Wellington Town Council planning minutes December 2005
Minutes of the 105th planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday 5th December 2005 at 6pm
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor D. Mitton (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley and Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, who arrived at 6.35pm, A. Govier, A. Horsman, S. Palmer and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown, and Taunton DBC West area planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James and N. Wilson. There were 7 members of the public present.
The town council received details of applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to refuse planning permission for the following application: (a) Change of use of ground floor from shop (A1) to estate agency and surveyors office, 8 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2005/124) because the loss of an A1 retail use in this location will have a negative impact on the retail function of the immediate area, and will detract from the vitality and viability of the primary shopping area. The proposal therefore conflicts with the provisions of Policy W7 of the Taunton Deane Local Plan. The planning officer, Mr J. Hamer recommended refusal on the grounds given above. There were letters of objection from Wellington Chamber of Trade and Mr D. Croughton, of 16 Lillebonne Close, Wellington, on the same grounds.
It was decided to defer making a decision on an application to erect a 1.8m high timber fence to the side of 46 Warren Street, Rockwell Green, Wellington as amended by applicants plan received 18th November 2005 (43/2005/116) pending the receipt of the comments of Somerset Highways and a site meeting.
With reference to minute 13526 revised plans were received for the demolition of the present Kwiksave Store and the erection of a new 2,187sq.m. Somerfield Store with car parking and servicing, 36-46 High Street, Wellington on land between High Street and Scotts Lane as amended by letter dated 31st October 2005 with accompanying drawings Nos. M346/02D, 05C, 06B and 08D (43/2004/141 and 43/2004/142CA). Somerfield’s agents Comprehensive Design Architects stated that the proposals had been revised to take into account the revised junction design recommended by Somerset County Council and that the new highway access to the site had been updated to fully comply with Highway Authority guidelines. A letter was received from Mr Jeff Copp, of the County Council’s Transport Development Group, stating that he had no highway objection to the proposed development subject to a Section 106 agreement being entered into to secure the design, construction and funding of the traffic signal junction. He pointed out that the development would result in additional queuing traffic in Wellington. A further letter was received from Somerfield’s agents Comprehensive Design Architects stating that Somerfield did not intend to charge for car parking in the supermarket car park but would control the length of stay to between 2-3 hours to ensure that the car parking spaces would be available to shoppers. Somerfield had not intended securing the car park outside trading hours as that might impede access to adjacent residential properties but if the council believed a barrier or similar installed at the end of the new access road would help prevent misuse of the car park, then the firm would be only too willing to look at that option.
Somerfield did not intend at this stage to install a CCTV system in the car park but would be happy to discuss the need for such a system with the council. A letter was received from Mr and Mrs P.A. Hawkings, of 48 High Street, Wellington objecting to the amended plans as the loading/unloading bays outside their garages were not acceptable, the street lights were too tall and should be shortened and fitted with deflectors to reduce light pollution, the lights should only be on during store opening times and an hour before and after opening times. They also suggested that a proposed new wall opposite their property should be reduced in length and that steps should be taken to stop the car park from being used for night racing and the gathering of vehicles. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr and Mrs Hawkings to detail their objections. After careful consideration it was decided to inform Taunton DBC that the town council approved the revised plans. It was agreed to state that the town council would like steps taken to ensure that there is no unnecessary light pollution from the proposed car park lighting while at the same time ensuring the car park and walkways are adequately lit. A balance is required. It was also agreed to state that the town council would like measures taken to ensure that the garage of Mr and Mrs Hawkings and their neighbours, which exit on to the existing lane beside Kwiksave, are protected so that they cannot be obstructed by parking motorists.
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of 15m slimline monopole mast with 3 antennas, 1 radio equipment housing and ancillary development on land at Perry Elm Farm, Perry Elm, Rockwell Green, Wellington, as amended by letter dated 14th November 2005 with accompanying drawing No. P/36417F/010/A (43/2005/127TEN). Mr Hamer stated that it was felt the site was much less obtrusive than the previous one along the side of Exeter Road which had been rejected in October. There were 10 objections, mainly from residents of the Dobree Park housing estate; (b) Construction of 6 all weather pitches for touring caravans at Cadeside Caravan Club site at Nynehead Road, Wellington (43/2005/129); (c) Demolition of shop and erection of dwelling at 126 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/122: providing there is no undue overlooking or loss of privacy for neighbours). It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was opposed to the following plan: (a) Application to coppice one beech tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 9) Tree Preservation Order at 14 Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington (43/2005/125T) because it is not felt the work is necessary.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Bowrah (chairman), who presided, Councillor D. Mitton (vice-chairman), Councillors Mrs V. Byrne, Mrs G. Copley and Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Councillors P. Critchard, who arrived at 6.35pm, A. Govier, A. Horsman, S. Palmer and E. Warren, the clerk A. Brown, and Taunton DBC West area planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors C. Biscoe, R. Henley, C. Hindley, G. James and N. Wilson. There were 7 members of the public present.
