, Wellington as amplified by agents letters dated 28th October 2005 and 4th November 2005 (43/2005/112); (d) Display of externally illuminated sign, car park at the Victoria Arms, 43 North Street, Wellington (43/2005/117A); (e) Conversion of cellar into separate dwelling at 62 High Street, Wellington (43/2005/118 and 43/2005/119LB); (f) Application to carry out tree work to one sycamore tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 1998 at 18 Trinity Close, Wellington (43/2005/120T). 13613 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH NOVEMBER 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 30th November 2005 was £83,470 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £50,713 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.2205WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13614 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor V. Stock-Williams, seconded by Councillor A. Govier, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: BT £182.88 for telephone, fax and email calls to 6/11/05 and service charges to 31/1/06; Mr D. Rabson £12 for holiday relief work; Mr C. John £175 for magic show at Christmas lights switch-on; E.A. Ashwell £170 for 3 face painters at Christmas lights switch-on; Dean Bailey £200 for providing roundabouts at Christmas lights switch-on; Councillor D. Mitton £30 for travelling expenses; Irvine Martin International Ltd £639.64 for new Christmas cracker decoration; Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd £79.25 for photocopier servicing charges to 17/11/05; Mr A. Brown £1,762.34; Inland Revenue £644.69; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £132 for subsidised hospital transport to Musgrove Park Hospital for October 2005; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for monthly cleaning of town centre bus shelters and office window cleaning for November 2005; Society of Local Council Clerks £38 for regional conference fee; Wellington United Reformed Church £75 for church hall hire for October, November and December 2005 council meetings.
13615 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Somerset Matters, the Autumn 2005 newsletter of the Campaign to Protect Rural England; Fieldwork, the December magazine of CPRE; NALC direct information service bulletins 619 and 620; Coach Monthly for November 2005; Lillebonne Town Council’s municipal magazine for November and December 2005; Leading the Way magazine from the South West of England Regional Development Agency, a short guide to their role and plans for 20095-2008.s
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor D. Mitton (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley and Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, A. Horsman, A. Govier, S. Palmer and E. Warren, and the clerk A. Brown. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James and N. Wilson. There were 4 members of the public present.
13587 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTSThe chairman, Councillor R. Bowrah reported that the switch-on of Wellington’s Christmas lights on Friday, 2nd December had gone very well, with fine carol singing by the Churches Together in Wellington, a superb big Christmas tree presented by Langford Lakes, and an excellent display by Wellington Majorettes. The new illuminated Christmas cracker was first class. He thanked all who had supported the event, wished everyone a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year, and invited all to snacks and nibbles at the end of the council meeting. With reference to minute 13538 (Future use of Basins allotments) he reported that letters had been received from a number of allotment tenants expressing various concerns and stated that a joint meeting between the council and the tenants would be held in the New Year.
13588 POLICE MATTERSSgt Richard Caburn reported stated that during November there had been 21 thefts, 1 burglary from a shed and another from an outbuilding, 2 domestic burglaries (at Wiveliscombe and Churchinford), 6 cases of criminal damage, 7 criminal damage to motor vehicle offences, 10 cases of thefts from cars (2 at Wellington Monument), 6 assaults which were domestic or drink related. There had been a spate of accidents in and around Wellington on Thursday and Friday, 1st and 2nd December, including a fatal crash at Beam Bridge on the Friday. He asked motorists to take care when driving in rain and poor visibility when stopping distances were much greater. Noisy mini motorbikes ridden by teenagers on pavements around the town had become a right pain. The bikes were uninsurable, were a nuisance and a danger to other people. A number of bikes had been seized by police and had been destroyed. As a result the second hand value of such bikes had plummeted and the number of complaints about them had gone down. There would be extra police presence on the town’s streets over the Christmas period, provided by Special Constables. Referring to youth issues, he said they were trying to divert problems away from the street and trying to set up a riding scheme but it was proving difficult because of the financial implications involved. He referred to the loss the community had suffered through the recent death of Mrs Pearl Buttle. The chairman and Councillor A. Govier thanked Sgt Caburn and his colleagues for their hard work and support during the past year.
13589 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER COUNCIL MEETINGSThe minutes of the council meetings held on 7th November 2005, as previously circulated to councillors, were received, taken as read and confirmed as correct.
13590 IMPROVING HEALTH SERVICES IN WELLINGTONConsideration was given to Taunton Deane Primary Care Trust’s discussion paper “Modernising older people’s services in Taunton Deane: Improving services in Wellington.” After some discussion it was agreed to support the proposals in the discussion paper. Councillor A. Govier declared a personal interest as a non executive director of the trust.2201WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13591 NEW COUNCIL FINANCIAL REGULATIONSNew town council financial regulations, attached to these minutes, were circulated to councillors and, on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, who had considered the regulations at its November meeting, the regulations were unanimously approved.
13592 TAUNTON DBC STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTWith reference to minute 13560 further consideration was given to Taunton Deane Borough Council’s revised Statement of Community Involvement dealing with the preparation of the Local Development Framework and other planning issues. A letter and a summary of the CSI were circulated to members who agreed to broadly support the revised CSI. Some reservations were expressed over consultation by developers before submitting significant planning applications. It was agreed to state that the town council would like to be reassured that Taunton DBC would keep a close eye on those consultations to ensure that the consultations were comprehensive and relevant and not just confined to what might help the developer’s application. It was also agreed to point out that the document could have been more user friendly.
13593 WELLINGTON IN BLOOM COMMITTEE GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form and accounts were received from Wellington in Bloom Committee asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,250 for 2006, which was £250 more than in 2005, pointing out that £262 was for refurbishing the 4 town entry signs. On the proposition of Councillor R. Bowrah, seconded by Councillor D. Mitton, it was agreed to make a grant of £1,250 and to point out that the extra £250 was for the new town entry signs.
13594 FRIENDS OF WELLINGTON PARK GRANT REQUESTA letter, application form and accounts were received from Friends of Wellington Park asking the town council to consider making a grant of £1,600 for 2006, which was £100 more than in 2005. On the proposition of Councillor R. Bowrah, seconded by Councillor D. Mitton it was agreed to make a grant of £1,600. Councillors A. Horsman, S. Palmer, A. Govier and V. Byrne declared an interest and left the hall while this item was considered.
13595 APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT TO CLERKWith reference to minute 13581 a verbal report was received from Councillor D. Mitton and the clerk about the advertising of the appointment of an assistant to the clerk. It was agreed that the Staffing Committee should meet on Wednesday, 14th December 2005 at 6.15pm to finalise a decision over advertising and should be the interviewing panel, plus the clerk.
13596 VARIOUS TRAFFIC MATTERSWith reference to minutes 13544 (Pedestrian safety in Mantle Street), 13515 (new waiting restrictions and loading bay changes) and 13320 (Bagley Road right turning lane), an email was received from Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, giving an update on these various traffic issues. The letter was noted.
13597 PROPOSED JURSTON LANE UPGRADINGWith reference to minute 13564 a letter was received from Somerset County Council stating that the town council’s objection to the proposed upgrading of Jurston Lane had been noted. The letter was noted.2202WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13598 INCREASED CAR PARKING CHARGESWith reference to minute 13535 the clerk reported that despite the objections of the town council, Wellington Chamber of Trade, Wellington Economic Partnership and various traders and individuals, Taunton DBC’s Traffic Regulations Orders Panel had agreed on 29th November 2005 to recommend the confirmation of the increased car parking charges in Wellington and Taunton to Executive Councillor C. Bishop, who had decided to refer the decision to the Deane’s full council meeting on 13th December 2005. The report was noted.
13599 FUTURE USE OF BASINS ALLOTMENTSWith reference to minute 13538 the clerk reported that letters had been sent out to tenants of the Basins allotments asking for their views on the possible setting up of an allotment association and that tenants had been asked to reply by 16th December. A decision would not be made until the New Year when it was likely that the council would hold a meeting with tenants. The rent for 2006 was due on 1st January and letters to tenants about the rent were normally sent out in December. The current rent was £8 a plot, which had been unchanged for two years. He suggested that the rent was increased to £10 to help fund expenditure the council would have to meet whatever decision was made over the future running of the allotments. Rents in Taunton ranged from £14 to £18 for similar sized plots and at Rockwell Green the yearly charge was £14. It was agreed to increase the rent to £10 wef 1st January 2006.