The town council received details of applications for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to refuse planning permission for the following application: (a) Change of use of ground floor from shop (A1) to estate agency and surveyors office, 8 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2005/124) because the loss of an A1 retail use in this location will have a negative impact on the retail function of the immediate area, and will detract from the vitality and viability of the primary shopping area. The proposal therefore conflicts with the provisions of Policy W7 of the Taunton Deane Local Plan. The planning officer, Mr J. Hamer recommended refusal on the grounds given above. There were letters of objection from Wellington Chamber of Trade and Mr D. Croughton, of 16 Lillebonne Close, Wellington, on the same grounds.
It was decided to defer making a decision on an application to erect a 1.8m high timber fence to the side of 46 Warren Street, Rockwell Green, Wellington as amended by applicants plan received 18th November 2005 (43/2005/116) pending the receipt of the comments of Somerset Highways and a site meeting.
With reference to minute 13526 revised plans were received for the demolition of the present Kwiksave Store and the erection of a new 2,187sq.m. Somerfield Store with car parking and servicing, 36-46 High Street, Wellington on land between High Street and Scotts Lane as amended by letter dated 31st October 2005 with accompanying drawings Nos. M346/02D, 05C, 06B and 08D (43/2004/141 and 43/2004/142CA). Somerfield’s agents Comprehensive Design Architects stated that the proposals had been revised to take into account the revised junction design recommended by Somerset County Council and that the new highway access to the site had been updated to fully comply with Highway Authority guidelines. A letter was received from Mr Jeff Copp, of the County Council’s Transport Development Group, stating that he had no highway objection to the proposed development subject to a Section 106 agreement being entered into to secure the design, construction and funding of the traffic signal junction. He pointed out that the development would result in additional queuing traffic in Wellington. A further letter was received from Somerfield’s agents Comprehensive Design Architects stating that Somerfield did not intend to charge for car parking in the supermarket car park but would control the length of stay to between 2-3 hours to ensure that the car parking spaces would be available to shoppers. Somerfield had not intended securing the car park outside trading hours as that might impede access to adjacent residential properties but if the council believed a barrier or similar installed at the end of the new access road would help prevent misuse of the car park, then the firm would be only too willing to look at that option.
Somerfield did not intend at this stage to install a CCTV system in the car park but would be happy to discuss the need for such a system with the council. A letter was received from Mr and Mrs P.A. Hawkings, of 48 High Street, Wellington objecting to the amended plans as the loading/unloading bays outside their garages were not acceptable, the street lights were too tall and should be shortened and fitted with deflectors to reduce light pollution, the lights should only be on during store opening times and an hour before and after opening times. They also suggested that a proposed new wall opposite their property should be reduced in length and that steps should be taken to stop the car park from being used for night racing and the gathering of vehicles. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr and Mrs Hawkings to detail their objections. After careful consideration it was decided to inform Taunton DBC that the town council approved the revised plans. It was agreed to state that the town council would like steps taken to ensure that there is no unnecessary light pollution from the proposed car park lighting while at the same time ensuring the car park and walkways are adequately lit. A balance is required. It was also agreed to state that the town council would like measures taken to ensure that the garage of Mr and Mrs Hawkings and their neighbours, which exit on to the existing lane beside Kwiksave, are protected so that they cannot be obstructed by parking motorists.
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of 15m slimline monopole mast with 3 antennas, 1 radio equipment housing and ancillary development on land at Perry Elm Farm, Perry Elm, Rockwell Green, Wellington, as amended by letter dated 14th November 2005 with accompanying drawing No. P/36417F/010/A (43/2005/127TEN). Mr Hamer stated that it was felt the site was much less obtrusive than the previous one along the side of Exeter Road which had been rejected in October. There were 10 objections, mainly from residents of the Dobree Park housing estate; (b) Construction of 6 all weather pitches for touring caravans at Cadeside Caravan Club site at Nynehead Road, Wellington (43/2005/129); (c) Demolition of shop and erection of dwelling at 126 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2005/122: providing there is no undue overlooking or loss of privacy for neighbours). It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was opposed to the following plan: (a) Application to coppice one beech tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 9) Tree Preservation Order at 14 Pyles Thorne Road, Wellington (43/2005/125T) because it is not felt the work is necessary.
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