13600 PURCHASE OF RELOCATABLE CCTVWith reference to minute 13539 a report was received from the clerk following meetings of the council’s CCTV working party with representatives of two relocatable CCTV supply companies, Petards Ltd and Wireless CCTV. Both supply councils and police forces all over the country. Petards supply the relocatable CCTV used by Taunton DBC and fitted at Wellington Sports Centre. The purchase of a dome camera, laptop and accessories from Wireless CCTV at a cost of £9,190, which includes software training, 12 months warranty, ongoing technical support and 24 months line rental was recommended by the working party. The cost was less than half the price of Petards. The camera would be attached to lighting columns in such places at South Street, North Street and Longforth Road car parks and Lancer Court. The town council would need the permission of Taunton DBC to site the cameras on the car park lighting columns. Quedgeley Parish Council in Gloucester had a similar system. The working party recommended that the approval of the quotation from Wireless CCTV should be subject to a satisfactory report from Quedgeley Parish Council and to a written agreement from Taunton DBC to use their lighting columns. Verbal approval had already been received. On the proposal of Councillor Bowrah, seconded by Councillor Warren, it was agreed to accept the working party report and to approve all its recommendations.
13601 ELECTORAL REVIEW OF TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGHWith reference to minute 13289 the clerk reported that a letter and report had just been received from The Boundary Commission for England about proposed minor changes to the three wards in Wellington. As the council had until 6th March 2006 to make any comments, he suggested that the item should be deferred until the January meeting so that councillors could have adequate time to study the report. This was agreed.
13602 ROCKWELL GREEN FOOTPATH AND FOOTPATH GUIDESWith reference to minute 13551 the clerk reported that new Bristol gates and new metal kissing gates had been ordered and that the Footpath Committee had met to work on preparing the new footpath guides. The report was noted.
13603 CADES FARM DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN SPACES FORUMWith reference to minute 13528 an email was received from Karen Dyson, Taunton DBC leisure development manager, about the Cades Farm development Section 106 agreement and the green spaces forum, and agreeing to attend to the January 2006 council meeting to discuss green spaces issues. The letter was noted.
13604 WELLESLEY PARK TRAFFIC MATTERSWith reference to minute 13414 letters were received from Mr J. Jeffery and Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, about the suggested introduction of one-day one-side parking in Wellesley Park, Wellington. It was noted that in his letter Mr Titcombe had turned down the request.
13605 ST JOHN AMBULANCE GRANTWith reference to minute 13503 a letter of thanks was received from Wellington St John Ambulance for the town council grant of £3,000. The letter was noted.
13606 REPLACEMENT OF NO SKATEBOARDING SIGNA letter was received from Taunton DBC asking the council to consider replacing the recently stolen “No skateboarding” sign at the entrance to Parker Close. Residents had requested its replacement. There was a possibility of financial help towards the cost of the replacement sign from the Deane housing department. After some discussion Councillor A. Govier proposed, with Councillor D. Mitton seconding, that the town council should not replace the sign and this was carried.
13607 2012 OLYMPIC GAMESA report was received from Councillor D. Mitton on his attendance at meeting of various councils at Yeovil on 16th November 2005 to consider the opportunities and challenges which the 2012 Olympic Games could bring to the South West with the Olympic sailing sports being held in Weymouth Harbour. While the potential for training in Wellington was limited, he felt that prior to the Olympics it was likely that a number of teams from different sports could be looking for facilities for training and acclimatisation and if that facility could be provided in Wellington it could be of lasting benefit to the town. Court Fields School was going to have a new sports hall and Wellington Sports Centre might be improved as a result of a contribution to the community from the Cades Farm housing development. If within those developments they could bring the standard up to Olympic status they could encourage a foreign team in a sport such as badminton or table tennis, for example, to use Wellington as a base for training and acclimatisation. Another possibility might be fencing using the facilities at Wellington School. If Wellington was to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity, then planning had to start now. It was agreed to put the report on the January agenda for further consideration.13608 PROPOSED ROTARY SIGN AT TOWN ENTRANCE A letter was received from Wellington Rotary Club asking the town council to support the proposed erection of a Rotary sign at the entrance to Wellington, similar to a sign that had been erected at Minehead. The clerk reported that the request was a decision 2204WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13608 PROPOSED ROTARY SIGN AT TOWN ENTRANCE (continued)for Somerset Highways whose policy it was not to allow such signs as it could lead to a clutter of similar signs. Minehead’s signs seemed to have slipped through the county net and steps might be taken to get it removed. After some discussion it was agreed to inform the Rotary Club that the town council was not in favour of the erection of the sign as it would set a precedent and result in more signs.
13609 USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBER BY PENSIONERS FORUMThe clerk reported that a verbal request had been received from the Taunton and Wellington Pensioners Forum for the use of the town council chamber for meetings. Currently the town council allowed Wellington Museum Society, Wellington Twinning Association, Wellington Horticultural Society and Wellington Chamber of Trade to use the chamber free of charge for meetings. It was agreed that the forum could use the chamber free of charge.
13610 PARKING PROBLEMS IN CROSSLANDS TERRACECopies were received of letters from Mrs S. Russell, of Apple Trees, Crosslands about parking problems in Crosslands cul-de-sac, suggesting restricting parking to one side of the road only, and of the reply from Mr Ian Titcombe, of Somerset Highways, stating that the problems in Crosslands were similar to many other residential roads in Wellington and Taunton where the demand for on-street parking places was greater than the space available and where trying to restrict parking would be very unpopular with residents. It was agreed to support the decision of Mr Titcombe in taking no action over the request for restricted parking. Councillor S. Palmer declared a personal interest and left the hall while this item was discussed.
13611 WELLINGTON ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIPWith reference to minute 13576 no recommendations or items were put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Wellington Economic Partnership to be held on Monday, 23rd January 2006 at 6pm.
13612 PLANNING DECISIONS BY TAUNTON DBCThe clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Application to carry out tree work on one silver birch tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 1) Tree Preservation Order 1994 at 15 Willcocks Close, Wellington (43/2005/114T); (b) Retrospective demolition of wall on land opposite Victoria Arms, 43 North Street, Wellington (43/2005/110CA); (c) Alterations to access including demolition of wall and dropping of kerb on land opposite Victoria Arms, 43 North Street, Wellington as amplified by agents letters dated 28th October 2005 and 4th November 2005 (43/2005/112); (d) Display of externally illuminated sign, car park at the Victoria Arms, 43 North Street, Wellington (43/2005/117A); (e) Conversion of cellar into separate dwelling at 62 High Street, Wellington (43/2005/118 and 43/2005/119LB); (f) Application to carry out tree work to one sycamore tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 1998 at 18 Trinity Close, Wellington (43/2005/120T). 13613 COUNCIL INCOME/EXPENDITURE TO 30TH NOVEMBER 2005A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2005 to 30th November 2005 was £83,470 (£120,225 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006) and that expenditure for the same period was £50,713 (£143,100 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2006). The report was noted.2205WELLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL: 5TH DECEMBER 2005
13614 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENTOn the proposition of Councillor V. Stock-Williams, seconded by Councillor A. Govier, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: BT £182.88 for telephone, fax and email calls to 6/11/05 and service charges to 31/1/06; Mr D. Rabson £12 for holiday relief work; Mr C. John £175 for magic show at Christmas lights switch-on; E.A. Ashwell £170 for 3 face painters at Christmas lights switch-on; Dean Bailey £200 for providing roundabouts at Christmas lights switch-on; Councillor D. Mitton £30 for travelling expenses; Irvine Martin International Ltd £639.64 for new Christmas cracker decoration; Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd £79.25 for photocopier servicing charges to 17/11/05; Mr A. Brown £1,762.34; Inland Revenue £644.69; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £132 for subsidised hospital transport to Musgrove Park Hospital for October 2005; Hinewood Cleaning Services £48 for monthly cleaning of town centre bus shelters and office window cleaning for November 2005; Society of Local Council Clerks £38 for regional conference fee; Wellington United Reformed Church £75 for church hall hire for October, November and December 2005 council meetings.
13615 PAPERS, REPORTS, NEWSLETTERS ETC The clerk reported that the following reports, newsletters etc had been received and were available for members to read if they wished: Somerset Matters, the Autumn 2005 newsletter of the Campaign to Protect Rural England; Fieldwork, the December magazine of CPRE; NALC direct information service bulletins 619 and 620; Coach Monthly for November 2005; Lillebonne Town Council’s municipal magazine for November and December 2005; Leading the Way magazine from the South West of England Regional Development Agency, a short guide to their role and plans for 20095-2008.s
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